Did you know Canada is home to over 9,000 different types of beetles? That’s right, these amazing creatures can be found in every province and territory in the country!
From the majestic stag beetle to the brilliant iridescent ground beetle, a wide variety of beetles can be found in Canada.
We’re here to discuss some of the most incredible facts about the types of beetles in Canada.
Get ready to be amazed by the surprising variety of beetles living in our great nation!
1. Figeater Beetle

The Figeater Beetle, also known as the Green Fruit Beetle, is one of the types of beetles in Canada.
These vibrant creatures are easily recognizable by their metallic green color and impressive size. They can grow up to 1.5 inches long!
Figeater Beetles are often found in gardens, where they feed on fruits and vegetables.
Despite their large size, they are surprisingly agile and can easily fly.
If you ever come across one of these majestic beetles, take a moment to appreciate their beauty and unique place in the diverse ecosystem of Canada.
2. Green June Beetle

The Green June Beetle, scientifically known as Cotinis nitida, is another fascinating beetle species found in Canada.
These beetles are known for their striking metallic green color and are often seen during summer.
They are attracted to ripe fruits, making them a common sight in orchards and gardens. Despite their size, they are surprisingly elegant fliers and can be quite acrobatic in the air.
The Green June Beetle is another example of the incredible diversity of beetles in Canada and their important role in our ecosystem.
3. Pale Green Weevil Beetle

The Pale Green Weevil Beetle is another fascinating species found in Canada.
These small beetles are known for their pale green color and distinctive long snouts.
They are commonly found in gardens and fields, where they feed on various plants.
Despite their size, Pale Green Weevil Beetles are great jumpers and can leap impressive distances.
Their unique appearance and jumping abilities make them an interesting addition to the diverse beetle population in Canada.
Watch for these little creatures next time you’re in nature, and marvel at their incredible adaptations.
4. Ten-lined June Beetle
Ten-lined June Beetles, also known as the Brown Type of Beetle, are another fascinating species of beetle found in Canada.
These beetles are characterized by their ten distinctive lines running down their backs, giving them their name.
They have a brown coloration, blending in seamlessly with their natural surroundings.
Ten-lined June Beetles are often found in forests and wooded areas, feeding on decaying matter and tree sap.
Their presence is an important part of the ecosystem, aiding the decomposition process and contributing to Canada’s overall balance of nature.
5. Ground Beetle

The Ground Beetle is a common and fascinating species found in Canada. It is known for its adaptability and important role in maintaining ecosystem health.
These beetles are typically dark in color and have a shiny appearance. They can be found in various habitats, including forests, grasslands, and gardens. Ground
Beetles are beneficial insects that prey on other pests, such as slugs, snails, and insects that can harm plants.
Their presence helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem by controlling populations of potential pests.
Next time you explore the outdoors, watch for these amazing and helpful creatures!
6. Red (Scarlet) Beetle / Lily Beetle

The Red Beetle, also known as the Scarlet Beetle or Lily Beetle, is a fascinating species found in Canada.
These vibrant insects are easily recognizable by their bright red and black spots.
They are commonly found in gardens and are particularly attracted to lilies and other plants in the Solanaceae family.
Unfortunately, these beetles can destroy plants, as they feed on the foliage and cause damage.
However, despite their destructive habits, the Red Beetle remains an intriguing part of Canada’s beetle population, showcasing the diversity and complexity of our natural ecosystems.
7. Drugstore Beetle

The Drugstore Beetle is a unique species among the types of beetles in Canada.
These small insects are commonly found in stored food products, including spices, grains, and dried fruits.
They earned their name because they were often found in old-fashioned drugstores where herbs and medicinal plants were stored.
While they may be a nuisance in pantries and kitchens, they serve as a reminder of the incredible adaptability and resilience of the beetle population in Canada.
8. Grapevine Beetle

