Maryland is a beautiful state, home to some of the unique wildlife in the United States.
Among the many species of animals that call Maryland home are a variety of bees.
Many different types of bees in Maryland can be found throughout the state.
In our blog post, we will explore the different types of bees in Maryland and discuss why learning about them is essential.
We’ll also talk about the roles bees play in our environment and how you can help support bee populations in the state.
1. Large Carpenter Bee

The large carpenter bee, or Xylocopa virginica, is the first type of bee on our Maryland list.
These bees range from two-thirds to one inch in length, making them one of the larger bee species in the state.
They are black with an iridescent sheen and have large yellow patches on the abdomen.
They prefer to build their nests in wood, drilling into the wood and creating tunnels. They are solitary creatures, not seen in large numbers like honey bees.
Large Carpenter Bees are essential pollinators in the state and can help increase yields in fruit and vegetable gardens.
In addition to aiding in pollination, they can help reduce pest populations by preying on pest insects.
To protect these types of bees in Maryland, gardeners should avoid using pesticides or insecticides that could harm them.
Providing nesting spots for the bees, such as pieces of untreated wood, can also help ensure their survival.
2. European Honey Bee

The European (Western) honey bee is also on our list of Maryland bee types. These bees have a yellow and black striped body and can reach up to 3/4 of an inch in size.
They are often found in gardens and parks and are the most common type of bee that produces honey for human consumption.
The European honey bee is beneficial for our environment. It pollinates plants, flowers, and trees, increasing food production.
It’s essential to be aware that these bees in Maryland are social insects, so if disturbed or threatened, they will attack in swarms.
To prevent this from happening, it’s best to avoid disturbing their nests or getting too close.
It’s also essential to take extra precautions when mowing grass or doing yard work near a hive, as this may agitate the bees and cause them to swarm.
Exercising caution around these bees can help ensure their safety and prevent harm to themselves or others.
3. Bumblebee

Bumblebees are commonly seen throughout Maryland. They have a distinct black and yellow striped pattern on their abdomens.
These types of bees in Maryland are social insects and form colonies with multiple queens. Bumblebees are important pollinators and feed on nectar and pollen.
They typically nest in the ground, under logs or stones, in hollowed trees, or abandoned rodent nests.
Bumblebees are generally not aggressive but can sting if disturbed or threatened.
The main bumblebee species in Maryland is the common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens).
This bumblebee species prefers to live in fields and open woodlands, often feeding on clover and other plants with short flowers.
The common eastern bumblebee is a beneficial insect that helps pollinate many plants, including tomatoes, blueberries, and raspberries.
By increasing crop yields and promoting healthy ecosystems, bumblebees are incredibly valuable to the environment.
4. Small Carpenter Bee

Small Carpenter Bees are native to Maryland and are easily identifiable due to their size.
These types of bees in Maryland are small, typically around 3/8 inch in length.
They have black abdomens with yellowish-orange stripes on the thorax and feed on nectar and pollen.
Unlike other types of bees in Maryland, Small Carpenter Bees do not form large colonies or live in large groups.
Instead, they are solitary creatures and prefer to nest in wood or pre-existing holes.
Although Small Carpenter Bees are beneficial pollinators, they can also be considered pests because they nest in small tunnels in the wood.
The best way to prevent this is to use paints and sealants to cover the exterior of any wooden structures, like a deck or fence, to deter them from nesting.
Despite this minor nuisance, these bees should still be welcomed as their presence in gardens and yards helps to keep the environment healthy.
5. Long-Horned Bee

Long-horned bees, or Eucerini bees, are a type of solitary bee found in Maryland.
Maryland’s small types of bees can be found in various habitats, including gardens, grasslands, and even woodlands.
The female long-horned bee is typically slightly larger than the male and has slightly longer antennae.
These types of bees in Maryland are often mistaken for bumblebees as they both have black and yellow striped abdomens.
However, the long-horned bee’s abdomen is much slimmer than a bumblebee’s. These bees feed on pollen and nectar from various flowers and plants.
Long-horned bees build their nests in hollow reeds, twigs, and other sheltered areas.
Each female long-horned bee will construct her nest and lay her eggs inside. After the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the pollen stored within the nest.
Once they become adults, the long-horned bees will emerge to continue their pollination duties.
These types of bees in Maryland are an important part of the ecosystem and play an essential role in helping to pollinate crops and flowers.
6. Sweat Bee

