24 Different Types of Ants in Ohio

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If you live in Ohio, you may have noticed the occasional ant creeping around your house or garden.

Did you know there are several different types of ants living in Ohio? Each type has unique characteristics, habits, and behaviors.

In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common types of ants in Ohio so that you can become more knowledgeable about the species living near you.

Types of Ants in Ohio

1. Common Ant

Ohio is home to various ant species, but the most commonly encountered is the common garden ant.

These ants in Ohio are small (usually about 1/4-inch long) and reddish-brown or black.

They are found in large colonies near pavement, sidewalks, or buildings and prefer to nest outdoors in soil or sand. 

These ants feed on various foods, including sweets, proteins, and greasy foods. They are also known to feed on dead insects and other organic material.

Common garden ants are often considered nuisance pests. By burrowing and tunneling beneath structures, they can contaminate food sources and even damage structures.

While these ants are not typically dangerous to humans, their presence is still undesirable. 

When dealing with an infestation of common garden ants, it’s important to contact a pest control professional to identify and remove the colony.

2. Funnel Ant

These ants enter homes through cracks in foundations, around window frames, or through vents.

It’s important to note that funnel ants do not sting but can bite if provoked. If you find an infestation of funnel ants, it’s best to call a professional exterminator. 

Since these ants in Ohio tend to build nests close to buildings and other structures, over-the-counter pest control methods won’t usually eliminate them.

The good news is that funnel ants are relatively easy to spot due to their reddish-brown color and their tendency to build conical “funnels” near building entry points.

3. Tennessee Thread-Waisted Ant

The Tennessee Thread-Waisted Ant is a species found throughout the United States but is especially common in Ohio.

This species of ant is characterized by its small size, ranging from 3 to 5 millimeters, and its distinctive yellow-brown color.

Its name derives from the thin thread-like waist that separates its abdomen from its thorax.

These ants are most commonly found in wooded areas. They feed on dead wood, seeds, honeydew, and nectar.

They create nests within cavities or cracks in dead trees, logs, stumps, and other sources of dead wood.

The Tennessee Thread-Waisted Ant typically lives alone but occasionally can be found in large colonies with up to 500 individuals. 

These types of ants in Ohio can benefit ecosystems. They help break down dead wood, aiding the decomposition process and enriching the soil with vital nutrients. They also help limit the presence of plant-damaging insects. 

Overall, the Tennessee Thread-Waisted Ant is an important part of Ohio’s ecosystem and plays an important role in maintaining the health of our forests and woodlands.

4. Hairless Rover Ant

The Hairless Rover Ant (Brachymyrmex patagonicus) is an ant species native to the United States.

These ants are easy to spot because they have no hairs on their bodies and are bright yellow-orange.

The Hairless Rover Ant is a small ant measuring between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch in length. Its antennae are longer than its body, and its thorax has distinct bumps.

Like all ants, the Hairless Rover Ant lives in colonies, with a single queen laying eggs and multiple workers caring for her young.

Due to their small size, Hairless Rover Ants can easily get into homes. They will typically not cause any damage but may become a nuisance if there is a large infestation.

To prevent an infestation, keeping your home and yard free of clutter and debris, sealing any cracks or crevices, and using ant bait to eliminate existing populations is important.

5. Reddish Carpenter Ant

The reddish carpenter ant is one of the more common ants in Ohio. As its name implies, it has a reddish-brown body and is about 1/4 inch long. Its head, legs, and antennae are darker than its body.

It builds nests inside dead or decaying wood, including trees and wooden structures. They usually build galleries in the woods to store their eggs and food.

This ant species also prey on other insects and is not opposed to scavenging for food in human homes and buildings.

To get rid of them, it is best to locate and destroy the nest by removing all the wood the ants have infested.

If you can’t find the nest, it is important to take preventative measures such as sealing cracks, crevices, and potential entry points into your home.

6. Black Carpenter Ant

The Black Carpenter Ant is one of Ohio’s most common ants. Its color can range from shiny black to dull black with a brownish hue.

