Corn is one of the planet’s most versatile and popular crops, enjoyed by humans and animals.
But did you know that there are some animals that eat corn, most especially fond of it? From birds to reptiles, corn is a favorite snack for many creatures.
In this post, we’ll explore the top animals that eat corn and why they enjoy it. So, let’s meet the “corny connoisseurs”!
However, corn is a staple crop worldwide and is enjoyed by many different species of animals.
It’s not just humans that love to munch on corn – quite a few surprising animals also love this tasty treat.
We will explore animals that enjoy snacking on corn and why they like it so much.
1. Deer

Deer are one of the most well-known animals that eat corn and are fond of corn.
These graceful creatures commonly gather in fields, and their diet often includes corn when available.
Whether it is growing in a cornfield or left out as bait for hunting, deer are not shy about helping themselves to this tasty treat.
Corn is a great source of carbohydrates for deer, which provides them with the energy they need to survive and thrive.
They especially enjoy eating the young, tender corn plants in spring and summer. However, deer will also munch on mature corn, even when dried out, and become harder to chew.
The presence of corn in a deer’s diet can be both beneficial and detrimental. While corn provides essential nutrients and energy for these animals, excessive consumption can lead to digestive issues.
If deer eat too much corn too quickly, it can cause bloating and even death in extreme cases.
Additionally, corn does not provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals that deer need, so they need to have a varied diet.
It is important to note that while deer eat corn, it is not their sole source of nutrition. Depending on the season, they consume various other plants, including grasses, leaves, fruits, and nuts.
Corn adds flavor and variety to their diet, and it is always a delight to see these majestic creatures enjoying a tasty treat in the fields.
2. Giraffes

Giraffes are known for their long necks and tall stature, but did you know that they also have a taste for corn?
These magnificent creatures, found primarily in African savannahs, are herbivores and have a varied diet that includes leaves, twigs, and fruits.
Corn, with its sweet and starchy kernels, is a favorite among giraffes and provides them with a good energy source.
While giraffes primarily feed on vegetation that grows on trees and shrubs, they have been known to venture into agricultural fields and feast on crops, including corn.
Their long tongues and strong jaws make it easy for them to strip the corn cobs and consume the kernels.
Farmers sometimes have to take measures to protect their corn crops from giraffes, as these gentle giants can cause significant damage to the plants.
Interestingly, the digestive system of giraffes is specifically adapted to break down and process plant material efficiently.
Their unique four-chambered stomach helps them extract maximum nutrients from their food.
When giraffes eat corn, the kernels are broken down in their stomachs, and the nutrients are absorbed into their bloodstream to nourish their bodies.
So, the next time you enjoy a delicious corn-on-the-cob, remember you have something in common with these magnificent creatures.
Giraffes may not be the first animals that come to mind when you think of corn-eaters, but they are one of the animals that eat corn.
Still, their affinity for this versatile crop is just one of the many fascinating aspects of their dietary habits.
3. Songbirds

When it comes to animals that eat corn, we often think of larger animals like deer and giraffes.
However, you might be surprised to learn that songbirds also have a taste for this delicious grain.
Songbirds, known for their melodious voices and vibrant feathers, are diverse birds, including finches, sparrows, and warblers.
While their diet primarily consists of insects and seeds, many songbirds are not opposed to snacking on corn.
Corn provides an excellent source of carbohydrates, which is important for providing songbirds with the energy they need to fuel their flights and maintain their active lifestyles.
Additionally, the soft texture of corn makes it easier for them to digest than other types of seeds.
You may be lucky enough to spot songbirds feasting on corn in your backyard or local fields.
They can often be seen perched on corn stalks, pecking the kernels with their beaks. It’s truly a sight to behold as these tiny birds enjoy their unexpected treat.
However, it’s important to note that while corn can be a part of a songbird’s diet, it should not be their main source of nutrition.
A well-balanced diet of various seeds, insects, fruits, and berries is essential for overall health and well-being.
So, the next time you’re out in nature, keep an eye out for these surprising corn-loving songbirds.
It’s a delightful reminder of how diverse and adaptable our feathered friends can be when finding food.
4. Crows

