Conures are one of the most popular pet bird species and with good reason!
They are pretty, generally healthy, even-tempered, and relatively easy to care for.
On top of all that, they’re incredibly adorable and make fantastic little pets.
So, if you’re on the fence about getting a conure or want to know more about it, this guide to different types of conures and parakeets is for you!
We’ll cover what makes each type unique so you can pick the right one for your family. Keep reading!
Difference Between Parakeets and Conures
According to the search results, parakeets and conures are species of parrots that share some physical characteristics such as colorful feathers, long tails, and vocal abilities.
However, there are some differences between them.
Conures are generally larger than parakeets and offer slightly more coloration and variation within the species.
Conures tend to live longer than parakeets but can also be more expensive, depending on the specific species.
Parakeets are playful, trainable, and can be hand-trained to be carried around in pockets, while conures are closely related to parakeets and have beautiful colors.
Different Types of Conures and Parakeets
There are many types of conures and parakeets, each with unique characteristics.
Some popular conures include Green-cheeked Conure, Sun Conure, Jenday Conure, Blue-crowned Conure, and Nanday Conure.
1. Green-Cheeked Conure
The Green-cheeked Conure is a small parrot. It has a green forehead and cheeks, which give it its name.
They have bright blue primary feathers and white secondary feathers.
Its beak is blue-gray with a black tip, while its feet are grayish-brown. The male tends to be more colorful than the female. Their average lifespan in captivity is 30 years.
However, these birds can be affectionate and bond firmly with their owners. They’re very social animals that thrive on interaction with people.
While they’re not known for being talkers, they learn some words or phrases here. And there if you spend time interacting with them regularly.
Regardless, these birds make great pets for those who want a bird of different types of conures and parakeets that’s relatively easy to care for.
But they still enjoy plenty of attention from their owners.
2. Jenday Conure
If you’re looking for a small bird of different types of conures and parakeets that is easy to care for, look no further than a Jenday Conure.
This bird may be small, but he packs a prominent personality in his little package.
Commonly found in Mexico and Central America, Jendays can grow up to 12 inches and weigh only 1 or 2 pounds.
Nevertheless, like most parrots, they are brilliant and can master up to 20 words and phrases.
They can also mimic noises from TV shows and each other! Most importantly, you’ll get lots of love from your new feathered friend.
Also, their inquisitive nature means that they want nothing more than your attention. Remember that when you first bring them home!
3. Sun Conure/ Sun Parakeet

The sun conure is, as its name implies, bright orange. (Citrus yellow, really.) They have brown eyes and a black beak.
These are one of the different types of conures and parakeets; birds are very loud.
If you plan on having one as a pet in an apartment building, prepare for your neighbors’ complaints.
Moreover, Sun conures are social animals and need plenty of time with their owners. Even when tamed, they can be aggressive toward other pets and humans.
They’re also territorial—do not try to keep more than one in a cage unless they are close relatives who were raised together.
Overall, sun conures are great pets requiring time and patience!
4. Patagonian Conure

One of three species in its genus, Patagonian Conures, has long tails that swing while on their perches.
They are some of the smallest parrots but can still talk and have a wide range of color options.
It’s one of the most common conure species, though it isn’t widespread in pet stores.
There are plenty of different types of conures if you know where to look! Their average lifespan is 20 years.
As pets, they can be a bit more challenging than other bird species.
The reason is that they need lots of exercise and attention. They like toys and playthings that can occupy them for quite a while!
5. Half-Moon Conure

These tiny parrots can live as long as 50 years, although some only make up to 35.
When buying a baby Half-Moon Conure, keep it for at least 15 years.
They don’t begin breeding until age 2, and their eggs usually need hand incubation.
Therefore, these delicate birds are best suited for experienced bird owners willing to spend time training them and providing for their unique needs.
Most Half-moon conures die before they reach ten because they have not been adequately cared for.
6. Blue-crowned Conure

The blue-crowned Conure is a small bird with green plumage, a bright yellow chest, and orange cheeks.
It is native to South America and can be found in highland forests or on slopes that offer trees for foraging.
Blue-crowned Conures have been introduced into Florida and many other areas around Central America.
In contrast, they are still considered threatened in their native habitat due to deforestation and illegal trade.
An average blue-crowned conure will live from 15 to 40 years if healthy.
Despite its frequent occurrence as a pet in North America. There has been relatively little scientific study on these different conures.
7. Mitred Conure

