Animals with shells are numerous. The presence of shells in these animals serves as a remarkable evolutionary strategy that aids in their survival and enables them to thrive in their respective habitats.
They are a fascinating group of creatures that inhabit various ecosystems on Earth.
Meanwhile, these remarkable organisms possess a unique and distinctive feature—a protective outer layer, commonly known as a shell.
Shells come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, protecting against environmental factors and potential predators.
Examples of animals with shells encompass a diverse range of species, from the intricate spiral shells of snails to the sturdy armored plates of crabs.
In this article, we will look at all the animals with shells.
Read on!
1. Cat Flea

The cat flea, or Ctenocephalides felis in scientific jargon, is one of the animals with shells. It is a microscopic bug that is a member of the family of creatures that have shells.
Even though the flea’s shell may not be as pronounced or stiff as other animals, it is nevertheless vital to the flea’s survival and protection of its body.
Cat fleas have a brown shell that serves as a structural support and a line of defense against potential predators.
Due to their streamlined bodies and robust shells, these fleas are skilled at moving through the fur of their hosts, such as cats and dogs.
While they consume the blood of their hosts, the shell also helps them avoid predators.
2. African Giant Snail

The African Giant Snail, scientifically known as Achatina fulica, is a fascinating creature with a shell that sets it apart.
Native to East Africa, these large terrestrial gastropods showcase a unique shell with brown coloration and striking black and white stripes.
The shell, which can grow up to 20 cm in length, is a protective outer layer for the snail, safeguarding it from environmental elements and potential predators.
As herbivores, African Giant Snails primarily feed on leaves, fruits, and vegetables.
With their intriguing shells and distinct appearance, these snails are among the animals with shells that contribute to the diverse array of animals with shells, exemplifying their remarkable natural adaptations.
3. Dublin Bay Prawn

The interesting Dublin Bay Prawn, scientifically known as Nephrops norvegicus, is a member of the family of animals with shells.
This marine crab, also known as langoustine or Norway lobster, lives in the chilly, gloomy waters off the coast of Ireland.
A strong shell that protects the Dublin Bay Prawn from predators and other elements is a feature of the species.
It can reach a maximum length of 25 centimeters and has a light green shell with brown patterns.
The Dublin Bay Prawn is an omnivore species that consumes a variety of foods, including both plant materials and other small marine invertebrates.
This fascinating organism thrives in its native habitat thanks to its distinctive shell and adaptations, adding to its diversity and beauty.
4. Florida Stone Crab

The intriguing critter with a shell is called a Florida Stone Crab; its scientific name is Menippe mercenaria.
This is one of the animals with shells found in the waters near Florida.
It depends on the strength of its hard shell to protect it from predators and the environment.
Although the Florida stone crab’s shell can be any color, it is usually light brown or tan. Its dome-shaped construction offers the crab’s body tremendous protection.
These crabs are renowned for their strong claws, which they employ to crack shells and eat tiny aquatic creatures.
The Florida stone crab is a coveted delicacy in seafood cuisine because it is prized for its shell and delectable meat.
5. Hermann’s Tortoise

Hermann’s Tortoise is an intriguing animal with a unique shell.
This tortoise species, native to southern Europe and North Africa, has a dome-shaped shell with brown coloring and yellow markings.
The tortoise’s shell, which can be up to 8 inches long, is a vital protection mechanism, shielding it from predators and harsh weather elements. Hermann’s tortoises are herbivores that eat mostly plants.
These tortoises represent the variety of animals with shells, displaying nature’s skill in providing protection and adapting for survival through their unique shells and distinctive looks.
6. King Crab
The shell of the intriguing King Crab acts simultaneously as insulation and protection.
The Gulf of Alaska and other deep-water oceanic zones are home to these enormous crustaceans.
King Crabs are large and intimidating, with a strong shell that protects them from predators and supports their bodies.Â
Thanks to the shell, which may expand to up to 8 inches broad, they can explore the vast ocean and resist extreme weather conditions.
They may survive in their chosen settings because it helps cooler waters retain heat.
The shell of the King Crab is a remarkable adaptation that helps it survive and maintain supremacy in the marine habitat.
7. Longhorn Cowfish

The longhorn cowfish is an intriguing species recognized for its distinctive shell-like structure.
This aquatic animal, which can reach a maximum length of 12 inches, lives in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
The Longhorn Cowfish‘s name comes from the presence of two conspicuous horns on top of its head, which distinguishes it from other fish.Â
Thanks to these horns, predators find it challenging to swallow the fish, which acts as a defense against them.
The Longhorn Cowfish is among the unique examples of animals with shells in the underwater environment because of its elaborate shell and intriguing features.
8. Shrimp

The mantis shrimp is a member of the malacostracan family of shelled invertebrates.
The mantis shrimp is well-known for its striking colors and outstanding hunting skills, and it has one of the animal kingdom’s most intricate shells.
The carapace, which covers the head and thorax; the pleura, which shields the belly; and the merus, a portion of its strong arms, make up its three-part shell.Â
The mantis shrimp’s distinctive shell offers essential defense, enabling it to survive the hardships of its aquatic environment in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
The mantis shrimp, with its powerful appendages and striking shell, is a prime example of the variety and inventiveness found among animals with shells.
9. Green Chiton

