If you live in Washington and have ever looked closely at the ants around you, you may have noticed an amazing variety of ants.
You may even have asked yourself what types of ants live in your backyard or garden.
Ants are one of the most successful and successful species on the planet.
They are found everywhere, from the tropics to the Arctic, deserts to rainforests, and urban areas to rural areas.
In Washington, ants are especially abundant, with more than 200 species known to occur in the state. That’s a lot of ants!
Ants come in all shapes and sizes, and each species has its own unique characteristics and behaviors.
Some ants live in colonies, and others live alone. Some ants build nests in the ground, and others build them in trees or buildings.
Some Types of ants in Washington state are predatory, and some are scavengers. The variety of ants in Washington is truly amazing!
In this article, I will introduce you to some different types of ants in Washington state.
So, let’s get started!
Types of Ants in Washington State
1. Small-headed Tree Ant
These types of ants in Washington state are known for their small heads and proficiency in killing other insects.
Small-headed tree ants can be a problem for homeowners because they can infest buildings and sting people.
The Small-headed Tree Ant is a species found in parts of Central and South America.
These ants are known for their small heads, resulting from their diet of mostly small insects.
The Small-headed Tree Ant is a relatively new species, first described in 2000. a native of the United States.
Small-Headed Tree Ant is a species of ant found in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.
The small-headed tree ant (Pseudomyrmex oculatus) is a species of ant native to Central and South America.
It is a small ant with a head diameter of just 2.5mm. The small-head tree ant is a master of camouflage and is often found living in the hollows of trees.
It feeds on nectar and is an important pollinator of many tropical plants.
The small-headed tree ant (Pseudomyrmex oculatus) is a species of ant native to Central and South America. It is a small ant with a head diameter of just 2.5mm.
Also, the small-head tree ant is a master of camouflage and is often found living in the hollows of trees.
It feeds on nectar and is an important pollinator of many tropical plants.
The small-headed tree ant (Pseudomyrmex oculatus) is a species of ant native to Central and South America. It is a small ant with a head diameter of just 2.5mm.
The small-head tree ant is a master of camouflage and often lives in the hollows of trees.
It feeds on nectar and is an important pollinator of many tropical plants.
The small-headed tree ant (Pseudomyrmex oculatus) is a species of ant native to Central and South America. It is a small ant with a head diameter of just 2.5mm.
The small-head tree ant is a master of camouflage and often lives in the hollows of trees.
It feeds on nectar and is an important pollinator of many tropical plants.
2. Pharaoh Ant

The Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) is a small (2mm) yellow or light brown ant native to parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
A member of the Formicidae family, it is one of the most widespread household ants in the world.
The Pharaoh ant is a major public health pest, as it is known to transmit several diseases, including staphylococcus, salmonella, and Clostridium difficile.
The Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) is a small (2 mm) yellow or light brown ant notorious for being a major indoor pest in many parts of the world.
Despite its name, it is not native to Egypt and is thought to have originated in India or Sri Lanka.
It is a major problem in many homes, hotels, and other buildings, where it can form huge colonies consisting of many nests interconnected by a network of trails.
3. Honey Ant

