32 Different Types of Moths in Minnesota

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Photo by Anton Atanasov

Have you ever wondered what types of moths can be found in Minnesota? You may be surprised to learn that Minnesota has more than 1000 types of moths! 

Minnesota is home to diverse habitats and climates, from wetlands and woodlands to prairies and lake shores.

This diversity creates an abundance of wildlife, including many types of moths. Moths play an important role in the environment. 

They serve as pollinators, decomposers, and food sources for other animals.

Whether you’re looking for more information about how moths contribute to our ecosystems or are just curious about the types of moths living around us, our article will provide a comprehensive overview of the types of moths in Minnesota

1. Abbott Sphinx Moth

Abbott’s Sphinx Moth, or Eumorpha, is first on our list of types of moths in Minnesota and species of hawk moths found in North America.

It has a large wingspan spanning up to 3.5 inches and has gray-brown wings with beautiful yellow and orange stripes.

The larvae of Abbott’s Sphinx Moth feed on the leaves of several plants, like milkweeds, dogbanes, and vinca vines. 

These types of moths in Minnesota can be found in the southeastern United States along roadsides, fields, and other open habitats.

They usually fly between May and August, laying eggs near their host plants so the newly hatched larvae can quickly start feeding.

Farmers sometimes find this moth annoying because it can damage certain crops with its larval diet. 

But due to its beauty and rarity in some areas, wildlife experts have considered it an important species for conservation efforts. Abbott’s Sphinx Moth is also important for pollination services; females lay eggs near flowers from which adult moths will eventually emerge attracted to nectar feeding while also assisting in pollinating various plant species along their journey.

2. Abbreviated Button Slug Moth

The Abbreviated Button Slug Moth (Limacodidae) is also on our list of moths in Minnesota and is a species of moth from the Limacodidae family native to North America. These types of moths in Minnesota have cream-colored wings with large eyespots and black, white, and yellow stripes. These moths’ bodies are usually very small – only about 1/2 an inch in length. 

They are typically found in damp areas with plenty of trees or shrubs for shelter, such as gardens and forests. They are often attracted to light sources, including porch lights and artificial lights in cafes or other urban settings. Their larvae are typically plump-laying caterpillars, which can be identified by their blue, grey, or brown color. At rest, they curl up into ball-like shapes rather than having distinct body segments like other types of caterpillars.

3. Achemon Sphinx Moth 

The Achemon Sphinx Moth (Eumorpha achemon) is found throughout much of eastern and central North America. It is a large, stout moth with a distinct reddish-brown color along the body and wings. Its forward-pointing forewings and triangular labial palps give it an arrowhead shape, hence the name of this species

The larvae feed on various grapevines and viny plants such as melliodendron, Virginia creeper, Boston ivy, bittersweet, hop vine, and many other wild vines. The adult Achemon Sphinx Moth types of moths in Minnesota have a wingspan of around 4 inches (10 cm). They usually appear from late spring to early fall when temperatures are between 70-86 degrees Fahrenheit (21-30 Celsius). They have grayish-brown forewings with light gray hindwings, which are typically folded against each other at rest. 

Males types of moths in Minnesota have silver scales around the apex (tip) of their forewing, while females do not. The larvae can measure up to 2 inches in length and vary in color from yellowish green or brown to pale green or black, depending on age. 

Achemon Sphinx Moths types of moths in Minnesota are attracted to light but primarily feed off nectar by day and flowers such as petunias by night. They will also partake in mud puddling behavior; when environmental conditions such as drought occur, they may even be seen hunting for salts or minerals from damp soil or roadways! Both adults and larvae can be found in shaded woodlands near grapes and related vines.

4. Adjutant Wainscot Moth

The Adjutant Wainscot Moth (Leucania adjuta) is a species of the Noctuidae family of moths. Its wingspan ranges between 25 and 33 millimeters and is typically brownish, marked with three or four dark-brown crosslines bordered and outlined by white and faint wavy markings across its wings. 

These moths in Minnesota larvae feed mainly on grasses but may also eat leaves and can frequently be found at night resting on grass stems. Due to its wide distribution range across much of western Europe, eastern North America, and parts of the Middle East, this species is not endangered or threatened in any way. 

The species is known for being able to fly during both day and night, something rare among moths due to their strong attraction to light sources at night that usually causes them to fly into surfaces such as walls and windows if faced with artificial lighting. This species is characterized by its singularly fast flapping wings, which often surpass other noctuid moths. Furthermore, the larval stage of the Adjutant Wainscot Moth has an unusually long duration in comparison to most other Lepidoptera species; individuals may take up to six months before they mature into adults.