The Grapevine Beetle is a fascinating species found in Canada. These beetles are known for their unique appearance, elongated bodies, and metallic green coloration.
They are often found in vineyards and are attracted to the foliage of grapevines.
Despite their name, Grapevine Beetles feed on grape plants’ leaves rather than the fruit. They play an important role in the ecosystem by aiding pollination.
The Grapevine Beetle is another example of the incredible diversity and importance of beetles in Canada’s natural world.
9. Black Carpet Beetle

The Black Carpet Beetle is one of the fascinating types of beetles found in Canada.
These small insects are known for their dark coloration and carpet-like appearance. They can be found in homes, particularly in areas with wool carpets or fabric upholstery.
While they may be considered pests, it’s important to remember that they are just another example of the incredible diversity of types of beetles in Canada.
Understanding these insects and their behaviors can help us better coexist in our living spaces.
10. Stag Beetle
Stag Beetles are truly remarkable creatures found in Canada. They get their name from their impressive mandibles, which resemble stags’ antlers.
They are among the largest beetles in the country, with some species reaching over 2 inches in length!
Stag Beetles are commonly found in forests, where they feed on decaying wood. Despite their large size, they are not harmful to humans and are quite gentle.
These magnificent insects are a testament to the incredible diversity and beauty of the beetle population in Canada.
11. Hercules Beetle

Hercules Beetles are some of the most fascinating types of beetles in Canada. These incredible insects are known for their enormous size and impressive strength.
With their robust bodies and large mandibles, Hercules Beetles are true powerhouses in the insect world.
They are commonly found in tropical regions, where they inhabit forests and feed on decaying plant matter.
These beetles are a testament to the incredible diversity of beetles in Canada and the awe-inspiring wonders of the natural world.
So, watch for these majestic creatures next time you’re exploring nature!
12. Tiger Beetle

The Tiger Beetle is a fascinating species found in Canada. These speedy insects are known for their incredible agility and hunting prowess.
Their bright colors and unique markings make them easily distinguishable in the wild.
Tiger Beetles are found in various habitats, from sandy beaches to grasslands. They are known for their lightning-fast speed and can outrun their prey instantly.
These remarkable beetles are a testament to the amazing adaptations found in insects, and they never fail to captivate anyone lucky enough to witness them in action.
13. Soldier Beetle
The Soldier Beetle is another fascinating species found in Canada. These beetles are named for their distinctive appearance, resembling miniature soldiers with their elongated bodies and red and black coloration.
They are often found in gardens and meadows, where they play an important role in pollination by feeding on nectar and pollen.
Soldier Beetles are also beneficial as they prey on small insects and help control pest populations.
With their striking appearance and important ecological contributions, Soldier Beetles are a captivating addition to Canada’s diverse beetle fauna.
14. Sawyer Beetle

Sawyer Beetles are a fascinating type of beetle found in Canada. These intriguing insects are known for their long, cylindrical bodies and powerful jaws.
They are often found in forests and woodlands, where they play an important role in the decomposition process by feeding on decaying wood.
Sawyer Beetles are just another example of the incredible diversity of types of beetles in Canada.
Their unique adaptations and behaviors make them a captivating addition to our great nation’s fascinating world of beetles.
So watch for these remarkable creatures next time you explore the great outdoors!
15. Japanese Beetle

The Japanese Beetle is a fascinating species that has made its way to Canada from Asia. These beetles are known for their vibrant metallic green color and distinctive coppery wings.
While they may be beautiful, Japanese Beetles can cause significant damage to various plants, including roses, lilies, and fruits.
Their voracious appetites make them a formidable pest, and gardeners must employ various strategies to protect their plants from these invasive insects.
Despite their destructive tendencies, Japanese Beetles are a testament to the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the impact of global travel on our natural world.
16. Striped Cucumber Beetle
The Striped Cucumber Beetle is another fascinating addition to the types of beetles in Canada. These small insects are known for their distinct black and yellow striped bodies.
While they may be visually striking, they can be quite destructive to cucumber plants and other members of the Cucurbitaceae family.
These beetles can cause significant damage to crops, making them a concern for farmers and gardeners.
The presence of the Striped Cucumber Beetle reminds us of the challenges faced in protecting our plants and the delicate balance of ecosystems in Canada.
17. Colorado Potato Beetle

