Rats love to chew, and wood furniture is perfect for them.
Unfortunately, many kinds of wood are toxic to rats and will cause serious health problems if ingested by your pet rat.
Luckily, many safe alternatives will give your rat hours of enjoyment without the threat of poison!
Read on to find out the 20 best safe woods for rats.
1. Apple

Apples are safe for rats to eat and contain vitamins and minerals. Apples also contain pectin, which can help rats digest.
Apple seeds contain cyanide, so removing them before feeding apples to your rat is crucial.
Apples should be given to rats in moderation, as they are high in sugar. The safest way to feed an apple to a rat is to slice the apple into small pieces.
After this, place the pieces on the food dish or in the cage.
However, if you have an extra large mouse, you may consider giving it whole apples occasionally.
2. Pear

Pear is safe for rats because it’s soft and not splintery. Plus, it’s easy to find at most pet stores.
Your rat will love chewing on this fruit-scented wood, and you’ll love watching her play.
Inspect the wood for any sharp edges before giving it to your pet. The edges of the pear can chip easily if they’re rough.
However, if you have one that has an uneven edge, file it down with sandpaper or use another method.
Some other safe woods for rats include bamboo (similar to pear), cedar (powerful smell), and pine (pine isn’t as soft as the others).
3. Willow

Willow is one of the best safe woods for rats because it’s soft, easy to chew, and full of moisture.
Your rat will love chewing on willow, and you’ll love knowing it’s a safe wood for rats to gnaw on.
Be sure to get a fresh piece of willow from your local pet store or online retailer, as older pieces may have been treated with harmful chemicals to rats.
One tree usually produces enough wood for two large cages in one year.
4. Hawthorn

The hawthorn is one of the best safe woods for rats, as it is not treated with chemicals or other toxins.
This makes it an ideal material for building nests and climbing. Additionally, the thorns on the hawthorn can provide your rat with some much-needed exercise!
It’s important to know that you should never buy branches from the ground because they could be infested with parasites.
Trimming spiky branches before giving them to your pet rat would be best.
Finally, if you live where wildfires are common during summertime, consider planting hawthorn trees around your home.
These will provide your rats with plenty of protection from heat and flames.
5. Bamboo

Bamboo is excellent and among the safe woods for rats to chew on and play with.
It’s strong, durable, and safe for them to gnaw on. Plus, it’s eco-friendly and sustainable.
Bamboo is an excellent choice for those seeking an alternative to traditional wooden rat toys and accessories.
You can find bamboo in different shapes and sizes; some are round, while others are tube-shaped.
These items make an excellent addition to your pet rat’s cage or habitat.
But don’t forget the basics: bedding, food dish, water bottle, toy basket, hammock, and new bedding every week.
They’ll thank you for being healthy and happy pets!
6. Hazel

Hazel is a deciduous shrub native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa.
It can grow up to six feet tall and has oval-shaped leaves; the bark is smooth and brown, with edible nuts.
Hazel is one of the best safe woods for rats because it is not toxic and is a good food source.
The most dangerous thing about hazel is its kernels; they can become exposed and poisonous if eaten.
7. Birch

Birch is one of the suitable types of safe wood for rats because it is lightweight and has a smooth surface.
Birch is a non-toxic wood that won’t harm your rat if they chew on it.
Some other safe woods for rats include ash, chestnut, cherry, elm, fir, holly, maple, oak, pine, poplar, spruce, and willow.
Use caution when handling wood since it can splinter, crumble, and become sharp.
Before offering these materials to your pet rat, scrutinize them to ensure no loose pieces or jagged edges.
Even though these are safe woods for rats to play with, please don’t use them as permanent bedding or cage material.
Some species may ingest small pieces while playing or chewing in their cage.
This can cause health problems like intestinal blockage or gastrointestinal upset.
8. Beech