Crows may not be the first animals that come to mind when you think of corn eaters, but they are quite one of the animals that eat corn.
These intelligent birds have a varied diet, and corn is just one of the many foods they enjoy.
Crows are known for their scavenging habits and are often seen rummaging through garbage bins or feasting on roadkill.
But they also have a penchant for corn, both in its fresh form and as a dried crop.
Corn is rich in carbohydrates and provides crows with an abundant source of energy.
They are especially attracted to cornfields during harvest when the ears are fully mature and ready for consumption.
Crows are not picky eaters when it comes to corn. They will gladly consume sweet corn, commonly grown for human consumption, and field corn, primarily used for livestock feed.
The crows’ strong beaks are designed to crack open corn kernels and access the tasty insides.
Farmers sometimes view crows as pests due to their affinity for corn crops. These birds can cause significant damage by pecking the corn cobs, reducing the harvest yield.
Farmers often employ various methods to protect their crops, such as scarecrows or loud noises, to deter crows from feasting on their precious corn.
While crows may not be the only animals munching on corn, their presence in cornfields adds to the diverse range of creatures that benefit from this versatile grain.
So, the next time you spot a crow in a cornfield, remember that they, too, enjoy a delicious corn feast.
5. Sheep

Sheep may not be the first animals that come to mind when thinking about animals that eat corn, but these fluffy creatures enjoy indulging in this grain as a treat.
While they primarily feed on grass and hay, offering them corn as an occasional snack can be a delightful surprise.
Corn provides essential nutrients, energy, and variety in their diet.
However, it’s important to remember that corn should only be given in moderation, as an excess can lead to digestive issues in sheep.
So, next time you have some leftover corn, consider sharing it with these woolly friends.
6. Duck

One reason ducks love corn is that it is high in calories and provides them with the energy they need for their active lifestyles.
Corn is also easily digestible for ducks, making it a perfect food source.
In the wild, ducks will forage for corn in agricultural fields or near bird feeders. They are skilled at picking the kernels off the cob with their bill, savoring each bite.
Some duck species, such as Mallards, have even been known to swim in corn fields, using their bill to pluck the corn from the stalks.
Corn is often included as part of the balanced diet of ducks in captivity.
Many duck owners feed their feathered friends a combination of grains, seeds, vegetables, and insects, with corn being an essential component.
It’s important to note that while ducks enjoy eating corn, it should only be provided in moderation.
Corn lacks some essential nutrients that ducks need, so it should be supplemented with other foods to meet their nutritional needs.
So, the next time you spot a duck waddling through a field or swimming gracefully in a pond, remember that behind that quack lies a love for corn that might surprise you.
Ducks may not be the first animals that come to mind when thinking about corn-eaters, but these water-loving creatures have a surprising affinity for this golden grain.
Whether they find it in a farmer’s field or as part of their diet in captivity, ducks have no hesitation in munching on corn.
7. Beetles
Beetles are often associated with being garden pests or nuisances, but did you know some beetle species taste corn?
These small insects might not seem like formidable corn eaters, but they can cause significant damage to crops if their populations are not managed properly.
One species of beetle known for its affinity for corn is the corn rootworm beetle.
These beetles, which are about half an inch long and have yellowish-green bodies, feed on the roots of corn plants.
This can lead to stunted growth, reduced yield, and in severe cases, plant death.
Another corn-loving beetle is the western corn rootworm beetle. This species is similar in appearance to the corn rootworm beetle but has a darker coloration and is slightly smaller.
Like its cousin, the western corn rootworm beetle also feeds on the roots of corn plants, causing similar damage.
While beetles might not be the first animals that come to mind when considering animals that eat corn, their impact on crops should not be underestimated.
Farmers and gardeners must monitor and manage beetle populations to protect their corn crops.
This can include using insecticides, crop rotation, and other integrated pest management techniques.
So the next time you see a beetle crawling around your garden or near a cornfield, remember that it might have a taste for corn.
While these insects might not be as cute or iconic as other animals on this list, their impact on the corn industry cannot be ignored.
8. Mice

