33 Different Types of Ants in Oklahoma

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Ants are among the most common pests in Oklahoma and other parts of the United States.

And they can be extremely difficult to get rid of on your own.

Knowing the different types of ants in Oklahoma can help you figure out what to do next to eliminate your problem.

So, knowing each type matters a lot in finding an exterminator or taking care of it yourself. This is why we created this article, especially for you.

Here are some of the most common types of ants in Oklahoma and some tips on how to treat each one!

1. False Honey Ant

The Prenolepis imparis (false honey ant) is an ant native to North America. They are considered one of the most common types of ants in Oklahoma, and they are usually found near roads and on hard surfaces.

They are not known to be aggressive and do not sting, so they pose no threat to humans. 

The false honey ants feed primarily on insects but eat seeds and fruits when available. They can be identified by their size (1/4-inch long), black head, brown body, and thin petiole with two nodes at the end (the node is where you find their stinger).

Male false honey ants have antennae that extend beyond their head, but female false honey ants don’t. 

2. Pallid Twig Ant

Pseudomyrmex pallidus ants are characterized by slender bodies, light brown coloration, and long antennae.

They live in dry climates and feed on seeds and insects. Pseudomyrmex pallidus is considered one of the most dominant ants in Oklahoma due to its high population density. 

These ants can be identified by their slender body, light brown coloration, and long antennae.

They live in dry climates and feed on seeds, insects, and arthropods that other predators have killed. The colonies are small, with less than 100 members. 

They reproduce by laying eggs, which hatch into larvae. When the larvae pupate, they become adults who will later mate with other queens (to produce more eggs).

Other species in this family include Pheidole bicornis, Pheidole dentata, and Tetramorium caespitum.

3. Thief Ant

The Solenopsis molesta, also known as thief ants, is one of the most common types in Oklahoma. Thief ants are species that steal food and other resources from other colonies.

They use their mandibles to cut up pieces of the food they find and carry them back to their nest

Usually, they live near areas with high humidity, such as under stones or logs. These ants can be found throughout North America and southern parts of South America. They reproduce by mating during nuptial flights. 

Once an egg is fertilized, it takes about two weeks to become an adult ant. A colony of these ants has only one queen that lives for about 3-4 years and produces 1-3 eggs per day.

Males die shortly after mating, and females die soon after producing offspring. As a result, new queens must constantly be created for the colony’s survival.

4. Odorous House Ant

Tapinoma sessile ants, which are equally one of the types of ants in Oklahoma, are very small and brown or black. They can be found indoors or outdoors in soil or rotting vegetation.

These ants usually nest under stones, logs, potted plants, piles of lumber, or other debris. 

Moreover, odorous house ants are harmless to humans but can be a nuisance when they invade homes and buildings to search for food and water.

To avoid an infestation inside your home, keep windows closed so these ants can’t enter through open windows. They reproduce by laying eggs. 

In colder climates, they will stay inside during the winter months. There is no way to prevent them from entering your home, but you can prevent them from nesting there.

You can remove any potential nesting sites around your property, like dead branches and twigs, rotten fruit, or leaves under rocks or boards on the ground surface.

5. Acorn Ants

The queen usually only mates once before becoming a worker ant. This is why they have been known to breed rapidly compared to other ants in Oklahoma.

Most acorn ant nests are outside under rocks, logs, or rotting vegetation near trees or bushes. 

Acorn ant colonies will consist of one queen and many worker ants that care for the colony’s needs and larvae.

Worker ants mostly eat nectar from plants and honeydew from aphids. Worker ants rarely forage for food because it takes too much energy out of them; instead, they get food from the larvae. 

Meanwhile, when you encounter an acorn ant nest, most likely, you will find them on top of its dirt mound. They are always making trails with their antennae back and forth between holes.

A few different ways to keep them away from your home are:

  1. Removing any items where they could build their colonies, such as rotten fruit, debris, or fallen leaves.
  2. Use diatomaceous earth around open spaces on your property (especially entry points like pet doors).
  3. Place citrus peels along the perimeter of your house; this way, ants don’t cross into your home for fruit.

6. Western Harvester Ant

Western harvester ants are a type of ant in Oklahoma. They have brown bodies with orange-yellow antennae and heads. The harvester of the west ant is one of the most common types of ants that can be found in the state. 