Beech is one of the different types of safe woods for rats, as it’s both safe and strong.
Your rat can chew on beech wood without any worries about its safety. Additionally, beech is a tough wood that will last long against wear and tear.
It’s a beautiful wood that can add class to your rat’s home. The only downside to this particular material is its low resistance to decay.
This implies that the shelf life of your rat house made from beech will not be super high.
If you want something with a little more longevity, you might want to try one of the other woods listed here.
9. Maple

There are many maple trees, and their wood is just as varied.
Maples are generally hardwood, which means they’re denser and more durable than softwoods.
But that doesn’t mean they’re all created equal.
Some maples, like the sugar maple, are much harder than others, like the red maple. All maples make good choices and are safe woods for rats.
Red maple, sugar maple, and silver maple are among those varieties. They’re about as complex and sturdy as a safe wood for rats.
Sugar maple is more popular than red or silver, so you might have some easy access to it.
Pick another hardwood, such as beech, if you can’t find one of these maples.
10. Ash

Ash is a white to pale-brown wood with a straight grain. It’s easy to work with and takes stains and paints well, making it a popular choice for everything.
Ash is also one of the most rot-resistant woods, making it ideal for outdoor projects.
Regarding safety, ash is a good choice and a safe wood for rats as it contains no harmful chemicals.
However, it’s not toxic in small doses when more significant pieces are ingested, but it can cause stomach irritation or obstruction.
11. Alder (not red)

Alder is a hardwood known for being lightweight and resistant to rot. It’s also a popular choice for making furniture and cabinets.
Regarding rats, alder is one of the best safe woods for rats since it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals or toxins.
Rats love to gnaw on wood, so alder is a great way to keep them entertained.
The downside? Unlike cedar, you’ll need to replace your alder every three years because of its porous surface.
12. Magnolia

The beautiful Magnolia is one of the best safe woods on our list for rats.
This hardwood is found in North America and typically has a red-brown hue.
Its hardness makes it difficult for rats to chew through, and its unique smell will keep them away.
Additionally, this tree is known to be resistant to rot and pests, making it an excellent choice for your rat’s home.
13. Mulberry

The mulberry tree is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to the world’s warm temperate and subtropical regions.
Mulberry is one of the different safe woods for rats; it is easy to find and has a lot of leaves for consumption.
Mulberry leaves are also high in nutrients, which is good for your rat’s health.
However, mulberry trees can poison rats if they eat the bark or roots; they should only get the leaves.
15. Sycamore

The sycamore is a deciduous tree that grows up to 130 feet tall.
It has large, broad leaves and produces a fruit that looks like a small, green tomato. The wood is light brown with a yellowish tinge.
It’s easy to work with and takes nails and screws well.
Plus, it’s rot-resistant, making it an excellent choice, and it is a safe wood for rats who like to gnaw on things.
16. Rosehip

A rosehip is an excellent option when finding the best safe woods for rats.
This wood is durable and soft, making it perfect for your pet rat to chew on.
Plus, it’s gentle on their teeth and gums. Rosehip is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help keep your rat healthy.
17. Kiln-dried Pine
Kiln-dried pine is another favorite choice among rat owners because it’s softer than other types of wood but still very durable.
It is a great choice and a safe wood for rats.
18. Bhola
There are a few reasons why Bhola wood is one of the best safe woods for rats.
Firstly, it’s a very hardy wood that won’t splinter easily, meaning your rats’ delicate feet are less likely to be hurt.
Secondly, the smooth surface is accessible on their coats and won’t snag or pull. Finally, it’s a beautiful wood that will look great in your home.
However, it has some drawbacks, such as its difficulty. It’s uncomfortable for them to gnaw on and may not provide enough tooth wear for dental health.
Be sure to watch for any chips in the wood as well – these could pose a choking hazard.
19. Grapevine

Many pet stores sell grapevines as safe woods for rats. They’re a great source of natural chewing fun for your rat and help keep their teeth healthy.
Plus, they’re easy to find and usually very affordable.
One thing you’ll want to look out for is that the vines aren’t dried out because they can be dusty.
If you choose this wood, ensure it’s not treated with pesticides or chemicals before giving it to your rat!