Mice are often considered small rodents that scurry around in search of crumbs and bits of food.
But did you know these tiny creatures have a special fondness for corn? Yes, mice are known to be among the animals that eat corn to enjoy nibbling on this delicious golden grain.
Mice are natural foragers, constantly seeking out food sources to sustain themselves. While they typically prefer seeds and grains, corn holds a special allure.
The soft, starchy kernels are a delectable treat that mice can’t resist.
In fact, corn is a common staple in many mice’s diets, especially those kept as pets.
Its high carbohydrate content provides mice with the energy they need to stay active and thrive.
Mice enjoy not just the corn kernels; if given the opportunity, they will also nibble on the husks and even the leaves of corn plants.
However, it’s important to note that while mice may enjoy corn, it should be given to them in moderation.
Corn is high in calories and can lead to obesity in mice if overconsumed.
It’s best to offer corn as a treat or supplement to their pellets or fresh vegetable diet.
So, the next time you spot a mouse scurrying through your garden or nibbling on some leftover corn kernels, remember that these little creatures have a true affinity for this golden grain.
It’s another fascinating example of the diverse range of animals that find corn irresistible.
9. Voles

Voles are small, mouse-like rodents known for their voracious appetites. Surprisingly, they have a particular fondness for corn.
Despite their tiny size, voles can quickly wreak havoc on corn crops, chomping through stalks and devouring the delicious kernels.
Their sharp incisor teeth are perfect for breaking into the protective husk and enjoying the sweet taste of corn.
Farmers often have to implement various measures to keep voles away from their corn fields, as these creatures can cause significant damage to the crop.
So, the next time you enjoy a bowl of corn, remember that voles might have had their fill, too!
10. Wireworms
Wireworms may not be as well-known as some other animals that eat corn on the list, but they have a voracious appetite for corn.
These tiny, worm-like creatures are the larvae of click beetles. They tunnel through the soil, seeking out the roots of corn plants to feed on.
Wireworms can cause significant damage to corn crops, and farmers often have to take measures to protect their fields from these pests.
Despite their size, wireworms can be a major threat to corn plants, so it’s important to watch for their presence.
11. Cows
Cows may seem like herbivores that primarily graze on grass but have a surprising affinity for corn.
These gentle giants have a special fondness for corn among animals that eat corn, especially when it is offered as part of their feed.
Corn provides a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients for cows.
Farmers often include corn in their cattle’s diet to promote healthy growth and milk production.
So next time you see cows happily munching away in a field, remember that they might just be enjoying some delicious corn!
12. Caterpillars
Caterpillars may not be the first animal that comes to mind when considering animals that eat corn, but these voracious larvae have a surprising appetite for this delicious grain.
Corn can be an important food source for many species of caterpillars, providing them with the necessary nutrients to grow and develop.
The corn earworm is a caterpillar that feeds on corn (Helicoverpa zea).
These caterpillars are known for their destructive feeding habits. They often tunnel into the ears of corn and cause significant damage.
Despite the damage they cause to crops, they play an important role in the ecosystem by serving as a food source for other animals, such as birds.
Another corn-loving caterpillar is the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).
These caterpillars are notorious for their ability to rapidly defoliate corn plants, leading to significant losses for farmers.
Like the corn earworm, they are an important food source for various birds and mammals.
Caterpillars generally have a unique ability to break down the tough cellulose present in corn and other plants.
They have specialized enzymes in their digestive system that allow them to digest these complex carbohydrates.
This makes corn a valuable food source, providing them with the energy they need to undergo metamorphosis and transform into beautiful butterflies or moths.
So, while you might not see caterpillars actively munching on corn in your backyard, these tiny creatures certainly appreciate the tasty treat that corn provides.
Next time you see a caterpillar, remember that even these small, seemingly insignificant creatures have a role to play in the complex web of life.
13. Iguanas
When you think of animals that eat corn, iguanas might not be the first to come to mind. However, these unique reptiles are fond of this starchy vegetable.
Native to Central and South America, iguanas have a varied diet that includes a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including corn, which is one of their favorites.
Iguanas are herbivores, meaning they primarily eat plants. In the wild, they feed on various vegetation, including leaves, flowers, and fruits.
This makes corn a tasty and nutritious addition to their diet. Iguanas have a specialized jaw structure that allows them to eat various foods, including hard-to-chew plants like corn.
While corn is not the sole component of an iguana’s diet, it does provide them with essential nutrients and energy.
It contains carbohydrates, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals that contribute to its health. Iguanas will often consume both the kernels and the leaves of the corn plant.
If you have an iguana as a pet, it’s important to offer them a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables and fruits, including corn.
However, it’s essential to remember that corn should be given in moderation and as part of a well-rounded meal plan. Too much corn can lead to weight gain and digestive issues in iguanas.
So, the next time you see an iguana munching on some corn, you’ll know that these reptiles are corny connoisseurs, savoring every delicious bite of this beloved vegetable.
14. Turkeys
Turkeys have a reputation for being among the most voracious eaters of corn. These birds have an instinct to forage for food, and corn is a particular favorite of theirs.
Turkeys are often found in areas where corn crops are plentiful, providing an abundant food source for these creatures.
What makes turkeys such corn connoisseurs is their ability to consume large quantities of grain.
They have a powerful beak that allows them to peck at the corn kernels and easily break them open.
Once they can access a cornfield, turkeys feast on the kernels until their bellies are full.
It’s not just the taste of corn that attracts turkeys; it’s also the nutritional benefits. Corn is a good source of carbohydrates, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals.
It provides turkeys the energy they need to sustain their daily activities, including flying and foraging.
In the wild, turkeys often compete with other animals, such as squirrels and raccoons, to access cornfields.
However, turkeys are not picky eaters. They will also consume other plant matter, insects, and even small animals if necessary.
So, don’t be surprised if you ever see a turkey gobbling corn in a field.
These feathered corn connoisseurs know a good meal when they see it and are not afraid to indulge in their favorite food.
15. Pigs

