24 Types of Frogs in Nebraska

Types of Frogs in NebraskaPin
Photo by Austin Santaniello

In this guide on different types of frogs in Nebraska, we’ll look at four of the most common types of frogs you’re likely to see.

These frogs are the leopard, bullfrog, great plains toad, and green frogs.

1. American Bullfrog

The American bullfrog is probably best known for its role as a delicacy at certain human dinner parties. Bullfrogs don’t need to be deep-fried; if you want to try one, shoot one with a bow and arrow.

As long as it is gutted immediately after being shot, eating a frog you have killed yourself is perfectly safe (and even healthy); this practice may be shared among hunters. Still, it’s not something most nature lovers do.

2. Blanchard’s Cricket Frog

Blanchard’s Cricket Frog, or Acris crepitans blanchardi, is a small tree frog native to some regions of Nebraska and its neighboring states.

This is one of several types of frogs found in Nebraska. These frogs in Nebraska have large sticky pads on their toes that allow them to climb trees and adhesive disks between them. 

If you spot one during mating season, it will let out a loud croak that sounds like a cricket chirping or other similar insect sound.

Blanchard’s Cricket Frog can be brown, olive green, or light gray colored and measure from 1 1⁄2 inches to 3 1⁄2 inches long when fully grown. The males usually have a dark stripe running down their backs and are smaller than the females.

3. Boreal Chorus Frog

These types of frogs in Nebraska, also known as spring peepers and gray treefrogs, are famous among many pet owners.

They’re straightforward to care for; you must provide them with a bowl of water and wait for them to chirp at you (they tend to be early risers).

Unfortunately, these are harmless frogs but not particularly good pets. A common complaint is that they don’t want all chirp; if they do, it might be a few days after they were fed.

So, despite their name, chorus frogs aren’t necessarily very social creatures and prefer being left alone. But then again, maybe that suits them for your busy schedule!

4. Cope’s Gray Tree Frog

This tree frog species is commonly spotted around grassy, forested areas and ponds. Cope’s gray tree frogs are active during spring, summer, and fall and can survive as long as three years, with males outliving females by a year on average.

In addition, the Cope’s gray tree frog is an excellent jumper and can leap several feet between branches. 

These frogs in Nebraska eat their young if they become hungry during breeding. While these frogs don’t bite humans or have any nasty ins, they have sharp teeth that will leave you with a large wound if they bite you.

Fortunately for you, however, Cope’s gray tree frogs aren’t aggressive toward humans, preferring to escape when confronted.

5. Upland Chorus Frog

Upland chorus frogs are one of several types in Nebraska that typically make their home near rivers, ponds, and marshes.

Though they are often mistaken for bullfrogs (which share many similar characteristics), these types of frogs in Nebraska have a more speckled appearance and can grow up to two inches long.

It’s important to note that there is a small number of toxins in these frogs, which can cause mild gastrointestinal issues if consumed by humans or animals

These shouldn’t scare away hunters looking for an excellent meal, though! As with most wildlife, it’s always best to properly clean and cook your frog before enjoying it on a cracker or over rice.

6. Spring Peeper

These types of frogs in Nebraska are often mistaken for baby frogs because they have such small bodies. They get their name from their peeping sound, which can also be mistaken for a cricket chirping.

This frog is pale green or brown and smaller than most other frogs, ranging from less than an inch to two inches long. 

Their skin is bumpy and wrinkled like that of a raisin. The Spring Peeper ranges across the eastern U.S., though it is more common in northern states.

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It is like wetland areas where water collects after rainstorms and receding waters leave temporary pools during dry spells. Most Spring Peepers only live one year, dying after mating during early spring.

7. Plains Leopard Frog

Scientifically known as Rana clamitans depressa, these tiny and flat frogs are generally gray or brownish with dark mottling. They can be found throughout most of Kansas, western Missouri, and southeastern South Dakota.

In addition, these types of frogs in Nebraska can often be seen moving across roads at night during certain times of the year. 

If cars do not crush them while crossing roads, they will breed in ponds or other bodies of water.

8. Pickerel Frog

The pickerel frog is a brown, grass-dwelling species that can only be found in and around Nebraska. This little guy grows up to 2.5 inches long, has a triangle-shaped head, and loves fresh water and salt water.

Pickerel frogs are one of two frogs that can survive on land for more than two days at a time. 