Honey ants are a type of ant known for their love of sweet things.
They commonly build their nests in areas where natural sugar is available, such as near flowers or trees. These ants are also sometimes called sugar ants.
Honey ants are a type of ants that produce and store honey. They are found in desert regions and are a vital food source for many animals.
Honey ants have a special relationship with a specific type of beetle, which feeds on the honey that the ants produce.
Honey ants are a type of ant known for their love of sweet things.
They commonly build their nests in areas where natural sugar is available, such as near flowers or trees.
These ants are also sometimes called sugar ants. Honey ants are a type of ant known for their love of sweet things.
They commonly build their nests where natural sugar is available, such as near flowers or trees.
These types of ants in Washington state are also sometimes called sugar ants. Honey ants are a type of ant known for their love of sweet things.
They commonly build their nests where natural sugar is available, such as near flowers or trees. These ants are also sometimes called sugar ants.
4. Common Red Ant
Many types of ants exist, but the common red ant is one of the most well-known.
These ants are small, red, and have a very distinctive appearance.
They are often seen in homes and gardens and can be a nuisance if they get into food or other areas that are not welcome.
Common red ants are not considered dangerous, but they can bite if they feel threatened.
These ants are small, red, and have a very distinctive appearance.
They are often seen in homes and gardens and can be a nuisance if they get into food or other areas that are not welcome.
Common red ants are not considered dangerous, but they can bite if they feel threatened. They are small, red insects that live in colonies.
These insects are very important to the environment because they help to break down organic matter and recycle nutrients.
They are also a good food source for other animals.
5. Robust Crazy Ant
Robust Crazy Ants are a type of ant known for their aggressive and territorial nature.
They are typically found in tropical and subtropical areas and are known to destroy crops and disrupt other local ecosystems.
In recent years, they have become a nuisance in parts of the United States, where they have been known to invade homes and other structures in search of food.
While they are not considered to be a major threat to human health, they can be a nuisance and cause property damage.
Robust Crazy Ants are a type of ant known for their aggressive and territorial nature.
They are typically found in tropical and subtropical areas and are known to destroy crops and disrupt other local ecosystems.
In recent years, these ants in Washington state have become a nuisance in parts of the United States, where they have been known to invade homes and other structures in search of food.
While they are not considered a major threat to human health, they can be a nuisance and cause property damage.
6. Big-headed Ant

Big-headed ants are a type of ants that are characterized by their large heads.
These ants are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions, and their large heads help them better withstand the heat and humidity of these climates.
Big-headed ants are also known for their large mandibles, which they use to climb trees and other structures.
These ants are usually found in tropical areas and are known for their ability to bite.
Big-headed ants are considered to be a nuisance by many people, and they are often killed when they are found in homes.
7. Red Harvester Ant

Red harvester ants are a type of ants that are known for their aggression and their red color.
They are native to the United States and can be found in many habitats.
These ants can reach up to 1.5 inches in length and weigh up to 5 grams.
The red harvester ant is a very important part of the ecosystem and plays a role in many food chains.
Red harvester ants are a type of ant found in the southern United States.
These ants in Washington state are known for their red color and ability to harvest seeds.
The red harvester ant is an important part of the ecosystem because it helps to disperse seeds and control the populations of other insects.
8. Amazon Ant
Amazon ants are a type of ants native to the Amazon rainforest. They are known for their uniquely close-knit societies, where each ant has a specific role.
Amazon ants are also known for their hunting skills; they can take down prey much larger than themselves.
These types of ants in Washington state are very small, but they can pack a powerful punch.
They are often seen attacking other insects and will even attack larger animals if they feel threatened.
9. Ponerine Ant

Ponerine ants are a large and diverse group of ants, with over 5,000 species in over 500 genera.
They are found in nearly every habitat on Earth, from tropical rainforests to arctic tundra.
Ponerine ants are important members of many ecosystems as predators and prey. Ponerine ants get their name from the Greek word for “thief.
This is because many species of ponerine ants are known for their ability to steal food and other resources from other ants.
These ants in Washington state are also known for their aggressive behavior; many species will attack and kill other ants.
Ponerine ants are a type of tropical ant belonging to the family Poneridae. They are characterized by their small size, dark coloration, and short, square-shaped bodies.
Ponerine ants are found in various habitats, including rainforests, grasslands, and urban areas.
These ants are scavengers and predators and play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling populations of other insects.
10. False Honey Pot Ant
Washington state has many types of ants, and the false honeypot ant is just one of them.
These ants get their name from their tendency to collect honeydew, a sticky substance secreted by aphids and other insects.
While they do not produce honey, they are often mistaken for bees because of their collection behavior.
False honeypot ants are native to Africa and typically nest in trees or other vegetation.
These ants are also known for their large size, with some workers measuring up to 2.5cm long.
They are usually black or dark brown and have smooth and shiny exoskeleton.
While they are not considered a major pest, false honeypot ants are a type of ant known to store honey in their bodies.
These ants are typically small in size and dark in color. They are native to the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia.
11. Fire Ant