5. Afflicted Dagger Moth 

The Afflicted Dagger Moth (Acronticta afflicta) is a small, nocturnal moth across much of Europe and North America. It belongs to the Acronyctidae family and is named for its distinctive black and white ‘dagger-shaped’ markings on the wings. 

The Afflicted Dagger Moth types of moth in Minnesota have a wingspan measuring between 25-40 mm and features rusty brown forewings that are decorated with dark stripes and lines at the edges. The larvae of this species feed on many different types of tree leaves, such as Willow, Birch, Elm, Apple, and Oak trees. 

They can often be found during early summer on mature trees as they feed off leaves by chewing through them, leaving ’window-like’ patches or holes in leaves before transforming into moths. Adult moths lay their eggs among branches and twigs while they rest during the day. At night they are attracted to lights where they can be seen fluttering around buildings, lights posts, or street lamps. 

The Afflicted Dagger Moth is considered a pest species due to its feeding habits which can damage delicate foliage on trees when enough larvae congregate on one tree at once. To avoid an infestation, it is important to identify this species early on to eradicate populations quickly before more serious damage can occur to certain plants or young saplings in gardens or farming areas.

6. Ailanthus Webworm Moth 

The Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva aurea) is a small, yellow- or reddish-brown-colored moth species commonly found in North America and Central America. Its wingspan is typically between 8–14 millimeters long, and its larvae feed exclusively on the foliage of trees in the genus Ailanthus, from which it gets its common name

The Ailanthus Webworm Moth types of moths in Minnesota have a worldwide distribution, although they can be locally abundant in certain parts of the United States. Minnesota’s adult types of moths are usually seen during spring and early summer months when they fly at dusk to find mates and lay eggs. 

Females types of moths in Minnesota produce up to 600 eggs per day throughout their lifespan, which are laid on branches or foliage of the host tree. After hatching, the larvae create webs around them while they feed on the leaves of their host tree by scraping off chunks with their mouthparts and consuming sap from veins. 

As they grow, they become more visible as they create larger nests consisting of webbing, silk tufts, frass, and discarded leaf material as camouflage. Eventually, into midsummer, larva molt into pupae for transformation into adult moths, where feeding resumes once again until its death soon after mating. 

The Ailanthus Webworm Moth can cause serious damage to trees in local areas due to the large populations, which cause defoliation when feeding in massive numbers on young leaves, causing growth loss due to substantial defoliation resulting in weakened immunity against disease and pests, giving roots less access to sunlight adding to their ill health.

This species’ population outbreaks often carry over a series of years, consequently causing irreparable damage if not acted upon quickly enough upon discovery before trees incur fatal damage triggering further problems posing potential safety hazards which need prompt consideration for removal by professionals or effective pest management techniques such as natural predators like ladybugs or lacewing or insecticide applications.

 If necessary, along with disposing of infested materials away from premises immediately, reducing the likelihood of a reinfestation from remaining eggs, later rescuing trees from destruction. As long as you watch for these leaf-hungry moths, promptly intervening before things get too late!

7. American Bird Wing Moth

The American Bird’s-Wing Moth (Dypterygia ) is next on our list of types of moths in Minnesota. It is a moth species native to the Americas, specifically from Mexico to Argentina. It belongs to the Crambidae family, including other moths commonly known as pyralid or snout moths. 

The American Bird’s-Wing Moth is easily distinguishable by its large size and white color with deep black spots. The species typically grows up to a wingspan of around 6 cm and has a distinct silhouette resembling a bird in flight due to its long tail feathers. 

This species is unique because it prefers open areas such as fields, meadows, and cleared forests rather than woodlands like many of its relatives. It can be found mostly during the warmer months between April and October in Central America and South America, where temperatures are milder for most of the year. The American Bird’s-Wing Moth feeds on an array of plant material, including fodder grasses, clover, alfalfa, and other host plants depending on their range.

The main threats facing this species come from habitat destruction and fragmentation due to agricultural expansion into natural habitats, excessive use of insecticides, climate change, and the introduction of non-native predators into these regions. Conservation efforts for this rare species are essential for its survival as population trends continue to decline across countries such as Mexico.

8. American Lappet Moth

The American Lappet Moth (Phyllodesma americana) is a moth species in North America. It is a medium-sized, grayish-brown hairy moth with two distinctive lappets on the front wings and four lappets on the rear wings. 

Minnesota‘s lappet types of moths can range from light brown to black with yellowish-orange or white patches along the edges. The body of this species is covered in fine, shaggy hair. 

The American Lappet Moth’s habitat ranges from southern Canada to northern Mexico, where it can often be found in deciduous forests and grassland habitats. Adult types of moths in Minnesota feed on developing seeds of trees and shrubs, as well as nectar from flowers and sap from oaks and other hardwoods.

