11 Types of Ladybugs in California

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You probably know that types of ladybugs in California are primarily red, cute, and fuzzy.

What you may not know about the types of ladybugs in California, though, is that 11 different types of ladybugs in California can be seen throughout the state. 

Here’s what each type of ladybug looks like and how you can tell them apart so you can see them in their natural habitat.

1. Cardinal Ladybird

The Cardinal Ladybird is the most common type of ladybug in California and is found throughout the state.

They are red with black spots and are about 1⁄4 inch long. The larvae are black and spiky and look like little alligators when they hunt for prey.

The Cardinal Ladybird is found in various habitats, including gardens, fields, marshes, coastal scrublands, deserts, and forests. It can be located north of Canada and Alaska and into Central America. 

It was originally native to Europe but has spread through the world by humans carrying it on plants or accidentally transporting it in their clothes or luggage.

It’s yet to be discovered how many types of ladybugs in California, but there may be more than 400 species worldwide!

2. Convergent Lady Beetle

The Convergent lady beetles are a type of ladybug in California and a state insect. It’s one of the most common ladybugs in the state. They eat aphids and other pests that destroy crops. 

They’re also suitable for gardens because they’ll eat good bugs like bees and bad ones like Japanese beetles.

They’re considered beneficial insects because they help control crop pests, preventing farmers from using chemical pesticides on their plants. 

A member of the Coccinellidae family, convergent lady beetles, are usually orange with eight black spots. But some are brown with 12 or 16 holes, and others are white. 

This particular species prefers to live near water sources such as ponds or streams to collect moisture when it’s dry outside. 

3. Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird Beetle

The fourteen-spotted ladybird beetle is one type of ladybug you can find in the state. The distinctive marking on the beetle’s back resembles the number 14.

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If you look closely, you’ll see that it has seven spots on each wing cover and a black head with yellow markings. 

This predatory insect feeds on soft-bodied insects like aphids, scale insects, mealy bugs, leafhoppers, and other pests, and It’s a good pollinator for plants!

The larvae will eat slugs, snails, and other small animals when they are small.  They have been known to live up to three years before maturing into an adult. 

Fourteen-spotted ladybirds are found throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico but tend to live in warmer climates because their diet requires warm temperatures.

They have many host plants, including beans, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and more.

4. Seven-Spotte Ladybug

Known as the Seven-spotted lady beetle, or Coccinella Septempunctata, this is one of North America’s most common types of ladybugs in California. This can be found in gardens and fields.

It has a red body with seven black spots on each wing cover and two black spots on its head. 

They eat aphids and other small insects that live on plants. The larvae are spiny and yellowish orange while they are still young but turn dark brown before they pupate. 

The adults are usually 1/8 inch long with a wingspan of around 3/4 inch. The lifespan for these beetles is about three years, and they might produce five generations of offspring per year.

5. Pink-Spotted Lady Beetle

The pink-spotted lady beetle, or Coccinella septempunctata (Coccinella for short), is a brightly colored beetle that feeds on other insects.

They are common in North America and parts of Europe but can now be found worldwide because of human trade and travel.  

These beetles have seven black spots on their wing covers and one orange dot in the middle. The shape and size of these spots vary slightly between species.

With such a great name, you’ll want to know more about this beautiful creature! Read on to find out more about the pink-spotted ladybug!

6. Two-Spotted Ladybug

The two-spotted ladybug, also known as a harlequin ladybug, has black spots on its wings and is about 12mm long.

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They are one of California’s most common types of ladybugs, found in every region except for Alaska. They are herbivores and feed on aphids and other small insects.

While they aren’t toxic to humans, they secrete chemicals that can cause skin irritation in some people. 

When disturbed, these bugs may release an unpleasant odor. If this happens, washing your hands with soap and water or taking a shower immediately after handling them is best.

They hibernate from October until April/May, laying eggs and dying soon afterward.

7. Twenty-Spotted Lady Beetle

The twenty-spotted lady beetles are types of ladybugs in California. This beetle feeds on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. It is one of the most common types of ladybugs in the state.

Adult beetles are usually orange with 20 black spots on their wings, although they may have fewer spots. 

Their larvae are also orange and have three black stripes on their back. The adults can be around 1 cm long, while the larvae are only a few millimeters long.

They spend much more time in the open than many other ladybugs, making them easier to spot. 

The twenty-spotted lady beetle has many predators, including ants, rove beetles, spiders, and wasps.

When disturbed, the beetles will release an unpleasant odor to protect themselves from these threats. They’ll even curl up into a ball if necessary to avoid being eaten by predators.

One way they get rid of enemies is by urinating on them; this makes them vulnerable to attack since it stops their chemical defenses from working correctly!

8. Thirteen-Spot Lady Beetle

The thirteen-spot lady beetles are one of California’s most common ladybugs. They are also known as the thirteen-spotted harvest ladybug or Coccinella novemnotata.

It can be found in several colors, such as black, orange, and red. 

The 13 spots on its back are what give it its name. These beetles can grow up to 2 centimeters long and eat anything from aphids to eggs if given a chance!

Male beetles fly around looking for mates during the spring, while females generally stay near their homes.

Thirteen-Spot Lady Beetles hibernate during winter and are often found under leaves. If you see them during the summer, they might have fallen off of plants where they were feeding.

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9. Three-Banded Lady Beetle

The three-banded ladybeetles are one of California’s most common types of ladybugs. It’s also known as a ladybug because it has red spots on its back that look like a lady’s headdress. They are typically found outdoors and are not usually pests, but they will eat other insect larvae. 

They can also be confused with another type of beetle called the seven-spotted lady beetle, but they are more likely to be found indoors or in animal habitats. 

Seven-Spotted Lady Beetle: Seven-spotted lady beetles are often mistaken for three-banded lady beetles, but they have seven black dots rather than three.

They are usually indoor insects and feed on stored grains and seeds. 

  • They’re also commonly found in houses near windows where they come in through open screens.
  • Red Spotted Lady Beetles: These tiny bugs grow to 1/8th inch long.

10. Asian Lady Beetle

The Asian lady beetle is a ladybug introduced to the United States in 1916. It is now found throughout most parts of the country, including California.

They’re known as Asian because they were first identified in Asia and brought here by accident. 

There are many types of ladybugs in California, but the Asian lady beetle can easily be identified by its bright colors and spots on its wings.

One distinguishing factor about the Asian lady beetle is its antennae. They have three segments with an additional spine or style at the front of their head. 

The Asian lady beetles will curl up into a tight ball when threatened. These insects make excellent pets for children because they are not dangerous and easy to care for.

Another thing you should know about them is that if you find one outside your house, there’s probably an infestation inside!

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