The Black Carpenter Ant has two nodes between its thorax and abdomen, making it easy to identify. It is also one of the largest ants in Ohio, growing up to a quarter of an inch in length.

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The Black Carpenter Ant is an opportunistic eater who feeds on anything available, including dead insects, sweets, pet food, and electrical wiring.

These ants can be found inside homes, particularly if there are any decaying wood or moist areas.

They nest in damp wood, such as window and door frames, and can be quite destructive to your home’s structure.

These ants are best controlled by eliminating their food sources, sealing any cracks or crevices they may use to gain access to your home, and treating the area with insecticide.

If you do find Black Carpenter Ants in your home, it’s important to contact a professional pest control expert for assistance.

7. Bearded Carpenter Ant

These ants live in colonies of workers, queens, and males responsible for foraging for food.

Bearded carpenter ants feed on various items, including honeydew from aphids, honey, insects, and other sweet materials. 

When looking for a nesting area, bearded carpenter ants prefer to live in damp and decaying wood, which is more accessible than solid wood.

They often inhabit old stumps and logs but may also enter homes, searching for food or moisture, and usually create nests in walls or attics.

8. Acrobat Ant

They tend to build their nests in or near wood, where they feed on other insects.

In addition to preying on other insects, acrobat ants eat sweet substances, like nectar or honeydew. They prefer humid areas and thrive in dark, moist environments. 

These ants in Ohio can be identified by their red and black coloring and distinctive heart-shaped abdomens.

Acrobat ants can also raise their abdomens over their heads and run across surfaces like a tightrope walker. When threatened, they may even emit a pungent odor from a gland on their abdomen!

9. Silky Ant

The Silky Ant is small and black, with a distinctive, shiny appearance. It is commonly found in Ohio and is attracted to moisture-rich areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

It is not considered a structural pest but tends to invade homes for food and water. It is omnivorous and feeds on almost any food, including pet food and other insects.

The Silky Ant is identified by its black color and smooth, glossy body. It measures about 1/8 inch in length and has six legs.

They are usually found in large colonies, with hundreds of ants living together in one nest.

The Silky Ant is known for its ability to rapidly spread from one area to another and for loving moisture.

These ants rarely bite or sting humans, but it will likely be painless if they do. If you find them in your home, it is best to call a professional exterminator to rid your home of the infestation.

10. Prairie Mound Ant

The prairie mound ant is a small, red-brown ant native to Ohio. It is found in the state’s grasslands and meadows, where it builds its distinctive mounds of soil and grass.

These mounds can reach up to two feet in height and provide shelter and protection for the colony’s eggs, larvae, and pupae.

The ants feed on various insects, including caterpillars, spiders, and grasshoppers.

The prairie mound ant has a long snout, black antennae, and reddish-brown legs. Its wings are reddish-brown with yellow veins. The ant typically measures around 1/8” to 1/4” in length. 

These ants in Ohio live in colonies of one or more queens, hundreds of workers, and an occasional male or two.

The worker ants are responsible for tending to the colony’s mounds, digging tunnels, gathering food, and defending the colony from predators.

The prairie mound ant is an important part of Ohio’s ecosystem, as it helps to control populations of other insect species.

These ants also benefit farmers, as they help aerate the soil and reduce soil compaction. As such, they should be protected and allowed to thrive in their native habitats.

11. Western Thatching Ant

The western thatching ant is found in Ohio and other parts of the US. They are relatively small, with adults measuring between 1/8 and 1/4 inch in length.

They are reddish-brown or black and have slender antennae and legs. The thorax is covered in long hairs, which gives the ant its “thatching” nickname.

The western thatching ant prefers dry, open areas, including yards and gardens. They create shallow nests in the soil, often under stones or pieces of wood.

These ants also have a fondness for seeds, which they feed on throughout the day.

When controlling these ants in Ohio, you’ll want to identify their nest and use an insecticide designed to kill them.

Clear away debris and other potential nesting sites around your yard to help prevent further infestations.

