14 Rabbit Breeds to Keep as Pets

Rabbit Breeds to Keep as PetsPin
Photo by Gary Bendig

Choosing the right rabbit breed is important, especially if you’re looking to add one to your home for the first time. Remember, no two fluffy bunnies are the same.

There are different rabbit breeds to keep as pets; all have their personalities, health issues, and so on. 

Due to their temperamental natures, some rabbit breeds may tolerate holding but not touching, while others may like both.

Make sure you’re prepared before purchasing or adopting a rabbit, regardless of what breed you decide on as a pet.

These pets provide love and affection – no wonder many people adore them. I don’t think anyone can resist their cute and cuddly charms.

Some of them form strong ties with their owners and end up being indispensable members of the family.

Here is a list of the top 14 rabbit breeds to keep as pets.

1. Blanc de Hotot

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by The only true editor is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Blanc de Hotots are among the different rabbit breeds to keep as pets and are distinguished by their white fur and black rings around their eyes.

They are predominantly white; however, their fur may include splotches of gray or black.

The Blanc de Hotot rabbit lives for roughly ten years and weighs between 8 and 11 pounds. These creatures require a lot of positive attention to thrive.

2. Britannia Petite

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by SableSteel is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The Britannia Petite is a small rabbit from Britain that weighs around 2.5 pounds when fully mature.

These rabbits have a body form with a prominent rear arch. Their heads are wedge-shaped, with very pointy ears.

These rabbits come in various colors and patterns, including white, black, chestnut, sable, and others. They sometimes even have red eyes.

It is uncommon for these energetic rabbits to relax with their owner. However, they make fantastic pets for anyone who wants a playful animal!

3. Chinchilla Rabbit

by Filipe.Ramos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The original breed of this rabbit is known as the Standard Chinchilla. They have the recognizable rollback fur of a chinchilla and barely weigh around 7 lbs at their largest size.

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Additionally, they have very small bodies. In captivity, these rabbits have a lifespan of five to ten years. Their fur comes in various colors, including tan, white, brown, and others.

However, they often have white rings around their eyes, which help you identify them.

4. English Angora

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by airthru.takashi is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The large amount of fur that English angora rabbits produce makes them easily identifiable.

Their faces are fur-covered except for the area right above the nose, making them fluffy, almost cloud-like creatures.

Although they are gentle and kind, they require frequent grooming to stay healthy. These rabbits come in various colors and weigh between 5 and 6 pounds.

You’ll often find them in white color, but they can also be blue, brown, chocolate, chestnut, tort, and more.

These smaller rabbits have a life expectancy of up to 12 years when given the proper care.

5. Flemish Giant 

Flemish Giant Pin
by houroumono is licensed under CC BY 2.0

If you’re looking for rabbit breeds to keep as pets and that are also large, then Flemish Giant is for you. This rabbit weighs 15 pounds and grows over four feet long.

However, you can still find one weighing over 22 pounds. They come in various colors: white, blue, black, fawn, and gray.

Moreover, these rabbits need skilled handlers because they are such large creatures. You need to monitor their diet to prevent obesity and keep them away from kids.

Unfortunately, their large size has a negative impact on how long they last. They survive a mere 5-7 years.

6. French Lop

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by Lottie is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

French lops are also large rabbits weighing between 10 and 15 pounds; however, they can weigh more than 20 pounds.

They were originally meat rabbits but have now become show animals and pets. These rabbits come in various colors, including fawn, black, and agouti.

Although these bunnies have incredibly delicate fur, they also require skilled care. They need a lot of space and people who understand how to care for them; they are unsuitable for first-time pets.

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7. Satin Angora

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by vjmarisphotos is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Satin Angora may boast the softest and most luxurious coat of any breed of rabbits today. This can be a result of their Satin and French Angora ancestry. 

They are valued for their ability to produce wool and are medium in size. Prospective owners should know that grooming, clipping, and collecting the wool from a Satin Angora could take hours each week.

8. Lionhead

by CMFRIESE is licensed under CC BY 2.0

They are a relatively new breed in the United States, but they are growing in popularity thanks to their calm personalities. They have a wooly mane that resembles a lion’s mane and are small and rounded. 

Lionheads are among the friendliest breeds of rabbits and are good-natured and tolerant of kids.

They enjoy spending time with their owners, so make sure you give them the love they crave for.

9. English Spot

English SpotPin
by The.Rohit is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

These are some of the most friendly and affectionate rabbit breeds to keep as pets. They’re perfect for families with young children, first-time rabbit owners, and elders.

They have the curiosity and enthusiasm to be an amusing companion.

As long-time show pets, English Spots are accustomed to being held, stroked, and patted, which is one of the reasons they make wonderful pets.

They have a white base coat and dots down their back and come in various colors and markings.

10. Jersey Wooly

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by BecauseUAreHere is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

These are little rabbits that weigh only 1 to 3 pounds, making them a dwarf breed. They require a little more attention than other breeds because they have long coats that need brushing once a week.

You can’t help but cuddle with this bunny because they are so soft and fluffy. They are kind, docile, and wonderful companions for senior citizens looking for a caring companion.

Furthermore, the jersey wooly is also appropriate for kids because they won’t kick or bite.

Related:  English Angora Rabbit: Profile and Information

Although some are more extroverted and like to explore their surroundings, they can also be laid back.

11. Checkered Giant

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by TheGirlsNY is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The checkered giant is among the best pet rabbit breeds and will stand out in a crowd.

These attractive rabbits, whose top weight ranges from 11 to 16 pounds, are high-energy and black and white in color.

In addition, they make wonderful companions for anyone who can provide them with a sizable cage and plenty of space to roam.

12. American Fuzzy Lop

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by rabbit_mage is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

American Fuzzy Lops are little, playful rabbits that weigh a maximum of 3 to 4 pounds. These animals are adored for their plush, silky fur.

However, owners must frequently groom their hair to prevent it from getting matted.

13. Argente Brun

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Argente Brun is among the different rabbit breeds to keep as pets and is famous for its unique color – a light brown with flecks of silver.

In addition, these bunnies have perky ears, watchful eyes, and a pleasant demeanor. They will sit on your lap for pets and cuddles.

They are large rabbits, weighing 7 to 12 pounds at their biggest. Argente Brun rabbits have a lifespan of seven to ten years. 

14. Velveteen Lop

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by Amy M. Youngs is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The Velveteen Lop rabbit is famous for its broad ears, plush hair, and potentially longer life.

With the right care, this rabbit can survive for up to 11 years and only gain 5 to 7 pounds. 

You need to pay extra attention to the rabbit’s ears to prevent them from becoming wet or chilly.

However, their fur is short enough that they don’t require much grooming.

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