World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
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For nearly six decades, WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) has been protecting nature’s future.

The WWF is the world’s leading conservation organization, and it works in 100 countries with support from over 1 million members in the US, and almost five million people around the world.

The WWF has a unique way of combining a foundation of science, with Global reach, as well as involving actions at various levels from the smallest local setting to the global scale.

This technique ensures the continuous delivery of innovative solutions that would satisfy both nature and man.


The start of every day is met with the chorus of monkeys howling, birds singing, insects buzzing, and frogs calling. There are Crystal Clear waterfalls that are just right for a refreshing dip after a hot afternoon.

The Fireflies serve as natural light at night and make our forests look all the more beautiful stop. Indeed, the forests all over the world are beautiful and possess amazing tranquility that many of us draw inspiration from.

It is also true that eight out of every 10 species that live on land can be found in the forest. Also, approximately three million people who live in developing countries live close to the forests, or in the woods.

But even though we all know that the forests are an essential part of the environment, these natural habitats are currently experiencing huge threats.

Deforestation is a significant problem in the world, and it is caused by industrialization expansion of farmlands due to change in diet and increasing demand for food.

Most countries cut thousands and millions of trees every year for the production of paper and cheap logs, and it is no secret that these activities are some of the significant causes of deforestation and even river pollution and erosion.

The threats to our forests are so severe that it is affecting the lives of animals that live there and even people. The world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon forest, lost no less than 17% of its forest cover in the last 50 years, primarily due to human activity like tree clearing and Farmland expansion.

The WWF is continually working to tackle the threats to our forests. The WWF aims to conserve the world’s forests by 2020.


At the heart of the WWF, activities are saving nature, and that is why they care a lot about wildlife.

In the last six decades, the WWF has made it their goal to seek out solutions to save the fantastic array of life that exists on Earth by applying the very best of science, and also collaborating with local communities.

The work of the WWF is far from done. Indeed humans are responsible for the current rate at which species are going into extinction.

Current data shows that the price of extinction is 100 to 1000 times greater than nature intended.

There is currently a scary decline of up to 60% in the population, and the size of fish birds reptiles amphibians and mammals in the past four decades.

And the negative impacts will affect way more than the potential cultural loss of iconic species such as tigers wheels and rhinos.

The good news is we’ve also seen what’s working. WWF has been part of successful wildlife recovery stories ranging from southern Africa’s black rhino to blackbucks in the Himalayas.

And this, in turn, is helping to protect rich and varied ecosystems while ensuring people continue to benefit from nature.


The world is fast-changing, and nobody predicted this would happen. At present, we are dealing with shrinkage of our freshwater supply, a decrease in agricultural yields burning of forests, and rising oceans.

All of these are the effects of global warming. As the world around us changes at a fast pace, so do our activities and our way of life change as it affects our sources of food, water, and even our economy.

The WWF strongly believes that it is possible to fight the threats posed by global warming, first building a healthier and safer environment for both humans and every other thing on Earth.

By rethinking the way food is produced and consumed the way we consume and produce energy and also making conscious efforts to protect the forests of the world, we might be able to reduce the effects of global warming on our environment.

Achieving a safer future that is free of the adverse effects of climate change will require the participation of every human on Earth.

With our collective efforts, we can create more jobs and better economies while we redesigned our buildings, roads, airports, methods of farming, and lots more in ways that will not affect the natural balance of things.

Thankfully, Nations around the world and now committed to delivering on a global plan to tackle climate change this plan is known as the Paris agreement.

For many years the WWF has been involved with leading businesses millions of Americans and government leaders to see how climate change can be curbed.


The oceans of the world cover over two-thirds of our planet’s surface and are home to some of the Most Beautiful Creatures you can ever dream of. The Spectacular ecosystem is at risk because of human activities.

When we think about the Marine world, the first thing that comes to our mind after the water is its extraordinary biodiversity point value goes way beyond that.

The Marine World is responsible for the sustenance of over 1 billion people it fills the water cycle that gives us the beautiful rain we enjoy; it is responsible for regulating our climate and also provides us with fresh water.

But after several years of pollution and overuse, the services that the Marine world render source are getting interrupted.

Thousands of marine sea birds mammals and turtles are captured every year, one out of every three types of fish is overfished, and tens of millions of sharks are captured yearly. The beautiful coral reefs and mangroves are fast disappearing, as well.

We must collectively work to take better care of the world’s oceans, and the WWF is doing all it can to build a more resilient Ocean.

It does this by encouraging people to be careful what goes in and comes out of the ocean, and at the same time, protecting vital regions such as the attic, and other threatened ecosystems such as mangrove forest, and coral reefs


Around the world, the production and distribution of food, as well as the management of food and massive waste, is causing a threat to wildlife ecosystems and the planet at large

7.3 billion people in today’s world consume 1.6 times the natural resources produced by the Earth full stop it is estimated that by the Year 2015, there will be a doubling of the world’s population, and this automatically means that the demand for food will increase.

The big question is how we are supposed to produce the right quantity of food to feed the population when the current lands in use cannot be doubled?

The good part is there is no need for extra land; all we have to do is curb the waste. The world produces enough food then we need at present.

In simpler terms, there is sufficient food production to cater for all, but it never gets to every person who needs it. Every year, about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted, and four times the amount required to feed the over 800+ million people in the world who are currently malnourished.

The WWF is working to secure a planet that can sustain a more healthy and well-fed population. From refining food production and distribution to fighting against waste and environmental impacts, the world can improve how food is grown, transported, and consumed.

You can also reach the WWF via their official website:

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