7 Different Types of Frogs in Hawaii

Different Types of Frogs in HawaiiPin
Photo by Jared Evans

If you’re planning your next vacation to Hawaii, perhaps you were wondering how many types of frogs are there in Hawaii.

Perhaps frogs aren’t the first thing on your mind when you think about visiting Hawaii, but if you do want to spot some native wildlife during your trip, frogs are one of the most interesting animals you could see.

There are over seven different types of frogs in Hawaii. They can be found in various climates throughout the state.

1. Green Frog  

Green frogs are a type of frog in Hawaii. They are often found near waterfalls, streams, or other bodies with much vegetation. The green frog is the only native species inhabiting all the major Hawaiian Islands.

Their dark green can identify them as brownish with light-colored flecks or blotches on their backs. This coloration can vary depending on how dry or wet their habitat is at any given time.

Green frogs grow to about four inches long as adults and can weigh up to two pounds when fully grown. Their call is described as a short and low whistle, which they use to warn others about predators nearby.

2. American Bullfrog 

The American bullfrog is the largest frog species on Earth. It can grow up to 12 inches long and weigh 2 pounds. These frogs are found across North America, Central America, and parts of South America. 

Also, they are considered generalist frogs because they eat anything they can find.

Related:  10 Different Types of Frogs in Arizona

The American bullfrog is native to North America and has existed since the Pleistocene era. They were originally found throughout the United States until invasive species like the cane toad reached their territory.

3. Wrinkled Frog 

The Wrinkled Frogs is also one of the types of frogs in Hawaii. Wrinkled frogs are semi-aquatic, meaning they spend much time on land and live near water. They are mostly nocturnal and live in the islands’ forests, grasslands, and streams. 

These frogs have light brown or tan skin with darker blotches that help camouflage them from predators during the day.

The Wrinkled Frog is endangered and was one of the first species to be listed as such in 1978.

4. Cuban Treefrog 

One of the most common types of frogs in Hawaii is the Cuban tree frog. They are usually found near or around water, requiring a moist environment to survive.

The Cuban tree frog can be found on every island except for Kauai and Niihau, so there may be more than one type of frog that lives on those two islands. 

One way to tell if you have found a Cuban treefrog is by looking at the coloration. The males have black heads and back with greenish-brown stripes down their backs and sides. Females will have brownish-gray bodies with dark spots on their backs and sides.

5. Greenhouse Frog 

The Greenhouse frog, also known as the green tree frog, is native to Southeast Asia. It was introduced to Hawaii for human consumption and has since adapted very well to its new environment. 

Related:  16 Different Types of Poisonous Frogs

These frogs are primarily active during the day and can be found on or near water sources such as streams and ponds.

They typically eat anything they can find, including insects, small mammals, reptiles, birds, eggs, and other amphibians.

6. Common Coqui 

The coqui is among the most common types of frogs in Hawaii, and their calls are one of the most recognizable sounds in Hawai’i. They are not native to Hawai’i, but humans introduced them sometime in the 1900s.

The name coqui was given to them by early residents because they sounded like little frogs croaking or conquering. 

The coqui can be found all over the island and can survive up to 2,000 meters above sea level. They make their homes by burrowing into plants and under rocks and logs during the day, but at night, they come out to chirp their mating song.

7. Green and Black Poison Dart Frog 

The Green and Black Poison Dart Frog is the only poisonous frog among the types of frogs in Hawaii. These frogs get their name from the bright green and black coloration on their backs. 

They are very small frogs, growing to be no more than an inch long, but they can still pack quite a punch! The poison from this frog is fatal if ingested by most animals.

If you’re lucky enough to find one, it’s best not to touch it, as the skin secretes toxins that will make your skin burn for hours.

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