Are you a cat lover? If yes, then you sure will find this unique species of cat interesting.
Let’s meet the beautiful and elegant Sphynx cat breed.
The Sphynx cat is named after the famous Egyptian Sphynx, a mythological creature with the head of a human being and the body of a lion.
You might be wondering why this cat was named after the mythical Egyptian creature, but once you see this adorable feline guy and learn about them, you’ll understand better and fall helplessly in love with them.
Despite these cats’ sophistication, the Sphynx is exciting, goofy, and playful. If you are a dog lover, having this cat will be fun because they sometimes act like dogs, meaning it’s a two-in-one package for you.
Sphynx cats are easily among the most loyal and comfortable cats to love. They get easily attached to their humans and are often seen following them everywhere and always trying to snuggle up with them while engaging in tail wagging, which is supposed to be a dog thing.
People think Sphynx cats are weird-looking because they stand out with their hair or fur-free bodies, which is uncommon among mammals. Because of their hair-free body, these felines love to sprawl and sleep out in sunspots to get warmth anytime possible.
When it comes to cuddling, these pets are beautiful cuddle buddies because they always find a way to sneak into the covers with their owners to benefit from the body’s warmth.
Even though this hairless feline would rather have you cuddle and snuggle them, Sphynx is a natural athlete and playful cat.
If you have other pets, you do not have to worry about how a Sphynx would cope with them because these felines make friends easily and have been caught snuggling and cozying up with pet dogs on various occasions.
An overview of the Sphynx cat breed
- Size: They can be of different sizes, but they are not small pets
- Weight: Sphynx usually weigh between 6 to 12 pounds
- Height: These pets can be a little tall, getting as tall as 17 to 20 inches
- Coat and color: The skin color and the patterns vary from Sphynx to Sphynx
- Life expectancy: Sphynx can live slightly longer than 9 to 15 years, but that rarely happens.
Characteristics of a Sphynx cat
Regarding being affectionate, this cat has a high level of affection. You could easily find yourself rubbing on them all day.
Friendliness could also pass for their middle names, as mingling with other pets and people has never been a problem for Sphynx because they are naturally friendly.
However, If you have kids, you might want to take the relationship between them and your cat a little slow as a Sphynx kid-friendliness level is medium.
Unlike other cats that need a lot of exercise, the Sphynx cat has a shallow need for running around and exercising.
These felines are super playful because they have so much energy to burn for fun and are highly trainable compared to other stubborn cat species.
Regarding intelligence, the Sphynx cats are geniuses with a very high tenancy to vocalize. They also have many social needs, making caring for them and having them around more manageable.
History of the Sphynx cat breed

The Sphynx is not the first hairless cat bred; hairless cats were produced by the Aztecs many hundred years ago.
The Sphynx cats that we have around these days were bred originally in Canada, and they originated from a spontaneous genetic mutation that led to hairlessness.
Some breeders were interested in these hairless cats and decided to breed males and females who would birth only hairless offspring.
The breeding of these cats got to America, and some breeders fell in love with these hairless felines and began to create cats with these hairless genes. That increased the population of Sphynx cats, spreading to other countries worldwide.
The Sphynx breed of cats is recognized by the Cat Fancier Association, the International Cat Association, and many other independent cat clubs in Europe. However, their standard for recognizing these breeds slightly differ.
However, some pure breed genuine registries have refused to recognize this cat because its hairless nature is an abnormal genetic mutation that could harm individual cat health and longevity.
The Sphynx cat species has gained popularity in North America and Western Europe.
Taking care of a Sphynx cat
Although the Sphynx cats are active support kitties, their exercise needs are meager. These felines are great and eager to entertain themselves for hours.
These cats love to jump play and can even be trained to play fetch. Because they are smart and friendly, Sphynx cats respond very well to positive reinforcement training.
Even though these felines are hairless, grooming remains essential to caring for them. Because they do not have furs that will absorb their body oils, their skin must be groomed regularly to balance the body oils.
This is important if you want to avoid having oil stains on your furniture. The aunt also wants to prevent skin infections for your cat.
To help control these oils and remove oil build-ups, you must bathe your cat at least once weekly. When washing them, never forget to scrub in between their many wrinkles.
Many people believe these cats are hypoallergenic, but that is far from the fact. They may appear hairless, but Sphynx cats are covered in a suede-like coating. However, they are the best bet for a car lover who is only allergic to pets with fur or animal hair aunt, not oil or dander.
Common health problems of Sphynx
Like other pets, always ask your breeder for a medical history for your Sphynx before you take it home. When Sphynx cats are responsibly bred, they have a healthy look.
However, there is a prevalent heart disease known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that these cats are vulnerable to. And nobody can guarantee that their feline won’t have the disease, not even the cat breeder. But we are lucky that this condition is tested rarely.
Because Sphynx is hairless, they can easily get sunburns as there is nothing to shield their skin from the UV rays. For this reason, it is best to keep your Sphynx cat indoors or monitor it carefully when it’s outside.
Sphynx cats are at risk of many health problems, including gum health problems, so you need to have their teeth brushed regularly and bathe them to help prevent most of these conditions.
Sphynx can get bored when they do not have playmates, so if you are away from your home most of the day, you must consider getting two Sphynx or some other pets to be confident that they are having fun in your absence.
Diet and nutrition of Sphynx cats
Sphynx cats are foodies, and their potbellies are evidence of that. They’ll feed on anything you give them. But that doesn’t mean you should not pay attention to their nutrition.
Sphynx cats have a sensitive digestive system and a fast metabolism, so feeding them small servings at different times of the day is perfectly healthy. Another benefit of these small servings is that it keeps them interested in their food throughout the day.
Dry cat food helps to clean your cat’s teeth and protect their gum, but make sure you provide your pet with plenty of drinking water after every meal so it doesn’t suffer from dehydration.
Cats are great for your mental health, and getting a Sphynx cat is one sure way to relieve stress, so why not get one today?