19 Different Types of Spiders in Ohio

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Photo by Ed van duijn

If you live in Ohio, you’re probably no stranger to spiders, as there are many types of spiders in Ohio. Spiders are among the most common insects.

And they can be found nearly everywhere, including some very unlikely places – like your home!

Therefore, here are some of the more common types of spiders in Ohio that you might see inside your home.

We’ll also examine what types of spiders in Ohio to watch out for.

And where to find them and how to get rid of them if necessary.

1. Wolf Spider

Ohio is home to different types of spiders, the majority of which are variations of the wolf spider. As a general rule, these arachnids can be found both inside and outside your home. 

Moreover, some will wander into your house while you are out looking for food. Humans usually force others when they transport other materials or belongings into their living spaces. 

Fortunately, the wolf spider is one of the less venomous varieties, meaning its bites are generally not harmful. The name wolf reflects this species’ predatory nature since they feed on insects. Like flies and crickets, animals are similar in size to themselves.

2. Funnel Weaver

When it comes to Funnels, it’s easy to see why they’re one of the most commonly found spiders. Funnels are easily recognizable thanks to their funnel-like web that reaches up from the ground. You can typically find them near rocks, logs, and plants

Moreover, funnel spiders are known for being passive, usually only spinning webs if threatened. Funnels are active both day and night. Funnel Weavers love damp weather, like overcast days, because they thrive in humid conditions.

Although these little guys are considered more docile than many other types of Spiders in Ohio. And it is always wise not to disturb any sort of potentially venomous Spider. As they are all capable of inflicting serious injuries!

3. Fishing Spider

This particular type of spider is one of the spiders in Ohio. It is quite large and has a distinctive, bulbous abdomen.

It is often found at the edge of woods or ditches near water sources like creeks or rivers. But can also be found near lakes, ponds, swamps, or other water. 

Moreover, these spiders prey on smaller aquatic insects such as mosquito larvae, flies, and beetles. They have powerful chelicerae that they use to hold onto their prey. They wrap it in silk before eating it whole

However, males are a dark brown color with dark stripes running down their legs. Females are larger than males and range from brown to tan in color, with lighter stripes down their legs.

Females hunt for small insects during the day because their abdomens are too light for camouflage when hunting at night.

4. Triangulate Cobweb Spider

Ohio is home to a variety of spiders. But the Triangulate Cobweb Spider deserves special recognition because it’s by far the most widespread. This species enjoys hanging out on buildings, trees, and logs throughout all Ohio seasons. 

Moreso, when threatened, it exhibits an unaggressive defense mechanism called ballooning. It releases silk strands from its spinnerets and floats away on the breeze. And that actually makes for a pretty neat sight!

5. Long-Legged Sac Spider

As its name implies, the Long-Legged Sac Spider is one of the largest brown spiders. And with a body size up to 2 inches in diameter.

The spider’s color ranges from light brown to dark brown, sometimes with a yellow band near its rear end. 

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However, a sac full of baby long-legged sac spiders hangs underneath the female’s abdomen. They typically live under logs or rocks during summer. Then, they come out at nightfall looking for food – including other arthropods and insect larvae.

As its name implies, this species has thin legs and an enlarged abdomen due to its short spinnerets. And which are not visible on their posterior side like other more normal-looking spiders.

6. Arrowhead Spider

This small, brown spider can be found anywhere in a dry climate. They typically live in hiding places like logs, rocks, or debris piles. 

Also, when they feel threatened, they produce a tiny glob of silk on their own bodies and lower themselves. That is, more silk strands are emitted, which act as a safety line. These webs aren’t sticky, so these poor spiders get trapped in the web they make themselves. 

While the Arrowhead Spider is mostly harmless. It will bite if provoked or stepped on bare feet while sleeping or watching TV.

The arachnid usually bites because it thinks that someone is invading its territory and will release venom from its fangs for protection.

7. Deadly Ground Crab Spider

Spider bites are generally rare. However, an increase in the number of people receiving spider bites every year has caused doctors and researchers to be concerned. The culprit? Deadly Ground Crab Spiders are one of the types of spiders in Ohio. 

Nevertheless, these arachnids live in streams, marshes, swamps, ponds, and lakes. The female can grow up to 4 cm long while the males stay at 2 cm. 

Moreover, they are usually dark brown with a dark brown or black abdomen and thorax. Then, with some red or yellow on their legs. 

Therefore, they typically hunt for insects such as beetles, crickets, and caterpillars at night. But will also prey on other small animals, such as fish and frogs

8. American Grass Spider

This spider has been found all over the world. Usually, they are small in size and may range from green to black. It likes open spaces with grasses, fields, meadows, or forests.

However, it has two very noticeable large dark stripes on its abdomen, with a lighter-colored stripe next to it that is slightly narrower than the other two stripes. 

Moreover, these spiders will produce long webs just before sundown, which may stretch as far as fifteen feet across. One of their favorite places to build these webs is on tall blades of grass. So, look out for these types of grass if you’re trying to spot one.

9. Hammock Spider

It’s been estimated that there are 43 different species types of spiders in Ohio, with a potential for 8 more undocumented.

However, most of these spider species are harmless or beneficial and not harmful to humans or property. One notable exception is the Eastern hammock spider, which has a venomous bite. 

Moreover, unlike most other arachnids, which have two body segments (cephalothorax + abdomen), spiders have only one segment called a cephalothorax.

The abdomen does not contain any legs but contains vital reproductive organs. Spider’s spinnerets release silk from its silk gland when needed, which instantly hardens into the webbing.

10. False Black Widow Spider

The false black widow spider is a venomous type of spider. However, it cannot deliver the same amount of poison as the black widow. 