Often, they are found nesting under rocks, logs, or other objects on the ground, or they might nest inside an abandoned termite mound.

They feed mainly on seeds, grains, and grasses. They reproduce by fertilizing eggs, but males do not mate. 

A typical colony has one queen with wings, producing winged male offspring (drones). These drones exist solely to fertilize the queen’s eggs while female workers care for all the work within the colony.

The worker ants live in a caste system: those who do manual labor (minors), those who care for larvae (media), and those whose job it is to defend the colony (major).

7. Comanche Harvester Ant

Pogonomyrmex Comanche is among Oklahoma’s largest and most aggressive types of ants. They are nicknamed harvester ants because they collect seeds from wild and cultivated plants and plant material such as leaves.

Pogonomyrmex Comanche has a strong sense of smell and will seek out food sources up to 50 feet away. 

Related:  32 Different Types of Moths in Oregon

Moving on, Harvester ants nest outdoors under rocks or debris but will also nest inside buildings when they find an opening.

These ants can become a serious pest when they invade homes. They reproduce by laying eggs. They generally do not bite humans unless they are handled carelessly or crushed.

The colonies often have multiple queens and dozens to hundreds of workers. They all specialize in tasks like foraging, nursing larvae, building nests, and defending against enemies.

8. Red Harvester Ant

Pogonomyrmex barbatus, or Red harvester ants, are often found in Western Oklahoma and can be identified by their orange-red color and dark mandibles.

They are called harvester ants because they mainly feed on seeds. These ants have a high population density during the summer and can quickly overtake an area. 

Proceeding, Pogonomyrmex barbatus colonies are eusocial, meaning there is a division of labor among different workers with different tasks.

These tasks include foraging for food, tending to eggs and larvae, nest defense, and nest construction.

Also, it includes harvesting food from other insects or plants. These insects aren’t excluded from our list of Oklahoma’s various types of ants.

9. Morris’ Big-headed Ant 

The Pheidole morrisii (Morris’ Big-headed Ant) is a species of ant native to the southeastern United States.

Their large heads and mandibles can distinguish them. They use these to defend themselves against predators. 

Furthermore, these ants in Oklahoma are black with red and brown stripes on their abdomen. Their colonies usually consist of one queen, an average worker population, and a few males.

They reproduce by fertilizing eggs, preferring dry habitats, and nesting underground in the soil.

10. Pedroso’s Small-scaled Ant

Fonsecaea pedrosoi is a small brownish or dark orange-colored myrmecophilic insect in Central America and Mexico.

The ant nests near water sources such as creeks or streams, where it forages for food. 

Their food consists mostly of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. We are just getting started on this list of Oklahoma’s different types of ants. Don’t stop reading!

11. Toothed Big-headed Ant

The Pheidole dentata, or toothed big-headed ant, is one of Oklahoma’s most common types. The head and thorax are brownish black with a yellowish brown gaster.

These ants prefer habitats that are lightly forested, shrubby, or open prairies with scattered trees. 

What’s more? They forage for food both during the day and at night. The diet consists mainly of seeds, aphids, and other insects.

Nests are typically found underground near ant hills or under rocks and logs on the ground surface. They reproduce by laying eggs; the eggs hatch into larvae, which become pupae before they emerge as adults.

12. Leaf Litter Ant

Nylanderia terricola, a leaf litter ant, is a species found throughout the southern United States and parts of South America.

These ants live their entire lives deep within soil or leaf litter. These are where they feed on other insects, arthropods, and sometimes even small vertebrates. Not to forget, these are types of ants in Oklahoma.

Generally, they are nocturnal hunters, coming out at night to find food while it’s dark. The colonies will consist exclusively of females who have never mated with males.

They reproduce by parthenogenesis, meaning the queens produce all female offspring without mating with male ants.

They prefer sources of water such as dish towels or potted plants from which they drink droplets from leaves or flowers.

13. Army Ant

On this list of the types of ants in Oklahoma, we have Army ants, which are known for their nomadic lifestyle and aggressive behavior.

They can be found across much of Central and South America and parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arkansas.