These types of frogs in Nebraska usually make their homes near ponds, marshes, swamps, ditches, and other bodies of water.

It isn’t easy to find them when they’re young because they blend into their surroundings so well, but as adults, they’re pretty easy to spot because of their size and color.

9. Northern Leopard Frog

The northern leopard frog, also known as Rana pipiens, is one of several types of frogs in Nebraska. The northern leopard frog is a medium-sized species (adult size ranges from three to five inches), and it’s closely related to other species that are also considered leopard frogs, like southern leopard frogs.

Leopard frogs aren’t very distinctive-looking; they’re brown and green, but many have spots. 

These tympanies of frogs love living near water, so you might see them swimming around ponds or hiding under rocks along streams. They eat many smaller insects and amphibians, including other types of frogs!

10. Mountain Chorus Frog

The chorus frog is one of Nebraska’s most common frogs and can live in various environments across our state. These frogs in Nebraska are typically no larger than 3 inches long.

They have a spotted underside that makes them appear as if they are wearing white gloves, giving them their scientific name Pseudacris triseriata, which means three-parted side. 

Like all chorus frogs, Pseudacris triseriata is known for its singing. You can hear these little guys sing at rest from about 20 feet away with a distinctive song resembling Ribbit! They live in ponds and lakes near bodies of fresh water, such as swamps.

11. Mink Frog

The Mink Frog can be found near a few different types of water, such as lakes, ponds, and even small puddles.

They eat almost any kind of bug that they come across and can sometimes even snack on smaller fish if they’re hungry enough.

If you want to spot these frogs, watch them at night when they’re more likely to be on land than water. 

The males will make a call that sounds like krawk krawk, so the females don’t make any noise. One thing is certain: If you hear a mink frog calling nearby, plenty more will be nearby!

12. Gray Tree Frog

The gray tree frog is a species that’s native to North America. They’re usually easy to spot because they have yellow spots that are easy to see on their backs and heads.

However, they’re also known for being brown, making them even easier to spot as they jump from tree branch to tree branch. 

Gray tree frogs breed throughout most of the North, meaning you can find them anywhere between Canada and Mexico.

Unfortunately, it also means you could find them hopping around your backyard! If you see one of these types of frogs in Nebraska, it may startle you at first because they often stay very still and close to vegetation; if you stay quiet, you might be able to catch a glimpse before it hops away again.

13. Green Frog

Most frogs in Nebraska are green, but there is one that is not; it is a western chorus frog (species Pseudacris triseriata). The green frog lives throughout most of Nebraska. It is small and can be an emerald color. 

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This type of frog lays its eggs out of water. The eggs hatch into tadpoles and then eventually grow into adults. These frogs are usually on land all their lives, except when they lay eggs out of water. 

These types of frogs in Nebraska eat a variety of insects and other small animals that live on land.

This type can also be found further south because it has been spotted as far as Texas, although it does not appear to live any further south than that.

14. Northern Cricket Frog

The northern cricket frog is a small, slender species that ranges from one to two inches long. The males are larger than the females and have two parallel ridges on their throats and chest.

This species has gray or brown upperparts with pale spots on their backs and a light belly ranging from white to gray. 

These frogs in Nebraska can live up to 25 years in captivity but are only expected to live 5–6 years in the wild due to predators such as raccoons and snakes.

They eat small invertebrates and tadpoles but tend to eat insects, fish, frogs, and even small birds when they’re older.

This species is diurnal (active during daylight hours), so you’ll likely see them moving around at night or early morning.

15. Eastern Spadefoot

This dark green to brown frog is not very common in Nebraska. The Eastern Spadefoot has a light-colored circle on its hind feet, and its eggs are laid above ground and resemble a mass of tiny grains of rice. The eggs hatch into tadpoles within 24 hours. Their life cycle is about one year long. 

These frogs in Nebraska are found in wet places such as swamps, ponds, lakes, and rivers. They feed on insects and other small invertebrates they catch with sticky tongues.

16. American Toad

American toads are a relatively common sight in both rural and suburban environments. These frogs in Nebraska are found throughout most of North America, generally near water sources, including rivers, streams, and ponds.

In Nebraska, you can typically find them anywhere from farmland to urban areas, but they enjoy sloshing around in roadside puddles after it rains. 

The official state amphibian (one of our many state critters), American toads can grow up to 4 inches long, with rounded bodies that allow them to be perfect swimmers and jumpers.