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The larvae of this species feed on the leaves and young twigs of numerous host plants, including apple, birch, cherry, elm, hickory, maple oak, locust, and wild rose, among many others. They are typically green or yellowish, with black spots on the thorax region. 

This species has an unusually long lifecycle that typically takes two years to complete; during this time, larvae overwinter twice (in autumn and spring), pupating during summer months for a short period before emerging as adults in late summer/early fall. This lengthy lifecycle allows them to persist through cold temperatures and drought conditions, which would otherwise harm their survival. 

Although generally considered beneficial due to their role in pollination and pest control activities, American Lappet Moths types of moths in Minnesota have been found to cause significant defoliation when present in large numbers, so they may require some level of population control if they become too abundant within a particular area.

9. Angulose Prominent Moth

The Angulose Prominent Moth (Peridea angulosa) is also on our list of types of moths in Minnesota and species of moth found in North America. It belongs to the family Notodontidae and has light gray wings with silvery-gray spots. 

It has two angled bands on the underside of its forewings, which is why it is named after the Latin word “angulosis,” meaning having angles. The species is found in various habitats, including wooded areas, fields, meadows, and wood edges. They usually fly by night and are attracted to artificial lights and sugar bait or blacklight traps with sheet baffles. 

The larvae feed on several plants, such as willows and birches. They also habitually curl into a tight ball if disturbed or handled too much. The types of moths in Minnesota often overwinter in their pupal stage and reach maturity from April to June in most parts of North America.

10. Angus Datana Moth

The Angus’ Datana Moth (Datana angusii) is a small to medium-sized moth species in the western United States and Canada. Its caterpillar is a distinctive type of “cutworm,” the type of caterpillar that eats away at plants and trees while they’re pupating. 

Minnesota’s adult types of moths may also feed on some nectar from flowering plants. Their wings are usually gray, yellow, or brown, with eye-shaped spots along their length. Some people refer to them as bumblebee moths because they resemble bumblebees. 

The larval stage of the Angus’ Datana Moth moths in Minnesota eats leaves, sprouts, and stems, especially on deciduous trees like willow, birch, and oak. They can become quite destructive if left unchecked, so prompt action when noticing signs of an infestation is important for home gardens or landscapes with many young plants and trees. When mature, the caterpillars become distinctive cocoons that allow them to survive during winter. 

Adult Angus’ Datanas typically fly in North America in July, August, and September. During this time, they will flit around during the day, laying eggs on host plant foliage before resuming their characteristic nocturnal activity cycle. The conservation status for this species is relatively secure due to its wide range and resilient population size; however, it could be classified as threatened if certain conditions become direr due to habitat loss or human activity throughout its range.

11. Arcigera Flower Moth 

Arcigera Flower Moth (Schinia arcigera) is a moth species in the Noctuidae family. It is found in the United States and commonly bloomed in the Southwest. The types of moths in Minnesota are about 1 inch long and are light orange-brown with small yellow and cream spots on their wings. 

The Arcigera Flower Moth mainly feeds on alfalfa, clover, and other legumes. They usually lay their eggs near the bases of the food sources they feed on, which hatch within two weeks. Once hatched, larvae feed a few weeks before spinning silk cocoons for overwintering in the late summer to early fall months. 

Arcigera Flower types of moths in Minnesota can benefit gardeners as predatory insects under control foliage-eating pests such as aphids and caterpillars that can damage plants. As these moths in Minnesota feed upon plant nectar as an essential source of nutrients, it makes them important pollinators for various gardens and croplands, thus providing economic value to human society by increasing productivity.

12. Army Cutworm Moth

The Army Cutworm Moth (Euxoa auxiliaris) is a species of cutworm moth commonly found in North America. It is a member of the Noctuidae family, and it is sometimes known as the Common Cutworm or Auxiliary Cutworm. 

The adult types of moths in Minnesota are brownish-gray or tan with light gray markings, including four dark spots along the hindwings. Adults can be seen from late spring to early autumn and tend to rest on bare ground during the day. 

The larvae of this species vary in color from yellowish or pinkish to black, and they often have a banded pattern on their bodies that helps them blend into their environment. They feed on grasses, grains, vegetables, and other crop plants. They can be particularly damaging to corn and wheat crops due to their large appetites. 

The Army Cutworm types of moths in Minnesota are considered a beneficial species because their larvae are hosts for many parasites that help keep insect pest populations in check. Adult types of moths in Minnesota also provide food sources for predators such as bats, birds, and small mammals.

