30 Different Types of Spiders in New York

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Photo by Gary Yost

In New York, there are hundreds of different spider species. While the large majority of these are not harmful to humans, it’s still important to be able to identify them. 

By knowing the types of spiders in New York, you’ll be better equipped to handle encounters with them.

Here are 30 common types of spiders in New York that you might encounter when you’re out on the town.

1. Bold Jumping Spider

Bold jumping spiders are common types of spiders in New York. These spiders are typically tan, yellow, and black and usually less than an inch wide. The species can be found from Mexico to Canada. 

They get their name because they can jump quickly on prey or away from danger. They released a pre-spun web as an escape tactic when it threatened. 

They are usually tan, yellow, and black. The species can be found from Mexico to Canada – 

2. Yellow Garden Spider

Yellow garden spiders are one of the most common types of spiders in New York. They can be seen from late summer until early spring on both sides of the United States.

However, they may be more abundant in the southern states because there are fewer yellow garden spiders in the north. 

This type of spider is typically found outdoors and occasionally indoors near lights that attract insects such as moths. A deep golden color can distinguish it with dark brown stripes on its back, head, and legs.

3. Orchard Orbweaver

The type of spiders in New York that do not belong to the orb weavers group is the Orchard Orbweaver.

An elaborate round web of concentric spirals characterizes this spider. This spider constructs a horizontal web above ground level and under plants or debris. 

If a male captures prey, he attaches it to the top of the spiral and secures it with silk. A female will build a more extensive vertical web on shrubs or plants nearby.

The traps often have male and female adults waiting for food they catch or take from their mate’s web. The web also contains egg sacs containing several eggs, which are contained within curled leaves that act as protective coverings.

4. Zebra Jumping Spider

The zebra jumping spider and Paraphidippus johnny cash are types of spiders in New York. It’s also the state insect for South Carolina! The zebra-like stripes on their abdomens make them distinctive from other jumping spiders. 

They are commonly found in yellow jacket nests and enjoy hanging out with insects. Another fun fact about them is that they don’t spin webs to catch their prey and can change color when mating!

5. Spotted Orbweaver

Luckily, not all New Yorkers are afraid of spiders. These types of spiders in New York are pretty prevalent. If you’re an arachnid enthusiast, these seven types are the ones you need to know about.

Arguably the most common types of spiders in New York and the US are found in urban environments and rural landscapes. 

Due to its color and build, it blends into its surroundings to avoid being noticed by predators or prey. And for this reason, if someone does spot one, it could be on their shirt without them knowing it’s there.

6. Tan Jumping Spider

Tan Jumping Spiders are one of the tiniest types of spiders in New York. They can be found from Pennsylvania to Florida and as far west as Texas.

Tan Jumping Spiders are usually tan in color but occasionally have shades of dark brown or rust on their abdomen. 

They range from 1/4 to 1/2 in size, which makes them the tiniest North American jumping spiders. Females will grow to a maximum body size of 3mm; males max out at 2mm. 

The larger the female matures, the browner she becomes; this difference in coloration also distinguishes juveniles and adults.

Tan Jumping Spiders have a highly developed sense of hearing and vision but do not depend on it as much as other jumping spiders.

7. Dark Fishing Spider

Although harmless, the Dark Fishing Spider can become very territorial and has been known to bite when provoked.

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They have eight long legs with a span of 11⁄2 inches in length, making them similar to a hunting spider. There are significant types of spiders in New York.

The males are up to six times as large as the females, usually brown. Females are dark-colored with patches or stripes of different colors on their abdomen.

The female lays her eggs in November and dies almost immediately after she completes her reproduction process.

8. American Nursery Web Spider

This spider creates an egg sac from silk hung from a twig or leaf. The egg sac contains about 30 eggs. An adult female may generate more than one sac simultaneously, with up to 60 eggs. 

These spiders like eating flies and other small flying insects. They are usually between 1/8th and 1/4th inch in size with shiny black body color. For spider identification, they should have red or orange spots on their legs and be covered with short hairs.

9. Cross Orbweaver

Cross orb weavers are the most common orb-weaving type of spiders in New York. The female’s body is usually only two centimeters long, while males are typically three centimeters long.

These spiders can change color from brownish black, yellowish white, or greenish blue, with a circular marking on their back. 

