12 Types of Owls in Colorado

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Photo by Saketh Upadhya

Are you an avid bird watcher looking to learn more about the types of owls in Colorado?

If so, you’ve come to the right place! Colorado is home to a diverse range of owl species, all of which can be seen and heard in the state’s many habitats.

Colorado is a haven for these nocturnal creatures, from the majestic Great Horned Owl to the tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl. 

This blog post will explore the different types of owls that call Colorado home, including what makes each unique and where you can find them in the wild.

Read on to learn the different types of owls in Colorado and discover why they make Colorado such a great place to observe birds!

Let’s dive in!

1. Burrowing Owl 

The burrowing owl is one of the most iconic types of owls in Colorado. Its small size, short tail, and long legs characterize it. This species is found mainly in the western part of the state but can also be spotted in other areas. It prefers to nest in grasslands and other open areas with plenty of burrows and nesting spots. 

During the day, these birds usually stay in their burrows, although they may come out for a few minutes to search for food. Their diets include insects, small mammals, and even some vegetation. The burrowing owl also hunts at night and can often be heard calling as it travels from one burrow to another.

2. Snowy Owl 

The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is beautiful in Colorado. This majestic bird can weigh up to five pounds and have a wingspan of up to five feet. It is a stunning sight in Colorado with its unique white feathers, yellow eyes, and black beak.

Moving on, it lives in grasslands, meadows, and open fields and hunts for small animals such as mice, voles, and lemmings. While it does hunt during the day, it is mostly active at night. In the winter months, it migrates to Colorado and can be seen perched on fence posts or posts of telephone poles.

The Snowy Owl, one of the types of owls in Colorado, is an important species to the state’s environment. It helps control the populations of small animals and serves as an indicator of the health of its habitat. 

As predators of small animals, they keep ecosystems balanced and prevent certain animal populations from becoming overabundant. If you are lucky enough to see a Snowy Owl in Colorado, watch it carefully, as this amazing species deserves our respect and appreciation!

3. Great Horned Owl 

The Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) is a large owl species native to North and South America. It is well adapted to its habitat, as it can live in both lowlands and mountainous areas of Colorado. It is one of the most widespread types of owl in Colorado, often seen in fields, meadows, and even towns and cities. 

The Great Horned Owl has large ear tufts on its head, giving it its name. Its wings are short and broad, its tail is long, and its plumage is usually brownish-gray or black with white or light brown streaks. 

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These owls feed mainly on small mammals such as mice, rats, rabbits, and squirrels but also consume birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and carrion. They typically hunt at night and dawn, using their sharp eyesight and hearing to locate prey.

4. Eastern Screech Owl 

The Eastern Screech Owl is a small owl mostly found in the Eastern Part of Colorado. It has a rusty or gray-colored feather pattern and white stripes on its head. It also has yellow eyes and can make high-pitched screeches. These owls are often found near woodlands, open fields, and residential areas. 

The Eastern Screech Owl is also on this list of owl types in Colorado. It feeds on small rodents, insects, and other small animals. It is active day and night, but its hunting activity occurs mostly at night. The Eastern Screech Owl is an important part of Colorado’s ecology and can be seen throughout the state. 

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified the species as a species of least concern. These owls have adapted well to urban and suburban environments and are seen more often in developed areas than in more remote areas. They are an essential part of Colorado’s wildlife.

5. Western Screech Owl 

Compared to other types of owls in Colorado, the Western Screech Owl is an elusive species. The species is relatively small, typically only 8-10 inches long. This owl has greyish-brown feathers with white or grey spots and a brown, striped face pattern. 

The Western Screech Owl is often found in coniferous forests, mountain meadows, and riparian areas. It is active day and night and hunts insects, small rodents, and birds. The Western Screech Owl population in Colorado is believed to be healthy due to proper habitat management and protection of its nesting sites. 

However, the population is threatened by the destruction of natural habitats, making it essential to ensure that their habitats remain intact. With the right protection and conservation measures, Colorado’s Western Screech Owl population can thrive and continue providing valuable environmental services.

6. Flammulated Owl

The Flammulated Owl is a small owl found in Colorado and other parts of the western United States. It is generally brown or gray, with black spots on the wings and head. These are types of owls in Colorado, and they have long, thin tails and yellow eyes. 

These owls prefer open conifer forests and can roost in tree cavities, under rock ledges, or in other sheltered areas during the day. They feed primarily on insects and spiders and are active mainly at night. Flammulated Owls are quite rare in Colorado, making up less than 1% of all owl species found in the state. 

Despite this rarity, keen-eyed birdwatchers can still spot them during summer. They can be easily identified by their size, coloring, and distinct call, which sounds like a slow trill or a hooting. If you’re lucky to spot one of these rare birds, report your sighting to your local birding organization.