There are more than 12,000 species of ants worldwide, and one particularly well-known type is the fire ant.
Fire ants are a type of stinging ant that is native to South America but which has now made its way to other parts of the world, including the United States.
Fire ants are characterized by their red and black coloration and their aggressive behavior.
Fire ants are known to sting humans and animals, and their venom can cause both pain and swelling.
In some cases, fire ant stings can even be fatal. Fire ants are a type of ants that are native to South America.
These types of ants in Washington state are known for their aggressive behavior and their painful sting.
Fire ants typically build their nests in the ground but can also build them in trees or other structures.
12. Cryptic Leaf-litter Ant
Washington State has many types of ants, but one of the most interesting is the cryptic leaf-litter ant.
As its name suggests, this type of ant is very good at hiding in leaf litter and other debris on the ground. This makes them difficult to find and study.
Cryptic leaf-litter ants are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
They are often found in rainforests, where they play an important role in decomposing plant matter.
Cryptic leaf-litter ants are small, dark-colored ants that can be very difficult to see.
While they are not the only type of ant that lives in leaf litter, they are among the most secretive and difficult to study.
Cryptic leaf-litter ants are very good at camouflage. They are often found in leaf litter and use their camouflage to hide from predators and ambush prey.
These ants are very small, and they have a very sharp stinger. They are also very venomous, and their venom can be very dangerous to humans.
13. Vampire Ant

Vampire ants are a type of ants that feed on the blood of other creatures. They are found in tropical regions and are known to be very aggressive.
Vampire ants are small, black, and have long fangs that they use to puncture the skin of their victims.
They are typically found in the rainforests of South America, where they prey on birds, reptiles, and small mammals.
Vampire ants are types of ants in Washington state that are known for their blood-sucking habits.
These ants will enter homes and sting people to feed on their blood.
Vampire ants are native to tropical regions and often found in South America’s rainforests.
14. Odorous House Ant

The odorous house ant, also known as the sugar ant, is a type of ant that is commonly found in homes.
These ants are attracted to sweets and other high-sugar foods, which is why they are often found in kitchens and pantries.
Though they are not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance due to their tendency to invade homes in search of food.
The odorous house ant (Tapinoma sessile) is an ant commonly found in households.
As its name suggests, this ant produces a strong, unpleasant odor.
It is a small ant, typically brown or black, and is a nuisance pest due to its tendency to invade homes in search of food.
Although not considered a health risk, odorous house ants can be a nuisance because of their persistent foraging and unpleasant odor.
15. Funnel Ant

Funnel ants are one of the most common types of ants in Washington state. They are small, black ants with distinctive, funnel-shaped heads.
Funnel ants live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals and build nests in the soil.
They feed on other insects and plant material, often found near decaying wood or the roots of plants.
16. Rover Ant
Rover ants are another type of ant found in Washington. They are small, brown ants that live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals.
Rover ants build their nests in the soil and feed on other insects and plant material. They are often found near decaying wood or near the roots of plants.
17. Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants are a type of ant in Washington state that is known for its ability to build nests in wood.
They are large, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Carpenter ants feed on other insects and plant material, often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.
They are considered to be one of the most damaging pests in Washington, as they can cause significant damage to trees, buildings, and other structures.
18. High Noon Ant

High noon ants are one of the most distinctive ants in Washington state. They are large, black ants with red heads and legs.
High noon ants live in colonies of several hundred individuals and build nests in the ground.
They feed on other insects and plant material, often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.
19. Wood Ant

Wood ants are another type of ant found in Washington. They are large, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Wood ants build their nests in the soil and feed on other insects and plant material. They are often found near decaying wood or near the roots of trees.
20. Shampoo Ant
Shampoo ants are one of the types of ants in Washington state. They are small, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Shampoo ants live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals and build nests in the soil.
They feed on other insects and plant material, and they are often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.
21. Roger’s Ant
Roger’s ant is another type of ant found in Washington. They are small, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Roger’s ants live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals and build their nests in the soil.
They feed on other insects and plant material, and they are often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.
22. Black Garden Ant

Black garden ants are also among the types of ants in Washington state. They are small, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Black garden ants live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals and build their nests in the soil.
They feed on other insects and plant material, and they are often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.
23. Linepithema

Linepithema is a type of ant found in Washington. They are small, black ants with long antennae and long legs.
Linepithema ants live in colonies of up to several hundred individuals and build their nests in the soil.
They feed on other insects and plant material, and they are often found near decaying wood or the roots of trees.