The Colorado Potato Beetle is a fascinating and notorious pest found in Canada.
These beetles have distinct yellow and black striped bodies and are known for their voracious appetites for potato plants and other crops.
Farmers and gardeners often face challenges in controlling and preventing damage from these destructive beetles.
The presence of the Colorado Potato Beetle reminds us of the delicate balance between protecting our crops and maintaining the biodiversity of our ecosystems.
Understanding and managing these pests is crucial for sustainable agriculture in Canada.
18. Ladybug

Ladybugs, also known as ladybirds or lady beetles, are a beloved type of beetle found in Canada. These small, colorful insects are a delight in gardens and meadows.
Ladybugs are known for their distinctive round bodies and bright colors, often red or orange with black spots.
These beneficial beetles are crucial in natural pest control, as they feed on aphids and other small insects that can harm plants.
Their presence reminds us of the intricate web of life and the diverse types of beetles in Canada’s ecosystems.
19. Fireflies

Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, are a mesmerizing addition to the world of beetles in Canada.
These enchanting insects are known for their ability to produce light through a process called bioluminescence.
Fireflies create a magical spectacle during summer evenings as they flash their unique light patterns to attract mates.
Their twinkling dance adds a touch of wonder to the night sky and reminds us of nature’s beauty and diversity.
Next time you see fireflies, take a moment to appreciate the enchantment they bring to the natural world.
20. Mexican Bean Beetle

The Mexican Bean Beetle, scientifically known as Epilachna varivestis, is another fascinating addition to the types of beetles in Canada.
These small insects are known for their yellow-orange coloration with black spots, resembling a miniature ladybug. However, unlike ladybugs, Mexican Bean Beetles are considered pests.
They feed on the leaves of bean plants, causing significant damage to crops.
These beetles remind us that not all beetles in Canada are beneficial, and farmers often face challenges in managing these destructive pests.
Understanding and addressing the presence of the Mexican Bean Beetle is crucial for maintaining healthy agricultural systems in Canada.
21. Red-Headed Cardinal Beetle

The Red-Headed Cardinal Beetle, scientifically known as Pyrochroa serraticornis, is a captivating species found in Canada.
These beautiful beetles are easily recognizable by their striking red heads and black bodies.
They are commonly found in forests and woodlands, where they feed on decaying wood and other insects.
With their vibrant colors and unique appearance, the Red-Headed Cardinal Beetles are a sight in nature.
These remarkable creatures are just another example of the incredible diversity and wonder of the beetle population in Canada. Look for them during your next outdoor adventure!
22. Clay-Colored Billbug

The Clay-Colored Billbug, scientifically known as Sphenophorus aequalis, is an intriguing addition to the types of beetles found in Canada.
These small insects are known for their clay-colored bodies and distinctive bill-like snouts.
While they may seem unassuming, Clay-Colored Billbugs can cause significant damage to turfgrass, particularly in golf courses and lawns.
Their feeding habits and ability to destroy turfgrass make them a challenge for turfgrass managers and homeowners alike.
Understanding the behavior and management strategies of Clay-Colored Billbugs is crucial for maintaining healthy lawns and green spaces in Canada.
23. Red Milkweed Beetle

The Red Milkweed Beetle, scientifically known as Tetraopes tetrophthalmus, is a captivating species among the diverse beetle types in Canada.
Their vibrant red coloration and black spots make these stunning insects easily identifiable.
As their name suggests, they are often found in milkweed plants, their primary food source and habitat.
The Red Milkweed Beetle plays an important role in pollinating milkweed and contributes to the survival of this plant species.
Their presence is another fascinating example of the incredible diversity of beetles in Canada’s ecosystems.
24. Ninebark Calligraphy Beetle
The Ninebark Calligraphy Beetle, called Calligrapha spiraea, is a fascinating insect in Canada. This beetle is a sight with its vibrant colors and intricate markings.
Its name comes from the unique patterns on its body, which resemble calligraphy strokes.
These beetles are typically found on nine-bark shrubs, hence their name. They feed on the leaves of these plants, playing an important role in the ecosystem.
Watch for the Ninebark Calligraphy Beetle during your outdoor adventures in Canada – you won’t be disappointed!
25. Pedunculate Ground Beetle

