7 Popular Egyptian Cat Breeds

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Not everyone is familiar with Egyptian cat breeds and the story of how ancient Egyptians used to worship cats.

In Egyptian culture, felines held a unique place, and the significance of these animals can be seen engraved and carved into many of the country’s temples.

Some of them were even mummified so that they may have an easier transition into the next life.

Given how much the people of Egypt adored their feline companions, it is wonderful to see that some Egyptian cat breeds exist today.

Those interested in Egyptian cat breeds who have trouble locating one acceptable for their environment shouldn’t give up on their search.

We have included a list of the most common Egyptian cat breeds kept as pets in this post for your perusal and consideration.

1. Egyptian Mau

The exact origins of this breed are unknown; however, ancient Egyptian literature and artwork dating back to 1550 BC describe spotted cats that the Egyptians worshipped.

Even though numerous records of the breed existed in Europe before World War II, the war almost completely wiped off the Egyptian Mau population.

The name “Mau” originates from the Egyptian word for cat, pronounced similarly to the English word “meow,” or the sound that a cat makes.

Additionally, this breed is famous for having a distinctive “M” mark on its head, frequently referred to as the “mark of the scarab.”

The Egyptian Mau has a deep and abiding devotion to their human companions, and they will meow to express their joy and love for them.

He may wiggle his tail slowly while making muffins with his front paws. These breeds enjoy demonstrating their prowess as hunters by chasing after and retrieving their toys.

The Mau is a breed of cat known for its high level of activity; you might find them perched atop a tall cabinet or refrigerator.

2. Abyssinian

Abyssinians are noted for being extremely curious and incredibly intelligent and are a breed known for exploring and studying every nook.

Even though its name suggests it originated in Europe, genetic testing has shown that this breed originated in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean coast. It was transported to Europe by traders from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

The ancient name for Ethiopia was Abyssinia, which is where the name Abyssinian originated. The United Kingdom owns the credit for the breed’s development to its current standards.

Abyssinians are a breed of cat famous for their exceptional intelligence and insatiable curiosity. They are well-known for venturing to uncharted territories and researching every nook and cranny.

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They are frequently called “Aby-grabby” because they enjoy taking things that catch their attention.

The Abyssinian enjoys jumping, climbing, and playing with toys that test his intelligence, such as puzzles.

3. Chausie

The Chausie cat is an affectionate, dedicated pet that enjoys the game of fetch and loves to be active and social with humans. Chausie cats also have an excellent attitude.

The Chausie Cat has a long and illustrious history that one can trace all the way back to the time of the ancient Egyptians.

Because of their calm demeanors and superior prowess in the field, the Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats of this breed.

To follow their owners into the afterlife, these wild cats were frequently mummified with their owners at official funeral ceremonies.

Others believe that the jungle cat was an inspiration for erecting the statues of the Goddess Bastet. One can surely notice the likeness in her long and slender physique, graceful appearance, and large ears.

The heritage of the Chausie cat is one of the primary reasons for this breed’s prominence as one of the world’s most popular types of cats.

They can still develop significant ties with humans despite retaining some of the predatory characteristics that wild cats are known for.

The Chausie cat enjoys being active all the time and interacting with people. They are sweet, loving cats that get along well with other animals, enjoy playing fetch, and can even learn to walk on a leash.

If isolated for an extended amount of time, Chausie cats can become bored since they want stimulation and need to engage with humans.

4. Shirazi

Although the Shirazi is not yet a breed on its own, you will likely see quite a few of them when walking across Egypt.

According to an old tradition, this breed is exceedingly old, and one can trace its roots back to when the Persians ruled Egypt. At this time, People first brought Persian cats into the indigenous population of Mau.

According to urban legend, the Shirazi was created by crossing a long-haired Persian cat with an outstanding and athletic Egyptian Mau.

