34 Different Types of Spiders in Colorado

Different Types of Spiders in ColoradoPin
Photo by beauty_of_nature

Colorado, the Centennial State, is one of the most beautiful states in the U.S.

But Colorado’s beauty runs deeper than its rich landscapes and dramatic weather patterns. There are also different types of spiders in Colorado. 

The abundance of insects, small animals, and other arthropods in Colorado makes it an attractive living space for numerous spiders.

Colorado has an amazing array of spiders, from relatively common and harmless orb weavers to colorful, toxic funnel web spiders to tarantulas the size of dinner plates.

As Colorado’s population grows, the number of spiders in the state also increases. 

So, if you live here or are planning to visit, it’s good to know your eight-legged neighbors!

Here’s a breakdown of some common types of spiders in Colorado!

1. Peppered Jumping Spider

The Peppered Jumping Spider is among the types of spiders in Colorado, nocturnal active at night when it waits for prey. It tends to live under logs and stumps or outcrops.

The female is often seen waiting at night on foliage near its web for passing insects, whereas the male will wander about hunting for a mate. 

This species can change colors over time to blend into its environment more easily.

These are not only useful during the day but also at night.

This is because they absorb ambient light from the moon or stars, enabling them to see better in dark environments. 

However, the name jumping refers to how they tend to jump onto people who get too close to them with an attack (called bunting).

They have six eyes, two large ones in front and four small ones around the sides, that are especially sensitive to movement.

2. Six-spotted Orbweaver

Along with some other species, this spider is considered an important predator because it eats smaller insects like mosquitoes.

It is found mainly on sagebrush steppe but also in some other areas.

The range for the six-spotted orb weaver includes parts of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

The type of web they create is vertical and has a small to medium diameter. They are known to live up to one year or longer. 

Also, they prefer daytime webs and hide during the night. Their diet consists of flying insects such as flies, bees, ants, and wasps.

There are many variations in their size, including body length. This can be between 1 inch and 2 inches long, including the legs that can be up to 2 inches long.

3. Grand Canyon Black Tarantula Spider

Colorado is home to a variety of both tarantula and black tarantula species.

Seven species are found only in North America– all members of the family Theraphosidae, commonly known as the tarantulas. 

The most common is the Desert Black Tarantula; these typically average about three inches but can grow up to six inches across.

Their dark bodies and heavy black-ringed legs are most impressive, which aid them with climbing rough surfaces. 

4. Giant Canyon Black

Another common find among this spider family is Troglohyphantes giganteus. Also known as Giant Canyon Spiders.

These fuzzy creatures range from two to four inches in length, making them one of the types of spiders in Colorado.

You’re likely to encounter them while exploring these parts. They are easy to identify by their brownish body and hairy black legs.

These webspinners have been spotted from British Columbia down into Mexico’s Baja region, where they often reside in deserts and scrublands.

5. Habronattus Altanus

Amongst all that, there is Habronattus altanus, one of the state’s more interesting spiders. H. altanus occurs only in a small area on both sides of Rocky Mountain National Park’s eastern boundary at elevations greater than 10,000 feet. 

Primarily, H. altanus lives in rock outcrops and under loose stones on bare ground with sparse vegetation cover.

It builds a globular egg sac among the rocks or under stones (Figure 1).

Females are typically around 25 to 30 millimeters long but sometimes reach up to 40 millimeters, while males are much smaller at 8-10 mm long.

6. Red-spotted Ant-mimic Sac Spider

The red-spotted ant-mimic sac spider is a member of the family Mimidae, and it can be found in North America, Southern America, and parts of Central America.

The red-spotted ant-mimic sac spider is also called by its scientific name Lyssomanes Viridis. 

Three recognized subspecies have been documented, and they are L. Viridis Viridis, L.viridis lyoni, and L.viridis illigeri.

Most commonly found living on plants such as tomato plants, bean plants, and various leaves.

They will occasionally construct their webs on fence posts or railings around homes where humans dwell.

7. Schizocosa Mccooki

Their diet consists mostly of small insects like ants, and they don’t need too much food because they’re so small; S.mccooki only weighs about 0.2 grams, which is comparable to an inch-long nail! 