Pedunculate Ground Beetles, scientifically known as Scarites spp., are a fascinating group of insects found in Canada.
These beetles are known for their striking metallic blue-green color and predatory behavior.
They can often be found in grassy areas, digging burrows in the soil where they hunt for their prey, which includes insects and other invertebrates.
Pedunculate Ground Beetles benefit gardeners and farmers as they help control pest populations.
So, the next time you’re exploring the outdoors in Canada, look for these remarkable beetles and appreciate their important role in the ecosystem.
26. Pennsylvania Ground Beetle

Pennsylvania Ground Beetles, scientifically known as Harpalus spp., are a diverse group of beetles found in Canada.
These beetles vary in size, color, and behavior, making them an interesting addition to the types of beetles in Canada.
They are commonly found in fields, gardens, and other grassy areas, where they scuttle for food.
Pennsylvania Ground Beetles are important in controlling pest populations and are often considered beneficial insects.
So, if you encounter these fascinating creatures during your outdoor explorations in Canada, take a moment to appreciate their contribution to the ecosystem.
27. False Bombardier Beetle
The False Bombardier Beetle, scientifically known as Galerita bicolor, is a fascinating insect that can be found in Canada.
This beetle may look harmless initially, but it has a clever defense mechanism that sets it apart.
When threatened, the False Bombardier Beetle releases a chemical spray that can irritate predators. Despite its small size, the Beetle is a true example of nature’s ingenuity and adaptability.
So, keep your eyes peeled during your outdoor adventures in Canada. You may encounter this extraordinary beetle and witness its impressive defensive tactics!
28. Stenolophus Ground Beetle

Stenolophus Ground Beetles, also known as Stenolophus spp., are a diverse group of beetles found in Canada.
These beetles come in various shapes and sizes and can be identified by their distinctive patterns and colors.
They are typically found in grassy areas and fields, where they scurry about in search of prey. Stenolophus Ground Beetles play a vital role in the ecosystem by controlling pest populations.
With their unique characteristics and important ecological contribution, these beetles are certainly fascinating members of the diverse beetle species in Canada.
29. Spotted Yellow Cucumber Beetle

The Spotted Yellow Cucumber Beetle, scientifically known as Diabrotica undecimpunctata, is a unique beetle found in Canada.
This beetle gets its name from its distinctive spotted yellow appearance. It can often be found in gardens and agricultural fields, feeding on various plants, including cucumbers.
While this beetle can sometimes be considered a pest, it is still an interesting addition to the types of beetles in Canada.
So, next time you’re tending to your garden, watch for the Spotted Yellow Cucumber Beetle and appreciate the diversity of these fascinating insects in our country.
30. Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetle
The Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetle, scientifically known as Rutpela maculata, is a striking insect in Canada.
This beetle is hard to miss with its distinct black and yellow coloration and long antennae.
They are often found in meadows and woodland areas, where they feed on nectar and pollen.
The Black and Yellow Longhorn Beetle plays an important role in pollination, making it an essential part of the ecosystem.
Keep your eyes open for this beautiful beetle during your outdoor adventures in Canada – it’s sure to catch your attention!
31. Yellow-Bellied Garden Fruit Chafer Beetle
The Yellow-Bellied Garden Fruit Chafer Beetle, also known as Pachnoda sinuata flaviventris, is a fascinating addition to the types of beetles in Canada.
This beetle is known for its vibrant yellow color and distinct markings. It can often be found in gardens and orchards, where it feeds on ripe fruits.
While it may be considered a nuisance to gardeners, the Yellow-Bellied Garden Fruit Chafer Beetle is still a captivating insect to observe.
Its presence reminds us of the diversity of beetles in Canada and their important role in our ecosystem.
32. Flower Longhorn Beetle
The Flower Longhorn Beetle, scientifically known as Typocerus sparsus, is an intriguing insect in Canada.
This beetle is named for its long antennae, which resemble the petals of a flower. With its vibrant colors and unique body shape, it is a true standout in the world of beetles.
The Flower Longhorn Beetle is often found in meadows and forests, where it feeds on flower nectar and pollen.
Its presence adds beauty and diversity to Canada’s insect population, reminding us of the wonders of nature.
Keep your eyes open for this fascinating beetle on your next outdoor adventure!
33. Eurasian Bee Beetle

