10 Clingy Cat Breeds From Around the World

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Cats are known to be independent, but some breeds are more so than others.

If you don’t like cats that need constant attention and affection, it’s probably best to avoid these ten clingy cat breeds worldwide and opt for one of the 10 most affectionate cat breeds.

However, if you want a cat that will never leave your side, even after 20 years together, look at this list of clingy cat breeds worldwide.

1. Oriental Shorthair 

If you’re looking for a clingy cat breed, look no further than the Oriental Shorthair.

This affectionate breed loves nothing more than being close to its human companions, and they want to be near you, whether perched on your shoulder or curled up in your lap. 

While they can be chatty, they’re always happy to purr away the day with you by their side. One survey found that 91% of people who own an Oriental Shorthair say that their cat has never left them alone without them asking it to do so. 

The love these clingy cat breeds have for their humans is apparent in how much time they spend touching and grooming their owners.

Some of the most devoted cats are Orientals and Siamese species; however, most long-haired breeds will have some clinginess.

For anyone seeking a furry companion who will love them unconditionally, an Oriental Shorthair will make any list of ideal pets!

2. Sphynx

The Sphynx is a good choice if you’re looking for clingy cat breeds. This hairless breed is known for being affectionate and loving, and they’ll often follow their humans around the house. They’re also very curious and want to be involved in everything you do. 

Just be prepared for some hairless cuddles! The best way to keep your furry friend happy is with lots of love and attention – not only will it strengthen your bond, but they’ll be less likely to meow incessantly or scratch your furniture. After all, there’s nothing wrong with spoiling your pet a little bit. 

These breeds are clingy and will want to cuddle with you regularly. Most enjoy being carried around in their owners’ arms or shoulders; some may even jump onto your lap without coaxing.

Many of these cats demand human interaction; they won’t hesitate to remind you when it’s time for feeding time or give you a look when it’s time for playtime.

And don’t forget about grooming: You’ll need to brush them regularly (if not daily) and spend quality time with them to ensure they stay healthy and active.

3. Abyssinian

The Abyssinian is a curious and playful breed that loves to be around people. They are also one of the most vocal breeds, often meowing to get attention, affectionate, and love to cuddle.

Abyssinians often follow their favorite person around the house and even sleep in bed.

These clingy cat breeds do well with other pets and children but may become overly attached to one family member because they can demand attention; they must have plenty of toys and playtime throughout the day.  

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If left alone for too long without stimulation, this breed might resort to destructive behavior like chewing furniture or tearing up clothes. Owners must provide proper mental stimulation as well as physical exercise daily.

One way to help prevent destructive behaviors is by giving your pet cat a place to look out into the world near his owner. 

An easy DIY project would be to create an elevated cat tree out of cardboard boxes! Just stack two or three boxes on top of each other and line them with some heavy blankets. Your cat will feel safe up high while still being close enough to interact with you!

4. Burmese

The Burmese are an excellent choice if you’re looking for a clingy cat breed. These clingy cat breeds love to be around people and will follow you from room to room. 

They’re also very vocal, so you’ll always know when your Burmese is around. While they enjoy the attention, they’re also independent enough to entertain themselves if you’re busy.

The Burmese’s long coat is easy to maintain and looks fantastic in any color or pattern.  Their life expectancy is usually between 10-15 years.

Because of their intelligence, these cats are great at getting what they want from their humans. Cats don’t understand the logic, but the Burmese know it gets their way with whining. 

It can be hard to say no when your cat won’t stop meowing! Luckily, this trait doesn’t extend into other areas of their lives – they tend to be obedient creatures who occasionally don’t mind being alone.

These clingy cat breeds are lovable creatures requiring regular grooming and daily playtime to stay happy and healthy.

5. Ragdoll 

If you’re considering adding a Ragdoll to your family, be prepared for many cuddles! These cats love nothing more than following their humans around. 

Sociable by nature, they enjoy spending time with animals and people. The Ragdoll is also one of the giant clingy cat breeds, weighing up to 20 pounds. For this reason, it’s best to have plenty of space in your home or yard for them to play and roam. 

But if you don’t, consider adopting an older cat from a shelter. You’ll save a life and find that some are already quite sociable and less needy.  

Also, before getting a new pet, it might help to prepare your kids by explaining why you need another family member before bringing them home.

Getting kids on board is crucial to help take care of their new pet. After all, when pets become part of the family, everyone needs to pitch in to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

6. Persian

There’s something about Persian cats that screams royalty. Perhaps it’s their long, luxurious fur or their regal faces. Whatever the reason, these kitties are sure to turn heads. 

