Mealworms are tiny insects that look like worms. They are often sold as pet food or feed for chickens, ducks, and other farm animals.
Some birds prefer them over regular food because they are easier to digest.
This is why some people ask, ‘What birds eat mealworms?’ We shall discuss that in this article.
Mealworms are good food for birds because they contain essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, amino acids, magnesium, minerals, copper, fat, and iron.
These nutrients are vital for bird health and development.
The worms are usually found in bird seed mixes, but some bird owners prefer to feed them separately.
To attract more birds to your garden, you should consider feeding them with mealworms.
What Birds Eat Mealworms?
1. Starlings

Starling birds are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, where they live in large flocks.
They are very social animals, and their nests are often found near human settlements. The starlings’ calls are loud and distinctive, forming long lines during migration.
They feed on mealworms and other invertebrates and build their nest from twigs and grasses. The male and female pair up for life.
In recent years, starlings have become a major nuisance in urban areas around the globe. Their noisy flocks cause traffic jams, damage crops, and even endanger aircraft.
However, these birds are also known for their intelligence. Researchers at Cornell University recently discovered that starlings could recognize individual humans.
This means that they can adapt their behavior depending on who they see. Starlings are brilliant animals, and they communicate using complex vocalizations.
Their calls are to warn or attract mates, coordinate activities within the flock, and establish dominance hierarchies.
2. Wrens
What birds eat mealworms? Wrens are one species of birds that feed on mealworms, insects, fruit, and berries.
They are most diverse in South America and North America and occur in different habitats, including forests and wetlands.
Wrens look similar to sparrows, but they build nests and roost together. They are brownish and have short tails and long wings.
These birds are swift fliers and spend much time soaring through the sky. Their wings beat at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.
Wrens are brilliant birds. They are famous for their ability to mimic sounds and songs, and this makes them excellent mimics.
Also, they sing beautifully and can adapt to changing environments, making them great survivors.
There are several myths surrounding wrens. Some say they are related to fairies or witches; others believe they bring good luck.
3. Dunnock

The dunnock is a common garden bird found throughout Europe. They are often seen in parks and gardens, feeding on seeds and insects.
Although they look similar to robins, dunnocks are not closely related to them. It has a distinctive black head and neck, white underparts, grey back and wings. They have a distinctive call consisting of whistles followed by a trill.
Dunnock lives in open habitats such as grassland, heathlands, meadows, and marshes.
They are social birds that often flock together and make loud calls. When they feel threatened, they run away and hide in tall vegetation.
4. Bluebirds
The bluebird is a small bird native to North America. Bluebirds live in colonies of up to 100 birds.
These birds are often seen near water bodies, ponds, and lakes. Their diet consists mainly of mealworms, insects, seeds, berries, and nectar.
The bluebird’s song is a series of three notes sung rapidly. Each note lasts about half a second. The first note is a short trill followed by a longer buzz. The third note is a long whistle.
Bluebirds are threatened by habitat loss and degradation. Habitat destruction causes them to lose their food supply and nesting sites.
These birds migrate south each year to escape harsh weather conditions. They leave their wintering grounds each spring and return to their breeding grounds.
To survive the cold winters, bluebirds need to find food and shelter.
5. Nuthatch

If you’re still wondering ‘what birds eat mealworms?’ Nuthatch is one of them. Nuthatches are birds native to North America and Europe.
They eat seeds, nuts, berries, insects, and mealworms. Nuthatches are often confused with chickadees due to similar appearances.
However, nuthatches are larger and have longer tails. Also, nuthatches climb up and down tree trunks while chickadees don’t.
These birds are active throughout the year, searching for food and building their nests.
In addition, nuthatches are nocturnal birds, meaning they are active at night. There are many predators of nuthatches, including owls, hawks, snakes, raccoons, squirrels, and foxes.
Nuthatches are brilliant birds. They build nests using twigs, grasses, moss, and other materials.
Their nest is usually lined with soft materials like moss, lichens, feathers, hair, fur, grasses, leaves, bark, and mud.
6. House Sparrows

