Herons are a family of migratory birds found in many regions, including Virginia.
Virginia‘s distinct types of herons range from the Great Blue Heron to the Black-crowned Night Heron.
These types of herons in Virginia can often be seen wading in the shallows of rivers and wetlands, looking for prey, or nesting in trees or on logs along the shoreline.
They are elegant, long-legged water birds with intricate plumage that gives them an exotic appearance.
Pair them with some of Virginia’s most beautiful birding spots.
Let’s examine the types of Herons in Virginia.
1. Reddish Egret

The reddish egret is first on our list of types of herons in Virginia. It is a heron species native to Virginia and several other states in the southern United States.
It is the only member of the Ardeidae family in the state, making it a unique part of Virginia’s natural history.
The reddish egret grows up to 30 inches tall. Adults have gray-brown upper parts and wings, yellow-green legs and feet, a white neck and face, bright red eyes, and light pinkish-white bellies.
During the breeding season, they develop long cattails that shoot up like antennae from the top of their head.
These types of herons in Virginia egrets are commonly found around U.S estuaries, wetland habitats, and saltwater lagoons, searching for food such as small fish, crustaceans, and insects.
Reddish egrets were once abundant in Virginia until an influx of hunters nearly caused their extinction around the early 1900s.
Thanks to conservation efforts, their population has returned years later, but the Department of Environmental Quality still classifies them as a species of special concern.
Since then, numerous conservation projects, such as habitat preservation, nesting structures, and population monitoring programs, have been established to ensure their survival in Virginia.
More recently, they have been added to Virginia’s Bird Conservation Plan and listed under The Endangered Species Act as a threatened species, ensuring their protection nationwide.
Overall, the reddish egret is an integral part of our natural heritage here in Virginia, and its importance should not be overlooked, considering its place on our endangered species list.
Their importance goes beyond providing us with something nice to look at; these majestic herons in Virginia play an important role in maintaining healthy habitats for a wide range of wildlife.
However, unless efforts continue, these magnificent birds may one day no longer be found in Virginia’s skies
2. Great Egret

The Great Egret is also on our list of types of herons in Virginia and other parts of the United States.
Its population can be found along rivers, lakes, marshes, and other wetland areas.
This species stands roughly three feet tall with silver-white feathers, a yellow bill and legs, and black feet.
The Great Egret is an iconic bird known for its graceful appearance as it wades through shallow waters, looking for fish, frogs, tadpoles, and insects to eat.
The Great Egret is an impressive sight as it soars above wetlands or gracefully moves its long neck while searching for prey; however, it is not generally territorial with other birds of similar size.
In Virginia, they build nesting colonies near bodies of water alongside other types of herons, such as Snowy Egrets and Redish Egrets.
They also coexist peacefully with Ospreys that frequently hunt in the same areas.
Great Egrets are useful predators that consume various small aquatic animals like crayfish.
This helps maintain ecological balance in wetlands by controlling populations of undesirable species, like bullfrogs, which can unfavorably alter wetland habitats.
They also benefit from being adapted to live on land due to their strong talons, so they can usually outrun danger on land if there hasn’t been time for them to take off into flight.
In winter, some Great Egrets migrate further north. Still, large numbers remain in the Chesapeake Bay area all year round, occupying important feeding sites like drainage ditches where algae accumulate. These sites create perfect breeding habitats for these types of herons in Virginia, allowing them to reproduce successfully each year.
In Virginia, they are an irreplaceable part of the local ecosystem, contributing to healthy wetland ecosystems full of biodiversity vital for a thriving environment across the region.
3. Great Blue Heron
The great blue heron is a majestic and impressive bird species in Virginia.
It is one of the state’s most recognizable wading birds. It can stand up to four feet tall and has a long, S-shaped neck and sharp bill.
This species varies in size, making it difficult to spot among other nearby birds.
The great blue heron lives mainly near wetlands, marshes, ponds, lakes, rivers, and other slow‐moving water bodies across Virginia.
During the nesting season, they can often be seen perched at the top of dead trees near shallow waters, which they use for their hunting grounds.
They usually begin building their nests as early as February around heat sources such as tree stumps or old logs left at water lines to stay warm during chilly winter months.
The Great Blue Heron’s diet consists of small fish such as carp, perch, and catfish and other aquatic species such as insects (e.g., beetles), frogs, and snakes.
Their range within the state spans both eastern and central Virginia; however, the greatest concentrations tend to occur in the western areas near estuarine habitats ideal for juvenile small‐fishes, which this species readily consumes.
4. Least Bittern