These ants nest underground and feed on other insects like caterpillars, beetles, and termites

Unlike other ant species that live in colonies with many workers, Neivamyrmex opacithorax has a very small number of workers. These workers stay with their queen ant during her entire lifetime. They reproduce by laying eggs. 

Furthermore, these ants rely on their sheer numbers to overpower and defeat other insects, as each individual is relatively weak.

Army ants are known for carrying off whole living animals (including frogs and small reptiles) that they have caught. They sting these animals with poison before eating them alive.

14. Common Army Ant

The Neivamyrmex melshaemeri (common army ant) is a species of ant found all over North America. They are about 3mm long, usually brown, black, or red.

This type of ant usually lives in open habitats and forages for food during the day. It prefers dry soil and will avoid areas with heavy vegetation. 

Common army ants have been reported to cover up to 10 miles a day while searching for food, raiding other insect colonies, or defending their colony from invaders. These types of ants in Oklahoma reproduce by a process called fission.

There are two main types: one reproduces through budding, and another reproduces through swarming. They feed on insects, termites, and even other ant species. 

Like many species of ants, this type has venomous stingers. Their venom consists of alkaloids such as mandelonitrile, which cause paralysis in the victim.

To protect themselves against attacks, these little guys have developed structures that resemble shields on their head region called clypeus.

This means shield or head plate in Latin. These shields protect against enemies and distinguishing features, so you know what kind you’re dealing with!

15. Cornfield Ant

Talking about the most common types of ants in Oklahoma, the Cornfield is one of them. It has colonies that typically nest under rocks and logs. Workers forage on plants while larger workers guard the nest. 

Cornfield ants are often confused with red or black ants living in similar habitats. Its elongated head and slender body most easily identify the cornfield ant.

These insects vary greatly, with queens measuring around 2 cm long and workers only 1/8 inch long. 

Meanwhile, they reproduce by a process known as nuptial flight. They feed on honeydew produced by aphids.  

16. Larger Yellow Ant

Lasius is a type of ant that can be found throughout Oklahoma. They’re usually yellow, but they’re also sometimes red or black. They’re about one inch long and have six legs with two antennae on their head. 

In addition, the average lifespan for this type of ant is around two to three years. Besides, they reproduce by mating flight. The males are very important because they are responsible for carrying the sperm. 

Related:  22 Different Types of Spiky Caterpillars

Usually, it’s easy to tell which ants are male because of how small they are compared to the females. To sum up, these types of ants in Oklahoma feed on sweet substances.

17. Carpenter Ants 

Carpenter ants are often found in homes and forests with lots of water. These ants in Oklahoma build their nests out of wood, so they could be damaging things like furniture if not taken care of. The queen ant lays up to 4 eggs daily, so reproduction is fast! 

Furthermore, Carpenter ants typically grow between 1/4-1/2 an inch long and live up to 8 months – to 3 years.

This depends on whether it’s summer or winter. They can eat any food that humans consume, including meat, fruit juices, cereals, and sweets.

18. Ponerine Ant

Looking for different types of ants in Oklahoma? Here’s one! The Hypoponera opacior is a type of ant that is sometimes called a ponerine ant because it belongs to the subfamily Ponerinae.

They are black ants with brownish or yellow markings on their head and thorax. 

Moreover, these ants are not to be confused with red ants (from another species). The main difference between these two types of ants is that ponerine ants cannot sting, and red ants can.

This type of ant looks like an average-sized ant with a size close to 1/8 inch long. They reproduce through what’s known as swarming, which is when one queen creates her colony. 

The queen will lay eggs and eventually hatch into winged male ants who fly away and find new queens for new colonies.

This type of ant typically lives in groups of around 100-200 members but can also live in colonies with thousands more.

They feed on nectar, honeydew, fruit juices, sap, and other sweet substances found near their habitat.

19. High Noon Ant

The Forelius pruinosus, also known as the high noon ant, is a common species found throughout much of North America.

These ants are mostly black and brown, with bright red-orange hairs on their abdomen. They are usually seen foraging for food during daytime hours. 

They feed on sweets and sugary substances. They reproduce by swarming in mating flights every year. The males die soon after mating, while females care for the eggs until they hatch.

