15 Best Duck Breeds for Pets

Best Duck Breeds for Pets
Photo by Victor Burnside
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Ducks make lovely pets as long as you provide them with the environment they need to live comfortably and safely.

Because ducks are waterfowl, many assume they need to be kept on water, which isn’t the case! You may be surprised to learn that ducks can make excellent pets! 

They’re easy to care for, require minimal space, and are relatively low-maintenance in terms of their grooming needs.

And since they have rather long lifespans compared to cats and dogs, you can enjoy your duck companion for many years! 

The following list includes our top 15 best duck breeds for pets. They suit people with limited space or who live in urban environments where it’s impossible to own a dog or cat.

1. Pekin

Pekin ducks are a great choice for pet owners looking for an affectionate and low-maintenance bird. Pekins are generally good-natured and enjoy human interaction, making them one of the best duck breeds for pets. 

While they don’t require a lot of space, Pekins needs water access to swim and bathe in. A Pekin duck’s diet should consist of commercial duck food, greens, and occasional treats like worms or small pieces of fruit.

2. Indian Runner Ducks

Indian Runner Ducks are one of the best duck breeds for pets. They are gentle, good-natured, and make great companions. They are also relatively easy to care for and can be kept in a small space. 

Indian Runner Ducks typically lay between 100-200 eggs annually, making them great for families who want to enjoy fresh eggs. The downside? They tend to become too attached to their owners, which can cause issues if the owner moves away or dies. 

On the other hand, they are less aggressive than some other breeds. Indian Runner Ducks come in many different colors and sizes. Consider this when purchasing because some colors will have higher rates of illness. 

Beige Indian Runners have high rates of eye problems. White Indian Runners have high rates of health problems such as heart disease and deformed bones. We recommend this breed if you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet duck that is good with children and requires minimal attention.

3. Aylesbury

Aylesbury ducks are large, white-feathered birds that make one of the best duck breeds for pets. They’re calm and docile but also playful and curious, so they’ll keep you entertained. Aylesbury is a good swimmer who can live in cold and warm climates. 

They don’t mind being around other animals, so they are a great addition to any farm or backyard. If you’re looking for one of the best duck breeds for pets, look no further than the Aylesbury.

4. Magpie

The Magpie duck is a popular breed among backyard poultry enthusiasts. They are known for their striking black-and-white plumage and their exciting behavior. 

Magpies are very active and love to explore their surroundings. They are also very social and enjoy being around other ducks. 

The Magpie duck is a great choice if you’re looking for a beautiful and full of personality duck! They are not just one of the best duck breeds for pets but also have an excellent temperament. Magpie ducks get along well with humans, other animals, and most waterfowl species.

5. Muscovy

The Muscovy is a large, hardy breed that can make an excellent pet for active families. They are very social ducks and enjoy being around people, so they make good backyard companions. 

Muscovies are excellent swimmers who can often dip in their owner’s pool or pond. The Muscovy is perfect if you’re looking for the best duck breed for a pet that will keep you entertained!

6. Cayuga

Cayuga ducks are a beautiful black color with an iridescent green head. They’re friendly and curious, making them great pets for families with kids. They’re also good watchdogs, as they’ll alert you to any strangers approaching your home. 

Cayugas are known for being good layers of large, dark brown eggs. If you’re looking for the best duck breeds for a beautiful and useful pet, the Cayuga is an excellent choice.

7. Bantam

A bantam is a small chicken, and true bantams don’t exist in the duck world. However, many miniature breeds were created by selecting the smallest birds from a flock and breeding them together.

These ducks make great pets since they’re usually very friendly and can be kept in smaller spaces than full-sized ducks. 

Bantams come in various colors and patterns, so you will indeed find one you love. Some popular bantam breeds include the Pekin, Ancona, and Saxony.

8. The Call Ducks

The Call duck is a great choice if you’re looking for a quiet breed that won’t take up too much space. These ducks are small, but they still have all the personalities of their larger counterparts. 