The Least Bittern is a heron that breeds in the United States, from Virginia to northern California.
This small heron has yellowish-brown upper parts and white underparts.
It has a long, thin neck and streaks on the sides of its head and neck.
These small wading types of herons in Virginia typically inhabit freshwater wetlands and marshes but may also be found on saltwater marshes.
The Least Bitterns throughout Virginia’s wetlands include rivers, ponds, flooding fields and meadows, sloughs, marshes, and coastal streams.
These types of herons in Virginia mostly feed on insects or small fish by hunting while stalking in shallow water or dense vegetation.
On their breeding sites, they tend to patrol their territories while flying low over the water’s surface in search of prey.
When not breeding, Least bitterns migrate south across Central America to Peru during winter months, where they inhabit floodplain lake margins foraging opportunities.
All Least Bittern nests are typically built close to the water and located near heavy covers like cattails or bulrushes, which provide enough security for males to perform mating displays like head bobbing and bill flagging as part of courtship behavior towards potential mates.
The nest is a deep cup made of dense vegetation. However, it lacks any lining material, making it well hidden.
It is easily subject to flooding during unpredictable weather changes, leading to eventual abandonment if necessary so the bird can survive in another area unharmed.
5. Little Blue Heron

The Little Blue Heron, scientifically known as Egretta caerulea, is next on our list of types of herons in Virginia and other parts of the United States.
This long-legged, white, and blue bird is considered a bold hunter and can be seen in many of Virginia’s swamps, marshes, ponds, and estuaries.
Little Blue Herons are approximately 24 inches long and have light gray or blue-gray plumage on their upper bodies and heads.
They have white underbellies with yellowish legs that add to the bird’s distinct coloration.
Juveniles are very similar in appearance to adults but may have gray feathers around their bill and neck, giving them an overall grayish look.
Little Blue Herons feed mainly on small fish, crabs, tadpoles, and amphibians.
As they slowly stalk through shallow water looking for prey, they might fly up suddenly to catch larger fish from deeper areas.
Their powerful beaks are well adapted for catching slippery prey items such as small crayfish or fish that move too quickly for them to catch in shallow water areas.
Breeding season begins in late spring when most species already have their breeding plumage intact; typically, this includes a chestnut coloring found around the throat that has been said to resemble an “Egyptian necklace” made out of jewels.
During this time, they will construct large communal roost sites that can house up to 150 individuals at one time; nests are made out of sticks lined with twigs or grasses built in small trees near or over bodies of water.
6. Snowy Egret

The Snowy Egret is a type of heron found in Virginia. Virginia’s graceful types of herons have white plumage and long, black legs with yellow feet.
With its slender body and delicate features, the Snowy Egret is a beautiful addition to any Virginia wetland habitat.
Snowy Egrets live in various habitats within Virginia as long as there is access to shallow wetlands such as ponds, marshes, riversides, or swamps.
They typically look for prey such as fish, amphibians, or invertebrates from perches nearby or by wading through shallow water.
Their diet also includes small reptiles and birds. During the breeding season, Snowy Egrets are monogamous and form pair bonds for up to several years.
They build nests near floating vegetation or among thickly grown marsh plants, which offer protection from predators.
The nests average around three feet wide but can be larger than five feet wide
7. Cattle Egret

