9 Types of Bats in Maryland

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Photo by Vladimir Konoplev on Pexels

Maryland is home to different species of bats, which live in various habitats throughout the state.

Depending on the region, types of bats in Maryland can be found hunting insects at night in meadows, forests, or open fields.

Some species, such as brown and big brown bats, can also be discovered roosting under bridges or eaves during the daytime. 

Additionally, various tree-dwelling types of bats are common in Maryland, including hoary bats, eastern red bats, and tricolored bats.

All these types of bats in Maryland help naturally control insect populations and provide environmental value by reducing insect-borne diseases.

1. Big Brown Bat

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by Furryscaly is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The big brown bat is first on our list of types of bats in Maryland and throughout North America.

This bat species is easily recognizable to human and non-human observers with its large body, round eyes, and distinct wingspan.

Big brown bats are medium-sized bats with a wingspan of around 13 inches and a body length of three to five inches.

They are easily identified by their rusty light-brown fur on their backs, broad muzzles, and short ears.

They also have large eyes, which are copper or golden in color

Big brown bats prefer temperate climates like those in Maryland, where they can inhabit buildings, caves, tree stumps, and other natural roosting sites.

These types of bats in Maryland showcase unique behaviors at different times throughout the year, which are designed to adapt to Maryland’s diverse climate.

During winter, these bats become inactive in hibernation, allowing them to conserve energy until spring arrives.

In summer, they become active again at night, hunting and feeding on numerous small flying insects, such as moths or flies, near areas lit up with artificial lights, such as those found in residential neighborhoods or street lamps. 

Big brown bats play an essential role within Maryland’s ecosystem by contributing aesthetically and by consuming small insect pests that could potentially damage many farmers’ crops or lay eggs on industrial equipment if left unchecked by these amazing creatures.

Unfortunately, big brown bats have experienced numerous mortality lines due to environmental changes that greatly reduce their number available for control over many undesirable insect populations, preventing further damage from occurring than would normally be present without them in some ecosystems.

2. Hoary Bat

The Hoary Bat is one of Maryland’s larger types of bats and can be seen in the eastern and western parts of the United States.

It is a solitary animal that feeds primarily on moths at night, soaring through woodlands and near water sources in search of food.

Here are two important things to know about the Hoary Bat. 

The Hoary Bat has mostly gray coloring with white tips on its ears and wings, giving it a speckled look.

This species can have wingspans up to 14 inches, making them one of the largest bat species in North America.

They have long snouts and small eyes, which give them a unique facial appearance. 

While they prefer eating moths, hoary bats also consume insects such as beetles, spiders, wasps, and occasionally small mice or lizards.

During winter, they typically migrate south into warmer climates, while females stay closer to their summer range locations than males. 

Breeding typically occurs in late spring or early summer, with most females giving birth to single offspring yearly between May and July.

These types of bats in Maryland usually inhabit tree cavities but may roost behind shutters or under eaves of buildings if hollow trees are not present nearby.

3. Silver-haired Bat

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by Madame LaZonga is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Silver-haired Bat is also on our list of types of bats in Maryland and other parts of the eastern United States.

This small species of bat is commonly found in forests, swamps, and wooded areas, making it an important part of the ecosystem for wildlife.

The Silver-haired Bat has a wingspan of about 11 inches and a body length of three to four inches.

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Its fur is mostly silver or silky black, and its tail, ears, and wings are slightly darker than most of its fur color.

The two distinctive white stripes can readily identify these types of bats in Maryland on their chest that run horizontally from shoulder to shoulder. 

These bats typically live in forests, usually close to water bodies such as streams and rivers, where they feed off large insects like beetles, moths, mosquitoes, flies, and wasps during dusk hours.

They mainly roost under tree bark and beneath rock crevices or loose clumps of vegetation during the daytime. 

During winter, these bats are known to hibernate in old log piles or abandoned mines and caves, which helps them withstand unfavorable weather conditions

As far as threats go, this species can face difficulties like habitat destruction due to deforestation practices and increasingly impacted environmental conditions around it.

This results in fewer food sources for these creatures that cannot move long distances for their sustenance needs.

Furthermore, hunting activities such as killing them for recreational purposes due to fear imparted by their appearance are also detrimental cases seen amongst these leathery-winged creatures.