Moreso, as its name implies, this type of spider resembles the more dangerous black widow. And females being larger than males

However, the body of this type of spider will be entirely brown. And also, with the exception of two red stripes that run down either side of its abdomen. They live mostly in sandy areas and inside houses near window ledges and woodpiles.

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11. Black Widow

You might have seen these before. They are off-white or cream, the same color as bird droppings. This can help distinguish them from egg sacs of other types of spiders that are white or brown. 

Moreover, the female black widow lays an average of 200 to 400 eggs at once and typically hatches within 2 weeks. These egg sacs are often found attached under rocks or logs where the spider has found shelter.

12. Eastern Parson Spider

Since the Eastern Parson spider prefers sheltered dark spaces, it’s commonly found in piles of dead leaves, closets, garages, sheds, and barns. During the mating season, this spider is much more aggressive than at any other time of the year. 

However, females can become very defensive when they’re carrying eggs or when they’ve just laid an egg sac. At this point, her abdomen will swell considerably. 

Males, on the other hand, are more passive. And wait for a female to approach him instead of seeking a female to mate with.

Also, when moving into a new house, be sure that there aren’t any piles of leaves. Or piles of twigs lying about, as these would be excellent spots for Eastern Parson spiders.

13. Bold Jumper

Originally found in the tropics, these brown spiders are large (about 2 inches) with a low-hanging abdomen. They usually live outdoors but can also be seen indoors during the summer.

Females carry their egg sacs under their bodies, which is why males can sometimes be seen leaping onto females. 

However, you can find this spider species hanging out on or near homes because they like warmth and moisture. The female lays her eggs in late summer or early fall. If they hatch, that means she laid eggs before mating–if not, she mated after laying eggs.

14. Nursery Web Spider

In the case of the Nursery Web Spider, they are pretty harmless. These spiders come in various colors, ranging from dark brown to almost white. 

In addition, these webs can be found over window sills or doorways, as they will usually rest on low vegetation.

Such as grass, leaves, or flower clusters while waiting for prey to become trapped. For this reason, it’s important that it should be captured if a Nursery Web Spider is lurking around your entrances. 

If left unattended for an extended period of time, these pesky arachnids will reach lengths up to 10cm. And crawl into houses, garages, or attics.

15. Brown Recluse

Though the Brown Recluse spider is considered harmless when its bite is treated, there have been fatalities. Bites will lead to a skin infection that can take up to 3 months of antibiotic treatment. 

Moreso, bites show up within 12 hours, with an area larger than a quarter being swollen and red. It also increases in size over the next couple of days, eventually turning black around the center.

Therefore, the bites are usually limited to skin only with this spider. But it’s still best to err on the side of caution with any potential spider bite. Learn how to identify a brown recluse so you can avoid contact or capture one for help if needed.

16. Garden Spider

A garden spider is likely nearby if you notice webs across your fence, bushes, or plants. If you’re really lucky, she might even show herself.

Garden spiders are relatively large (3/4′′-3′′), and the brown banding on their legs makes them easy to identify. 

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Moreover, pesticides are the easiest way to eliminate this type of spider. Or with an organic solution because they don’t weave egg sacs. 

However, this spider is characterized by its bulbous abdomen and long, spindly legs. That is, which often means it can be found dangling from a web high above the ground.

They are more frequently seen than females due to the female’s natural camouflage while guarding her egg sac. 

Nevertheless, these spiders love sunny locations but will shop almost anywhere. That is, as long as there is something for them to spin their web onto – usually trees, fences, walls, etc. Their abdomens are usually brightly colored, making it easy for us humans to spot them, too!

17. Woodlouse Hunter

Woodlouse hunters are a type of hunting spider. They spin a web, but unlike many other webs, the woodlouse hunter’s web is not sticky. 

Moreover, this spider waits for its prey at the end of the line. And they will drag it back to their house when it falls victim to the web. Which can be their home or abandoned tunnels that they’ve spun near the entrance of the tunnel in which they live. 

And, when they have their dinner secured (or, more accurately, not free), they stab it with venomous fangs. Then, before wrapping it in silk, it has become like an easy lunch packet!

18. Bowl & Doily Weaver 

This common spider can be found throughout North America but is primarily concentrated in the southern parts of the US. Their webs are shaped like circular bowls, with a tiny figure of a spider dangling at the center.

However, the female is bright orange or yellow with brown stripes on her head and abdomen. Males are light tan all over their bodies, without the red hourglass shapes. 

Moreso, regarding what type of prey these bugs will hunt for, let’s just say anything that wanders by near their home. That can include various types of insects like flies, beetles, ants (yum!), mosquitoes, houseflies, midges (again, yum!), and more.

Although often referred to as a garden spider. The Argiope trifasciata is found throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. However, it tends to be seen more in the North East. 

Fortunately, the zigzagging patterns can often detect their presence on their webbing and can sometimes span up to 3 feet wide. These webs are mainly located on low-growing plants but occasionally build webs near the ground for nesting. 

Therefore, it should also be noted that these types of spiders in Ohio are usually rather small. Only females have an abdomen that is noticeably wider than their cephalothoraxes when viewed from above.

Conversely, males typically have stripes on their abdomens; these stripes will turn white when agitated.

19. Furrow Orb-weaver

Furrow Orb-weavers are one of the types of spiders in Ohio. These creatures, who like to build their webs near windows, will descend from the window frame to capture prey. They can bite humans but are not known for being aggressive. 

Moreover, they typically run away if a human approach disturbs them. These arachnids will feed on any kind of insect that it encounter, including flies, butterflies, caterpillars, and beetles. You may also see this spider inside your home.

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