13. Ash-Tip Borer Moth

The Ash-tip Borer Moth (Papaipema furcata) is a species of moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found throughout the eastern United States, from Minnesota to New Jersey and ranging south to Georgia and Mississippi. These types of moths in Minnesota are powerfully colored with yellow and black stripes along their wings and bodies, giving them a unique appearance. 

The larvae of the Ash-tip Borer moth feed primarily on the foliage of ash trees, feeding on both young and mature leaves. They will also feed on other closely related trees, such as wild cherry, but their main host plants are ashes. This species prefers well-drained soil and open woods with plenty of shade from mature trees that provide necessary nutrients for the larvae’s development. 

 Adult types of moths in Minnesota emerge in late summer or early autumn, when they can be observed at rest during cooler evenings while they wait for darkness to emerge and begin searching for mates. During this time, they exhibit many fascinating behaviors that make up their life cycle, such as long flights triggered by mating pheromone signals emitted by female individuals, forming communal roosting sites, and displaying courtship displays in order to attract potential mates. 

This interesting species plays an important role in east woodland ecosystems, helping increase biodiversity by providing food sources for other animal species such as birds and small mammals and aiding forest regeneration through its pollination activities that help disperse pollen throughout forests allowing for greater genetic diversity among tree populations.

14. Bagworm Moth

Bagworm moths (various spp.) are insect species in the family Psychidae. They are found worldwide in temperate regions and feed on coniferous trees such as pine, spruce, and cypress. Bagworm types of moths in Minnesota get their common name from the characteristic silken cases they build out of silk and pieces of twigs and foliage to protect themselves during development.

Adult moths in Minnesota lay eggs singly or in clusters inside these cases, which overwinter until spring when larvae hatch out. The young larvae then emerge from their bag-like casings and begin to feed on conifer needles. 

As they grow, they construct larger cases covering much of their bodies except for the head, thorax, and abdomen tip. They typically mature into adults in late summer or early fall before entering winter dormancy. These moths in Minnesota can damage trees if left unchecked because they eat large amounts of needles during the larval growth stage and sometimes strip entire branches off trees. 

Fortunately, many natural enemies, such as various ground beetles, parasitic flies, wasps, lacewings, and birds, often keep populations small enough that significant damage does not occur unless unchecked for an extended period. Cultural control measures include manually removing webs or spraying pesticides when needed; however, physical removal by hand is usually favored over chemical methods due to its greater efficacy.

15. Banded Hairstreak 

The Banded Hairstreak (Satyrium calanus) is a butterfly species found in some areas of Europe, including the United Kingdom. It is a small butterfly with a wingspan of 27 to 43 millimeters. It has two distinct black stripes on the forewings and reddish-orange hindwings marked with white spots along the trailing edge. The undersides of its wings are grey-brown.

The Banded Hairstreak moths in Minnesota feed on pollen and nectar from wildflower plants like Bilberry, Marsh Thistle, and Common milkwort. The female types of moths in Minnesota lay their eggs on the shoots of deciduous trees such as oak, ash tree, poplar, willow, or birch tree. The caterpillars feed on leaves while they develop into butterflies. 

This species mainly inhabits deciduous woodland areas but can also be seen in country parks, coastal dunes, and hedgerows. Its conservation status is ‘least concern’ since it currently faces no known threats.

16. Banded Tiger Moth

The Banded Tiger Moth (Apantesis vittata) is also on our list of types of moths in Minnesota. It is a colorful and wide-ranging moth across eastern and central North America. The species belongs to the family Arctiidae, generally known as tiger moths due to their bright colors and markings, featuring bands of yellow, orange, or red on a gray background. 

The adult types of moths in Minnesota have long wings with black margins and a wingspan of up to 3 inches. The forewings feature a row of red spots near the base, with white patches extending outward. The hindwing has two distinct stretches of bold yellow at the inner lower corner and mid-section, respectively. 

Banded Tiger moths in Minnesota inhabit many open habitats such as meadows, woodland edges, fields, and gardens. They feed on nectar using their proboscis or tongue-like organs. During the day, they tend to hide under leaves or bark branches to protect themselves from becoming the prey of birds or other predators while they feed on flowers during dusk hours. 

These types of moths in Minnesota typically pupate in April before emerging as adults during June through September; they reproduce by laying eggs that hatch into larvae within days during summer months. After feeding for four weeks, these larvae overwinter under debris such as fallen leaves or loose bark until it is time to transform again into pupae in springtime environments rich in decaying vegetation matter for sustenance.  

The Banded Tiger Moth is an important pollinator in forests that helps maintain healthy forest ecosystems by aiding the reproduction of trees by carrying pollen from tree to tree when clustering around blossoms, thus maintaining biodiversity. Additionally, tiger moths are also natural enemy parasitoids. Their presence also assists ecosystem balance by annihilating insect pests related to crops. Soybean aphids are one example that requires natural control measures other than pesticides to accomplish crop production targets.