They are pretty rare, but you can find them under logs or bark at high altitudes.

These types of spiders in Colorado make their homes by digging holes and weaving silky webs to protect themselves from predators.

8. Phidippus Olympus

This spider is about 3⁄4 inch long, has a darker stripe down its back, and lives on the ground.

It lives all around the country, from Maine to Florida, but you will most likely find it near wetlands and agricultural areas. 

The male is considerably smaller than females, which also mature at a smaller size.

Males have several large spines on their front legs to fight other males or attach themselves to females during mating.

Also, if it feels threatened, this spider will lower its front legs like fangs and widen its front row of eyes to look as big as possible.

They don’t spin webs but wait until nightfall and prowl around hunting prey.

9. Minute Jumping Spider

One of the types of spiders in Colorado is the minute jumping spider.

The minute jumping spider spends most of its time on flowers, leaves, and trees. 

Although they can sometimes be seen moving along the ground or being carried by flying insects.

You may have found one if you saw a spider climb up your arm or along a wall or ceiling until it reached its desired height and then move quickly away from you. 

In general, the minute jumping is covered head-to-toe with a white protective coat.

This reflects ultraviolet light and jumps when it senses an insect near it.

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10. Long-bodied Cellar Spider

Colorados’ picturesque mountainous terrain means a diverse array of habitats and creatures live among these towering peaks.

The region also has an abundance of excellent caves. Such contain many species of arachnids (spiders), typically cave-dwelling. 

One particular type found in these caves is the long-bodied cellar spider, also known as Agelenopsis aperta.

The most notable feature of this species is its unusual leg span. They can extend up to three inches across when their legs are fully extended. 

Though not native to North America, this particular genus has become well-established here.

Established after hitching rides to our shores aboard fruit crates coming from overseas.

11. False Black Widow

Colorado is a hot spot for arachnids, with 43 varieties of spiders roaming our hills and valleys.

Of those, there are types of spiders in Colorado, with one particularly notorious member – the false black widow. 

When we think about black widows, we automatically picture a distinctive red hourglass shape on their backs.

Well, this time-honored mark doesn’t tell you if it’s true or false!

The only way to know for sure is by seeing if their web has an egg sac or not (and even then, there are rare false black widow egg sacs!).

12. Striped Fishing Spider

The most common type of spider that you might find in your home is the striped fishing spider.

This guy may not be as big as some other spiders, but he has a more important role than his size. 

Also, the striped fishing spider eats insects like crickets and flies! He has stripes on his back, usually black, with some brown or white stripes.

They’ll weave little webs around your house (sometimes called diving boards) where they wait for their prey to come by.

The Striped Fishing Spider (Dolomedes tenebrosus) is a medium-sized spider that lives in wetland habitats.

While they primarily use these habitats for hunting, they are also known to prey on other insects and small animals, including tadpoles. 

The Striped Fishing Spider is often found near human structures and can sometimes enter structures.

This can happen if someone accidentally leaves a door open or when someone disturbs an egg sac by throwing it out with the trash.

They can also occur after flooding when a door has been left open for long periods of time due to water damage.

Additionally, fishing Spiders are very distinctive for two reasons.

First, their cephalothorax and abdomen have a pattern that resembles an old-fashioned fishing reel.

Their name comes from this resemblance to fishing gear and not from their predilection to nibble at trout. 

The second distinguishing characteristic is that these spiders are generally found near water.

They can be found on foliage or under rocks near rivers, lakes, or other water sources.

Near Boulder County’s Boulder City Lake, Fishing Spiders can often be seen hunting down flying insects attracted to lights at night.

13. Coppered White-Cheeked Jumping Spider

The Colorado spider to watch out for is the Western black widow. As its name suggests, this type will weave a web with a small hole through which they will watch and wait for prey.

The females are usually more than 1/2 inch long, while males are half that size but still just as dangerous. 

Their eggs are encased in dark-colored egg sacs, up to one inch long, containing 10 – 20 eggs each.

If you spot one of these icky bugs near your home, it may be time to consider a pest control solution.

Or, call an exterminator to take care of them and all their friends before they get even more comfortable where they live.