Pigs have long been known for their love of food, and corn is no exception, so they are one of the animals that eat corn.
These animals are not picky eaters and will happily devour any corn.
Whether fresh corn or corn-based feed, pigs have a voracious appetite for this tasty grain.
Corn provides them with the necessary energy and nutrients to grow and thrive.
No wonder pigs are often seen as the ultimate corn connoisseurs on the farm.
So, the next time you see a pig happily munching on corn, you’ll know why they’re such big fans of this delicious crop.
16. Horses

Horses are known for their love of hay and grains, but did you know that they also have a fondness for corn?
These majestic animals can be quite picky eaters, but when it comes to corn, they can’t resist its sweet and crunchy taste.
One reason horses enjoy corn is that it provides a great energy source. Corn is rich in carbohydrates, which are essential for fueling active lifestyles.
Whether galloping across a field or participating in equestrian competitions, horses need steady energy to perform at their best.
Another benefit of corn for horses is its high fiber content. Fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system in horses.
It helps to prevent digestive issues such as colic and promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
Corn fiber can also help regulate their bowel movements, keeping their gastrointestinal tract in shape.
Corn can be fed to horses in various ways. Some horse owners prefer to offer whole corn kernels as treats or mix them into their regular feed.
Others may feed horses corn-based feeds, specifically formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients for their well-being.
However, it’s important to note that corn should be fed to horses in moderation. Too much corn can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
As with any dietary changes, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to ensure your horse’s diet is properly balanced.
17. Squirrels
Squirrels are notorious for their love of corn. Whether they find it in the fields or raiding bird feeders, squirrels will go to great lengths to get their paws on this tasty treat.
Their sharp teeth and agile acrobatics make them perfect among animals that eat corn.
From nibbling on corn kernels to enjoying corn on the cob, squirrels will happily devour any form of this golden grain.
Just be careful, as their sneaky tactics can leave gardeners frustrated and bird watchers amused.
So next time you see a squirrel scurrying away with a corn cob, know they are just indulging in their corny cravings.
18. Birds