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17. Banded Woolly Bear Caterpillar Moth 

The Banded Woollybear Caterpillar Moth (Pyrrharctia isabella) is a species of tussock moth found in North America, primarily in the eastern United States. The name “Woollybear” comes from the long, wooly coat of yellow-brown hairs that covers this caterpillar’s body like a carpet. 

The adult types of moths in Minnesota are also known as Isabella Tiger Moths, characterized by an orange or yellowish stripe running along the length of the hindwings. This species has one generation each year, with larval forms overwintering until spring, when adults emerge from underground cocoons and lay eggs on nearby plants and trees. These larvae feed primarily on various grasses and weeds but have been known to consume other foliage, including huckleberries, dogwoods, maples, and cherry trees.

As a beneficial insect, the Woollybear plays an important role in agricultural ecosystems; its oils act as pest deterrents for crop diseases and can improve soil quality and fertility through pollination and defecation activity. Additionally, its attractive appearance serves as a valuable source of entertainment and admiration for those who take pleasure in admiring these captivating creatures.

18. Barberry Geometer Moth

The Barberry Geometer Moth (Coryphista meadii) is a moth species belonging to the family Geometridae. These medium-sized types of moths in Minnesota are typically dark brown and have varying patterns of white and yellowish lines along their wings. Their range spans most of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. 

Barberry Geometer moths in Minnesota feed mainly on foliage, including oak trees and other deciduous trees and shrubs such as maples and willows. They typically lay their eggs on barberry bushes in late spring or early summer, where they get their scientific name from “Coryphista meadii” which references the genus of gooseberries called “Corylophis” to which barberry bushes belong. 

Barberry Geometer types of moths in Minnesota play an important role in ecosystems since larvae provide a food source for birds, small mammals, bats, spiders, and insectivorous ants. The types of moths in Minnesota are also important pollinators because they visit a variety of flowers while nectaring. As a result, they help spread pollen between plants to ensure successful fertilization within plant species.

19. Biden Borer Moth 

The Biden’s Borer Moth (Epiblema otiosana) is a moth found in North America. The larvae feed on hardwood trees, including birches, aspens, and willows. Adult types of moths in Minnesota are small to medium-sized, with wingspans ranging from 1-2 inches across. 

The moth’s forewings are generally brown or tan with dark markings, while the hindwing is pink with white spots. During the day, Bidens Borer moths in Minnesota can be found hidden among foliage or crevices when they are not actively mating or laying eggs. 

Bidens Borer types of moths in Minnesota lay their eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves by mid to late summer, causing leaves to appear glossy or sticky. Once hatched, larvae begin to tunnel into the leaf tissue, eventually creating a hole in the center of each leaf. This damages the host plant and can cause defoliation over larger areas if numbers increase dramatically. 

As the larval phase progresses, pupae form and overwinter within dead twigs until adults emerge in early summer. Control measures for this species include good sanitation practices such as removing infested leaves from ground level to reduce egg loss and prevent further damage to host plants. Pesticides may also be necessary under some circumstances.

20. Black Blotched Prominent Moth 

The Black-blotched Prominent Moth (Schizura leptinoides) is a moth species in the Notodontidae family. It is native to North America and can be found from Canada to Mexico. Minnesota’s adult types of moths have scattered black spots on their gray forewings, and their hindwings are white with thick black veins. Its long abdomen also features a bright yellow tip.

The caterpillars of the Black-blotched Prominent Moth are yellowish with reddish stripes running along the body segments, punctuated by large black dots on each segment. They typically live in deciduous forests or canyons and feed on the leaves of various plants, such as dogwood and willow trees. 

The larvae are nocturnal and pupate during the early fall season. Adult types of moths in Minnesota emerge after about four weeks, just in time for the mating season, which typically starts around October, depending on region and climate conditions. The female lays eggs in a thin line along branches or tree trunks, ensuring they are exposed to direct sunlight during their lifespan to easily hatch during post-winter chill-out periods. 

Due to their small size and camouflage colors when resting, these moths often go unnoticed until they actively flutter around plants at night, seeking prey or mates. With global warming making some regions unsuitable for this species’ habitats or frost periods too short to mature properly, conservation efforts now seek better ways to ensure populations remain healthy across their range in North America.

21. Carrot Seed Moth 

The Carrot Seed Moth (Sitochroa palealis) is a species of small, pale yellow and orange-colored moth found in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of Europe. It primarily feeds on the seedheads of wild carrot flowers but can also damage fruit trees such as apples, plums, and cherries. 