If a cross orb weaver bites you, there will be two red spots where the fangs punctured your skin. Afterward, your skin may swell up, and you may experience mild pain for about four hours before the bite fully heals.

10. Northern Yellow Sac Spider

Northern yellow sac spiders live throughout the United States but are a type of spider in New York. These spiders look fuzzy because their body and legs are covered with long hairs called setae.

Female northern yellow sac spiders can grow up to a few centimeters across; males are about one-third this size.

11. Furrow Orbweaver

Furrow Orbweavers are black with brown bands around their abdomens. They live in webs on vertical, grassy surfaces and under rocks. Furrow Orbweavers are active day and night and become more noticeable in autumn.

Furrow Orbweavers eat small insects caught in their webs, which are beneficial spiders. They don’t spin a classic spider web like the other eight orb-web weaver species mentioned above. Instead, they anchor the web with silk draglines from nearby plants or other objects.

12. Spotted Ground Spider

These spiders are attractive-looking types of spiders in New York. The spider’s body is brown with yellow stripes, and the abdomen has black spines. 

Female spiders are about 0.4 inches long, and males are about 0.2 inches long. This spider has a checkered pattern on the upper side of its body, sometimes including pale or dark spots. 

This spider ranges from 4 mm-14mm in length, and the male ranges from 2 mm-8mm in size. Both average around 6mm for both sexes.

Females have a rounder abdomen and more defined head markings, whereas males have a slight triangular marking.

13. Eastern Parson Spider

The eastern parson spider can be found throughout most New York counties from July-November. They are one of the most common types of spiders in New York.

It gets its name from the reddish patch on the abdomen, which resembles a parson’s robe. They hunt in trees, under leaves, and in buildings where they live among plants such as grapes and citrus trees. 

They do not spin webs but will wait for prey by turning a small, nonsticky ball (or trap) that acts as a lure. When the game takes the bait, it shoots out a silk noose to secure the food with spiky bristles.

14. Woodlouse Spider

Woodlouse spiders have many common names, such as daddy-long-legs, sowbug, and woodlouse. They are the main types of spiders in New York.

Woodlouse spiders can grow up to 1/2 inch long and are more commonly found in humid regions. Although they only lived for one year at most, they produced a lot of spiderlings over that period. 

It’s essential to know about these eight-legged creatures for two reasons: first, they are harmless, and second, they’re prevalent.

15. Long-Bodied Cellar Spider

The most common type of spider in New York State is the long-bodied cellar spider. They live in dark places, such as barns and garages. It has long, spindly legs that can sometimes be six times as long as its body. 

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The spider produces an acid web that breaks down an insect’s cell walls, liquefying it so the spider can slurp it up with its jaws. These spiders make hissing noises when threatened or when mating season comes around in the late summer months.

Their hissing noises sound like a cross between the buzz of a honeybee and a sea turtle’s hiss. One distinct feature of this species is how quickly they move away when disturbed.

16. Common House Spider

The common house spider is the most prevalent type in New York homes. The female’s body can range from two to three millimeters, while the male ranges from one millimeter to two millimeters. 

This species can live up to six years and will lay eggs. It spins a small web near its nest and will feed on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, roaches, and ants.

17. Marbled Orbweaver

This spider is the largest orb weaver and has significant types of spiders in New York and North America. The female’s body can grow to a half-inch.

Males and females are different colors, with males being brownish-orange and females being brown. 

Females spin a large vertical web with a stabilimentum, like a safety net that protects other insects. This spider is not aggressive and prefers to sit in its web all day waiting for prey.

18. Flea Jumping Spider

These types of spiders in New York belong to the genus Leptoglossus and can be found in central and south America. Flea jumping spiders are tiny, at just over a half-inch, and have a lifespan of around one year. 

These spiders are often mistaken because they lack the distinctive features that define them as members of this genus.

However, they can be recognized by their elongated chelicerae (jaws). Like most species, they also have two pairs of spinnerets instead of one team.

19. Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spiders are spiders in New York, usually found in low-lying vegetation and walls. They’re known for their incredible jumping abilities, which they use to evade predators. 

Wall-jumping spiders can jump over 50 times their height, covering up to 3 feet in a single leap! These spiders are usually tan or light brown with dark violin markings on their back and legs.

20. Banded Garden Spider

Banded Garden Spider, known as Araneus diadematus are common spiders in New York. They typically have a gray-brown body with dark brown stripes and an orange or yellow-ringed abdomen.