This led to the creation of the Shirazi. The end result is a breed that is commonplace in the urban areas of modern-day Egypt, so you won’t have to look very hard to discover them.

In metropolitan areas, groups of feral and stray animals are always present, and animals of this breed are pervasive and problematic pests.

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Even though they are one of the friendliest breeds of cats, Shirazis require a great deal of attention from their owners.

They are also a breed that is known for being easy-going, loving, and affectionate. Additionally, Shirazi cats can adjust very rapidly to their families, and they have a propensity to develop a stronger attachment to one family member over the others.

The Shirazi cat is also known for its high level of playfulness and its comfort around young children.

5. Savannah

While people didn’t initially produce the Savannah cat in Egypt, it bears a striking similarity to several ancient Egyptian cat breeds that were popular in that country.

The Savannah is a hybrid breed that people created by crossing a Siamese cat with an untamable serval.

This mixed breed has the amiable disposition of a domestic cat while maintaining the huge perked ears, long legs, and spotted coat characteristic of their African cat lineage. In the latter part of the 20th century, the Savannah cat made its debut for the very first time.

The first generation of hybrids is typically more significant than later crosses, and their coats exhibit stunning spotted patterns in various colors: brown, tan, and black.

Later generations are even further distant from their wild progenitors than earlier generations, but they still have the gorgeous fur that earlier generations had.

In spite of the fact that they were entirely feral, those at the pinnacle of society—both religious and aristocratic—kept them as a badge of honor.

Savannahs are excellent pets for the proper household, but they have a high activity level and require a lot of attention.

They will not fare well in a family in which the owners are seldom there because it is not healthy for them.

Because cats of this breed form strong bonds with any animal they live with, they are particularly good companions for children.

Savannahs are famous for their extraordinary faithfulness, as evidenced by the fact that they will follow their favorite people around the house simply for companionship.

They can also be quite talkative and have a wide range of vocalizations that are easily distinguishable from one another.

6. Egyptian Cat from the Nile Valley

According to the ancient Egyptians’ artwork, literary works, myths, and religious beliefs, there were no domesticated cats in Egypt 6,000 years ago.

However, by 4,000 years ago, domestic cats had already established such a strong presence within Egyptian culture that people frequently kept them as pets in their homes.

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This practice continues today. The ancient Egyptians had a deep affection for their feline companions and saw them as members of the family. As a result, they hoped to be with them after death and for all eternity.

In Egypt, people discovered a feral cat breed known as the Nile Valley Egyptian cat. Even though the International Cat Association has acknowledged them as their experimental breed, some still assume them to be Egyptian Maus.

Ongoing rescue efforts are being made to prevent this from happening, and these cats are being rehomed in the United States while the Egyptian authorities are actively working to eradicate the breed entirely.

The Egyptian cat breeds from the Nile Valley have a disposition similar to that of a dog and will meet its owners at the door.

They tend to follow their human companions and always make it a point to put other people first.

Although the breed tends to be unfriendly toward strangers, they do very well in homes with young children and other animals when socialized at a young age.

It is essential to keep in mind that this breed has the potential to be quite territorial and that it will frequently initiate a fight if another animal enters its domain.

7. Sphynx

The Sphynx comes in last, although certainly not last in importance. The Sphynx is the Egyptian cat that comes to most people’s minds when they think about Egyptian cat breeds.

This breed’s former name was the Canadian Hairless cat, which is a fact that is unknown to a great number of people.

When a shorthaired cat named Elizabeth gave birth to a furless kitten in the 1960s in Toronto, Canada, hundreds of miles distant from Egypt, this is where it all began.

A small gene pool and a limited understanding of the hairless genes contributed to the situation’s difficulty. It took several years to pioneer the breed.

Approximately ten years later, in the early 2000s, the first natural litters of Sphynx kittens were born in the cities of Toronto and Minnesota.

Some people passionate about cats consider the Sphynx the most regal of the hairless Egyptian cat breeds.

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