What types of meat can cats eat? Cats are carnivores, and therefore, they need to eat meat to thrive.
However, cats are picky eaters, and some might be turned off by the smell or texture of certain meats or may even develop allergies to them.
So, what types of meat can cats eat? The good news is that there is plenty of other meat your cat might be more inclined to eat.
Here’s a list of types of meat that your cat may love!
1. Cooked Beef

What types of meat can cats eat? In general, it is safe to give your cat cooked beef.
Ground beef is particularly healthy for your cat because it contains more protein than other cuts.
However, raw red meat may carry bacteria.
Cooked ground beef and other red meat are safe when served to your pet according to directions on the package or a vet’s order.
The same goes for roasts or steaks; always cook them thoroughly before giving them to your cat.
Never feed your cat raw fish or chicken.
These foods contain thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 (thiamine), which can lead to serious illness in pets.
Also, avoid feeding your cat uncooked pork, lamb, or liver because they may be infected with parasites like tapeworms.
Ask your veterinarian for advice if you’re unsure about what meat you should serve your cat.
He will know if your cat needs specific nutrients and how much she should eat each meal.
He will also know if there are any types of meats she shouldn’t have at all.
Soaking raw food: Soak fresh meat in water mixed with either lemon juice or vinegar overnight to kill germs, then drain and rinse well before cooking.
You can also purchase prepared food-soak solutions from pet stores, but follow label instructions carefully.
For example, some brands require soaking for only 30 minutes instead of overnight.
2. Chicken
While it’s true that most domesticated felines will eat chicken with gusto, they should be careful not to overindulge.
Chicken is high in calories and fat and contains a lot of cholesterol. This can lead to heart disease in cats if they consume too much.
A better option for your pet is turkey breast, which has fewer calories and less fat than regular chicken breasts.
However, even turkey isn’t recommended as a primary protein source for your cat.
Instead, uses it as an occasional treat or substitute for another protein source in her diet (like fish). Fish like salmon and tuna are great sources of lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and other nutrients essential for a balanced diet.
They’re also lower in fat than chicken and turkey.
Choose fresh fillets rather than canned varieties to give your cat some fish.
Canned food often contains excessive sodium, which could cause health problems.
You might be wondering, “what types of meat can cats eat?” Remember: It’s always best to consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your cat’s diet.
Your vet will have a good sense of what foods are healthy for your particular feline.
He may also suggest switching your cat to a different type of diet altogether, depending on his age and medical history.
3. Pork
While pork is commonly believed to be safe for dogs and cats, certain pork products are not considered ideal.
The safest way to give your cat pork is as a small addition to a meal, especially if it’s already high in protein (i.e., ground beef).
You should always check with your vet before introducing new foods into your pet’s diet, especially if they have food sensitivities.
For example, just like humans, some pets may be allergic to certain proteins or lactose intolerant.
So, if you’re unsure whether or not pork is good for your pet, it’s best to talk with your veterinarian first.
They will know what’s right for your furry friend based on age, breed, size, and current state of health.
Your vet can also help look for potential signs of allergies, such as vomiting or diarrhea.
When adding new foods to your pet’s diet, it’s important to introduce them slowly and carefully so you don’t overwhelm their digestive system.
It may take several days for them to get used to a change in their routine; make sure you introduce one food at a time so you can easily monitor any reactions.
What types of meat can cats eat? In general, most meats are fine for cats when cooked well. This means cooking until there is no pink left in any part.
Pork tenderloin is often considered a safe option since its leanness makes it less likely to upset your cat’s stomach than other cuts of pork.
Ground turkey or chicken breast tends to be other popular choices because they contain lower amounts of fat than red meats.
4. Duck Meat
Ducks are about as close to the wild game as you can with poultry.
Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most contaminated with toxins, so purchasing ducks fed an organic diet and not raised on conventional chicken feed is important.
That said, duck meat is lower in fat than other poultry meats and is high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Because of its high protein content, duck makes a great addition to your cat’s meal plan.
Remember: Duck contains more purines than any other type of fowl or fish; if your cat has gout or kidney disease, talk to your veterinarian before adding it to his diet.
Otherwise, include up to 12 ounces of duck per week. A quick note: Some people believe feeding dogs and cats table scraps is a form of animal abuse; while we don’t advocate it, we understand that many people give their pets leftovers from their meals (including those listed here).
If so, ensure all foods are properly cooked and avoid bones—they could cause choking or intestinal blockage.
And always provide plenty of fresh water for your pet to drink. Title: What types of meat can cats eat?
How Much Meat Should Cats Eat?
The question, “What types of meat can cats eat?” has been answered.
Next is “How much meat should cats eat?” Cats are obligate carnivores—they must have a diet rich in animal protein to survive.
Unlike humans, who have much more flexibility with their diets, cats cannot produce certain amino acids required for survival, so they need to ensure they get them through food.
The amount and kind of meat you feed your cat depends on his life stage and health.
In general, adult cats should be fed about 2–3% of their body weight daily, divided into two meals.
Divide larger portions into several smaller servings throughout the day so your cat doesn’t gorge herself right before dinner and become sick.
Feed kittens three times daily until they reach six months old, then cut back to twice daily until they are one year old; kittens grow very quickly during their first year, so they need more frequent meals than adult cats.
Consult your veterinarian if you have questions about how much meat is safe or appropriate for your pet.
Also, it’s best not to leave raw meat out all day because bacteria may cause illness in you and your cat.
Always store raw meat securely away from other foods and wash your hands thoroughly after handling it.
Always keep safety in mind when feeding your cat!
Remember that all parts of an animal are potentially unsafe for pets: bones, skin, fat, etc., and any scraps from human meals like chicken bones or leftover fish heads (high-risk items).
So always discard these safely before feeding your cat.
The only meats that should be given to cats are those your vet approves.
This is because cats’ digestive systems aren’t designed to process some meats, which can lead to health problems.
One good example is turkey; it is fine for human consumption, but turkey isn’t healthy for a cat.
Uncooked, dark meats like beef and chicken aren’t appropriate for felines.
Cooked or raw, these meats have been linked to cat kidney disease.
However, this doesn’t mean you must eliminate all meat from your pet’s diet – stick with fish, poultry, and lean red meats.
What Meats Should Cats Not Eat?
Cats need plenty of protein, but too much isn’t good for them. So, what types of meat should cats not eat?
Foods like chicken wings, fried chicken, and most meats served at fast-food restaurants have too much fat to be healthy for your cat.
Instead, choose leaner cuts of beef or pork that aren’t breaded or fried.
Fish is also a great option because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your cat’s skin and coat healthy.
And if you want to give your kitty something extra special, try adding a few sprinkles of tuna or salmon oil to her food.
You might even find she likes it! Make sure that any new foods you introduce into her diet are introduced slowly so they don’t upset her stomach.
And always make sure fresh water is available at all times.
It’s very important! In short: What types of meat can cats eat? Most meats, but not all meats, should be avoided.