With their striking green head, blue body, and pink underbelly. Mitered Conures are also called Red-crowned Parakeets and are one of the different types of conures and parakeets.
These parrots live for an average of 15 to 20 years, can reach up to 14 inches in length from head to tail, and weigh up to 165 grams.
They’re named after their distinctive red forehead feathers, which resemble a bishop’s miter.
As pets, they need lots of attention. (No surprise there) and tend not to be great with other animals or children unless raised together from a young age.
So, they are pretty loud but don’t bite or scream excessively (phew!). However, they can be prone to mood swings if neglected for too long.
8. Dusky-Headed Conure
The Dusky-headed Conure is just a little larger than your typical lovebird.
Its small size makes it a popular choice for bird keepers who may not have enough space in their homes or apartments for larger parrots.
This tiny green bird features distinctive dark head feathers, which give it its name.
In addition to its cute appearance, it has an impressive vocabulary that includes almost 20 different words.
There are also many kinds of conure sounds (referred to by other conure owners as conure noises).
Suppose you are looking for a smaller pet you can occasionally take out of its cage and handle easily.
Then a Dusky-headed Conure might be right for you.
9. Cinnamon Conure

Bred initially in Europe, cinnamon conures are very intelligent and curious about different types of conures and parakeets.
They are a favorite among many bird owners because they aren’t nearly as destructive as other pet birds.
However, they will still need plenty of attention from their owners and toys to keep them occupied.
These bright-eyed little birds have reddish feathers with dark masks around their eyes.
10. Nanday Conure

This beautiful green bird is one of the most commonly kept pets for different conures.
It’s also called a half-moon conure because it’s perched on its favorite tree branch. Its tail makes an arc that looks like a half-moon.
In short, Nanday Conure’s body is medium-sized. It has a round head with a white face framed by dark grey or black rings. They live for up to 20 years with proper care.
So, they make great pets if you’re looking for something long-term and interactive. All in all, we think they are pretty amazing!
11. Austral Conure

Approximately 10 inches in length and 14 ounces in weight. The Austral Conure is a member of Psittacula euphoria and belongs to the subfamily Arinae.
In captivity, they can live up to 40 years but usually live 20-25 years on average.
Although these beautiful conure birds are striking, many owners want more than one!
They are naturally very social and thrive on attention from their family or pet sitter.
They cannot be left alone for long periods, or they will become withdrawn and depressed, Brilliant and observant.
However, they respond well to training and are highly capable talkers. Each bird is unique, though; some will mimic words.
In comparison, others will not repeat them but can quickly learn other tricks and behaviors like shaking hands.
12. Peach-Fronted Conure

The peach-fronted Conure (Eupsittula aureola) is one of at least 20 species of different conure/parakeet parrot native to South America.
This bird is smaller than most other species on average. It also has a white face with distinctive yellow markings over its eyes and on either side of its beak.
Moreover, It also has pinkish-red feathers on its head and green, blue, yellow, or purple feathers on its body. This little bird is known for being very noisy; it’s known as a vocal bird.
Because it can learn to speak if you spend time training it, the peach-fronted Conure lives for about 15 years in captivity and eats fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and some insect larvae.
13. Leptosittaca Conure

These brilliant green parrots hail from Brazil, also known as Lord Derby’s Parakeet or Black-hooded Parakeet.
They measure approximately 12 inches long, with a long tail, and have been known to live up to 60 years.
In addition, when properly cared for, like most types of conures, they are prone to becoming overweight.
But with proper diet and exercise, they can make excellent pets and love peanuts!
14. Golden-Capped Conure

The Golden-Capped Conure, also known as the Buff-winged or Yellow-headed Parakeet, is a large parrot native to South America.
One of many green and yellow parrots originating from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
It has an estimated population of above 15,000 individuals and is often kept as a pet in aviculture.
However, like most other types of Conures, they are small, noisy, and friendly, with some having short lifespans of under five years. But much longer if cared for correctly.
The Golden-Capped Conure will thrive on a varied diet of fruit and vegetables, which must be chopped small to avoid their digestive system clogging up.
Also, foraging enrichment, such as jungle gym toys, is essential for stimulating them mentally.
15. Turquoise Green-cheeked Conure

There are several subspecies of turquoise green-cheeked conure, but they all share a similar appearance.
They’re small birds with a rounded crest and bright green coloration.
They have white cheeks and ear coverts, though some subspecies have yellow facial markings.
Nonetheless, these different conure birds have a sweet personality and make excellent pets for experienced bird owners.
However, they are known for nipping, so their demeanor might be too much for new owners to handle.
On the other hand, you should also know that it’s not easy to find reputable tile conure breeders.
This means there’s also less information on proper care compared to other varieties of pet parrots.
16. Red-Masked Conure

