14 Different Types of Trout

Different Types of Trout
Photo by Michael Yero
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Trout Fish is one of the most popular types of fish you can catch in North America, and there are many different types of trout you can fish for in fresh and salt water.

Here are 14 different types of trout from around the world and some tips on catching them.

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1. Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout
by helti is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The most popular type of Trout is the rainbow trout. It’s a freshwater fish in North America, Europe, and Asia. Rainbow trout are omnivores, so they eat both plants and animals.

They’re usually brightly colored, with a dark stripe running down their sides. Rainbow trout can grow over three feet long and weigh up to eight pounds.

 Most rainbow trout live in cold water, like those near glaciers or high mountain lakes, and some rainbow trout species live in warmer water, too. But the one thing they all share is that they love eating bugs!

2. Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat Trout
by YellowstoneNPS is licensed under CC PDM 1.0

The cutthroat Trout is one of the most popular types of trout. It’s named for the distinctive red, orange, and yellow markings on its throat and jaw.

Cutthroat Trout are found in cold, clear streams and lakes in the western United States and Canada. 

They’re relatively easy to catch, making them a favorite among anglers. In some parts of their range, they’re known as graylings; in Montana, they are known as greenbacks or jacks.

Wherever they’re from, these fish can grow up to 18 inches long. You can buy this type of Trout in your local grocery store.

3. Brown Trout

Brown Trout
by Aquila-chrysaetos is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

The brown Trout is a popular game fish in many parts of the world.

It’s a member of the salmon family and can be found in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. Brown trout are often mistaken for brook trout but can be distinguished. 

Some brown trout can grow to be large, weighing over 30 pounds! They have an olive-green back and sides with irregular dark brown or black spots.

They also have three or four prominent yellowish-brown bars on each side. The Trout’s belly is usually pale silver with two or three small dusky blotches.

Their heads are much more rounded than other trout species, like rainbow or cutthroat trout.

They live mostly in cold water from sea level up to a maximum altitude ranging from 3,000 feet up to 9,000 feet above sea level, depending on where they live. 

Browns thrive in cold water environments like streams that flow into glaciers and snowfields because their metabolism has evolved specifically for colder temperatures than other types of trout.

4. Dolly Varden

Dolly Varden
by USFWSAlaska is licensed under CC PDM 1.0

The Dolly Varden is a subspecies of char native to cold-water tributaries of the Arctic Ocean, northern Pacific Ocean, and western North America.

There are usually two different types of trout: the sea-run Dolly Varden and the freshwater Dolly Varden. The former migrates to the ocean, while the latter stays in freshwater rivers and lakes.

The coloration varies depending on the season; during winter, it’s dark gray with yellow spots, but in summer, it’s brownish with white spots.

5. Brook Trout

Brook Trout
by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Midwest Region is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Brook Trout is the state fish of nine different states, including Pennsylvania, also known as the native Trout. It can be found in small streams, creeks, and large rivers and lakes.

The Brook Trout has a dark green or brown back with light-colored spots, and the belly is usually white. Spawning takes place in the fall.

The female carries her eggs until they hatch, and both adults die. Fly fishing, spin casting, and bait fishing are commonly caught. 

Due to their delicate flavor and texture, they are best cooked fresh by frying or broiling; this fish is best served with lemon juice on top for added flavor.

At birth, the average length for a brook trout ranges from about six inches to one foot long (15 cm). Adults will grow up to 16 inches (40 cm) long and weigh up to two pounds (1 kg). 

A brook trout’s body shape changes depending on whether they live in freshwater or saltwater environments. 

In freshwater habitats, they have a torpedo-shaped body, while saltwater habitats give them more of an eel-like appearance.

6. Bull Trout

Bull Trout
by USFWS Mountain Prairie is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Bull trout is a type of Trout found in the western United States and Canada.

It is a char family member, including other fish such as salmon and whitefish. Bull trout are known for their large size and aggressive behavior

It can grow over three feet long and weigh up to 30 pounds. The average bull trout lives for about 10 years.

Females may spawn more than once during their lifetime, but usually only once per year. 

Spawning occurs between April and July when the water temperature reaches 50°F or higher.

Females deposit eggs on gravel beds in streams or river bottoms with low oxygenation levels where there are stones or cobbles.

Depending on water temperature, eggs hatch after five to six weeks and take anywhere from two to eight years before becoming sexually mature adults. 

Bull trout feed primarily on small insects and crustaceans near stream bottoms during their first few months before gradually moving onto larger prey like crayfish, mice, and frogs. Bears, coyotes, foxes, and eagles often eat them.

