Toyger Cat: Profile and Information

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The toyger cat is among the newest additions to the cat family. It is the domestic look-alike of a tiger.

Unlike the Ocicat, which displays markings that have been naturally developed -and has equally maintained the look for centuries- the toyger cat is what every breeder dreams of having.

Like the Bengal, the California spangle (almost extinct), and the Savannah cat.

The toyger cat was originally referred to as the “California toyger.”

Toyger combines the words “toy” and “tiger.” The idea of having cats that have a striking resemblance to wild tigers isn’t new to us.

In fact, for many years now, tabby cats, especially red tabbies that carry some mackerel patterns, have been called tiger-striped. One particularly common name for the red tabby cat is “Tiger.”

Toyger cat developers have hopes that the cat will eventually have a stronger resemblance to the huge tiger in the wild.

It has yet to be recognized by the Cat Fancier’s Association, but it is currently recognized by The International Cat Association and even registered under them.


The weight of the Toyger cat could range from 7 to 15 pounds, and it can grow up to a length of 18 inches.

The fur on its body is soft, short, and plush, making it easy to pet.

It comes in a design of dark markings and a clear, bright orange covering most parts of its body, with a patch of white scarcely distributed.

The color of its eyes commonly ranges from hazel to dark brown. The toyger cat can live up to a decade or a half with the right care.

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  • Kid-friendly 50%
  • Affectionate 90%
  • Friendly 90%
  • Pet-friendly 90%
  • Tendency to be vocal 90%
  • Needs to exercise 90%
  • Active 90%
  • Energy 90%
  • Smartness 90%
  • Level of shedding 80%


The one person responsible for the foremost development of the Toyger cat – in 1980- was the daughter of Jean Mill, Judy Sugden.

Judy, a Bengal cat breeder, was also breeding mackerel tabbies, popularly referred to as tiger-striped, and had a pattern in their foreheads resembling the letter “M.”

Sudgen discovered that “Millwood Sharp Shooter,” her mackerel tabbies, had, instead of the “M” pattern on the forehead, two spots akin to those seen on an actual tiger’s.

She immediately commenced a breeding program with only two cats – a domestic tabby called Scrapmetal and a large Bengal known as Millwood Rumpled Spotskin.

Judy had a street cat imported in 1993 from Kashmir, India.

The cat, -Jammie Blu-, instead of the typical tabby lines, had a spot between his ears.

The same year, Alice McKee and Anthony Hutcherson joined Judy in this innovative idea.

The International Cat Association only allowed toyger registration in the same year.

The tiger cat is currently listed as a championship breed in the International Cat Association.

Tracking down toyger breeders may be challenging because the breed is a recent addition to the cat family.

While there is still a lot of work to be done to maintain the existence of the toyger cat, a standard foundation has been created to ensure the idea behind this amazing creature doesn’t die.

The toyger cat is larger and longer than a typical house cat.

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Judy’s hope when initiating the toyger breed was to prevent the likely extinction of large cats by captivating cat lovers to choose toygers over hybrids or wild cats.

Caring for a Toyger Cat

The toyger cat needs to have their nails trimmed regularly.

They also need to be brushed weekly and have their ears maintained.

To prevent dental complications, the toyger cat must have their teeth brushed.

Toyger cats find it easy to adapt to other pets and even kids.

Regular exercise and intellectual stimulation are necessary to ensure your toyger is healthy and active. They are trainable and can be trained to walk on a leash.

Like any cat, it is advisable to keep your toyger indoors to limit the risk of infection, predators, fights with other cats or animals, and thieves who may decide to sell them off.

The toyger cat is still regarded as a good lap cat and would return your attention affectionately.

Common Health Issues

Although toyger cats may be greatly exposed to the risk of heart murmurs, there still isn’t enough history to make any concrete conclusions about the common health issues of toyger cats.

Regular vet visits, checkups, immunizations, and preventive care are necessary for your pet if it is very healthy.

Nutrition and Diet

Unlike other domestic shorthair felines, Toygers don’t rely on special dietary plans.

Do sure to provide your toyger with fresh and clean water, as well as high-quality food.

Your cat’s lifespan can be reduced if it is obese, so discuss with your veterinarian if you suspect unusual weight gain in your cat.

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  • Toygers are very active cats that are easily trainable and energetic.
  • They get along with children, other cats, and even dogs.
  • The tiger-look gives the toyger a wild appearance but has the sweetness of your usual domestic cat.


  • The toyger cat is expensive and difficult to find.
  • Although no known major health complications are linked with this breed, the toyger cat may be prone to minor conditions known as heart murmurs.

You may be interested in other cat breeds similar to the toyger cat. These are some of the following cats you might want to look at;

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