And they’re not just pretty to look at – Persians are also known for being extremely affectionate. This is one to consider if you’re looking for a cuddly and clingy cat breed.

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They can get up to 12 pounds and enjoy nothing more than following their human around all day. They’ll even give you a warning when there’s an intruder nearby! The only downside?

These kittens can be hard to find since they were nearly extinct in the early 20th century. Thankfully, breeding programs have been implemented to help ensure their survival.  

Today, Persian cats can live anywhere from 10-14 years. For some people, the long lifespan may be too much to handle, but if you want a devoted companion who will never leave your side, then Persian might be right!

In fact, after getting a Persian cat of their own, many owners say that they don’t regret buying one bit. 

Some said: “I’ve always wanted a pet but didn’t know what I wanted. I finally settled on a beautiful white Persian because she was the perfect mix of cute and fluffy.”

7. Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex might be the clingiest of all the clingy cat breeds. This feline will follow you from room to room, wanting to always be near you. While some might see this behavior as annoying, others find it endearing. 

A Cornish Rex is an excellent option if you’re looking for a cuddly companion. The breed needs human interaction and enjoys playing with its owners.

What’s more, they are known for their intelligence and good looks. As a bonus, these furry friends only need grooming once or twice a year. Plus, they come in over 20 different colors!

 This adorable cat breed loves its people and won’t hesitate to tell you so. Be prepared for lots of purring, affectionate head butts, and cuddles.

This caring nature is a plus if you’re looking for a feline companion you can bring everywhere. You’ll never have to worry about leaving your best friend behind! 

You should also know that a Cornish Rex does not do well when left alone for long periods. Keep this in mind when deciding whether or not one would be a good fit for your home.

8. Scottish Fold 

You can’t go wrong with the Scottish Fold if you’re looking for a clingy cat breed. These clingy cat breeds are known for their affectionate nature and love for being close to humans.

They’ll follow you around the house, sleep on your lap, and even give you little head-butts to show their love. A Scottish Fold is a perfect breed if you’re looking for a loyal and loving companion.

These lovable felines will stay by your side through thick and thin! Some people say they were bred specifically to be used as pet therapy animals because of their gentle temperament. 

Folds are also known for being easygoing and rarely scratching or biting people. Another wonderful thing about these pets is that they only need grooming every few months, which means less time spent in the grooming salon. 

This is an excellent option for busy people who don’t have much time to spend with their pets.

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Scottish Folds can live anywhere from 12-15 years if taken care of properly, which makes them ideal companions for families with children. You won’t regret adopting one of these beautiful cats into your home!

9. Siamese

The Siamese is one of the world’s most well-known clingy cat breeds. This social breed loves to be around people and will follow you from room to room, always wanting to be near you. 

The Siamese is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a lap cat. They love being with their humans, so they’ll happily snuggle up on your lap or by your side whenever possible. They are very vocal cats, but only when they want something from you! 

They can also make delightful companions with children and other pets. The downside? Siamese can’t stand to be alone – if you work long hours, this may not be the right fit. 

They require much attention and can become destructive if ignored too often. Another downside? These furballs have lots of hair – both short and long hair varieties exist!

It’s like a dog, though: there’s no such thing as shedding season because these little guys shed all year round.

What’s more, they need brushing every day (at least!) to prevent tangles and mats. While these cats don’t need much grooming, they need lots of petting and cuddling. You see where we’re going with this: the Siamese is not just any old clingy cat breed!

10. Maine Coon

One of the most popular cat breeds in the US, Maine Coons is also one of the largest, with some males tipping the scales at over 18 pounds.

But size isn’t the only thing that sets them apart – Maine Coons are also known for their outgoing, social personalities and love of human companionship.

These big cats are often described as more like dogs than traditional felines. If you’re looking for clingy cat breeds who will be your constant companion, a Maine Coon is a great choice. 

They are not only one of the friendliest clingy cat breeds around, but they also tend to have lots of energy to spare, so they’ll never get bored if left alone for too long.

They’ve been bred to hunt small game and larger animals, so they’ll take down prey much more significant than themselves without breaking a sweat. 

While Maine Coons aren’t usually good with other pets (they can see smaller creatures as potential food), this trait does make them excellent hunters.

And because they’re so large, it’s nearly impossible for anything else to sneak up on them while they sleep.

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