7. Golden Trout

Golden Trout
by ★☆Pixie Led☆★ is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Golden Trout is a subspecies of the Rainbow Trout and is California’s state fish.

They are native to California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and can be found in high-altitude lakes and streams. Golden Trout has a golden hue on its body with black spots. 

They can grow up to 30 inches long and weigh up to 8 pounds. Like other Trout, they are carnivorous and eat insects, crustaceans, and other small aquatic creatures.

There are two types of Golden Trout: coastal and high altitude. Coastal Golden Trout live at sea level, while High Altitude ones live in water between 3000 and 5000 feet above sea level.

8. Tiger Trout

Tiger Trout
by utfisher is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The tiger trout is a relatively new hybrid fish first developed in the 1930s.

It’s a cross between the brook trout and the brown Trout, and it gets its name from its striped markings.

Tiger trout are found in cold-water streams and lakes, and they’re popular with anglers because they’re hard-fighting fish. 

They typically grow to be about 20 inches long but can reach up to 30 inches sometimes.

Unlike other types of trout, these have small scales on their bellies and gills.

Tiger trout are difficult to spot underwater because they blend into their surroundings well.

9. Arctic Char

Arctic Char
by ratexla (protected by Pixsy) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A member of the salmon family, the Arctic char is found in cold, freshwater environments and has a body shape similar to Trout and salmon.

Usually brightly colored, the Arctic char can range from white to yellow-gold to reddish pink.

It is an important food source for both humans and animals, and its skin is used to make leather.

The flesh is often cooked or smoked but can also be eaten raw.

The Arctic char’s meaty bones are usually removed before cooking, but some people enjoy sucking on them!

10. Gila and Apache Trout

Gila Trout
by USFWS Fish and Aquatic Conservation is licensed under CC PDM 1.0

Gila trout are native to the southwestern United States, while Apache trout are found in Arizona and New Mexico.

These two species are similar in appearance, with both having reddish spots on a background of olive or yellow-green.

However, Gila trout tend to be smaller, with adults only reaching about 10 inches long. 

On the other hand, Apache trout can grow up to 20 inches long and have thicker bodies than Gila trout.

Trout eat insects and crayfish, though they may also feed on small fish and crustaceans if given the opportunity.

11. Splake

Splake trout
by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Midwest Region is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Splake is a hybrid trout from crossing a lake trout and a brook trout.

These fish are popular in many areas because they are sterile and cannot reproduce, which also means they grow larger than other trout species. 

Some people believe that splake tastes better than either parent species. In addition to this, there are many other types of trout.

Brookies: these are native to Eastern North America and typically live in cold water with high levels of oxygen.

They can be found throughout New England, Appalachia, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia.

12. Lake Trout

Lake Trout
by USFWS Mountain Prairie is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The lake trout is a large freshwater fish in North America’s cold, deep lakes.

It has a long body and torpedo-shaped head, and its skin is covered with small, dark spots. Lake trout can grow over four feet long and weigh over 40 pounds. 

They are a popular game fish, and their flesh is very delicious.

They have been seen as far north as Alaska and south as Colorado, so they live primarily in the northern United States and Canada but not exclusively there.

They will only eat smaller fish they catch using their large mouths; they rarely eat any other types of food (but when they do, it’s usually crustaceans).

The largest recorded lake trout was caught by John Jensvold near Alturas, California, back in 1950 at 48 inches long and 62 pounds!

13. Donaldson Trout

The Donaldson trout is a freshwater fish found in North America; it is a popular game fish and is considered a good sport.

The Donaldson trout is named after the person who first discovered it, Dr. James Donaldson. 

The average length of this fish is about 12 inches, but they can grow up to 18 inches long.

The Donaldson trout has a dark brown or black body with white spots on its fins. They live in streams, lakes, and ponds. 

They feed on various things, such as small fish, crustaceans, insects, frogs, and snails. They are not afraid of humans, so they are easy to catch when fishing.

The most common lures for catching these Trout are flies like grubs or worms.

14. Beardslee Trout

Beardslee Trout
by National Park Service is licensed under CC CC0 1.0

The Beardslee trout is a variety of Trout native to California.

This fish has a dark olive-green body with large black spots. The Beardslee trout can grow up to four feet in length.

This fish is known for its fighting ability and is popular among anglers. It’s usually found in the fast-moving waters of mountain streams or creeks.

These types of trout are one of three species known as char because they are cooked by slowly heating them over an open fire until their flesh becomes flaky and succulent.

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