The Eurasian Bee Beetle, scientifically known as Trichius fasciatus, is fascinating in Canada. With its unique appearance and behavior, it stands out among the types of beetles in Canada.
This beetle is named for its yellow and black stripes, which resemble those of bees. It can often be found in meadows and gardens, where it feeds on nectar and pollen.
The Eurasian Bee Beetle plays an important role in pollination, making it a valuable contributor to the ecosystem.
Its presence adds beauty and diversity to Canada’s beetle population, showcasing the wonders of nature.
34. Tansy Beetle

The Tansy Beetle, scientifically known as Chrysolina graminis, is a fascinating beetle that can be found in Canada.
This vibrant and colorful beetle stands out with its metallic green and red hues. The Tansy Beetle is known to feed on tansy plants, which gives it its name.
Unfortunately, this beetle is endangered in many parts of its range, including Canada.
Its presence reminds us of the importance of conservation efforts to protect and preserve the diverse types of beetles in Canada and their habitats.
Let’s appreciate the beauty and significance of the Tansy Beetle while we still can.
35. Green Scarab Beetle

The Green Scarab Beetle, scientifically known as Heterorrhina elegans, is an enchanting insect found among the diverse types of beetles in Canada.
This beetle stands out with its beautiful emerald green color, making it a true gem in the insect world.
Green Scarab Beetles are typically found in forested areas, where they feed on decaying plant matter.
Their presence adds to the rich biodiversity of Canada’s beetle population and reminds us of the intricate beauty found in nature.
Watch for these captivating beetles during your outdoor explorations in Canada.
36. Larder Beetle

Larder Beetles, scientifically known as Dermestes lardarius, are an interesting addition to the types of beetles found in Canada.
These beetles are known for their scavenging behavior and are often found in homes and buildings where they feed on dead animals and decaying organic matter.
While they may be considered pests, larder beetles play an important role in the natural decomposition.
Their presence reminds us of nature’s intricacies and the diverse array of insects that contribute to the ecosystem.
Watch for these fascinating beetles during your encounters with nature in Canada.
37. Black Beetle

Black beetles are a common sight in Canada, adding a touch of mystery to our natural surroundings.
These beetles come in various shapes and sizes, with their distinct black coloration giving them a striking appearance.
Some black beetles you may encounter include ground beetles and darkling beetles.
While their black color may seem dark and mysterious, these beetles play an important role in our ecosystem, contributing to the natural balance.
So, watch for these fascinating black beetles during outdoor explorations in Canada and appreciate their unique beauty.
38. Orange Beetle
Orange Beetles add a vibrant color to Canada’s diverse beetle world. These beetles come in shades of orange, ranging from bright and fiery to soft and subtle.
Their striking coloration makes them stand out in nature and capture the attention of any observer.
While there are many species of orange beetles in Canada, each one adds unique beauty to our environment.
Watch for these captivating orange beetles during your outdoor adventures in Canada and appreciate the splash of color they bring to the natural world.
39. Small Brown Beetle

Small Brown Beetles are another fascinating group of insects among the types of beetles in Canada.
While they may not be as vibrant or colorful as some beetles, they have a unique charm.
These beetles come in shades of brown, from light tan to dark brown. They can be found in various habitats, including forests, gardens, and homes.
Small Brown Beetles may seem unassuming, but they play an important role in the ecosystem, contributing to the natural balance.
Watch for these understated yet captivating beetles during your outdoor adventures in Canada.