These spiders make their home in moist environments and often can be found near gardens, lawns, fields, and wetlands. 

They are a member of the Argiope family along with other spiders such as the black-and-yellow Argiope and many others.

21. Goldenrod Crab Spider

The Goldenrod Crab Spider is a tiny brown spider with a crab-like appearance. They inhabit fields and meadows, as well as gardens and lawns.

The most noticeable feature of this spider is the red stripes on its abdomen, which resemble the markings on a crayfish. 

These types of spiders in Alabama can also be found in North America, Europe, and Asia. They have been known to bite humans if provoked or threatened.

Children are especially vulnerable to being bitten because they often use their hands instead of brushes when playing outdoors. 

If you’re bitten by one of these spiders and experience symptoms such as pain, you should visit your doctor immediately.

22. Striped Fishing Spider

Striped fishing spiders are a common type of spider in New York. They are most often found near bodies of water. This spider has a brown body with dark stripes, and the male has a lighter brown body with golden lines. 

These spiders eat other spiders, insects, and small fish. If you see one, try not to kill it, as it may be beneficial.

23. Bronze Jumping Spider

Bronze Jumping spiders are one of the more common types in New York but also one of the most beautiful.

The coloration on their abdomen and legs makes them look almost like they’re wearing some metallic armor. They have dark bronze bodies that look constantly coated in dust. 

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Bronze Jumpers use their powerful hind legs to jump quickly at prey up to five times as heavy as they are! Bronze Jumping spiders are found throughout North America, but there aren’t any records for them in Canada.

24. Golden Jumping Spider

The Golden Jumping Spider (Phidippus auratus) is a tiny arachnid with a golden body with black stripes. They are widespread types of spiders in New York.

They are usually found on plants and trees, but they also live in dark corners of the house. These spiders hunt at night, and during the day, they hide in dark places, often their web.

The female Golden Jumping Spider can produce up to three egg sacs annually, each containing up to 300 eggs.

25. Triangulate Comfort

This spider has a body about 1/4 inch long; its total length with legs is up to 2 inches. It is a pale brown color but can turn darker shades with age. 

They are often found in humid locations like bathrooms or kitchens. Males have clear stripes on their abdomen, while females have black rings.

26. Dimorphic Jumping Spider

Dimorphic Jumping spiders are often mistaken for black widow spiders. The white stripe distinguishes them on their abdomen and their legs’ red/orange coloration. 

These spiders feed on other arthropods, such as ants and beetles. These spiders in New York can be found in various habitats, including parks and gardens.

27. Broad-Faced Sac Spider

These spiders are usually found in the Pacific Northwest but are also types of spiders in New York. They are standard on the Pacific Coast and into Canada.

Adults of this species prefer dark, damp places like under rocks or logs, leaf litter, and abandoned animal burrows. 

This spider’s diet consists mainly of insects, but they have been known to eat their kind if food supplies are low. These spiders will bite when threatened by a human, but most people don’t even feel the bite.

28. Grey Cross Spider

The grey cross spider, also known as the grass spider, hunts daily and hides in tall grasses. The spider’s color pattern makes it difficult for predators to spot it.

It has a bluish-green abdomen with two white or yellow stripes on each side, forming an X shape across the top. 

Grey Cross spiders are not dangerous but can fight you when you step on them. To identify this species, look for the two white stripes that form an X shape at the top of its abdomen. This species can be found throughout New York State and north into Canada.

29. American Green Crab Spider

The American green crab spider, or the yellow garden spider, can be found on the east coast. They are not deadly types of spiders in New York, but it has been known to bite humans. The bite may cause some pain and mild swelling. 

Other symptoms include itchiness and redness around the area where it bit you. The American green crab spider will stay out during the daytime. They like sunny spots and hang out on gardens’ walls, ceilings, plants, and bushes.

30. Wetland Giant Wolf Spider

The Wetland Giant Wolf Spider was first discovered in the early 2000s. Its habitat is only known to be in a few wetlands in New York State. The spider has a leg span of up to six inches and a body length of one inch. 

It’s identified by its dark brown color, yellowish markings on the underside of its abdomen, hairy legs, and long spinnerets. Unlike other wolf spiders, it can’t climb smooth surfaces very well, so it prefers low-lying vegetation.

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