Some other types of ants in Oklahoma will still be discussed in this guide; continue reading!

20. Moorish Sneaking Ant

Forelius mccooki is a species of ant native to North America and Central America. The species name is derived from McCook, its discoverer, and Moorish because it was thought to be from northern Africa. 

This small black ant is 0.2-0.4 mm long and has a single node on the petiole, with no teeth on the mandibles or maxillae and an unarmed sting (no stinger).

Forelius mccooki ants are attracted to sweets like honeydew from aphids, nectar from flowers, and rotting fruit. They reproduce by laying eggs for workers. 

Surging, they have poor vision and rely heavily on their sense of touch and pheromones to navigate.

Their nests are generally located underground, and their diet consists mainly of seeds, leaves, insects, and carrion. These insects aren’t excluded from our list of the numerous types of ants in Oklahoma!

21. Pyramid Ant

Like some others, Pyramid ants are one of the most common ants in Oklahoma. These ants have a glossy black exoskeleton and measure about 1/4 inch long. The queens can be distinguished from the workers by their larger size and different head shape. 

Pyramid ants are slow-moving and do not sting. However, they bite if disturbed and defend their nests vigorously if threatened. They reproduce by laying eggs. Pyramids range in color from gray to dark brown.

22. Pharaoh’s Ant

Pharaoh’s ants are another type of ant that is found across much of Oklahoma. They measure around 1/8 inch long and usually come out at night when it is cooler. 

Additionally, they feed on honeydew secreted by aphids, which allows them to exist without other food sources. We aren’t done with this list of Oklahoma’s different types of ants. Read further!

23. Cone Ant

Dorymyrmex bicolor is red to brown colored with a single node on its petiole. It is found throughout most of North America and Central America but can be absent or sparse in the northeastern United States.

This species is sometimes called cone ants because the antennae are thicker at their base and taper to a point at the tips. 

They feed primarily on dead insects, soil-dwelling arthropods, plant saps, seeds, and other sweet materials such as honeydew from aphids.

Colonies are small and inconspicuous; workers forage individually or in small groups. Males are winged, but females lack wings. 

They reproduce through a suitable nesting site before dropping their wings and starting their colony.

In southern states, colonies may consist of thousands or even millions of individuals during good years when plentiful food sources exist.

Elsewhere, populations seldom exceed 2,000 workers. These types of ants in Oklahoma have no formal nests.

24. Small Acrobat Ant

The small acrobat ant, Crematogaster lineolata, is a common species in North America. These ants are often mistaken for fire ants due to their similar size, but a few features separate these two species.

These small ants have a head that is wider than their thorax and two large eyes on either side of their head. 

Furthermore, the antennae are bent with 10-12 segments, and there is an indentation near the base where it meets the thorax.

In addition to these distinguishing features, this ant has six legs (3 pairs) and three spine-like projections on its back between its wings. These types of ants in Oklahoma reproduce by sexual or parthenogenic means.

Meanwhile, males fertilize females during mating flights. Colonies are usually in dry soil beneath stones, logs, leaf litter, or other surface debris. Nests can be made from soil or pebbles.

25. Valentine Ant

On this list of the various ants in Oklahoma, this ant is one of the most common types crawling across your floor. It’s small and black, with a redhead.

Valentine ants have strong jaws, which they use to bite through the skin and make an opening. Then, they squirt their venom into it. 

Related:  26 Different Types of Ants in New York

These ants are attracted to sweets like honey or jelly and can be found anywhere indoors, from kitchens to bedrooms. They reproduce by queens laying eggs, and workers care for them until they hatch.

It’s believed that Crematogaster laeviuscula was named after Valentine because these ants typically crawl around on February 14th.

There is no need to worry if these ants come into contact with humans – all they want to do is sting!

26. Acrobat Ant

The Crematogaster ashmeadi is also known as the acrobat ant because it has a distinct ability to walk on water.

Uniquely, it is one of Oklahoma’s most common types of ants. These ants can be found outdoors and indoors and are attracted to light. 

They are often nest inside trees, forming colonies with other species, such as Tetramorium caespitum or Monomorium semidecimpunctatum.

The acrobat ant is an omnivorous species that will eat anything from insects and seeds to decaying plant material and garbage.