4. Little Brown Bat

Little Brown BatPin
by USFWS Headquarters is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) is a bat commonly found in Maryland.

These small yet powerful types of bats in Maryland play an important role in the state’s ecosystem, primarily through predation on insects and other small organisms.

Our article will examine some interesting facts about Little Brown Bats and why they’re so important to Maryland’s environment.

One of the most notable characteristics of Little Brown Bats is their size and weight.

They typically weigh between 0.2 and 0.5 ounces, with males generally larger than females.

Their wingspan averages 8-10 inches long, making them one of the smaller types of bats in Maryland.

While not as large as many other species of bats, they are still capable hunters using soundwaves to locate their prey from up to 25 feet away! 

Little Brown Bats also help with insect control by preying on mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and other pests that can damage crops or spread diseases like the West Nile virus, making them an invaluable asset for agricultural production.

They are also known for their extraordinary homing skills, allowing them to return to the same cave where they were born each summer. 

Despite their immense contribution to maintaining a healthy balance between humans and nature in Maryland, Little Brown Bats now suffer from habitat loss due to development projects and other activities that can destroy the roosting sites they rely on during migration periods.

Furthermore, White Nose Syndrome is a deadly fungal infection that has killed millions of these bats since 2006, making conservation efforts even more critical for preserving these vulnerable types of bats in Maryland’s natural habitat.

5. Eastern Red Bat

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by Life Lenses is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis) is a bat native to Maryland.

These incredible types of bats in Maryland are the smallest mammals and provide many environmental benefits.

In our article, we’ll examine two key reasons why they are important animals in our region and why we should do all we can to protect them from decline. 

Eastern red bats control insect pests such as mosquitoes, moths, flies, grasshoppers, and beetles.

With their excellent hearing and echolocation abilities, these little critters silently patrol the skies for unsuspecting insects that don’t even realize what’s coming until it’s too late.

By consuming large quantities of these harmful pests, the eastern red bat shows its true value as an efficient pest control provider for our ecosystems. 

The Eastern Red Bat is native to Maryland and other parts of the United States.

It is a migratory species that hibernates during the winter months, moving from cold temperate regions to warmer climates. Its diet includes moths, beetles, and other insects.

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The Eastern Red Bat is a medium-sized insectivorous bat, measuring about three inches long with an eight-to-nine-inch wingspan.

They have reddish-brownish fur, though occasionally, they can be black or even purplish. 

Females are usually slightly larger than males but are otherwise similar in appearance.

These types of bats in Maryland come out at night to feed on insects – primarily moths and beetles – that they find while in flight.

During the summer and early fall, they seek out roosts that protect them from predators and help them conserve energy during their nocturnal feeding sessions. 

During winter, these types of bats in Maryland will migrate southward, where warmer conditions are more conducive to hibernation.

Trees provide ideal shelters for them during their migration patterns and winter slumbers; wooded areas provide two special features: windbreakers for late autumn flights when the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit and tree cavities for roosting sites over winter.

In Maryland, this could mean flying from the northern part of the state to areas like Washington D.C., New Jersey, Virginia, or even further south along the East Coast!  

Eastern Red Bats can often be found near water sources, such as rivers or ponds, where there is an abundance of food sources to fuel their nightly activities.

They feed mainly on aerial prey such as butterflies, moths, and beetles, which they locate while in flight by using echolocation (bouncing sound waves off their target), which enables them to orientate themselves accurately in space even if visibility is poor due to darkness or foggy weather conditions!

6. Eastern Small-footed Bat

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by USFWS Headquarters is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Eastern Small-footed Bat (Myotis leibii) is a mouse-eared bat species native to the eastern United States and Canada.

It is listed as a species of concern in Maryland due to habitat loss and disturbance from recreational activities.

The Eastern Small-footed Bat is a small, light brown bat with black ears, a face, and wings. Its name comes from its unusually small feet.

Its average length is 3 inches, and its wingspan is 8–10 inches. This insectivorous bat feeds on flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and ants.

It typically roosts in large trees or tree cavities during warmer months and hibernates beneath rocks or in caves during winter. 

The Eastern Small-footed Bat has been identified as a priority species for conservation efforts due to habitat loss resulting from deforestation and recreational activities in its natural range.