The adult female types of moths in Minnesota usually lay their eggs on the underside of leaves or within flower buds or fruits like tomato or pepper. The larvae are small green caterpillars with blackheads, which feed on foliage before pupating into an adult moth. 

These types of moths in Minnesota represent potential pests for commercial crops such as carrots and other vegetables. Damage from Carrot Seed Moths can result in stunted growth, reduced yields, and blemished fruits and vegetables. To control their populations, it is important to identify their habitats early and limit their access to plants by pruning damaged foliage or covering them up with netting or mesh screens to attract natural predators such as ladybugs or lacewings that feed on their larvae. Planting diverse plants around the crop to provide alternative food sources may also help reduce infestations by Carrot Seed types of moths in Minnesota.

22. Close-Banded Yellowhorn Moth

The Close-banded Yellowhorn Moth (Colocasia propinquilinea) is a small nocturnal moth belonging to the family Arctiidae. It is native to Southeast Asia and can be found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Its body length generally ranges from 18–30 mm, with males being slightly larger than females types of moths in Minnesota.

The upper wings of this moth are yellowish-brown, while the lower wings are paler in coloration and have white tufts at their margins. Its antennae consist of red spikes along the middle section and two shorter white antennae at the tip. 

The larvae of this species feed on woody plants like cottonwood, cherry tree leaves, sassafras, sweet gum, maples, and willow trees; they also feed on shrubs such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and viburnums. It has four larval stages: egg (1-3 days), larvae (7-10 weeks), pupae (3-4 weeks), and adult (7 days). The adults emerge during late summer or early autumn when they make short flights to find suitable breeding locations, such as unopened flower buds, which serve as a food source for them throughout the winter.  

The Close-banded Yellowhorn Moth feeds at night and is attracted to natural light sources such as street lamps or porches and certain chemical compounds, such as fluoro carbonate solvents in paint strippers. As for its conservation status, it currently holds a Least Concern ranking due to its widespread distribution across its region of origin combined with stable population numbers.

23. Dingy Cutworm Moth 

The Dingy Cutworm Moth (Felita jaculifera) is next on our list of types of moths in Minnesota and species of moth found in Australia, from South to Tasmania. They prefer grassy meadows and fields but can also inhabit wastelands. 

These types of moths in Minnesota have light bluish-gray wings that feature several dark smudges or spots on the upper surface. Their body color varies from yellowish tan to orange-brown, with some dark transverse stripes or specks visible along the abdomen and hindwings. The head is small and roughly rectangular in shape compared to the other body parts. 

The caterpillars of Dingy Cutworm moths in Minnesota typically feed on different types of grasses, making them agricultural pests in some cases. Though it has not been studied in great detail, their larvae may overwinter deep underground during cold months and emerge as adults later during summer. In urban parks, Dingy Cutworm types of moths in Minnesota are considered beneficial since they act as pollinators while feeding on nectar sources among flowers.

24. European Corn Borer Moth 

The European Corn Borer Moth (Ostrinia nubilalis) is a moth species belonging to the family Crambidae, including various other moths and grass moths. The moth gets its name because its larvae feed mainly on corn and other cereal crops, including rice and certain vegetables. Originally native to Europe, it has spread to North America, where it is now one of the most destructive insect pests of crops in both regions. 

Adult types of moths in Minnesota are reddish-brown with dark stripes and spots along their wings and bodies. They have a wingspan of around 1 inch and reach lengths up to 3/4 inch when their wings are closed. 

Females usually lay eggs singly or in small clusters near food sources for the larvae to feed on once hatched. The eggs take about two days to hatch and then become grayish-white caterpillars with bluish heads. 

Minnesota’s caterpillar types of moths feed on plant leaves and stems, often burrowing them into the center of the plant tissue, forming tunnels. This causes stunted growth or death of most parts of the crop, depending on how severe or widespread the infestation is. They also feed on corn husks and cobbs, resulting in grain losses if infestations are left untreated long enough for them to reach maturity before harvest. 

To prevent damage caused by European Corn Borer types of moths in Minnesota, farmers should practice crop rotation, monitor fields for early evidence of an infestation, such as frass (excrement) trails on stalks or leaves, as well as inspect fields immediately after harvest to ensure no further breeding occurs over winter months before planting again next season. Chemical controls such as insecticides may also be used if needed but always used safely according to instructions given by manufacturers or state agencies in charge of pesticide control regulations.

25. Fir Tussock Moth 

The Fir Tussock Moth (Orgyia detrita) is a moth species in North America. It has a prominent light brown and black pattern on its wings, and its body is yellowish. Adult moths in Minnesota feed on the leaves of evergreen needles and some hardwood trees, while larvae feed on the needles of spruce and fir trees. 