14. Common Candy-Striped Spider

The common candy-striped spider is also known as an Araneus diadematus. It feeds on other small insects and spiders by ambush.

Its body size ranges from 4 to 6 mm. Their preferred habitat includes sheltered places with dense vegetation, such as low shrubs, tall grasses, and garden plants. 

Generally, they are considered to be harmless to humans unless they become defensive while feeding on their prey.

However, some people may experience mild reactions if bitten or come into contact with this type of spider.

Other similar poisonous spiders include those from the widow family (black widows).

15. Habronattus Clypeatus

Colorado is a bustling state for all sorts of wildlife, which includes the amazing, diverse spider population. These predators come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

These spiders are among the types of spiders in Colorado. These sizable arachnids can be any shade from tan to brown to black. 

They’re also fairly big, ranging from .5 – 2 inches (12-50mm) long.

Sometimes, they’re mistaken for tarantulas but can be recognized by their distinctive markings on the back half (and many more legs than tarantulas have!).

There are four eyes in total: two big ones pointing forward and two smaller ones on either side pointing downwards.

The Habronattus Hexadecimipes, or the Sixteen-spotted Orb Weaver, are black spiders with white spots on their abdomens. Like other orb weavers, they build webs to catch prey.

They often nest near water sources such as rivers and creeks, where the bugs can easily come onto their webs.

They hang upside down under these webs so that when an insect lands, its head will be facing down below them. 

They then use their front legs to grab the bug and wrap it up with the web before eating it. 

The first part of this sentence is redundant because, Like other orb weavers, implies that they are like other orb weavers while they build webs is implied by building webs.

16. Barn Funnel Weaver

Some people might shudder at seeing a spider, but most arachnids are harmless.

They are, however, all extremely important to our ecosystem and ecosystem as predators who feed on smaller bugs that we wouldn’t want to encounter any other way. 

The Barn Funnel Weaver can be found almost everywhere there is vegetation in Colorado- from mountain forests to gardens.

It gets its name from being able to weave its web across barns, where it preys on flies, beetles, caterpillars, and more.

17. Proszynski’s Jumping Spider

The Proszynski’s Jumping Spider (Eris bipunctata) is relatively small for a spider, reaching about 6-8 mm (approximately 1/4 inch).

This makes it perfect for exploring our homes, as they live throughout North America. 

This often means these jumping spiders are seen scurrying up walls or across ceilings in homes and other buildings, sometimes even inside bathtubs!

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Considered to be one of the most common types of spiders in Colorado, species of jumping spiders.

They are regularly seen running around the branches and foliage at high altitudes. Even those that live at elevations over 3 miles high.

However, Proszynski’s Jumpings Spiders can also be found underground.

18. Habronattus Cuspidatus

Native to Southern California, Northern Mexico, and Central America, these guys get up to around five inches.

They are typically found on tree trunks and limbs or under logs. 

However, they like to forage insects when hungry, so if you see a web and don’t know what type it is. It may be a good idea to go ahead and walk away from it. 

The Habronattus Cuspidatus also has markings on its legs that are darker than its body.

So, if you see one on a tree trunk or somewhere else, don’t make sudden movements because they can be extremely jumpy!

Their bites usually aren’t very painful, but beware because, unlike other spiders, they do have venom glands.

19. Carolina Wolf Spider

Not only is it a full-body experience, but with little legs and huge eyes, the Carolina wolf spider can also be confused with other species.

All spiders have eight legs, but some have four larger front ones that they use to help trap prey. 

Similarly, the Carolina wolf spider has eight normal legs plus two long ones coming out of its mouth! These are sometimes referred to as chelicerae.

They help this species find food by breaking open insect exoskeletons and pulling their insides out for consumption.

Also, they inject digestive enzymes into the pre-killed victims. This is because their meal can be more easily sucked up through those creepy-looking fangs.

20. Texas Brown Tarantula

This species is known for the distinctive stripes on its legs, as well as their small size.

These eight-legged creatures spend most of their time in trees or high shrubs, waiting for unsuspecting prey to walk by before pouncing. 

However, this spider’s diet doesn’t consist only of insects. It also feeds on smaller birds and lizards when nothing else is nearby.