The house sparrow is a small passerine bird native to Europe and Asia. This bird measures about 6.3 inches long and weighs between 24 and 40 g.
It is a small, stocky, brownish-grey bird with white cheeks and a rufous neck. The House Sparrow is a familiar resident of urban and suburban environments, feeding mainly on seeds and insects.
They sometimes take food from people’s hands and have been observed stealing bread crumbs off tables.
In the wild, house sparrows live in flocks nest communally in holes in trees, buildings, or human habitations.
Predators of house sparrows include cats, hawks, owls, snakes, raccoons, foxes, and weasels. These animals prey on the house sparrows because they are easier to catch than other birds.
7. Titmice

The titmouse is a small bird native to North America and a Paridae and subfamily Parinae member. Their diet consists mainly of seeds, berries, insects, and spiders.
A titmouse’s nest is a cup-shaped structure of twigs, grasses, moss, and hair.
Nests are often placed high in trees, although you can find them anywhere with sufficient cover.
The titmouse makes various sounds, including chirping, whistling, trilling, and twittering. These calls attract mates, warn of danger, and communicate information.
Titmice live in deciduous forests, woodlands, prairies, savannas, shrublands, deserts, and urban environments.
They prefer open habitats with plenty of food and nesting sites. In the springtime, they move southward to warmer climates.
8. Thrush

Thrushes are native to Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa and have been introduced to Australia and New Zealand.
There are about 174 species of thrushes worldwide, including the wood thrush, fruit hunter, Cuban solitaire, and grandala.
Thrushes are birds with long, thin bills, short legs, and blackish-gray bodies. They are famous for their song, consisting of two repeated notes.
Thrushes are often seen around water, where they eat insects and worms. They can eat plants and can cause damage if not controlled.
If you notice thorns on your buds, they may be caused by thrushes. Using bird netting around your plants, you can prevent these birds or use sticky tape to cover your plants.
9. Chickadees
The chickadee is a small bird native to North America. It is known for its distinctive call, which consists of two notes separated by a short pause.
Their diet consists mainly of insects, seeds, berries, and nectar, and they eat these foods while perching on branches or trees.
Chickadees have black heads and white cheeks, and their back and wing feathers are grey.
These birds prefer habitats like parks, open woods, willow thickets, and coniferous forests.
10. Kinglets

The kinglet is a small bird species native to North America and Eurasia. There are six species of kinglets, including the Madeira firecrest and ruby-crowned kinglet.
Both have similar appearances but differ in habitat and diet. You may notice them flying around your garden, which is interesting to watch.
You can see them during the spring and summer months. Their lifespan is between 4 to 6 years, and they start their breeding season at the age of one year.
11. Warbler

If you’re already familiar with the above names and still ask, ‘What birds eat mealworms?’ You should add warblers to the list.
This species lives in forests and woodland areas across Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America.
The warbler bird has a distinctive appearance with its long tail feathers and bright yellow brow.
However, the male warbler bird has a black head and neck, a yellow back, and chestnut streaks on the breast.
The female warbler bird has a yellowish-green back and unstreaked yellow underparts.
They are often confused with thrush birds because they sing songs similar to those of thrush. Warblers are usually found near water sources such as rivers and lakes.
They are very social animals and live in groups called flocks. The males and females usually form pairs or monogamous relationships and feed mainly on mealworms, insects, and seeds.
12. Blackcaps

A blackcap is a common species of bird found throughout Europe. They are also known as the Eurasian treecreepers or European treecreepers.
The name comes from their habit of climbing trees and perching on branches.
The female Blackcap is slightly larger than the male. Both sexes have a dark cap, white throat and breast, greyish wings and tail, and a buffy belly. Their call note is a loud, high-pitched trill.
Its natural habitats are woodlands, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, parks, gardens, and swamps. They are usually seen in pairs or family groups.
1 comment
It’s great that you mentioned how mealworms are good food for birds because they contain essential nutrients. Our pet bird is starting to get tired of their usual bird feed so I am looking for a good substitute. I heard live mealworm pet food is pretty good so I’d like to try it out.