Ducks are well-known to be cute and fun creatures, but did you know that they come in different breeds? It’s not just mallards, either.
Many duck breeds range from the Black Cayuga to the Silver Appleyard.
However, you can find ducks in many shapes and sizes. So, if you’re an aspiring duck farmer, knowing which breeds suit your needs best will save you time and money!
Here’s a list of different types of duck breeds you probably didn’t know existed.
1. Abacot Ranger
The Abacot Ranger is a duck breed developed in England in the early 1900s. The breed was created by crossing the Mallard with the Muscovy.
However, the resulting offspring were then bred back to the Mallard.
To create a new, hardy breed well-suited for life on English estates. The Abacot Ranger is a large duck weighing 7-8 pounds.
Also, they are white with black markings on their wings and tails. The Rangers are good layers, producing up to 200 eggs per year.
They are also excellent foragers and do well in free-range situations.
2. American Pekin

Pekin ducks are different duck breeds used for egg and meat production.
They were originally bred in China, but now most Pekin ducks come from North America.
The Pekin duck is the most common type found in the United States.
Nevertheless, adult Pekin ducks typically weigh between 6 and 8 pounds.
They have white feathers and orange bills and feet. Pekins are known for their docile personality and hardy nature.
3. Ancona Duck

The Ancona duck is a relatively new breed developed in Italy in the late 1800s.
The Ancona is a medium-sized bird with white feathers and black spots. They are good layers and can produce up to 200 eggs per year.
However, Anconas are also suitable for meat production and are known for their flavorful meat.
4. Australian Call Duck
The Australian Call Duck is a small breed of domestic duck.
They were initially bred in Australia for their loud quacking, which is why they are also known as the QuackaDoodle.
Despite their name, these ducks are pretty good at swimming and can often be found in ponds and lakes.
However, different types of duck breeds are also known for being very friendly and docile, making them great pets.
Some other notable features of the Australian Call Duck include its bright plumage and orange feet.
5. Black East Indie Duck
The Black East Indie duck is a breed of domesticated duck from Indonesia.
They are also known as the Celebes Crested duck and were first imported into Europe in 1872. Black East Indies are quiet, calm birds that make good pets.
They are also good foragers and do well on a free-range diet. This breed is now considered endangered due to habitat loss and hunting pressure in its native range.
6. Blue Swedish Duck

The Blue Swedish is among the different types of duck breeds known for their blue plumage.
This duck breed is often used in shows and competitions due to its unique color.
The Blue Swedish was first bred in Sweden and is a descendant of the wild Mallard.
These ducks are friendly and make great pets, but they can also be aggressive towards other ducks.
7. Buff Duck
The Buff Duck is a large, multi-purpose duck breed developed in England in the early 1800s. It is a good layer of large brown eggs and a good meat bird.
The Buff Duck is an excellent forager and does well on pasture. However, the Buff Duck is hardy and can withstand cold weather.
The Buff Duck is a friendly duck breed that gets along well with other ducks and animals.
8. Campbell Duck

Campbell ducks are one of the different types of duck breeds often used for meat production.
They were developed in the early 1900s in New Zealand. And are a cross between the Pekin and Muscovy duck breeds.
Additionally, Campbell ducks have white feathers and pinkish-white skin. They are considered good layers of eggs and can lay up to 200 eggs annually.
Campbell ducks are also good swimmers and can often be seen swimming in ponds or lakes.
9. Cayuga Duck

The Cayuga duck is a breed of domesticated duck used for egg and meat production.
It was developed in the United States in the early 19th century and is now distributed worldwide.
The Cayuga is a black duck with greenish-black plumage and a purple sheen.
Therefore, it is one of the heaviest breeds of ducks, weighing up to 8 kg (18 lb).
The Cayuga duck is sexually dimorphic, with females significantly smaller than males. Both sexes have an orange bill and feet.
However, the Cayuga is a docile bird and does well in captivity.
It’s also one of the most cold-tolerant breeds of ducks, able to withstand temperatures as low as -20°C (-4°F).
10. Crested Duck

Crested Ducks are a relatively new breed developed in the early 21st century.
While they don’t have some other breeds’ lengthy and illustrious history, they are still ducks!
As such, they make excellent pets. Crested Ducks are bred to have a crest of feathers on their head, which can come in various colors.
But they are also known for being particularly friendly and social ducks, making them great companions.
The Crested Duck is an excellent choice if you’re looking for different types of duck breeds to add to your flock!
11. Dutch Hook Bill Duck
The Dutch HookBill is a very unusual duck breed. They have a long, curved beak perfect for eating snails and other small creatures.
These ducks are also excellent swimmers and can often paddle around ponds and lakes.
While they are not the most popular breed. They make great pets for those who are looking for something a little different.
12. Golden Cascade
The Golden Cascade is a duck breed developed in the United States in the 1970s.
The breed was created by crossing several duck breeds, including the Mallard, Pekin, and Muscovy.
The Golden Cascade is a popular breed for its beauty and egg-laying ability.
Therefore, the ducks are typically golden-brown, with white breasts and tails. They are known for being friendly and good with children.
13. Indian Runner

Indian Runner ducks are one of the different types of duck breeds used for egg and meat production.
They were initially bred in India, but they are now found worldwide. Indian Runner ducks are known for their long, slender bodies and ability to run rather than fly.
Therefore, these ducks typically lay between 200 and 300 eggs annually, making them good choices for commercial duck operations.
Indian Runners come in various colors, including white, black, brown, and silver.
14. Muscovy Duck

The Muscovy duck is a large breed of duck from South America. The Muscovy duck is known for its long, sharp claws and ability to fly long distances.
However, the Muscovy duck is also known for its meat, which is leaner and tastier than other duck breeds.
The Muscovy duck is famous for those who want to raise ducks for meat.
15. Silver Appleyard Duck

The Silver Appleyard is a large, heavy duck with a broad, rounded body.
Reginald Appleyard created it in the early 1900s, a cross between the Mallard and the Pekin. The Silver Appleyard is an excellent layer of large, white eggs.
Also, it is a good forager and does well on pasture. The breed is known for its docile nature and can be easily handled.