The Cattle Egret is a type of heron found in many parts of the United States, including Virginia.
These types of herons in Virginia are mostly white and have distinctive yellow bills.
They are also thick-bodied birds, with long pointed wings like their relatives, the bitter, and several species of herons.
Cattle egrets have a long history of association with grazing animals, such as cattle and horses, in both domestic and wild settings.
They use open, dry fields for hunting insects stirred up by the grazing animals.
Their diet consists mainly of large insects, including katydids, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles.
They supplement their insect diet with small rodents, frogs, and lizards when available.
Cattle Egrets can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hour when flying, but they usually stay close to land and rarely migrate farther than 600 miles from where they nest.
Cattle Egrets are known for their gregarious behavior. They nest in colonies that number upwards of 10 individuals or more during mating season, typically beginning at about two years old for females and three years old for males.
In Virginia, you may spot these birds around ponds or other wetland areas near pastures or forests.
They often fly low over vegetation looking for food or rest atop trees that provide approachable water sources for hunting fish or frogs.
While common throughout much of the state during spring through autumn months, chances of seeing them diminish outside those periods due to migration patterns or reduced availability in certain habitats caused by development projects or other changes to the environment.
8. Green Heron

The Green Heron is found in Virginia and throughout the Eastern United States.
It is a small heron with a beautiful green coloration on its wings and back and some blue feathers on its head.
Green Herons typically live near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, marshes, and ponds, where they can find plenty of food in shallow water.
These types of herons in Virginia are versatile hunters who use tools to increase their success rate, making them unique among bird species.
Green Herons are roughly 18 inches long and have a wingspan of 24-26 inches. They eat mostly insects and fish, but they also sometimes feed on crustaceans, frogs, and reptiles.
These birds will stalk slowly along the shoreline to catch their prey or stay still while waiting for an unsuspecting meal.
When something does take an interest, the Herons are fast enough to snatch it up almost immediately before it has time to escape out into deeper parts of the water.
In addition to being talented fishers, Green Herons have been known to use tools like sticks or other objects to help them feed more effectively.
It is common for these birds to dive quickly into the water before using a tool to lure food close enough so that they can snatch it up without having to go after it themselves.
This use of ingenuity gives them an edge over many other types of aquatic predators, as it allows them access to much higher-quality and easier food sources than may otherwise be available without such tools.
9. Black-crowned Night-Heron

Black-crowned Night-herons are one of the many types of herons that call Virginia home.
Virginia’s majestic types of herons can be found in the state’s wetlands, marshlands, and residential areas. The black crown of feathers on the head easily identifies this heron species.
Black-crowned Nightherons are small to medium-wading birds, ranging from 19 to 25 inches long. They are recognizable by their all-black, feathered crowns.
They have a white neck and face and gray wings with a distinctive “mustache” stripe along either side of the upper part of their bill. Their eyes are yellow with dark red lines.
These types of herons in Virginia breed primarily during spring in colonies found near rivers and marshes, often sharing nesting territories among other species like ibises and egrets.
Nests are typically built at least three feet off the ground in trees or shrubs adjacent to water sources.
Black-crowned Night-herons feed mainly on fish, amphibians, crustaceans, insects, small mammals, and reptiles, as well as foraging for carrion or scavenging for prey already caught by predators such as owls or hawks.
During the breeding season, they usually migrate in flocks in late May or early June, when local food sources become scarce.
They venture farther north into Canada or east towards Atlantic coastal regions where food is more plentiful year-round.
When winter arrives, these birds retreat southward to Virginia’s balmy climate, where temperatures rarely drop very low in most parts of the state; however, they may move farther south if weather conditions worsen too dramatically.
With expansive dry grasslands being turned into cornfields or cut down to produce timber ever-increasingly.
Sadly, Black-crowned night heron numbers have been falling steadily over recent years due to a significant reduction in suitable habitats available, urging us all to take concrete steps toward conserving these fascinating creatures before it’s too late!
10. Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
The Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) is a species of heron that typically resides along the coasts, in wetlands, and near waterways in the eastern United States and parts of northern Mexico.
It has been seen as far south as Panama. During the summer months, it can often be found in Virginia near salt marshes, sandy beaches, and estuaries.
The Yellow-crowned Night Heron measures an average of 16-25 inches long with a wingspan of up to 41 inches and can weigh up to 1.5 pounds.
Males and females types of herons in Virginia look-alike with yellow legs, a white belly, and dark grayish wings bordered with white feathers.
They have an angular crest on the head, which can sometimes give them the appearance of having two sets of eyes; this feature inspired their scientific name, “twin gaze.”
They feed primarily on crabs, fish, worms, and other aquatic animals, including mollusks and tadpoles, which they scoop up with their long bill or hunt intently at night, using their large eyesight to spot movement in shallow waters.
When spotted during the day, they usually carry small branches or twigs for building materials or nesting sites.
Nests are made from sticks that are commonly seen shaped into circular platforms located high up 10-50 ft within trees near water sources like rivers or along sandy beach areas where they may share a habitat with other types of herons such as Great Blue Herons and Black-Crowned Night Herons making colonies several hundred nests large come a breeding season when numbers swell before decreasing once more as migration begins late summer autumn again for most of these species.
11. Tricolored Heron

The Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) is one of the most iconic waterfowl types of herons in Virginia.
Notable for its blue-gray upper body, white underbelly, and streaks of rust on its neck and chest, the Tricolored Heron thrives near fresh and saltwater marshes, mudflats, and wetland areas throughout the state.
Read more if you’re curious about this unique avian species and what differentiates it from other herons.
This medium-sized heron has a wingspan of 30–38 inches and weighs 24 ounces.
The overall salmon coloration throughout its body gives it its unique appearance, but there’s a lot more to this species than meets the eye.
It typically prefers tidal wetlands, mangrove swamps, or marshy coastal waters when searching for food during mating season or migratory times.
It is also known to inhabit drainage ditches in various areas across Virginia occasionally.
When searching for food, the Tricolored Heron will often stand motionless for an extended period at the shoreline, waiting for prey before quickly lurching forward to spear minnows, frogs, or newts with its pointed beak.
Its diet primarily consists of fish, aquatic insects, small crustaceans, and tadpoles.
With its gorgeous plumage and distinctive feeding habits, this majestic species is beloved among birders who enjoy observing it annually during its seasonal migration north through the United States towards its winter range along coastal Georgia and extreme south Florida.
As their habitat continues to face threats due to increased development pressures, conservation efforts are being implemented throughout Virginia to ensure that these birds enjoy rich wetland habitats necessary for their survival and breeding success.
12. American Bittern

The American Bittern, scientifically known as Botaurus lentiginosus, is the last on our list of Virginia heron species. It is a type of heron found primarily in Virginia.
These birds are large, measuring up to 27 inches long and weighing about 1.5 lbs. The American Bittern takes two to five years to reach its full adult size.
The American Bittern is characterized by its brownish-black head and back, combined with a light yellow chest and striped neck.
This unique coloring helps them blend into surrounding vegetation and makes them difficult for predators to identify.
The American Bittern is primarily a water bird found along rivers and marshes. It preys upon insects and small fish.
During mating season, they display an impressive courtship dance while calling out a distinctive low “boom” sound, which can be heard up to a mile away!
In the winter, they travel south, searching for food over hundreds of miles before returning to warmer weather during springtime migration.
Virginia’s remarkable types of herons are admired for their beauty and are considered an important part of the state’s natural habitat.
Identifying these birds is relatively easy due to their large size and distinct vocalizations, which they use for communication within their species, with potential mates, or even with predators such as owls.
Researchers and conservationists are looking for ways to protect this species from habitat loss or industrial pollution threats.
Studying population sizes is essential to better understanding the species’ current status in a few regions, such as Virginia.