An intriguing member of the category of creatures with shells is the green chiton.
The Green Chiton, which is found in New Zealand’s temperate waters, is notable for having eight valves or shells.
These shells are essential to the animal’s existence because they shield its soft flesh.
The Green Chiton, whose tongue resembles teeth and can grow up to 2 inches long, grazes on algae growing on rocks.
In the wide world of animals with shells, it stands out thanks to its unusual appearance and green shell.
10. Giant Clam
The giant clam is among the fascinating marine animals with shells. It is a large sea snail that can reach impressive lengths of up to four feet.
The giant clam inhabits the South Pacific and parts of South Africa. Its shell is a stunning combination of purple and pink hues, often coveted for its beauty and used in jewelry.
With strong muscles, the giant clam can clamp down on its prey, which includes fish and other clams.
This remarkable creature demonstrates the diversity and uniqueness of animals with shells, captivating scientists and marine life admirers alike.
11. European Lobster

An interesting aquatic creature with a gorgeous shell is the gigantic clam.
It is a sizable sea snail that can grow as long as four feet. The enormous clam is found in the South Pacific and areas of South Africa.
It has a shell that is an exquisite blend of purple and pink colors that is much desired for its beauty and is used in jewelry.
The enormous clam has powerful muscles that allow it to crush its prey, which includes fish and other clams.
This amazing animal fascinates scientists and ocean life enthusiasts since it exemplifies the variety and rarity of organisms with shells.
12. Death’s Head Cockroach

The Death’s Head Cockroach is an insect known for its unique characteristics and distinctive shell.
Scientifically named Blaberus craniifer, this cockroach species is native to Mexico, the West Indies, and Central America.
Its shell, which covers its body, serves as a protective armor against potential threats and harsh environmental conditions.
The Death’s Head Cockroach is an omnivorous insect that feeds on various organic matter. It inhabits rural areas, forests, and areas near rivers or ponds.
Considered one of the most dangerous cockroach species, it produces a potent toxin when predators like rats, lizards, and snakes threaten it.
Despite its intimidating appearance and reputation, the Death’s Head Cockroach plays a vital role in the ecosystem.
It contributes to the decomposition of organic material and serves as a food source for other creatures.
13. Chilean King Crab

The interesting Chilean king crab is also among the animals with shells. It has a shell that acts as protection and disguise.
This kind of crab, whose scientific name is Lithodes scintilla, lives in the chilly Pacific Ocean waters.
Its hard shell, which can range in color from red to green to brown, protects it from predators and the harsh elements of its surroundings.
The 8-inch-wide shell of the Chilean king crab offers a strong barrier against potential dangers.
This crab travels the ocean floor using its strong exoskeleton, depending on its shell to protect it.
14. Chambered Nautilus

The chambered nautilus is an intriguing species among animals with shells that distinguish it from other creatures.
This cephalopod, which may be found in the western Pacific Ocean, has an unusual means of protection and stunning morphological characteristics.
The chambered nautilus, which may reach 8 inches, lives in the deep ocean. Its chambered shell performs a variety of functions.
The nautilus may control its buoyancy and offer protection by altering the gas-to-fluid ratio inside the chambers.
When threatened, the chambered nautilus can produce a cloud of black ink, which disorients predators and helps it escape.
This amazing creature showcases the variety of animals with shells and the creative ways they adapt to their surroundings.
15. Brown Crab

The Brown Crab (scientific name Cancer pagurus) is a fascinating example of an animal with a shell.
This crustacean, commonly found in the North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and possibly the Mediterranean Sea, has a hard reddish-brown shell that serves as protective armor.Â
Ranging from two to six inches wide, the Brown Crab relies on its sturdy shell to shield itself from predators and the challenging marine environment.
Its omnivorous diet allows the Brown Crab to adapt to various food sources, further contributing to its survival.
Whether in saltwater or freshwater habitats, this remarkable creature showcases the diversity and resilience of animals with shells.
16. Argentinian Wood Roach
The animals with shells include the Argentinian Wood Roach, an insect.
On their thorax, these cockroaches have an oval shell that serves as their exterior layer of defense.
Argentinian Wood Roaches normally have brown shells, but depending on the subspecies, they can also be reddish-brown or completely black.
Even though they have wings, they can’t fly. These omnivorous animals are essential to the environment because they act as scavengers and consume decomposing organic materials.
The Argentinian Wood Roach, mostly found in Central and South America, is a perfect example of how different creatures use their shells in various ways to help them survive and adapt to their surroundings.
17. American Dog Tick

The American Dog Tick, or Dermacentor variabilis, as it is technically known, is an insect of the shelled organisms group.
Eastern North America is a regular habitat for this tick, which, thanks to its durable, protective exterior, can survive in various environments.Â
Unlike other ticks, American Dog Ticks, such as rodents and small mammals, wait for their food by tunneling into the earth.
They attach to neighboring hosts using their front legs and a hypostome, a mouthpart resembling a needle used for blood-sucking when they spot a host.
In addition to serving as a physical defense, the American Dog Tick’s shell is essential to its capacity to survive and flourish in its habitat.