To many people, a flying squirrel is a squirrel that flies. However, that is not the case.
Besides the name, a flying squirrel is incapable of flight – unlike a bird or a bat.
Flying squirrels glide across trees with the help of their parachute-like skin that stretches on either side of the body between their wrists and ankles.
This skin is known as “patagium.” Flying squirrels are made up of at least fifty species of squirrels.
They are scientifically known as Petauristini or Pteromyini and are from the family of Sciuridae.
They are unlike the average rodent or squirrel because they can sustain themselves in the air for several minutes.
This is not what the typical rodent can do.
Three flying squirrels live in North America, and two live in northern Eurasia. All the other known species are found in the temperate and tropical forests of India and other parts of Asia.
The three species that dominate North America and Central America include Glaucomys sabrinus (the northern flying squirrel), Glaucomys Volans (the southern flying squirrel), and Glaucomys oregonensis.
Pteromys Volans (The Siberian flying squirrel) is found in some northern European regions. The Giant flying squirrels (Petaurista) have been found to glide up to 450 meters (almost 1,500 feet). In northeastern India, giant flying squirrels from the Mechuka, Mishmi Hills, and Mebo were recently discovered and are currently preserved.
However, there are also several other types of flying squirrels in other areas of the globe, including the woolly flying squirrel in Pakistan and the pygmy flying squirrel in Malaysia.
Scientific Classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Rodentia
- Family: Sciuridae
- Subfamily: Sciurinae
- Tribe: Pteromyini
How Do Flying Squirrels Fly?

These creatures do not have feathers for wings as birds do. So, how do flying squirrels fly? They do not fly, but some people think they do. A flying squirrel can “fly” because they have “patagium.”
This is due to their furry, stretchy skin on either side of their body. This skin helps keep them afloat in the air.
Since the patagium is stretchy, it acts like a parachute, which helps it glide through trees like flying. The long tail of the flying squirrel provides stability while they glide from one spot to another.
When compared anatomically to other squirrels, the flying squirrels are very similar, but there are specific differences. These differences are there to suit their respective adaptation to life.
These differences include longer limbs, shorter distal vertebrae, and hand and foot bones. All these anatomical differences allow them to steer and exert control while gliding.
From the height of a tree, the flying squirrel jumps into the air, extending their limbs. The patagium stretches by just spreading out their limbs, aiding their flight.
They manipulate their tails and membranes to control their direction and speed. To land, they pull upward and land on their limbs. When there is no need for the patagium, they are drawn close to the body.
Where Do Flying Squirrels Live?
Most flying squirrels live in forests and woodlands. They make their homes in abandoned nests of birds and other squirrels. They also live in woodpecker holes, snags, and nest boxes.
Often, many squirrels will nest together to stay warm during the winter.
What Do Flying Squirrels Eat?
Flying squirrels are omnivorous. They eat fruits, nuts, seeds, buds, flowers, leaves, lichens, pollen, insects, gastropods, spiders, fungi, and tree sap.
Southern flying squirrels are regarded as the most carnivorous squirrels because they feed on eggs, carrion snakes, and birds. Therefore, we can say that what they eat depends on the kind of species they are.
Flying squirrels are naturally nocturnal, while other squirrels are not. They live in cave ledges, grottoes on cliffs, and tree cavities. They make nests, and they are made of shredded bark, mosses, lichens, or leaves.
Most species rarely leave their inhabitant, but the North American flying squirrels fondly leave them and descend to the ground to gather and bury nuts.
Life Cycles of Flying Squirrel
The average life expectancy of the flying squirrel is up to six years in the wild. This is due to the presence of predators and diseases in the wild.
While in the zoo, flying squirrels can live up to fifteen years. Flying squirrels are prey to owls, coyotes, feral cats, raccoons, martens, tree snakes, martens, and bobcats.
Flying squirrels are naturally nocturnal, unlike other squirrels. This is because they cannot escape their predators in the daytime. Their diet is according to their environment, and they are mostly omnivorous.
The mating season of the flying squirrels is between February and March. This eventually leads to the birthing of new offspring.
New offspring live with their mothers in their nests and are nurtured and protected by their mothers. Male flying squirrels usually do not join in nurturing their young ones.
The flying squirrel, when born, is usually hairless and has whiskers. Most of their senses are absent, and their internal organs can be seen through the skin. The sex of the flying squirrel can be identified at this stage.
By the time they become five weeks old, they are almost developed totally. At this stage, their senses are present and active, and they can respond to their environment. They get to start thinking for themselves and learn about their environment.