Call ducks are also good swimmers and can live in fresh and saltwater. They tend to be calm and docile, making them ideal pets for people who want an easy-going bird. There are five different color varieties of call ducks: wild (blue), white, buff (brown), black, and partridge (pink).

9. Khaki Campbell

The Khaki Campbell is a great all-around duck and one of the best duck breeds for pets. They’re friendly, hardy, and make excellent watchdogs. They’re also relatively quiet, so they won’t disturb your neighbors. 

Khaki Campbells are good egg layers, and their eggs are a beautiful blue-green color. If you’re looking for a pet duck that can do it all, the Khaki Campbell is a great choice. Like most ducks, they need to be able to swim but will thrive on land as well. 

In addition to being a fantastic watchdog, Khaki Campbell’s personality will win over any other potential family member in short order.

These ducks don’t quack much and will grow very attached to their human companions (and vice versa). With their easy-going nature, these ducks would be a perfect addition to any home with children or another pet animal.

10. Buff Ducks

If you’re looking for a pet duck that’s both friendly and good-looking, then the Buff duck is a great choice! This breed is known for being docile and easy to handle, making them ideal for first-time duck owners. 

Buff ducks are active and playful, keeping you entertained for hours. They’re also great swimmers, so they’ll be in their element if you have a pond on your property! 

In appearance, Buff ducks are stunning and have a beautiful golden plumage that distinguishes them from other breeds. Like all breeds of domestic ducks, Buffs lay eggs (even though they don’t do it as often as some other breeds). You can expect this breed to lay about four eggs per year. 

The downside? They’re relatively small, so you may need more than one per person when cooking dinner! But this shouldn’t deter you from considering these fabulous birds.

11. Silver Appleyard Duck

The Silver Appleyard is a beautiful bird with one of the best duck breeds for pets. They are very friendly and social and get along well with other ducks and animals. They are also very active and need plenty of space to run and play. 

The Silver Appleyard is perfect if you’re looking for a duck that will be a great addition to your family! While Silver Appleyards are one of many good breeds available as pets, they aren’t suitable for everyone.

Since they have an average lifespan of 12 years. It’s essential to consider how much time you’ll have to invest in taking care of them. Keeping these birds happy and healthy requires clipping their wings at all times while indoors.

Without their wings clipped regularly, birds may hurt themselves trying to fly or escape through open windows or doors. When choosing a pet, remember that there is no one size fits all option for choosing livestock.

12. Golden Cascade

If you’re looking for a friendly, outgoing duck breed to add to your family, the Golden Cascade is a great choice! Originally bred in California, these ducks are known for their bright orange plumage and outgoing personalities. 

Golden Cascades make great pets because they are social and love attention from their humans. They’re also very active, so they need plenty of space to run and play. 

When it comes to choosing the best duck breeds for pets, there are a few things you should consider. First, examine whether or not you have enough space for an active duck. Second, consider how much time you will spend caring for your pet.

13. Campbell Duck

Campbell ducks are among the best duck breeds for pets. They are friendly, social animals that enjoy being around people and other ducks. Campbells are also very active, so they need plenty of space to run and play. 

Campbell duck is a great choice and a pet duck that will be a fun addition to your family. These ducks make good mothers, so this is an excellent breed to try if you want chicks.

14. Dutch Hookbill Duck

The Dutch HookBill is one of the best duck breeds for pets. They are very friendly and make great additions to any family. They do not need much space and can live in small areas. 

They are also good swimmers and can be trained to do tricks. To keep this breed healthy, they should always have access to fresh water.

15. Crested Duck

Crested ducks are a popular breed and one of the best duck breeds for pets. They are known for their friendly personalities and various colors and patterns. Crested ducks make great pets for families with children, as they are very tolerant of being handled. 

These ducks are also relatively quiet, so they won’t disturb your neighbors. The crested duck is perfect if you’re looking for a beautiful breed and easy to care for.


Suppose you’re thinking about adding a duck to your family. Congratulations! Ducks can make excellent pets. But with so many different breeds, it can be hard to know where to start. 

That’s why we’ve put together this list of the 15 best duck breeds for pets to help you find the perfect fit for your family.

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