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7. Barn Owl 

The barn owl (Tyto alba) is one of Colorado’s most widely distributed owls. It can be found in many habitats, from grasslands to semi-arid deserts. It has a pale facial disk with a heart-shaped outline, long legs, and toes.

The barn owl has yellowish or white feathers and is easily recognized by its distinctive call, which is a loud, low-pitched, screeching sound. They usually live in hollow trees or burrows in the ground. 

In addition, these owls are active at night, and they are mainly solitary creatures. They eat mainly small rodents like mice and voles, but they also take small birds, frogs, and insects. Barn owls are considered beneficial because they help control rodent populations and may also help control insect pests. 

They are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization and other human activities. To conserve them, suitable habitats in their natural range must be maintained.

8. Northern Saw-Whet Owl 

The Northern Saw-whet Owl is one of the most common types of owl in Colorado. These owls are small but have an impressive wingspan of 15 to 20 inches. Their characteristic call is a quick series of whistles that sound like “too-too-too.” They tend to inhabit the evergreen forests of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, preferring areas with dense coniferous trees. 

Northern saw-whet owls can be spotted during the day as they roost or hunt at night. They are incredibly adaptable and can easily survive in many different habitats. They use their strong talons to catch prey and eat various small animals, including mice, voles, and insects. 

These owls can be identified by their distinctive yellow eyes, white facial disk, and gray-brown plumage. While Northern Saw-whet Owls can be found in other parts of the United States, they are particularly prevalent in Colorado, making them an amazing sight for any bird watcher.

9. Boreal Owl 

The boreal owl is one of the smaller species of owls found in Colorado. This medium-sized owl has mottled brown and white plumage, bright yellow eyes, and a black beak. It prefers to inhabit boreal forests and makes its home among coniferous trees, most often found during the day. 

These owls feed primarily on small mammals such as voles and mice but also eat small birds and insects. Boreal Owls are active mostly at night when their sharp vision makes it easy to spot their prey. They can often be spotted in the foothills and mountain regions of Colorado during winter months.

These particular types of owls in Colorado make their homes in cavities, hollows, or nests built by other animals. They are quite vocal and can be heard calling out their trilled territorial call during the breeding season. Boreal owls are known to mate for life and typically lay up to four eggs per clutch. 

During the summer, these owls may migrate to higher altitudes, where temperatures are cooler and food is more abundant. Despite their decreasing population, these owls remain in Colorado and other parts of the western United States.

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10. Short-Eared Owl 

The Short-Eared Owl is one of the fascinating types of owls in Colorado. These beautiful birds can be seen flying around during the day or even after dark. They have distinctive white faces with dark eyes and pale, yellowish breasts. Short-eared owls are generally smaller than others, measuring approximately 9-10 inches long with a wingspan of up to 19 inches.

These owls are found throughout Colorado in grasslands and open areas such as meadows and agricultural fields. They feed on mammals such as voles, mice, and other small birds and insects. 

Short-eared owls often hover over an area, looking for prey before swooping and catching it in their talons. They are a wonderful sight to behold in Colorado!

11. Long-Eared Owl 

The Long-Eared Owl is an impressive raptor that lives in Colorado and the surrounding region. It’s one of the largest owls in North America, with an average wingspan of up to 44 inches! This owl has distinct long ear tufts, which gives them its name. 

They usually nest in open coniferous or mixed forests and feed primarily on small mammals such as mice and voles. Though they are not as common as other types of owls in Colorado, they can be seen around the state during certain times of the year. 

During winter, the Long-Eared Owls migrate south to warmer climates but will sometimes stay if suitable. If you’re lucky to spot one of these beautiful creatures, you’ll witness a remarkable feathered wonder in your backyard!

12. Spotted Owl

The spotted owl is a medium-sized bird of prey found in western North America. It is one of Colorado’s most widely distributed owl species and can be found in the state’s northern and central mountain ranges. Spotted owls have been observed to inhabit forests and woodlands, primarily in coniferous or mixed coniferous/deciduous stands with a high canopy cover. However, they also sometimes hunt in open fields. 

They are mainly active at night and roost during the day, often taking refuge in trees or crevices among rocks. The spotted owl’s diet consists of small mammals such as mice, voles, moles, and gophers, but it is also known to take birds, amphibians, reptiles, and even insects. It prefers a hunting ground with plenty of cover to hunt stealthily. 

Spotted owls, the last on this list of the different types of owls in Colorado, build nests in cavities and on top of platforms or logs. They are monogamous and usually mate for life, with a pair typically returning to the same nesting site each year. The eggs are incubated for about a month before hatching.

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