In Maryland, this means protecting existing forests from being cut down for timber production or disturbed by noise pollution from motorized vehicles or other recreational activities near summer roost sites.

By conserving suitable forested habitat for Eastern Small-footed Bats, their populations can continue to thrive in Maryland’s diverse biodiversity.

7. Seminole Bat

The Seminole bat is next on our list of types of bats in Maryland.

This bat species is scientifically known as Myotis nigricans and has distinctive brown fur with white stripes down its back.

The size of this species of bat typically ranges from 3.25 -3.75 inches in length, making them one of the smallest species living in the Maryland area.

With their preference for humid climates and wetlands, Seminole bats can be found across most areas in Maryland.

Seminole bats prefer to occupy natural caves, such as those found in forests, over artificial structures, such as attics or barns, often inhabited by other species of bats in Maryland. 

During the summer, Seminole bats can roost under bridges, near large bodies of water, or even hang around residential deep wells.

At night, they leave their chosen roosts to look for food, such as small insects and moths, which they detect and capture using echolocation while they fly through the air. 

Seminole Bats migrate to warmer climates or hibernates throughout the winter season to survive temperatures below 33℉.

However, during warm winters, some Adult Seminoles have been observed leaving on extended migrations, sometimes reaching Florida before returning when summer arrives again in Maryland. 

Related:  13 Types of Bats in Kentucky

Seminole Bats don’t threaten or disturb people since their diet consists mostly of insects.

It benefits more farmers throughout Maryland and the US because it helps keep pest populations under control near croplands, maintains a healthier environment, and avoids potential destruction caused by excessive infestations of those same pests.

8. Indiana Bat

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by USFWS Headquarters is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Indiana bats are in Maryland and other parts of the United States.

It belongs to the species Myotis Sodalis, which is commonly referred to as part of the “mouse-eared” family.

These bats are small—typically between 2 inches and 3.5 inches in length—and may be grayish to blackish brown. 

These types of bats in Maryland generally inhabit wooded and shrubby areas near rivers, caves, mines, and buildings where they can roost undisturbed during the day.

The Indiana bat utilizes old buildings, mine entrances, and cliff crevices as summer habitats while migrating south for winter hibernation in caves and limestone deposits throughout the eastern United States. 

As a federally endangered species, Indiana bats have experienced significant habitat destruction from human activities such as development and mining.

They also suffer from white-nose syndrome, caused by an introduced fungus that destroys their wings while hibernating. 

 To protect the remaining populations of these bats in Maryland, conservation efforts must increase significantly from biologists who can monitor bat colonies, local plan commissions, county governments, state legislators, educators, miners, farmers, builders, and cavers all working together for this crucial cause. 

To positively affect their future requires citizens to take responsibility for sustaining natural resources that provide food sources for these animals – pollinating insects such as moths, crickets, wasps, etc., having reliable water sources that serve all flora and fauna indigenous to Maryland, leaving enough green space through active reforestation conversion amongst others community lifestyles that can potentially support all unique species found within our diverse natural environment.

9. Evening Bat

Evening bats are last on our list of types of bats in Maryland, where they provide an important balance to the environment.

Due to their elusive and nocturnal habits, not much is known about this species.

However, recent studies have revealed interesting facts about evening bats and their incredible ability to adapt to environments and survive dangerous conditions. 

The evening bat typically grows under three inches long and has an approximately seven-inch wingspan.

They have yellowish-brown fur with darker guard hairs along the back; the fur along the sides has a reddish hue with hints of grayish colorings near the ears.

This bat species is more specialized than others and can only feed on certain insects, such as moths and aquatic flies. 

Evening bats are considered “generalists ” regarding habitats. They can hunt near meadows, swamps, marshes, rivers, and wetlands anywhere there’s abundant insect prey, often roosting within old snags or holes in tree trunks during the daytime resting hours.

These bats tend to form large maternity colonies inside dark crevices or caves between April and August, when most newborns become independent enough for foraging feedings on their own. 

These animals will seek food sources from dusk until dawn, depending on weather conditions outside that might interfere with their nightly activity rituals.

Evening bats provide many ecological benefits in Maryland, such as serving as natural pesticides (eating excessive amounts of insect pests), which helps reduce overall agricultural damage caused by such populations; protecting our ecosystems from invasive foreign species; controlling disease vectors (such as mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus).

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