Sweat bees, scientifically known as Halictidae, are a family of bees found in the state of Maryland.
They are small and colorful, with a metallic green or blue sheen, and typically have yellow-tipped abdomens.
Sweat bees usually inhabit meadows, gardens, and forest edges and often nest in sandy soil or small holes in wood.
The main food source of sweat bees is nectar and pollen, which they collect from flowering plants.
Sweat bees are solitary creatures and do not form large colonies like honey bees or bumble bees.
They are not aggressive and will not sting unless provoked. Despite their small size, sweat bees are vital pollinators for native plants in Maryland.
The most common species of sweat bee in Maryland is the eastern sweat bee (Halictus ligatus), found in many parts of the state.
Other sweat bee species include the metallic-green sweat bee (Agapostemon virescens) and the halictid sweat bee (Lasioglossum pectinatum).
These types of bees in Maryland play an essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and sustaining agricultural production by pollinating crops.
Protecting these species is essential for preserving local biodiversity and maintaining our food supply.
7. Squash Bee

Squash bees, also known as Peponapis, are an important type of bee in Maryland.
They are small and easily overlooked, but they play an essential role in pollinating cucurbit plants such as pumpkins, squash, and melons.
These types of bees in Maryland are solitary, meaning that each female builds her own nest rather than living in a colony with other bees.
Female squash bees will often nest near the flowers of their host plants, which makes them great for helping to increase crop yields.
These bees can be found in fields, gardens, and meadows throughout Maryland, benefiting humans and the environment.
8. Digger Bee

The Digger Bee- Anthophora is a type of bee found in Maryland.
These types of bees in Maryland. are usually black and brown and have short, yellow-brown hairs on their bodies.
They have long legs, which they use to dig underground tunnels to make their homes.
The Digger Bees or Anthophorini often live alone in their tunnel or small colonies.
Their tunnels range from 1/4 inch to 4 inches in diameter and up to 20 inches deep. They feed on nectar, pollen from flowers, and aphid honeydew.
The female Digger Bees will lay their eggs in the tunnel she created. The larvae will develop in the tunnel and emerge as adults after three weeks.
They are active day and night, depending on the temperature outside.
They are essential pollinators for many different species of plants, so it’s important to protect these bees from pesticides and other environmental hazards.
9. Polyester Bee

Polyester bees are a type of bee found in Maryland. They are small, black, and yellow-striped bees that belong to the Colletidae family.
They are known for their distinctive black and yellow pattern but can also be found in other colors, such as green or blue.
These types of bees in Maryland range in size from 5 to 18 millimeters in length and feed mainly on nectar and pollen.
The males of this species are usually solitary, while the females often form large colonies.
Polyester bees can be seen in the state’s gardens, fields, and other open areas.
Polyester bees are important pollinators for many plants and crops, helping them to reproduce.
In addition, their pollination helps to ensure that plants have enough genetic diversity for natural selection and adaptation.
Because of this, these bees play an important role in maintaining Maryland’s health and diversity of plant populations.
As a result, it’s important to help protect these bees from harm and support them as much as possible.
10. Masked Bee

Masked bees are one of the smallest types of bees in Maryland and can be found throughout the state.
These bees are only about 3 to 5 millimeters long and are black or yellow-brown with light-colored stripes on the head and abdomen.
Masked bees can also be identified by their long antennae and small mandibles.
They tend to live in sandy areas, woodlands, and wetlands, feeding on nectar and pollen from flowers.
These types of bees in Maryland usually build their nests in small cavities in dead wood and old logs.
These bees are solitary insects and do not form colonies like honey bees or bumblebees.
They have a short lifespan of only a few weeks but can still produce up to two generations a year, depending on the weather conditions.
Masked bees are essential pollinators for many plants in Maryland, including blueberries, raspberries, currants, cherries, peaches, plums, apples, and blackberries.
11. Cuckoo Bee

