Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot: Profile and Information

Blue-fronted Amazon Parrot
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One of the most common birds kept as pets is the blue-fronted Amazon parrot.

They have vibrant colorings, and each bird has its particular patterns of feathers that compliments their extroverted personalities.

Known as feathered show-offs and comedians, they don’t mind enjoying themselves by entertaining their human flock, which sets them above most bird pets. You can’t help but love them for their amusing nature.

It doesn’t just end there; the blue-fronted Amazon parrot is a proficient talker as well.

To better manage this bird, you’d need to provide plenty of room and time to give them a healthy and happy life.

Breed profile

  • Common names: Turquoise-fronted Amazon parrot, Blue-fronted Amazon parrot
  • Life expectancy: This bird can live up to 80 or even 100 years under the right care. However, they typically will live for up to 40 years or more
  • Adult size: Can get up to 15 and 18 inches long and weigh between 14 to 15 ounces

Origin and history

Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, was the first person to have the blue-fronted Amazon parrot recorded in the zoological records in 1758. The species cover a comprehensive range, with a wild population of them dominating Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay into northern Argentina and stretching as far as the south of Buenos Aires.

At least a wild population of this bird has been recorded to be near Stuttgart, Germany. The closest explanation for this would be that some of them escaped from captivity, forming a flock, and grew over a while.

The blue-fronted Amazon naturally inhabits forests and woodlands. These large birds form strong bonds with potential mates and live in large flocks, and like many parrots, they can be seen nesting in tree cavities. The female blue-fronted Amazon parrot is responsible for most incubation duties and looking after the young.

We aren’t quite sure how many blue-fronted Amazons are there in the wild, but they are currently considered endangered. They are categorized as “least concerned” by the ICUN Red List. Despite a suspected decline in their population, they may not be affected much. Our consolation is that this may likely take a turn for the better in the nearest future.


Blue-fronted Amazon parrots are very active and are great comic performers. The blues love to be the center of attention, and would even come up with some surprising comics, especially when around their owners.

These drama birds, when well socialized, would enjoy the care and company of the entire family; although they always have a favorite.

While they don’t generally show aggression towards people or other birds, some of them do all it takes to protect their keepers when they sense danger. They don’t mind diving at aggressors when their “spider senses” kicks in. Additionally, male blue-fronted amazon parrots may become slightly territorial when molting or breeding.

Prolific entertainers, performers, and talkers, the blue-fronted Amazon parrots are not shy to become vocal when they want to, and they can be very loud if they want to be. It is even said to say these blue babies are better screamers than talkers.

Be guaranteed to expect to wake up calls every morning and evening. Naturally, these calls last for just 10 minutes. They may annoy neighbors with how loud they get if they are kept in close quarters like apartment buildings.

The blue-fronted Amazon parrots, as described by owners, are very independent, social, and easy-going. They are much calmer than other Amazons and are able to keep themselves occupied when their keepers aren’t available. This doesn’t mean they don’t need the attention. In fact, they would do not hesitate to express themselves when they feel left out.

Blue-fronted Amazon parrots colors and markings

Blue-fronted Amazon parrots are primarily lime green in color, and they are called blue-fronted because of the turquoise or blotch of blue that’s just above their beak.

This is the bird’s trademark, but breeding has created room for a wide range of markings on the heads of the blue-fronted Amazon parrots, making distinguish an individual parrot from the flock a lot easier.

While other amazons have their heads entirely covered in turquoise, some have no single shade of blue on theirs. In some cases, yellow surrounds the area where blue is meant to be, and it stretches over and under the bird’s head before creating room for the bright green feathers on the body.

Also, it isn’t uncommon to find the blue-fronted Amazon parrots with white patches

Generally, blue-fronted amazons have spots of bright red on the flight feathers and shoulders, with some having a tint of violet when in flight. This may also vary by individual, and some have shades of green on their shoulders and is very common with wild parrots seen in northwestern Argentina.

Some of the blue-fronted amazon parrots kept in captivity often mutate to mesmerize us with colors like cinnamon, and brownish-yellow feathers in place of green. Some of them have their body covered entirely in blue and patches of yellow.

Naturally, the bird’s beams are black and their feet grey. The bird is a monomorphic species, meaning the males and females look like each other. It would require a DNA sexing or surgery to know which is male and which is female.

Caring for a blue-fronted Amazon parrots

These birds need consistent human interaction; this helps them stay sharp and social. Do not keep any as a pet if you would be able to spare enough time for them.

In fact, it helps keep them happier if they are engaged with more activities to keep their minds stimulated.

They always want to be part of everything their owners are doing; listening to music, watching TV, general house chores, or eating.

The blue-fronted Amazon parrots will show you their entertaining and fun part as long as you keep them happy.

The least recommended cafe size for an active parrot like the blue-fronted Amazon is a 3 or 4-foot cube, in fact, the larger, the better.

You could compensate by creating a time-out-cage each day if the cage isn’t large enough.

You could get them from online pet stores, but it’s best to get them through a breeder.

This would make it easy to verify your bird’s health and origins or any information necessary for a blue-fronted Amazon parrot, or any parrot, for that matter.

It is also vital that you spend time with birds at your local breeders so you can know which bird would best suit your personality — the more time you spend with it before introducing it to your home, the better.


In the wild, The blue-fronted Amazons forage on berries and fruits, blossoms, seeds, and nuts, as well as leaf buds and blossoms. It is also believed that protein is also part of their diet. Blue-fronted Amazons require a variety of nutrition that mimics the natural foods they eat.

Their diet should naturally consist of a quality seed mix, high-quality pellets, and a daily snacking of bird-safe vegetables and fruits.

Basically, foods that people consider healthy can be fed in moderation to the birds, and some owners say the blue-fronted Amazon parrots are fond of chicken.

Do not make the mistake of feeding chocolates and avocados to this exotic bird.


Amazons are very active parrots, and the blue-fronted is no exception. They should be allowed at least three to four hours of out-of-cage activities per day, most especially if they have small cages. This allows for playtime and space to spread their wings.

The blue-fronted Amazon parrots enjoy climbing and chewing, so owners should provide them with plenty of toys, ropes to swing on and ladders to climb. Make a few extra toys available for them when they’ve chewed and exhausted the ones initially provided.

Bath time always is always a special activity the blue-fronted Amazon parrots. A special bowl of water should be provided for this purpose.

Some parrots don’t mind being spritzed with water, while others would rather have a bath in the sink. You can use this opportunity to bond with your bird beyond training tricks and speeches.

Would you like to have a blue-fronted Amazon parrot? Do you think you can take care of one? Share with us in the comments.

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