Various hawks can be found in Connecticut, depending on the time of year and region.
The most common types of hawks in Connecticut state are Red-tailed Hawks, Broad-winged Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, American Kestrels, and Northern Harriers.
Other types of hawks, such as rough-legged hawks and possibly others, may occasionally be seen in Connecticut.
Since most areas have ample food, many hawks pass through during spring and fall migration when heading further north or south, pursuing prey or warmer climates.
Types of Hawks in Connecticut
1. Sharp-shinned Hawk

The Sharp-skinned hawk is first on our list of types of hawks in Connecticut.
A common type of hawk in Connecticut is a small, agile predator that hunts other birds in suburban and rural settings.
They fly quickly and close to the ground with quick turns and sudden stops, allowing them to chase after their prey.
They will also hide in vegetation that they can use as cover while hunting.
They have successfully adapted to different climates and habitats, showing great diversity across Connecticut.
The sharp-shinned hawk is especially prevalent in migration season when many seek feeding grounds throughout the state due to the ample prey available here.
2. Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawks, a type of hawk found in Connecticut, are medium-sized birds of prey easily identified by their striking black and white markings.
They have sharp talons and beaks that help them to catch small mammals like rabbits, rodents, and an occasional grouse or squirrel.
Cooper’s Hawks also feed on a variety of smaller birds, as well as reptiles and snakes.
They hunt during the day while perched on power lines or trees, searching for their prey.
Also, due to their shaped wings, they can soar over long distances at high altitudes, barely flapping their wings, allowing them to take advantage of thermals to gain altitude.
3. Northern Goshawk
The Northern Goshawk is also on our list of types of hawks in Connecticut that are found in certain areas of Connecticut, specifically the northern part of the state.
This species feeds primarily on small mammals and birds, often hunting prey near its nest site.
It is primarily a solitary bird, rarely interacting with other members outside of the family unit.
The adult types of hawks in Connecticut are typically slate gray with white underbelly feathers and barred tail feathers, which help them easily identify from other types of Connecticut.
Although they can live up to 15 years, their average lifespan is only five to seven years due to predation by larger birds and wildlife, human-caused disturbance, and other habitat loss.
In recent years, this magnificent bird has been seen less.
However, with proper protection and conservation efforts, there is still hope for their continued presence in the Connecticut landscape.
4. Osprey

Ospreys are hawks that inhabit the state of Connecticut and have been a common sight here for many generations.
They sometimes nest in man-made structures, such as nesting platforms installed by wildlife professionals or power lines, and use them as a base for their migratory travels.
Ospreys are highly specialized birds that eat almost exclusively live fish, which they catch by diving into water up to 10 feet deep.
As environmentally friendly predators, they help clean our waters of overpopulating fish species while providing an important food source for other animals.
5. Northern Harrier

The Northern Harrier is next on our list of types of hawks in Connecticut.
This raptor feeds mainly on small rodents, birds, and occasionally fish.
They are the largest migrating raptors in Connecticut and have a distinctively long tail.
The female is larger than the male, with a wingspan between 40 and 50 inches, while males have a wingspan of around 34-44 inches.
The Northern Harrier has an incredible ability to adapt and can be seen during winter migration and breeding seasons in Connecticut.
6. Red-tailed Hawk

The Red-Tailed Hawk is a type of hawk commonly found in Connecticut.
With a wingspan ranging from three to nearly five feet and a head plume that gives it its distinct look, the hawk is one of the most recognizable in the region.
They are adept hunters, often nesting near open grassy fields where they can spot small prey, such as mice or voles, from the skies.
Their distinctive call can often be heard echoing through Connecticut’s woodlands.
The Red-tailed Hawk appears on numerous state bird lists, making it an important symbol for citizens and tourists to recognize.
7. Red-shouldered Hawk

The red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) is the next species on our list of hawks in Connecticut. It is a medium-sized raptor of the family Accipitridae.
It has been spotted in Connecticut and much of the eastern United States.
It is a common species for its range but can be challenging to spot. Its wingspan ranges from 32” to 44”, and its body length averages about 20” long.
This species prefers wooded bottomlands for nesting and perching but can be seen near bodies of water, along roadsides, or in other areas with minimal human interference.
In Connecticut specifically, the red-shouldered hawk is an important predator of the small game due to its reliance on forested areas that harbor smaller prey animals such as dragonflies, frogs, voles, and snakes.
8. Broad-winged Hawk

The Broad-Winged Hawk is one of Connecticut’s most widespread types of hawks and can be found throughout the United States.
This species migrates great distances and can be seen throughout the state during summer and winter.
These types of hawks in Connecticut typically inhabit open woodlands and are often spotted in fields, wetland edges, orchards, and residential areas.
Broad-winged Hawks are hawk-sized birds ranging from 15 to 17 inches long with an average wingspan of 30 to 34 inches.
Males have dark brown upper parts, while females are lighter, with pale brown streaks on their shoulders.
These hawks feed on small, freshly caught mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.
During the breeding season, they build nests high up in trees lined with leaves and twigs; these nests may be used again for several years or abandoned for new ones.
9. Rough-legged Hawk

The Rough-legged Hawk is one of the many types of hawks in Connecticut.
These large birds often nest on sheer cliffs and ledges, providing an easy vantage point from which they can observe their prey below.
They are unique among hawks in that they hunt by hovering in place, much like a kestrel.
In addition to their impressive hunting technique, the Rough-Legged Hawks have adapted to Connecticut’s cold climate by outfitting themselves with thick feather legs and feathered feet that act as insulation against the frigid temperatures.
As such, these birds of prey make wonderful sights from winter through springtime across Connecticut.
Places to Look for Hawks in Connecticut?
Hawks can be seen across Connecticut, so keep your eyes on them.
Year-round residents of the Nutmeg State are the Red-tailed, Red-shouldered, Cooper’s, Sharp-shinned, and Northern Harrier.
Winter visitors include Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Goshawks, and the Broad-winged Hawk migration.
Keep an eye out wherever you go. I’ve discovered hawks perched on a limb, glanced up and noticed their silhouette against the open (or urban) sky, and observed them on light poles along roads.
Hawk Watching is an excellent place to spot migrating raptors of various species, particularly Broad-winged Hawks.
Official Hawk Watches in Connecticut are at Quaker Ridge Hawk Watch in Greenwich, Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven, and Chestnut Hill in Litchfield.
Other locations include East Shore Park in New Haven, the Bend of River Audubon Center in Southbury, and Craig Castle at Hubbard Park in Meriden.
The Hartford Audubon Society Station 43 Wildlife Sanctuary in South Windsor and Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison are two places to visit in eastern Connecticut.
The diversified environment of Hammonasset makes it an excellent year-round birding destination.
Northern Harriers, Red-shouldered, and Rough-legged hawks can be seen around beaches, marshes, and open fields.
You might also get a Merlin or Peregrine falcon (or a Snowy Owl). Beach viewing is best done in the fall and winter.
The greatest sites to watch Osprey are near bodies of water, whether fresh or salt.
Search for nests atop platforms, poles, and anywhere else Ospreys consider a good place to dwell.