Have you ever spotted different types of lizards in Georgia, especially in the backyard of your house, and wondered how they got there, as well as what species of lizard they are?
More than 18 types of lizards in Georgia could be living in your garden. Some are relatively small, some are rather large, and some can be somewhat invasive.
Is it feasible that Georgia is home to some species of lizard that produce venom? Well, continue reading this article to find out more.
We’ve listed 7 lizards that live in Georgia and provided some background information on each.
1. Texas Horned Lizard

The Texas Horned Lizard is a lizard native to Texas but a type of lizard in Georgia and South Carolina.
These lizards have bodies that are elongated and almost round in shape.
In addition, they have a row of expanded scales around their heads that give the appearance of horns, which is where their names originate.
These scales provide the appearance of a crown around the animal’s skull.
It was once normal to keep a Texas Horned Lizard as a pet; however, due to their minimal population and the fact that they only inhabit the dunes close to the coast in Georgia, it is now against the law to do so.
It does not appear that there is any risk of them becoming invasive.
However, These types of lizards in Georgia can live in the wild for up to five years and reach a length of approximately four inches.
They are carnivores that consume ants as their primary food source, although they are willing to consume smaller insects if the situation calls for it.
Snakes, hawks, other species of lizards, coyotes, cats, dogs, and even other dogs and cats are among the Texas Horned Lizard’s natural enemies.
2. Six-Lined Racerunner

The Six-Lined Racerunner is another type of lizard in Georgia and lives throughout the country;
It lives up to its name by having six yellow or white stripes run down its back.
This species of lizard is very prevalent. On the other hand, it is not present in some areas of the mountains.
On the other hand, the species is never found anywhere but on the ground. It favors hot climates and open regions like fields and sand dunes.
Reports have shown that this species can survive for up to six years and grow to a length of approximately 9.5 inches.
These types of lizards in Georgia thrive in warm conditions and continue to remain active even during the hottest heat waves because they enjoy the heat.
They are known for their speed and are carnivores that primarily consume spiders and other insects of a smaller size.
Because of their incredible speed, race runners are notoriously difficult for humans and other animals to capture.
Skunks, badgers, and various other species of lizards and birds are among this lizard’s natural predators.
3. Eastern Glass Lizard

At full height, the length of the Eastern Glass Lizard can reach up to 43 inches. This lizard does not possess any legs.
They are carnivores and have a lifespan of up to ten years if properly cared for. In addition, They have elongated and slender bodies, and in some ways, they resemble snakes.
They range in hue from light to greenish brown and appear in sandy Georgia regions, such as the Coastal Plain.
On the other hand, you can also come across them in the Flatwoods or the wetlands.
If you catch and capture an Eastern Glass Lizard, it will soon break off part of its tail.
The Eastern Glass Lizard can quickly escape while its predator is preoccupied with the twitching tail.
This lizard-like creature without legs feeds on spiders, insects, juvenile rodents, and small reptiles.
One can find these types of lizards in a significant number of areas around Georgia.
In addition, The Eastern Glass Lizard is preyed upon by various predatory mammals, including raccoons, opossums, hawks, and other animals.
4. Argentine Black and White Tegu Lizard

The Argentine Black and White Tegu Lizard are the only non-native species discovered in Georgia to this point.
While there have not been any reports of a dangerous type of lizard in Georgia, there have been reports of invading species.
This species was brought into Georgia from Brazil as pets, and it can now be seen in a few counties there.
At least two counties in Georgia appear to be home to this venomous reptile, which possesses razor-sharp fangs and claws and appears to have established a population there.
In addition, They consume spiders, fish, eggs, tiny birds, turtles, and insects, among other things.
These lizards can swim, and they are frequently mistaken for Georgia’s other natural reptile, which is called a juvenile alligator.
If local residents see this lizard while they are out and about, they are strongly requested to take a picture and send a report.
Because there aren’t many things that can eat this species, it’s easy for it to become out of hand.
In the state of Georgia, it is permissible to own an Argentine Black and White Tegu, but it is not permissible to let them out into the wild, where they would consume native species that require protection.
5. Green Anole

The Green Anole is native to some southern states, including Georgia, where one can find it.
They are the only species of anole found naturally in the United States.
They are excellent companion animals and have a lifespan of about four years on average. Still, they can survive in captivity for up to eight years if they receive adequate care.
These lizards in Georgia can be purchased at a reasonable price, typically for less than twenty dollars, at virtually any store selling pets.
Because green anoles are carnivores, you should give your crickets, mealworms, and waxworms to eat so that they stay in good health.
People refer to the lizard as the American chameleon because of its ability to change its color from bright green to brown.
These reptiles spend their time hanging out in trees and forest areas with lots of foliage exposed to sunshine.
Snakes and birds provide the greatest risk to these reptiles in the wild; nonetheless, larger reptiles frequently take them as prey.
6. Brown Anole

It is important not to confuse the Brown Anole with its close relative, the Green Anole.
These types of lizards in Georgia can grow up to 8.5 inches long and typically live between three and four years.
However, This carnivorous reptile consumes insects as large as grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, cockroaches, mealworms, waxworms, and mealworms.
These reptiles also happen to make good pets with the slightest difficulty.
This species’ coloring can range from brown to gray, and most individuals have a pattern that is either yellow or white on their backs.
In addition, their tails are dark in hue, and their neck fans can be orange or red in color.
This lizard was found in Florida for the first time ever, but it has also made its way to Georgia.
On hot days, they like to lie in the sun and soak up the rays, but on cooler days, you can usually find them lurking under the bark of trees, under rotting logs, or shingles.
The most dangerous enemies they face are birds and snakes.
7. Eastern Fence Lizard

Only a few species of lizards are native to Georgia, and the Eastern Fence Lizard is one of the few with rough scales.
They can have a bluish-gray color all the way up to completely black or brown.
However, They can reach a maximum length of 7.25 inches and thrive in regions ranging from the mountains to the seaside.
They can survive up to five years, although the average lifespan in captivity is closer to five years if given the necessary care.
This lizard is a carnivore, and its diet consists of a wide variety of insects, including spiders, grasshoppers, crickets, and more.
They are common lizards that can be found in large numbers almost anywhere, but mainly along the edges of fields and in the woods.
The Eastern Fence Lizard’s natural predators include animals like snakes, birds, cats, and larger reptiles.
These predators view them as potential sources of food.