There are millions of different species of animals on the earth, ranging in size and power from enormous elephants to microscopic insects.
But some of these are animals with big heads! On the planet Earth, every animal is unique compared to other animals. Each of them has distinctive properties and particular traits.
These animals with big heads frequently significantly impact their capacity to hunt, protect themselves, communicate, and interact with their surroundings.
Let’s examine the list of animals with big heads. A handful of these will probably surprise you, we bet!
1. African Elephant

The African Elephant is starting our list of animals with big heads and the world’s largest land animal.
The genus African elephant includes two species: the African bush elephant and the African forest elephant. These elephants are primarily found in Africa’s grasslands and woods.
Elephants are renowned for their distinctive characteristics, including their massive heads, long trunks, two extra-large ears, and two tusks. These are utilized for various activities, including communication, object-lifting, self-defense, and food harvesting.
Elephants are the most intelligent and socially advanced creatures on earth. They live in herds of ten to twenty elephants, with the oldest female elephant as the matriarch.
Overall, the size of their cranium greatly contributes to their capacity for survival.
2. Hippopotamuses
Hippos and river horses are other names for hippopotamuses. The hippo is one of the biggest semi-aquatic mammals in sub-Saharan Africa.
They prefer to spend most of their time near lakes, rivers, and mud patches.
Hippos are omnivorous animals, and the roots, leaves, and fruits of woodland plants, grasses, and fruits comprise most of their diet.
These large-headed animals are recognized for their enormous size, razor-sharp teeth, and strong jaws, which they utilize for defense and food.
They are extremely deadly and aggressive wild animals.
3. Horses

Horses have enormous heads. They are found throughout the planet, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Australia, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia.
Wild horses reside in plains and grasslands, whereas domestic horses can be raised as pets and coexist with people.
They are herbivores, so grass, leaves, and other plant parts are part of their diet.
Because of their excellent environmental adaptation, wild horses can live in various settings, from grasslands to deserts. A horse’s average lifespan is between 25 and 30 years.
4. Lion
The lion is also one of the animals with big heads, often acknowledged as the jungle king. Lions are carnivorous creatures that can hunt larger animals.
They consume the flesh of pigs, zebras, wildebeest, giraffes, antelopes, buffalo, and other herbivorous mammals.
Although they can be found on many other continents, lions are primarily found in Africa and Asia, particularly in savannas and grasslands.
Male lions have hair around their necks and are bigger than female lions. Additionally, they have a larger head than a female lion.
5. Panda
The panda bear is another name for the giant panda. Most of us quickly fall in love with them because they are among the cutest animals.
Pandas are among the most recognizable animals with large heads worldwide due to their black and white fur.
They have a huge head compared to the rest of their body. They can be found elsewhere, including in south-central China.
Since pandas are herbivorous creatures, they eat most of their food from roots, stems, leaves, and bamboo shoots.
6. Bison

One of the world’s largest terrestrial mammals is the bison. They are extremely strong beasts. They are herbivorous creatures, and grass makes up most of their food.
These animals with big heads are known for having distinguishing characteristics like shaggy brown fur, a big head, and a shoulder hump.
Despite being a large mammal, the bison has a top speed of 40 mph.
Their grazing aids in maintaining healthy grasslands, and their excrement serves as a fantastic source of nutrients for the soil.
Hence, they are seen as significant to the ecology.
7. Koala Bear

Koala bear is another name for the koala. They are herbivorous animals with big heads that can be found in zoos and other areas, including Australia.
Koalas have large heads and robust bodies, making them identifiable.
Koalas are arboreal creatures that dwell in eucalyptus woods. They get their water from surrounding ponds or streams and eat the leaves of eucalyptus trees as food.
Koalas are nocturnal animals. Therefore, they spend most of the day sleeping on tree forks or branches and are most active at night.
8. Grizzly Bears
Grizzly bears are also called North American Brown Bears or Just Bears. One of the biggest land-based predators in the world is the grizzly bear.
In North America, brown bears are omnivorous animals. They are enormously strong animals.
The primary habitats of animals with big heads include woodlands, forests, grasslands, alpine meadows, and other similar environments.
Due to their omnivorous nature, grizzly bears consume various foods, including vegetation, small mammals, insects, and fish.
9. Basking Shark

The basking shark, one of only three filter-feeding sharks, is the second-largest shark in the world.
Basking sharks have huge mouths that can be up to three feet wide and an average length of 23 to 28 feet.
Basking sharks eat zooplankton by swimming forward while keeping their mouths open.
Gill rakers, which are normally cartilaginous protrusions employed to stop prey from being thrown back out over the gills with the water as they feed, are present in them.
10. Rhino

The rhinoceros is an extremely massive and imposing creature. Five species have been identified, three of which are found in Asia and two in Africa.
The upper portion of a rhino’s snout is where one or two enormous horns are situated.
As herbivorous animals, rhinoceroses mainly consume plant leaves, branches, and grasses.
Despite their size, lions, tigers, and other predators feed on rhinos.
11. Gorilla

The largest living primate in the world is the gorilla. There are two different species of gorillas: the Eastern Gorilla and the Western Gorilla.
These animals with big heads are herbivores, implying that plants comprise most of their diet.
Gorillas interact through various vocalizations and body language in familial groups called troupes, led by a dominant male gorilla with extensive life experience known as a silverback.
12. Angler Fish

Angler fish belong to the class Lophiiformes of bony fish and are distinguished by their enormous heads and mouths, lined with rows of frightening-looking teeth.
Their teeth are pointed inward to make catching their prey simpler and pulling them into their mouths.
Their diet includes a wide range of crustaceans, fish, squid, turtles, and even some seabirds.
Surprisingly, most anglerfish are rather small, yet the largest species can grow to 3 feet, 3 inches.
13. Shrews

Lastly, on our list of animals with big heads are Shrews. They are little mammals that live practically everywhere in the world.
Their ears are average in size, and their eyes are relatively small.
Additionally, their huge head is disproportionately larger than the rest of their body.
Although their primary diet is insects, they can also ingest plants and other small animals.