Birds are another group of animals that eat and are fond of corn. Many species of birds, such as sparrows, crows, and blackbirds, have been observed feasting on corn kernels.
They are particularly attracted to corn fields, where they can find an abundant food source.
Corn provides birds with a rich source of carbohydrates, which they need for energy.
The kernels are also a good source of protein and essential nutrients, making them a nutritious option for these feathered creatures.
Birds often peck at the corn kernels, cracking open the hard outer layer to access the starchy interior.
They have sharp beaks that easily break through the tough husk, revealing the tasty treat inside. Some birds, like pigeons, swallow the whole kernel without removing the husk.
Farmers have been known to scatter corn on the ground to attract birds, particularly during the winter when food is scarce.
This helps birds survive harsh conditions and provides farmers with natural pest control. Birds feed on insects and pests that may harm crops, making them valuable agricultural allies.
However, farmers and homeowners need to strike a balance. While birds can be beneficial, excessive corn feeding can lead to overpopulation and an imbalance in the ecosystem.
It’s essential to provide birds with a varied diet and ensure that corn is not the sole source of their nutrition.
Overall, birds are corn connoisseurs, delighting in the tasty kernels and providing a valuable ecological service.
19. Raccoons

Raccoons are notorious for their scavenging habits, and corn is one of their favorite snacks.
Whether it’s finding corn cobs left out by humans or raiding cornfields, raccoons have a keen sense of smell and can easily detect the scent of this tasty treat.
They often break into gardens or trash cans to get their paws on some corn, and their dexterity allows them to remove the husks effortlessly.
With their clever nature, raccoons have become one of the animals that eat corn in their own right.
20. Rats

Rats may be small, but they have a big appetite for corn. These sneaky critters are known to raid cornfields and even invade homes for this tasty treat.
Corn provides them a good source of carbohydrates and energy, making it a perfect meal for these little pests.
Whether they find it in the field or in your pantry, mice and rats love corn, and it’s hard to resist.
Keep your corn storage secure to avoid an unwelcome visit from these animals that eat corn.
21. Bears
Bears may seem like fierce, carnivorous creatures, but don’t be fooled by their intimidating image. These powerful mammals have a sweet spot for corn!
Whether it’s ripe and fresh off the cob or in the form of cornmeal, bears can’t resist indulging in this starchy treat.
Bears, particularly black bears, have a diverse diet that includes berries, nuts, insects, and, yes, even corn.
They have a keen sense of smell, which helps them locate cornfields and raid them for a delicious snack.
Bears have been known to venture into farm fields, causing havoc as they feast on the farmer’s crop.
Corn provides bears a good source of carbohydrates and energy, especially during the fall when preparing for hibernation.
This nutrient-rich food helps them build fat reserves to survive the long winter months.
While corn is not a staple food for bears, it is a tasty addition to their diet. So, don’t be surprised if you see a bear chowing down on corn.
This makes them one of the animals that eat corn, and they are simply enjoying a delightful treat amidst their wild adventures.
22. Cattle

When it comes to animals that love corn, it’s hard to beat cattle. These large, herbivorous animals are a common sight on farms worldwide, and corn is a staple of their diet.
Cattle are particularly fond of corn because it is high-energy and easily digestible. Corn is often included in cattle feed to help them gain weight and produce high-quality meat.
Not only do cattle enjoy eating corn, but they also benefit from it nutritionally.
Corn provides them with essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A and calcium, for their overall health and well-being.
Additionally, corn is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide the energy needed to support their daily activities and growth.
Farmers often feed cattle corn and other grains to ensure a well-rounded diet. This helps to meet their nutritional needs and promote optimal growth and development.
Corn is also commonly used as a feed supplement during winter when fresh forage is limited.
So, it’s no wonder cattle are considered the farm favorites for animals that eat corn.
From providing them with the energy they need to produce high-quality meat, corn plays a crucial role in the lives of these magnificent creatures.
23. Goats