This is a medium-sized parrot with a short, squarish tail. The body is green and usually bright, with red on its forehead and under its beak.
The Red-Masked Conure likes human interaction, can learn up to 300 words, and mimics sounds it hears in its environment.
It eats fruit, veggies, seeds, nuts, cooked grains, and small pieces of meat. These birds are different types of conures and social creatures that like company.
They’ll flock together with other conures if kept in a large enough aviary or flight cage.
However, they are prone to feather plucking, so they should be placed in a cell if their feathers appear excessively.
They live around 10–15 years when properly cared for.
17. Queen of Bavaria Conure
The queen of Bavaria conure (also known as a golden-capped parakeet) is a small, colorful bird with a lifespan of up to 25 years.
This bird is amiable and outgoing with different types of conures and should be handled often from a young age.
Getting your pet as an infant is best, but they can bond with older children and adults.
They love human attention, especially cuddling in their owners’ arms, and are generally calm during interactions.
Their size makes them easy for first-time bird owners, at only 8 inches long and 5 ounces.
They can sit in your lap like a cat! Their coloring can vary, with males having red facial feathers while females have yellow ones.
18. White-Eyed Conure
The White-Eyed Conure, also known as WEC, is a small bird first domesticated in 1963.
The name comes from its white eye rings and red-eye coloration.
This species has been kept in captivity for more than 40 years.
But until recently, it has only ever been bred by private breeders due to its shyness around humans and difficulty with breeding. In recent years.
However, more breeders have brought them into their facilities, and they are now common household pets across America.
These cute little parrots make great companions because they are lively and affectionate without being too loud or high-maintenance.
They are infrequent due to illegal poaching; you should consider yourself lucky if you can own one of these different types of conures.
19. Maroon Bellied Conure (Parakeet)

The maroon-bellied Conure is probably one of America’s most popular pet Conures. They are a popular choice for pet owners for many reasons.
Their intelligence, beautiful colors, and amiable personalities make them ideal companion parrots.
The only downside to owning a maroon-bellied conure is that they can be loud sometimes but are also reasonably good talkers.
However, with time and effort, you can train your maroon-bellied Conure to say simple words and phrases like hello or good girl/boy.
The best part is when it comes time for you to bathe your bird. They will likely cooperate if they are not too young or old and have different types of conures and parakeets.
20. Orange-fronted Conure

One of the smallest species, orange-fronted conures, is a small bird with brightly colored green wings. A patch of orange or red on their forehead.
They have prominent white cheeks and black beaks that crack seeds and nuts.
You’ll find them in Mexico, Central America, and South America if you’re interested in keeping an Orange-fronted conure as a different type of pet.
Also, remember that they are considered loud and high-strung but incredibly intelligent.
21. Sulphur-breasted Conure

The Sulphur-breasted Conure (Pyrrhura amazonian) is a species of parrot in the family Psittacidae.
This species occurs in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and northern Brazil.
On the other hand, it is a relatively small, different type of conure and parakeet that is 24 cm (9.5 inches in length).
Its overall coloration is mainly green. The sulfur-breasted Conure has one subspecies, P. a.
22. Blaze-winged Conure

The blaze-winged Conure is a significantly different type of Conure. Energetic and long-lived parrot.
It lives up to 80 years in captivity, although 40 is more typical. They generally do well with other household pets, such as dogs and cats, if raised with them early.
Nevertheless, the blaze-winged has a sweet temperament that may be too nice for some.
Given its size and strength, it’s not recommended for households with small children unless they are supervised at all times.
With its great capacity for affection, a captive-bred blaze-winged can make an excellent companion pet that will become a very close friend.
23. Pearly Conure

The Pearly Conure is a bird found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
It has been said that its name comes from its head feathers with a pearl-like appearance.
This bird is popular because it loves being around people and is a perfect pet.
The only downside to having one as a pet is that it tends to be more destructive than other breeds.
They are particularly good at chewing wires. So, you may want to put plenty of caution tape around any areas you do not want them getting into.
Overall, they are great birds and will make a fantastic addition to any home as long as you can cope with the destructive tendencies of these different types of conures and parakeets.
24. Rose-fronted Parakeet

This bird is one of three Conure species with rose-colored heads. It’s also one of two Rose-crowned Conure subspecies.
Psittacara wagleri wagleri, native to southern South America, and P.w.amazonum, indigenous to eastern Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil (as well as Trinidad).
The bird also comes in various colors, including green, yellow, and white. So, what are some interesting facts about Rose-crowned conures?
First, they’re small—rarely growing larger than seven inches tall—and many males develop bright red irises once they reach maturity.
25. Guarouba Conure (Golden Parakeet)

These rare parrots are known for their peach color, yellow head feathers, and red tail feathers.
They are also known for their large size and bright coloring.
Guarouba Conures are sweet-natured, playful, and devoted to their owners. Providing them with plenty of toys and activities is a good idea.
In addition, these parrots are noisy when they play but relatively quiet when they talk.
It’s common for Guarouba Conures to live up to 40 years in captivity.
So, if you’re considering adopting one of these different conures, think long-term!
26. Ognorhynchus Conure (Yellow-eared Parrot)

Typically affectionate, active, and fun-loving, Ognorhynchus conures make fantastic first pets.
Although they’re usually quite intelligent, they can also be headstrong, requiring a fair amount of attention and stimulation.
However, these are best suited for owners with experience owning parrots or similar creatures of different conures and parakeets.
If socialized early, your Ognorhynchus should grow to become a fantastic companion parrot.