But how does this spider go about hunting? Texas brown tarantulas use their two large front claws and a dexterous third leg to capture and subdue prey.

21. Oblong Running Spider

The Oblong Running Spider is one of the types of spiders in Colorado.

They are native to Europe and parts of Asia and were introduced to the United States and Canada by unsuspecting humans transporting goods across these continents. 

This tiny creature can grow up to 1/4 inch long and has brown stripes on its body with cream-colored segments on its abdomen.

The female spiders have white or light yellow stripes instead, with their abdomens a cream-white or light yellow color.

22. Eastern Parson Spider

The eastern parson spider is a common type found throughout North America.

Its long legs and fairly long body make it resemble a human, with large brown markings around its head.

This particular arachnid is often found on leaves and ground vegetation.

They are not known to inhabit buildings or spin webs to catch prey.

They can be an especially terrifying type of spider because they may come close to humans.

This makes people want to stay as far away from them as possible.

23. Banded Garden Spider

The Banded Garden Spider, also known as a Golden Argiope. Its orange body identifies it with black bands around its abdomen.

It can be found throughout the state in summer and fall. They build a sac-shaped web and wait for prey to get stuck before eating it. 

If they can’t catch their prey, they may drink nectar instead. When mating, the male will put his mouth on the female’s head and then transfer his sperm into her genital opening. 

24. The Spotted Orbweaver 

This is among the types of spiders in Colorado that were first seen in 1998 and can only be found on the Front Range east of Denver and Boulder.

The spider builds webs that are funnel-shaped with small areas where they attach them to plants or other structures nearby.

Their webs usually measure one foot across but can reach up to three feet wide when large enough. 

Most importantly, this spider hunts insects that come into its webs at night.

It mostly inhabits fields, meadows, and open spaces between trees near water sources like creeks or ponds.

This interesting creature likes to rest on shrubs or fences during the day and hunt for prey at night.

As its name suggests, this species has an oval-shaped white abdomen with brown markings on it, usually resembling a sideways face when seen head-on.

Females can lay up to 1,000 eggs over their lifetime as they mature during this four-month span.

25. California Flattened Jumping Spider

Although they may look small, there are approximately 350 kinds of jumping spiders.

They use their two middle eyes (called retinae) to track the movements of their prey.

To get a closer look, they extend their long legs out from under their body and point them towards it. 

Next, they swing each leg forward and use it as a springboard to jump over their prey so that it can attack from behind. The first eyes that see it become attracted to its bright colors. 

Jumping spiders have multiple color variations. This often indicates dangerous predator markings or other things that help camouflage, such as plants or trees.

26. Northern Yellow Sac Spider

When viewed from above, the Northern Yellow Sac Spider gets its name from two spots on its abdomen that appear as yellow sacs.

It is common to find this spider hiding beneath rocks and logs in grassy areas, but it can also be found elsewhere. 

Despite their name, these spiders do not produce any type of venom or web silk to ensnare prey.

Instead, they hunt by means of an ambush, waiting until an insect approaches before launching themselves at their unsuspecting victim. 

These spiders usually kill the prey with venom before wrapping it up in a ball to catch a meal.

Then it spits digestive fluids over it to dissolve and soften it for consumption.

27. Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider

Although typically not considered dangerous, this spider can jump a few inches.

This is perfect for defending its web. It gets its name from the Asiatic landscape it prefers. 

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As such, it can be found in mountainous regions throughout Asia and some areas of Eastern Europe.

However, it lives far North of these areas due to cooler climate conditions

Additionally, its back has a colorful sheen that ranges from dark brown to yellowish brown with orange markings on its carapace.

This spider usually eats large insects like grasshoppers and crickets.

They will also use silk to hunt down any type of prey close enough to wrap it up and drag it into their web.

28. Goldenrod Crab Spider

The Goldenrod Crab Spider is a slow-moving spider with striking red, gold, and black markings on its body. It has slender legs that help it blend into the plant life it hunts.

Once prey enters its web, the spider usually crawls along a silk stalk before jumping onto its victim and wrapping it tightly with silk. 

