Are you dealing with an infestation of types of flies in the house? If so, you’re not alone.
Flies are one of the most common pests homeowners deal with, but knowing the types of flies in the house can help you identify the problem and make a plan for eliminating them.
All these different flies have other characteristics and may require other methods to eradicate them.
It’s essential to identify what kind of fly you’re dealing with so you can take the appropriate measures to eliminate them.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most common types of flies in the house and offer tips on how to get rid of them.
1. Fruit Fly

Fruit flies are one of the most common types found in the house. They have small, red eyes and tan bodies with brown stripes.
Fruit flies are attracted to sweet smells and are often located near overripe fruits or vegetables, making them a nuisance in kitchens and pantries.
These types of flies in the house are more minor than houseflies, measuring only about 1/8 inch long.
They are typically tan or yellowish-brown in color and have reddish eyes.
These pests are attracted to sugary liquids like fruit juices and alcoholic beverages, but they can also breed in any liquid containing yeast or fermenting organic material.
They reproduce quickly and can lay up to 500 eggs in their lifetime, making them challenging to eradicate.
To prevent a fruit fly infestation, store food properly, empty trash frequently, and keep surfaces clean.
2. House Fly

House flies are one of the house’s most common types of flies. They are small, grayish-black insects about 1/4 inch in length.
House flies have four dark stripes on the top of their thorax, and their wings are flat at rest.
They are commonly found in dirty places such as garbage cans, compost heaps, and areas where people eat and drink.
These types of flies in the house have bristles all over their body, which help them pick up dirt particles.
House flies usually feed on decaying organic matter, such as garbage, animal droppings, spilled food, and manure.
They can also act as carriers for several diseases and easily contaminate food with their mouthparts and feet.
To prevent an infestation of house flies, food and garbage must be kept in sealed containers, and potential breeding sites like animal droppings, spilled food, and standing water must be eliminated.
3. Phorid Fly
Phorid flies and humpbacked flies are among the most common types found in homes.
These types of flies in the house are small, about 1/8 inch in length, and have a distinct humped back that distinguishes them from other fly species.
They usually swarm around areas where organic matter, such as pet food, is present.
Phorid flies can be a nuisance as they can quickly infest kitchens and bathrooms in the home.
Additionally, they can reproduce rapidly, so it is essential to address any infestation immediately.
4. Blow Fly

Blow Flies are one of the types of flies that may be found in the house.
Blowflies vary from 3/8″ – 5/8″ long and are usually metallic blue or green.
They typically live outside but can enter homes through open windows or doors or if rotting material is present.
They are often attracted to windows, pet food, and kitchen garbage.
Blow Flies lay their eggs in carrion, which is dead animal flesh. This is why they may be found near a dead mouse or rat.
The eggs hatch quickly, and the larvae feed on the decaying material before pupating. Adults typically live for 2 to 4 weeks.
5. Cluster Fly

Cluster Flies are among the most common types of flies in the house.
They are usually found in large numbers. Hence, the name ‘cluster’ flies.
They have a pattern on their wings, a greyish-black color with yellow stripes.
These types of flies in the house can annoy homeowners because they are attracted to light sources and can quickly accumulate around windows and other light sources.
They also prefer to lay their eggs in soil or compost piles, which can be found in many gardens.
If you find yourself infested with Cluster Flies, there are several ways to eliminate them, including insecticide sprays and insect traps.
6. Green Bottle Fly

Green Bottle Flies are among the most common types of flies in the house.
They are small and slender, usually measuring between 6 and 8 millimeters in length. The color of their body varies from light yellow to green.
They feed on various liquids, including alcoholic beverages, decaying organic matter, and sugary drinks.
These types of flies in the house are attracted to light, so they can often buzz around windows or doors that receive a lot of sunlight.
They lay their eggs in moist, warm areas, such as compost piles and garbage cans, where the larvae can feed and grow.
Green Bottle Flies reproduce quickly and can become an infestation if not controlled.
Keep windows and doors shut to prevent them from entering your home, and ensure all food is sealed and stored away correctly.
7. Flesh Fly

Flesh flies are one of the types of flies found in the house. Flesh flies get their name from their diet, which consists mainly of decaying flesh and other organic material.
These types of flies also feed on nectar and plant secretions.
These flies are usually black or gray, with three stripes on their backs. They have large eyes and are about 1/4 to 3/8 inches long.
Flesh flies lay their eggs near their food source, so it’s essential to keep your house clean and free of decaying organic matter.
8. Drain Fly

Drain flies, also known as sink flies, are one of the most common types in the house.
These flies breed and feed on organic matter in clogged drains or moist areas.
They have grayish-black bodies and furry wings that are about 1/4 inch long.
The larvae, which look like tiny worms, can survive in film-like layers on the walls of sink drains.
Drain flies are usually found near bathroom or kitchen sinks and can be a nuisance if they accumulate in large numbers.
To reduce their presence, regularly clean the sink drains and eliminate any source of dampness or standing water.
9. Eye Gnats
Eye gnats are small types of flies in the house that are often mistaken for fruit flies.
They fly around a person’s face, hence their name, and they feed on bacteria and other organic matter found around the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Although they are not known to spread diseases, they can be annoying when they get too close to your face.
These types of flies in the house are usually 1/8 of an inch long, with black bodies and grey wings.
To get rid of eye gnats, you should regularly clean the area around your eyes and face and discard any organic matter that might attract them.
Additionally, you may need to use insecticides to eradicate larger infestations.
10. Stable Fly

Stable flies are one of the most common types found in the house.
They are small, dark-colored insects that measure around 5-7 mm in length and have a distinctive pattern of alternating light and dark stripes on their abdomens.
The wings of these flies are transparent, allowing them to move quickly.
These flies in the house have piercing mouthparts that allow them to feed on the blood of mammals and birds, which can make them quite a nuisance.
They typically live and breed around areas of decaying organic matter, such as haystacks, manure piles, and compost heaps.
They can also breed indoors in basements, garages, and closets. If you suspect you may have a stable fly infestation, you must contact a pest control specialist immediately.
11. Fungus Gnats
Fungus Gnats are one of the many types of flies in the home.
They are small, dark-colored insects and can measure 1/8 – 1/16 of an inch in length. They have long legs and antennae and move quickly when disturbed.
These types of house flies feed on fungus and decaying plant matter, but they may also feed on young plants‘ roots, stems, and leaves.
They are also attracted to bright lights at night. Fungus gnats can be a nuisance indoors and even spread diseases, so it is essential to control their numbers.
12. Filter Fly
Filter flies are one of the types of flies in the house. They get their name from the characteristic behavior of hovering around lights and window screens.
Small, slender flies are commonly mistaken for fruit flies, as they look very similar. Filter flies do not bite and are not known to spread any diseases.
However, they can become quite a nuisance as they congregate in large numbers and even lay their eggs in drains and other wet areas.
You can use insecticides, traps, baits, or natural remedies such as vinegar to eliminate filter flies.