Large populations of this moth can cause heavy defoliation of evergreen trees, particularly in spring and summer. The adult types of moths in Minnesota lay eggs that hatch into small caterpillars called tussock caterpillars, which feed voraciously on tree foliage before pupating during mid-summer. They emerge during early August as adults, hence repeating the life cycle again. 

Related:  22 Different Types of Spiky Caterpillars

Natural enemies such as parasitic wasps help to keep Fir Tussock Moth populations in check. At the same time, chemical sprays have been used to reduce population growth in areas where they are damaging widespread tree foliage. Regular monitoring of larvae activity is recommended to prevent serious infestations from occurring.

26. Grape Plume Moth

The Grape Plume Moth (Geina periscelidactylus) is a species of small to medium-sized moth that can be found in North America and Mexico. It is often seen visiting vineyards, where its larvae feed on grape leaves. Adult types of moths in Minnesota are attracted to lights at night and may sometimes be mistaken for butterflies due to their white, feathered-looking wings with brown margins. 

Grape Plume moths in Minnesota range from 1-2 cm in length and have reddish heads with tufts of hair behind the eyes. Their thorax is yellowish or orange, and their wings are creamy white when mature. The underside of their wings tends to have a checkered pattern with black, orange, brown, and white markings. 

Grape Plume types of moths in Minnesota are considered beneficial because they help control the growth of vines by preying on pest insects such as aphids and caterpillars, which can damage crop yields. Larvae typically hatch 5-7 days after eggs are laid under grapevine leaves and will feed for about two weeks before pupating into adults. 

After emerging from pupation, adults typically live between 3-6 weeks before dying off as winter approaches. To prepare for cold months, they spin a silken cocoon around themselves while overwintering as larvae or pupae inside the cocoon until springtime rolls around again.

27. Green Cloverworm Moth 

The Green Cloverworm Moth (Hypena scabra) is a moth species found in the family Noctuidae, subfamily Hypeninae. This moth is found across North America and can be identified by its greenish-gray forewings with brown stripes. The wingspan of the Green Cloverworm Moth averages around one inch wide. 

The larvae of this species mainly feed on clover and alfalfa, although they have also been known to feed on other plants, such as grasses and grains. The larva of the Green Cloverworm Moth will generally feed for several weeks before reaching pupation. During this time, they construct a silken web to protect themselves from predators and unfavorable weather conditions. 

Due to their clover and alfalfa diet, these moths in Minnesota are considered agricultural pests; however, some studies have also shown them to assist in pollinating certain crops, including soybeans and cotton. In addition, these moths can often be seen around porch lights near homes during summer evenings when they come out searching for food or mates. 

Because their populations can develop outbreaks occasionally due to favorable environmental conditions, the Green Cloverworm Moth requires careful monitoring to prevent them from disrupting local agriculture industry operations or causing damage to crops. Integrated Pest Management strategies should help maintain manageable levels without resorting to chemical treatments that may cause harm to beneficial insects or bring about other negative effects due to potential residues in produce grown using those chemicals.

28. Hemina Pinion Moth

The Hemina Pinion Moth (Lithophane hemina) is a species of moth belonging to the family Noctuidae. It is native to Europe but can also be found in parts of North America. Minnesota’s adult types of moths have brown forewings with darker spots and pale gray hind wings. 

They are typically active day and night, although they may be more active at dawn or dusk when temperatures are cooler. They mainly feed on nectar from flowers such as ragwort and clover and sap from deciduous trees like oaks and birches. The larvae feed on the foliage of various plants, including grasses, weeds, and shrubs. 

They overwinter in their larval stage and pupate near the end of summer. The adult types of moths in Minnesota energy in late August or early September when they will mate and lay their eggs on vegetation surrounding the host plant. Upon hatching in springtime, new larvae will start feeding until they reach adulthood later in the year.

29. Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth 

The Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth (Rusicada privata) is a moth species found in Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Minnesota’s caterpillar types of moths have angry-looking faces and can range from soft, pale green to dark gray or brown. They are associated with hibiscuses, especially the showy common garden hibiscus, but may also be found on other plants in the same family. 

These caterpillar types of moths in Minnesota feed by skeletonizing the leaves of their host plant rather than consuming the entire leaf like some other types of caterpillars do. During feeding, they will form a noticeable web layer across the plant foliage, which helps protect them from predators and UV rays. After about two weeks of destruction as larvae, these moths will begin to pupate under white, silky webs spun over small branches or twigs near the host plant. The pupal stage will last around twenty days, and then fully grown adult moths emerge with black wings spotted with white dots and white puffs at their base. Adult males have an average wing span of one inch, while females can reach a slightly larger size at 1.3 inches! 