Unfortunately, their coloring tends toward darker brown or green shades with lighter patches on their bellies, giving away an excellent camouflage ability during nighttime foraging for insects or other food sources.

17. Wood Frog

The average lifespan of these frogs is five years. These frogs in Nebraska can be spotted around ponds, streams, and quiet pools.

Wood frogs look like they’re wearing glasses, usually dark brown with dark spots on their back. 

They come out to mate in spring around lakes and ponds with temperatures below freezing at night. Their call sounds like someone plucking on a banjo string with their thumb. 

When you find one, remember that it’s considered good luck if you touch it gently on its hind legs for good fortune (if you’re not superstitious).

It probably doesn’t need to be said, but don’t try to take them home. Frogs live near water!

18. Western Chorus Frog

This medium-sized frog, with adults reaching up to three inches long, is predominantly green. The primary coloring is on its back and flanks, which have darker spots. This species also has a dark band across its eyes. 

In addition to being found in Nebraska, it can also be found throughout Mexico and parts of New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma.

As for diet, insects comprise about two-thirds of what they eat; other foods include spiders and worms. These types of frogs in Nebraska are active all year long but are most active during the breeding season from March through June.

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19. Eastern Narrowmouth

The Eastern narrow-mouth is one of two types of narrow-mouth frogs native to Nebraska. These types of frogs in Nebraska are primarily found in forests and wooded areas but can be seen around bodies of water such as lakes, ponds, and swamps.

When most people think about frogs, they think about what kinds there are; how many can you name? 

Some frogs living near your home might include eastern narrow-mouthed and northern leopard frogs. What other species have you come across?

One fun activity on a warm summer day is to head out into nature with binoculars or a magnifying glass and look for some!

20. Fowler’s Toad

Fowler’s toads are one of Nebraska’s most common amphibians. These little green toads usually grow up to three inches long and live between three and four years.

But, according to Animal Diversity Web, they mostly eat insects, such as beetles and ants. 

These types of frogs in Nebraska are generally harmless, but like all amphibians, they can give you a skin rash if you touch them with your bare skin or handle them carelessly.

21. Great Plains Toad

This is one of two types of true toads that live in Nebraska. It’s a small animal, typically under five inches long, covered with bumps all over its body.

Like most frogs and toads, this species are nocturnal hunters and feed on anything they can catch, including insects, spiders, and smaller amphibians. 

These types of frogs in Nebraska are found throughout much of Nebraska but are more common near wooded areas or streams.

22. Plains Spadefoot

This pale green frog has dark spots on its back and hind legs. These frogs in Nebraska are commonly found in pastures, grasslands, and near marshes.

The Plains Spadefoot can be identified by its large hind feet. It is only 2.5 to 3 inches long, with females larger than males.

These types of frogs in Nebraska spend most of their lives buried underground during hot summer months. They come out at night to hunt for insects and other small invertebrates. 

When it rains, these frogs will sit at the edge of puddles or shallow ponds and drink water from them. 23. American Bullfrog: These are brown or greenish-brown frogs with yellow or white blotches on their backs and sides.

23. Western Narrowmouth

Western narrow-mouthed toads are characterized by a white stripe that starts behind each eye and extends across their body. Their back is mottled brown, with both spots and stripes.

These types of frogs in Nebraska have a distinct call, oink oink oink, that lasts about 10 seconds. 

These types of frogs in Nebraska have small dots on their backs, making them look almost spotted like a Dalmatian dog. These frogs generally only grow up to 2 or 3 inches long.

Like most amphibians, these frogs are nocturnal, meaning they prefer being awake at night but will be out during daylight hours if it’s cold enough to stay outside without freezing

24. Woodhouse’s Toad

The Woodhouse’s Toad, this type of frog in Nebraska, can be found throughout Nebraska, and it is one of our state’s giant amphibians. It averages two inches long with its slender body and two-to-three-inch long legs.

It also has several distinctive markings on its back, including a dark brown or olive background with white dots resembling salt or sand grains. 

This is also called a warty toad because they have raised bumps across their backs and small bumps on their heads.

Other common names include woodhouse toad, American warty Toad, and southern warty froglet.

Like other frogs, Woodhouse’s Toad has smooth skin on top with folds underneath, allowing it to jump longer distances than other frogs.

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