Additionally, you can keep these ants away from your home by sealing any cracks or crevices around windows, doors, and other entry points.

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12. Field Ant

The field ant is a reddish-brown ant that grows to about 5 mm and is found in many areas of Ohio.

The field ant is commonly found in agricultural areas, lawns, and gardens. It prefers dry, well-drained soil and feeds on small insects, plant material, and honeydew from aphids and scale insects. 

Field ants often form large mounds in grassy areas or open fields, making their nests deep within the ground. They will also nest under debris like logs or stones if they find it in their habitat.

13. Podzol Mound Ant

The Podzol Mound Ant, also known as Aphaenogaster fulva, is an ant species found in Ohio.

This ant is typically black and grows up to three-eighths of an inch long. It builds large mounds in lawns, meadows, and other grassy areas, reaching up to 18 inches in diameter.

These ants feed on small insects, dead animals, and decaying plant matter, which is beneficial because it helps with decomposition.

These types of ants in Ohio have a variety of characteristics that make them different from other ant species.

For example, they form colonies of several hundred workers, usually spread out over a large area.

The workers cooperate to build the mound and collect food. They also communicate with each other through pheromones and vibrations in the ground.

In addition to its mound-building habits, the Podzol Mound Ant is also known for its defensive capabilities.

When threatened, the ants release a chemical that wards off potential predators. This chemical has a strong odor that humans can detect.

Overall, the Podzol Mound Ant is an important species of ant in Ohio that plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

Its mound-building behavior helps improve soil structure and fertility, while its defensive capabilities protect it from predators.

14. Winged Ant

When swarming, both males and females leave their nests and fly together. These swarms are usually found in warmer months, such as summer and early fall. They often attract other types of insects, including bees and wasps.

These swarms aim to find a mate, reproduce, and create new colonies. When the mating is complete, the alates lose their wings and become regular worker ants.

They will then search for a new location to build their nest, which could be inside your home if you are not careful!

15. Cornfield Ant

The cornfield ant (Lasius alienus) is a species of ant commonly found in Ohio. It is approximately 1/8 inch long and light brownish-yellow in color.

This ant species prefers to inhabit disturbed habitats, such as those near cultivated fields and cornfields. 

These ants in Ohio usually live in large colonies and build nests in open ground, including agricultural fields and landscaped areas.

They typically feed on aphids and other small insects, honeydew from aphids, and occasionally plant matter. They are also known to eat dead insects and spiders

Cornfield ants benefit farmers, as they help control insect pests by eating them or their larvae.

Additionally, these ants attract other beneficial predators, such as ladybugs, which help keep insect populations in check. 

In addition to its ecological benefits, the cornfield ant is an interesting insect to observe. These ants are active and can often be seen scurrying around the ground, looking for food.

Their social behavior is fascinating to watch and can provide hours of entertainment!

16. American Cornfield Ant

The American Cornfield Ant, scientifically known as Lasius neoniger, is a species of ant found throughout North America. It is one of the most commonly seen ants in Ohio.

These small black ants are usually found in large numbers in agricultural fields, where they feed on spilled grains, seeds, and other plant materials.

These ants can be identified by their shiny black heads and bodies tipped with yellow antennae.

They range from 4 to 6mm in size and may have darker coloration along their legs and antennae.

If you see American Cornfield Ants near your home, it’s important to eliminate the infestation before it worsens.

While these ants are not typically dangerous, they can be a nuisance and difficult to remove once they reside in your home.

The best way to control an infestation is to use a combination of insecticides, baits, and traps.

17. Yellow Meadow Ant

Also called the yellow hill ant, it is a species found in North Africa, Asia, and Europe, where it is one of the most prevalent ants.

North American populations are currently regarded as belonging to a distinct but similar species called Lasius brevicornis. Males are 3-4 mm long, the queen is 7-9 mm, and workers are 2-4 mm.

They range between yellow and brown, with queens and males having significantly darker hues. The species primarily inhabits the ground in lawns and meadows.