The appearance of hibiscus leaf caterpillars is often alarming for gardeners due to the amount of damage they can cause if left unchecked. Still, thankfully there are steps that you can take to eliminate them from your garden. 

Some methods include introducing natural predators such as ladybugs or parasitic wasps into your garden or manually removing them with two hands by plucking off all visible eggs and larvae every couple of days before they hatch into adulthood. Planting different flowers and herbs like lavender, chrysanthemums, rosemary, and basil nearby could also help prevent these moths from choosing your hibiscuses since it’ll provide alternate food sources for caterpillars to feed on instead!

30. Himmelman’s Plume Moth 

Himmelman’s Plume Moth (Geina tenuidactyla) is also on our list of types of moths in Minnesota. It is a moth species found in Canada, from British Columbia to Ontario. 

Adult types of moths in Minnesota usually emerge between late May and early July and can be seen flying around at night. They are considered to be moderately rare, but their caterpillars can be found feeding on a variety of trees and shrubs such as White Birch, Grey Alder, Sand Cherry, and other species. The caterpillars are dark brown with two white stripes down the sides and orange tufts near their heads.

Himmelman’s Plume types of moths in Minnesota tend to inhabit wooded areas close to riparian zones, especially those near beaches or riverbanks, where they can lay eggs on water-tolerant plants like cattails or fireweed. They also use salt marshes as breeding grounds during the summer months. 

The adult types of moths in Minnesota have light brown wings with darker brown markings and indistinct orange bands along the edges; they typically measure 1 inch long. Female types of moths in Minnesota will lay batches of 200-300 yellowish eggs that turn black shortly after hatching in 12–14 days. 

After hatching, larvae will feed on leaves for several weeks before pupating within thin mats of silk spun between blades of grass or low vegetation at ground level. After about one week as pupae, adults will emerge from the cocoons in late spring or early summer, depending on the location. The size and morphology of Himmelman’s Plume Moth make it an attractive target for conservation efforts since it is uncommon even when compared to other species in its range. 

Indeed this species may benefit from conservation programs focused on restoring habitat or increasing diversity in its diverse range of habitats mentioned above. In addition, increased public awareness about this particular species could also help encourage more observations which would further benefit efforts towards protecting Himmelman’s Plume Moth populations across its range.

31. Little White Lichen Moth

The Little White Lichen Moth (Clemensia albata) is a moth in the family Xyloridae. It is found throughout the contiguous United States, southern Canada, and Mexico. Minnesota’s adult types of moths are small moths with a wingspan of about 4-5mm. The frontwings are white or off-white, while the hindwings are grayish or brownish with a faint yellowish or orange border. 

The larvae feed on lichens and mosses growing on rocks and tree bark, particularly around coniferous trees such as pines and firs. Little White Lichen types of moths in Minnesota have one generation per year, from April until June, with pupation occurring during late summer to early fall. The pupae overwinter in leaf litter or underneath pine needles until it is time for them to emerge as adults in the following spring. 

Little White Lichen types of moths in Minnesota play an important role in its natural environment by feeding on lichens that can quickly overgrow trees when left unchecked, thus helping to maintain a healthy balance between wildlife populations and their habitats. These moths also serve as a food source for birds and other predators, providing an important link in local food webs.

32. Modest Sphinx Moth 

Lastly, The Modest Sphinx Moth (Pachysphinx modesta) is a moth belonging to the family Sphingidae. It is found throughout much of the United States, from Georgia to Massachusetts and parts of Canada. This species has several subspecies that inhabit different regions. 

The Modest Sphinx Moth is named for its distinctive coloring, featuring shades of gray and brown on top and deep yellowish-brown fringes along the edges of its wings. Its wingspan typically measures between 3 1/2 and 5 inches in length. The upper surface of its wings has intricate lines, while the undersides are usually plainer in appearance, with some orange or reddish-brown shading near its body. 

This species is often active during twilight and nocturnal, so it can be seen hovering around light sources such as street or porch lights. Minnesota’s main food sources for these moths are flower nectar and sap from trees or shrubs. When threatened, it will roll into a tight ball and release a foul odor to deter predators. 

The larvae stage of the Modest Sphinx types of moths in Minnesota feeds on various plants such as garden vegetables, grapevines, elm trees, maples, and roses, among others. The larval forms vary widely according to their food sources, including bright yellow varieties that feed on corn and tomato hornworm types that feed on nightshade plants like potatoes or eggplant. 

This species poses no risk to humans despite its size when fully grown; however, its voracious appetite for foliage may cause minor damage to garden plants if infestations occur close to residential areas.

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