Cuckoo Bees (Nomadinae) are a type of bee found in Maryland. These types of bees in Maryland are small, ranging from just over 1/10 inch to 3/8 inch long.
Cuckoo bees are usually black, yellow, or orange, with darker bands across their abdomen. They are parasitic and feed on the larvae of other bees.
They do not produce wax or honey and can be recognized by the long proboscis they use to probe into their host’s nest.
In Maryland, most Cuckoo Bees live solitary lives, meaning each individual is responsible for their own survival.
While most Cuckoo Bees do not build nests, some species build small clay structures near the entrance of their host’s nest to provide shelter.
The female Cuckoo Bee lays her eggs inside the host’s nest, and when the larvae hatch, they consume the larvae of their hosts as they develop.
12. Mason Bee

Mason Bees (Osmia) are solitary bees native to Maryland and the rest of the United States. They are also known as “orchard mason bees” due to their affinity for fruit trees.
Mason Bees are small, non-aggressive bees that feed primarily on pollen and nectar.
Their metallic-colored abdomens and brownish stripes identify them on the thorax. They are beneficial pollinators, as they feed on various flowers.
Mason bees are essential to Maryland’s bee population and help pollute crops and plants. Mason bees can be found in gardens, orchards, and other open spaces.
These bees in Maryland form nests by collecting mud, leaves, and other materials to construct a small chamber in which they lay eggs.
They are very effective pollinators, as their long proboscis allows them to reach deep into the flower for pollen.
In addition, they do not require additional maintenance, such as hive maintenance or supplemental feeding.
Mason bees are an excellent addition to any garden or orchard in Maryland.
13. Leaf Cutter Bee

Leafcutter bees are an important pollinator in Maryland, and they can be found in areas with a wide range of vegetation.
These types of bees in Maryland can cut pieces of leaves and use them to line their nests.
The nests are usually built in pre-existing cavities such as wood burrows or hollow stems.
Leaf-cutter bees typically do not sting but can become defensive when disturbed.
In addition, these bees have an essential relationship with plants as they help pollinate many wildflowers and herbs found in Maryland.
These bees are important for both their pollination role and their role in maintaining the health of ecosystems.
They have been documented to visit over 100 species of flowers and shrubs, and they help transfer pollen between plants, increasing genetic diversity.
Leafcutter bees can also increase the quality of fruits and vegetables by increasing pollinators visiting the area.
Finally, these bees also control pests by preying on insects such as aphids, making them an essential part of any agricultural system.
14. Miner Bee

Miner bees are an essential type of bee found in Maryland. These bees are solitary and usually nest in the ground, digging small tunnels in the soil.
They are also important pollinators, helping to spread pollen from flower to flower.
Miner bees range in size from tiny to medium-sized, with a wingspan of about 0.25 to 1 inch.
They are typically dark brown or black, with yellow stripes on their abdomens.
Some species have white or yellow markings on their bodies.
Miner bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers and are often seen foraging in gardens.
These types of bees in Maryland benefit the environment by transferring pollen from one flower to another, increasing plant diversity and abundance.
They are also important pollinators for crop plants and other crops, and as such, they play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.
Gardeners and farmers can help ensure that miner bees continue to thrive in Maryland by providing habitat.
15. Carder Bee

Carder Bees, also known as wool-carder bees, are ending our list of types of bees in Maryland.
These bees are characterized by their unique behavior of collecting plant fibers to line their nests.
They collect the fibers from plants such as lamb’s ear and cotton, which they then use to line the walls of their nest cavities.
These types of bees can be found throughout Maryland, although they are less common than other types.
Carder Bees play an essential role in Maryland’s ecosystem. They pollinate various plants and help provide food sources for other insects and animals.
Additionally, their presence can help increase soil fertility and crop yields.
This type of bee is especially beneficial to organic farmers, as they do not require chemicals or pesticides to manage the population.
For these reasons, protecting and conserving Carder Bees in Maryland is important.