The Goldenrod Crab Spider likes to hang upside down while resting. Its shape resembles a plant bud, which helps it hide from predators. 

In addition to keeping them safe, this also provides them with an excellent view of their hunting ground.

When they need to move away from their hunting spot, they use small strands of silk as tethers to find their way back home.

29. Apache Jumping Spider

Despite its name, this spider is not closely related to the one you see in Africa and Australia.

It isn’t particularly good at jumping and spends a lot of time scurrying about, hunting for insects, and crawling up walls. 

An Apache Jumping Spider can grow to about an inch wide and a half-inch long.

They generally build their webs near where they hunt for food. 

Also, they often use some leaves or nearby plants to disguise them as part of the surroundings.

The female will stay with her egg sac until she dies and then attach it to her web, where other females may feed on it before it hatches.

30. Zebra Jumping Spider

These spiders are types of spiders in Colorado that are large, slender, and hairy.

They can also be black with a white pattern on their cephalothorax (top part of their head).

Their stripes make them seem especially zebra-like. This is why they’re called zebra jumping spiders. 

They have eight eyes and eight sharp legs that are covered in fine hairs and sticky secretions.

These make these guys very efficient hunters who pounce on prey from all angles. And there’s more!

These long-legged jumping spiders live among plant and rock clutter that can be found near water sources. They are sometimes even seen hanging out with hummingbirds

Unfortunately, this cool arachnid spends all its time on plants or in the air. Leaving these little cuties virtually defenseless against predators.

While these brightly striped guys may be cute to look at (and pretty darn small!), you don’t want to get too close

Their bites can give you quite a shock! One study showed that these harmless little ‘ol guys are one of the most venomous house-dwelling species

31. Cat-Faced Orbweaver

With long-legged bodies that never exceed one inch and cat-like faces, orb weavers can be found all over Colorado.

These arachnids are one of the most common types of spiders in Colorado, with a leg span that varies from two to four inches.

They can often be found on or around buildings and may come indoors when the weather turns cold

Unlike many other spiders, they have no problem coexisting with humans, so there is no need to worry if you find one around your home.

Spiders do not carry diseases, but it is important to treat them respectfully, as they may bite when provoked. 

However, their venom won’t affect you. It only affects you unless they happen to puncture your skin multiple times or ingest blood by feeding on your body fluids like blood-sucking mosquitoes.

32. Woodlouse Spider

The woodlouse spider is small and brown and spends much of its time living in leaf litter.

This spider has very strong front legs, which help it climb up surfaces. 

Woodlouse spiders are common inhabitants near bodies of water, where they also find their preferred food source: slugs.

These brightly colored arachnids have iridescent blue abdomens that can sometimes reflect light in the same way as a jewel! 

One can find them tucked under stones on walls and inside piles of vegetation around creeks and ponds.

Be alert for these brilliant beauties next time you explore nature’s backyard!

33. Bold Jumping Spider

The bold jumping spider is probably one of the most brightly colored arthropods in our homes.

They are orange and yellow but also have an almost emerald-green thorax. Bold Jumping Spiders are small, with a body about 1⁄2 inch long. 

Also, they live among other plants on shrubs and trees, although they may be found indoors. The spider does not construct a web to capture prey.

Instead, it waits for insects to fly or crawl close by, then pounces suddenly and catches them with quick leaps. 

In addition, it has very good vision, which allows it to detect motion from distances as far as 25 centimeters away.

It uses its two front pairs of legs to kill its prey by squeezing them so tightly that its blood can’t flow any longer.

Then, the spider returns its meal to a sheltered area where it will eat at leisure without being disturbed.

34. Western Black Widow

The Western Black Widow is also among the types of spiders in Colorado and is truly native to North America.

These spiders prefer cool and dark habitats, such as caves and vacant buildings.

They usually have only one or two clutches per year, ranging from 4 to 40 eggs. 

The average size for a full-grown Western Black Widow is one inch long, but some spiderlings can be much smaller.

Females may live up to three years, and males typically survive only six months. 

Regarding identifying the gender of these creatures, females tend to have an hourglass pattern on their abdomen, whereas males do not.

Females will also occasionally create egg sacs out of their own silk, whereas males don’t produce anything at all.

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