Goats are notorious for their indiscriminate eating habits and willingness to try almost anything, including corn.
These animals have a diverse diet, and while they are primarily known for their love of browsing shrubs and trees, they also enjoy munching on corn whenever they have the opportunity.
Goats are known to be attracted to corn’s sweet and starchy taste and will eagerly consume it.
Corn provides goats with essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates and protein, for their overall health and energy levels.
However, it’s important to note that corn should be given to goats in moderation as a treat or supplement to their regular diet.
Too much corn can lead to digestive issues, including bloat or acidosis.
When feeding corn to goats, it’s best to offer it in small quantities and ensure it’s properly processed and prepared.
Some goat owners prefer to feed cracked or ground corn to make it easier for their goats to consume and digest.
Providing ample access to fresh water when feeding corn is essential, as it can dehydrate.
Overall, while goats may have a penchant for corn, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet for optimal health and well-being.
Incorporating corn as an occasional treat can add variety to their diet, but it should never be the sole source of nutrition.
24. Chickens

Chickens, those feathered creatures that have been domesticated for thousands of years, are also known to be one of the animals that eat corn.
Whether it is fresh off the cob or as a component of their feed, chickens can’t seem to resist the sweet and crunchy kernels.
Corn is a great source of energy for chickens due to its high carbohydrate content.
It provides them the necessary fuel for their active lifestyles, especially for chickens allowed to roam free and forage for food.
The bright yellow kernels are a feast for the eyes and a treat for their taste buds.
Many chicken owners incorporate corn into their flock’s diet by adding it to their regular feed or offering it as a special treat.
Corn can be cooked or left raw, and chickens will eagerly peck away at it, relishing every bite.
However, it is important to remember that corn should not be chickens’ sole source of nutrition.
It should be given in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet that includes other grains, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Too much corn can lead to weight gain and nutrient deficiencies.
So, next time you see a flock of chickens happily pecking away at a pile of corn, know they are enjoying one of their favorite snacks.
Corn may be just a tiny part of their overall diet, but it is a favorite treat among these clucky creatures.
25. Geese
Geese are known to be one of the animals that eat corn. These waterfowl have a diverse diet, including plant matter and small animals, but have a particular fondness for corn.
Geese are herbivores and are attracted to the high carbohydrate content of corn, which provides them with the energy they need for their daily activities.
They are often seen foraging in fields or near bodies of water where corn is readily available.
When geese come across a field or area with corn, they eagerly feed on the kernels.
They have strong bills that allow them to easily pick and consume corn, making it a convenient and accessible food source.
Geese are also known to be opportunistic feeders. If they find a field with ripe corn, they will take advantage of the abundance and consume as much as possible.
However, it is important to note that geese should not rely solely on corn as their diet. While corn provides them energy, it lacks some essential nutrients that geese need for optimal health.
A balanced diet for geese should include a variety of other plant matter, such as grasses, seeds, and aquatic vegetation, to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients they need to thrive.
26. Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers are one of the animals that eat corn and can pose a significant threat to corn crops.
These insects have a voracious appetite and are known for their ability to consume large quantities of plant material.
Corn is a favorite food source for grasshoppers, providing them the necessary nutrients and energy to survive and reproduce.
When grasshoppers infest corn fields, they can cause extensive damage to the crops.
They feed on the corn plants’ leaves, stems, and kernels, often leaving behind chewed and damaged foliage. This can reduce yields and lower overall crop quality.
In severe infestations, grasshoppers can completely defoliate corn plants, leaving them vulnerable to other pests and diseases.
Farmers often employ various methods to control grasshopper populations and protect their corn crops.
These methods include the use of insecticides, crop rotation, and the introduction of natural predators.
By implementing these strategies, farmers can minimize the damage caused by grasshoppers and ensure a successful corn harvest.