5 Different Types of Cockroaches in Massachusetts

Different Types of Cockroaches in MassachusettsPin
Photo by Erik Karits

You might be curious to see how many different types of cockroaches in Massachusetts exist! But unfortunately, even though they are widespread, nocturnal insects might be difficult to locate.

Cockroaches can detect night vibrations even though they spend the day hiding from us. So they swiftly flee to avoid coming in contact with humans.

Cockroaches can have up to 11-inch second speeds in their sprints. That is the equivalent of a person running 148 kilometers per hour!

It’s also important to know that just because you can’t see cockroaches in your house does not mean there aren’t any. Some types of cockroaches can go up to a month without eating!

One piece of advice to always keep in mind is that if you spot a cockroach during the day, you should assume that there are more that you don’t see and that you may have an infestation.

Therefore, if you need assistance, please call a pest control service.

Different Types of Cockroaches in Massachusetts

1. Brown-Banded Cockroach

The smallest species of Cockroach found in Massachusetts is called the Brown-banded Cockroach. It’s interesting to note that this kind of Cockroach doesn’t require as much moisture as the others.

This information indicates they can live in areas of your home that other cockroaches would never dare to go to.

It is common practice to look for them in places like appliances and cupboards, but they could lurk in any part of your house, including the living room or the bedroom.

Because these different types of cockroaches in Massachusetts avoid light, you won’t typically find these cockroaches during the day. So consider them to be small gremlins if you will.

The Brown-banded Cockroach will consume almost anything, including food, sewage, boxes, curtains, books, and wallpapers.

It will devour almost anything. In other words, they exist almost entirely on seafood; they consume anything they can get their hands on.

Unfortunately, because they harbor bacteria and can transfer infections, these insects can present humans with various problems.

Characteristics That Help to Recognize It:

  • Tan to light brown, with two bands of a lighter shade running across the wings and the abdomen (which makes them look broken.)
  • The abdomen is covered by the male’s relatively thin and long wings.
  • Females’ darker coloring, shorter wings, and wider abdomens separate them from males.
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2. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

You can find this species of Cockroaches in wooded areas, on tree trunks, and in the lower branches of oak and elm trees after dusk. In addition to this, you can find them in stacked timber, tree stumps, and hollow trees.

The primary way the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach makes its way into your home is by hitchhiking inside the firewood you bring into your house.

Cockroaches of this species, fortunately, do not get along well with the different types of cockroaches in Massachusetts. As a result, they are clean, and eating them will not often cause you to become unwell.

The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach prefers it when the temperature is colder. In addition, this species can only survive indoors for a few weeks since it is too dry, and they like to consume decaying organic stuff such as compost, dead plants, or manure.

Therefore, in my opinion, this kind of Cockroach spends its entire life outside because it is natural due to environmental factors.

Characteristics That Help to Recognize It:

  • Males are dark brown, and the sides of the thorax (the region between the head and the abdomen) and the front part of the wings have a yellowish tint. The wings have reached full maturity and are significantly longer than the abdomen.
  • The females’ wings are quite short, serve little purpose, and have a dark brown color.
  • The Pennsylvanian Cockroach is another name for this species.

3. German Cockroach

Cockroaches are a severe problem throughout the year in the state of Massachusetts. The name “German Cockroach” would lead you to believe that this pest hails from Germany, but it came to this region from Southeast China.

The fact that these cockroaches cannot tolerate the cold is most likely because they originated in warmer climes.

The German Cockroach only comes out at night to look for food and water, and it will run away as rapidly as possible if a light is turned on or disturbed.

They feed on both plant matter and dead animals. Therefore, meats, carbohydrates, sugars, and fatty foods pique this particular Cockroach’s interest.

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Unfortunately, if they can’t locate any food, they could eat other things around the house, like toothpaste, glue, or soap. So, they will break into homes, flats, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments.

This species of Cockroach stays hidden and occupies tight spaces during the day, such as around refrigerators, stoves, sinks, and walls. Therefore, it is difficult to tell if you have a problem with cockroaches.

If you have cockroaches and you ever see a German cockroach during the day, this could be a sign that you have a serious infestation.

Characteristics That Help to Recognize It:

  • Tan or light brown males have two dark lines running down the back of their heads.
  • The underside of the abdomen is yellowish and tapers down to a narrow point.
  • The females are a darker brown, and their bellies are wider than the males.

4. American Cockroach

The body size of the American Cockroach is among the largest of any other types of cockroaches in Massachusetts.

Additionally, it has a nature for being one of the insects that can run the fastest. But, surprisingly, they don’t have very good flying abilities.

It may be hard to accept, but the American Cockroach is native to parts of Africa and the Middle East. These cockroaches arrived on ships in North America many decades ago.

Adults are active throughout the year in damp and warm environments, like your home, where they can find food and water.

These cockroaches are susceptible to infestation by most business establishments, such as restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, warehouses, and shipyards.

But unfortunately, the problems do not end there. In addition, people can see them in foundation cracks, crawl spaces, and basements.

These cockroaches will devour almost everything you put in front of them. Beer, leather, hair, flakes of dried skin, fermenting foods, starch from book bindings, and dead animals.

This includes other cockroaches, some things that this type of Cockroach will eat. They will consume practically everything that they step on.

If there is a large population of American Cockroaches, you can detect a distinct stench in the area. In addition, the odorous secretions that these insects produce can change the food flavor.

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This Cockroach can also pick up bacteria that cause sickness, such as salmonella, on its legs and then deposit them on other foods it walks on.

This can lead to illness from contaminated food or viruses. In addition, persons who are allergic to dust mites or asthmatic may have symptoms of both conditions if the dust in their homes contains cockroach droppings or body pieces.

Characteristics That Help to Recognize It:

  • Wings are glossy and reddish-brown, and a neck that is lighter overall but has two darker patches in the middle.
  • Males have wings that extend beyond their abdomens, whereas females’ wings are shorter.
  • Additionally, it is known as the Kakerlac, the Bombay Canary, and the Ship cockroach.

5. Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroaches are similar to Waterbugs because they prefer damp and dark environments. They are lethargic, incapable of flight, and have limited climbing abilities.

This species can frequently be discovered in wet environments such as sewers, drains, damp basements, porches, and other areas.

When found outside, they are frequently tucked away in woodpiles, bushes, leaf litter, and mulch. They feed on decomposing plants, human and animal trash, and starchy food remnants.

The Oriental Cockroach is common among the different types of cockroaches in Massachusetts and is a troublesome intruder in homes.

This particular species has a pungent odor and is one of the dirtiest cockroaches in Massachusetts.

Bacteria and viruses can transfer from the legs of an Oriental Cockroach to food, plates, utensils, and surfaces.

Salmonella, E. coli, dysentery, and other pathogens that cause food poisoning are spread by this species.

Therefore, contact a pest control service as soon as you discover them in your home.

Characteristics That Help to Recognize It:

  • Ranging from a dark reddish-brown to a nearly blackish-brown sheen.
  • The wings of males extend to three-quarters of their abdomens, whereas the wings of females are much shorter and barely present.
  • Additionally known as the Black Beetle or the Waterbug.
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