It prefers living near humans and tends to nest near food, water, and shelter sources. They reproduce by asexual reproduction.

27. Crematogaster Neglecta

The yellowish-brown color of this small size allows them to camouflage well against dry leaves. Colonies may contain up to 600 individuals per square meter but can also be found nesting underground or under objects like stones. 

Colonies are usually monogynous, and there is only one queen per colony. These aren’t left out of this list of Oklahoma’s different types of ants!

28. Black Carpenters Ant

Black carpenter ants are one of the most common ants in Oklahoma. This type of ant is typically black or dark brown and has a body length that ranges from 3 to 4 mm.

Black carpenter ants often nest in wood and other materials used to construct human dwellings, but they can also be found outside. 

They are attracted to sources of sweets, such as honeydew, produced by aphids that infest plants like roses. They also like sweet foods like fruit juice or syrup and will feed on them if given the opportunity.

Black carpenter ants can form large colonies with many queens who may each have their colony within a building.

29. Carpenters Ant

Camponotus discolor, also known as carpenters ants, are a common type of ant found across North America.

They are relatively large and measure about 1/2 inch long. Their head and thorax (the part between their abdomen and head) are mostly black, with yellow markings on their abdomen. 

Camponotus discolor has one or two larger yellowish spots on its back that distinguish it from other types of ants in Oklahoma.

They build nests made of wood, which they chew into small pieces and mix with soil to create a soft dough-like material.

Camponotus discolor is not naturally aggressive but can sting humans if they feel threatened or stepped on.

30. Reddish Carpenter Ant

The reddish carpenter ant, Camponotus castaneus, is a widespread species in the eastern United States, including Oklahoma.

They are often confused with other similar-looking carpenter ants like Camponotus pennsylvanicus or Camponotus nearcticola.

However, C. castaneus is found in regions east of the Rockies, while C. pennsylvanicus is mainly limited to areas west of the Rockies.

Furthermore, a distinguishing feature of these two species is that C. castaneus has a reddish caste. This varies from purple-red to orange-red, and its mandibles are dark red with paler tips than those for C. Above all, these are types of ants in Oklahoma!

31. American Carpenter Ant

The American carpenter ants are one of the most common ants in Oklahoma. They are a dark brown color with a black head and thorax. Carpenter ants are also known as Camponotus americanus and are about 1/4 inch long. 

These ants will carry material to their nest underground but can also build their own nest by chewing wood. Carpenter ants eat sugar, protein, and dairy products like cheese and eggs.

One way to distinguish carpenter ants from other types is by having a single node at the back end of their abdomen, while other types have two nodes. 

Moreover, they reproduce by swarming. A queen mates with several males and produces many winged males and females who fly away to find mates.

These winged reproductives swarm outside on days without rain or wind. Queens live for up to 10 years, and colonies can last for decades or centuries.

32. Tennessee Collared Ant

Aphaenogaster tennesseensis isn’t excluded from Oklahoma’s list of the most common types of ants. They are often known as Tennessee Collared Ants because they have a red ring on their neck and foreleg.

This species is about 1/4 inch long, so it is easy to see that this ant has a small body size. 

Aphaenogaster tennesseensis lives underground and inside colonies made from soil, sand, and other debris.

The queen will lay eggs inside these large, complex nests, which will later hatch into larvae before pupating into adult ants.

Ants are social insects, and Aphaenogaster tennesseensis is no exception to this rule. They reproduce by making new queens and males; some workers defend the nest by forming columns of ants.

33. Myrmycine Ant

Aphaenogaster rudis is commonly known as a myrmycine ant. They get their name from the Greek word ‘aphaeno,’ which means ancient, and ‘gaster,’ meaning belly.

Aphaenogasters are often confused with other ants in Oklahoma due to their similar appearance. However, they can be identified by observing their petioles. 

Myrmicine ants have two segments at the end of their petioles, whereas myrmicine only has one. They reproduce by laying eggs that hatch into males and females.

The males then mate with the females and soon after die, usually without eating anything. The females lay eggs that will hatch into new male and female ants.

Aphaenogaster rudis prefers foraging for honeydew on plants instead of living prey.

We’ve come to the end of this list of the types of ants in Oklahoma!

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