Although the nests are frequently fully covered by grass, little mounds of loose subsoil between grass stalks often reveal their presence.

They may also build their nests beneath concrete slabs or big rocks. Nesting on the lawn

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The yellow meadow ant feeds on the root aphid honeydew it produces in its nests for breeding. The aphids themselves may occasionally be consumed in the winter.

Due to their feeding habits, the species rarely goes hunting outside the nest. Their lack of coloration and smaller eyes than similar species like the black yard ant indicate that they reside underground.

Being a cautious species, they frequently only seal their tunnels to ward off intruders.

18. Turfgrass Ant

The turfgrass ant, also known as the sidewalk ant, can be commonly found in well-drained soils of sunny turf surfaces in yards, parks, and golf courses.

Turfgrass ants construct nests with shallow, connected chambers typically found in the upper 12 inches of soil. They may be found indoors foraging for food.

19. Little Black Ant

An ant species native to North America is called the little black ant (Monomorium minimum).

The workers are 1 to 2 mm long, and the queens are 4 to 5 mm long. It is a lustrous black color.

A nest may contain more than one queen because it is a polygyne species with just one worker caste. A colony typically has a few thousand workers and is of moderate size. 

The ants in Ohio, known as Monomorium minimum, will eat anything, including dead insects and bird droppings. They consume fall webworm larvae and codling moth larvae.

Although they nest on earth mounds, workers may browse in homes. They gather aphid honeydew from species like the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines).

The queens’ mid-summer courtship. The males undertake the nuptial fly, mating in midair, and the queens engage in midsummer wooing.

The guys pass away soon after. Each queen builds a fresh nest, removes her wings, and lays eggs. It takes around a month for an egg to mature into an adult.

20. Little Crazy Ant

The Formicinae subfamily contains a sizable genus of ants called Nylanderia.

The genus has a practically global range, with species living in various environments almost everywhere.

This ecologically significant genus includes over 110 species of Nylanderia, some of which have been considered invasive.

The ants are small to medium-sized and have colors ranging from light yellow to black.

21. Shining Amazon Ant

P. lucidus is one of the types of ants in Ohio that have few hairs on the dorsal surface of the gaster and lengthy, frequently dark-colored appendages.

The worker’s head is longer than wide and 5.7 to 7.1 mm (0.22 to 0.28 in) long. 

It is topped with around a dozen small setae (bristles). It is crimson with occasionally brown-tinged legs and the tip of the gaster.

The species name lucidus, which translates to “bright,” refers to this ant’s mesonotum and gaster, the glossiest in the group, and its somewhat lustrous head. 

22. Acorn Ant

The acorn ant is one of the most common ant types in Ohio. It gets its name from its small size (only 1/8 of an inch long) and its preference for acorns as a food source.

Acorn ants are usually black or brown and have shiny exoskeletons. They can be found in wooded areas or near tree bases, where they search for acorns and other food sources.

Acorn ants can be a nuisance in the home. They are attracted to sweet foods and can contaminate pantries or kitchen counters.

To get rid of an acorn ant infestation, it’s important to identify the source and remove any food sources that may be attracting them.

23. Vampire Ant

Stigmatomma pallipes, or the vampire ant, is one of Ohio’s most unique types. It is named for its rare blood-sucking behavior.

While other ants feed on plant nectar, Stigmatomma pallipes feed on the blood of other insects.

Vampire ants are usually black or dark brown and have a glossy exoskeleton. They are typically found in wooded areas or near the bases of trees, where they hunt for other insects.

24. Odorous House Ant

Another common type of ant in Ohio is the odorous house ant. This ant gets its name from the coconut-like odor it emits when crushed.

Odorous house ants are usually black or brown and about 1/8 inch long. They are most commonly found in homes and feed on sugary foods and other household items.

To get rid of an odorous house ant infestation, it’s important to identify the source and remove any food sources that may attract them.

Additionally, it’s important to use a combination of baits and insecticides to eliminate the infestation.

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