Mosquitoes can be a severe problem in Nigeria, making your life difficult.
The types of mosquitoes in Nigeria include some of the most famous bloodsuckers from all over the world. They come in various sizes, colors, and even shapes.
Mosquitoes are essential in our ecosystem because they help pollinate and even serve as a food source for our wildlife and livestock.
However, most of us are uncomfortable with them because of the nuisance they cause.
We never know what types of diseases they might be carrying.
Here, we will discuss the different types of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
Types of Mosquitoes in Nigeria
There are over 3,000 mosquitoes worldwide, but we can find only around 200 types of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
The most common species are the Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex mosquitoes. Nevertheless, Anopheles mosquitoes are the primary transmitters of malaria in Nigeria.
They are dark in color and have long, slender legs. Aedes mosquitoes are the primary transmitters of dengue fever and yellow fever.
Also, they are dark in color with white stripes on their legs and body. Culex mosquitoes are the primary transmitters of the West Nile virus.
However, some are lighter in color and have long, slender legs.
1. Yellow Fever Mosquito

The yellow fever mosquito is a type of mosquito in Nigeria. It is a member of the genus Aedes, and we know it to send the yellow fever virus.
The mosquito is a significant public health concern in Nigeria as it handles many cases of yellow fever each year.
You can find the yellow fever mosquito in all parts of the country, which is most active during the day. It is a tiny mosquito with a black and white striped body.
The mosquito breeds in stagnant water and can also be found near human habitation.
Further, the yellow fever mosquito is a primary vector of the yellow fever virus and handles most cases of the disease in Nigeria.
Yellow fever is a viral infection that usually lasts only a few days. In most cases, symptoms include fever, chills, loss of appetite, muscle pains (especially in the back), and headaches.
Although symptoms usually improve within five days, this disease claims the lives of approximately 30,000 people worldwide each year.
2. Anopheles Mosquito

We have many types of mosquitoes in Nigeria, but the Anopheles mosquito is one of the most common.
This mosquito is known for its ability to transmit the deadly malaria virus. This causes severe illness and even death in humans.
Besides being a significant health threat, the Anopheles mosquito is also a nuisance, as it bites humans and animals, causing itching.
Its wicked attribute makes it among the common types of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
Like many other flying insects, Anopheles are effective vectors and can spread infection by bite.
There are about 3450 mosquito species divided into 41 genera. Of the 530 Anopheles species, only 35 to 40 carry malaria.
However, the rest can not sustain the development of malaria parasites, even when they bite humans.
Due to their ability to reproduce in high numbers and the need for little water, we can find them in rural and urban areas.
Since various settings support Anopheles species, the species spread malaria in many locations.
Nevertheless, male mosquitoes can not bite. Thus, they cannot spread diseases like malaria.
3. Southern House Mosquito (Culex Quinquefasciatus)

Southern house mosquito is one of the types of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
They are known to be a significant source of malaria in the country and are responsible for the majority of malaria cases reported each year.
These mosquitoes are most active during the rainy season, and their bites can cause severe illness in humans.
These illnesses include fever, chills, and vomiting. In some cases, malaria can lead to death. Mosquito control is an essential public health measure in Nigeria.
The Southern house mosquitoes are a target of many control programs.
4. Pitcher Plant Mosquito
The pitcher plant mosquito is one of the kinds of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
We know these mosquitoes for their ability to breed in the pitcher plants found in the country.
The pitcher plants provide a perfect environment for the mosquitoes to thrive, as they offer a constant supply of water and food.
Pitcher plant mosquitoes are a significant problem for the people of Nigeria.
Because they are responsible for spreading disease, these Mosquitoes transmit a variety of conditions, including malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever.
Also, they are a nuisance, as their constant buzzing can be very annoying.
The best way to control pitcher plant mosquitoes is to destroy their breeding grounds by removing the pitcher plants from the area or spraying them with insecticide.
However, this will only be a temporary solution, as the mosquitoes will eventually return.
5. Eastern Saltmarsh Mosquito

The Eastern saltmarsh mosquito (Aedes sollicitans) is among Nigeria’s common types of mosquitoes.
This mosquito can transmit the viruses that cause dengue fever and chikungunya.
The Eastern saltmarsh mosquito is a medium-sized mosquito with a dark brown body. Its female has a white stripe on her back and a white stripe on her legs.
This mosquito is near salt marsh habitats, where it breeds in brackish water.
6. Culex
The culex mosquito is one of the most common species of mosquitoes in Nigeria.
It is a vector for several diseases, including malaria, West Nile virus, and dengue fever.
It is most active at night and often bites humans and animals indoors.
7. Culiseta

Culiseta is a type of mosquito that is commonly found in Nigeria.
We know these mosquitoes to be carriers of various diseases, including malaria and dengue fever.
Culiseta mosquitoes are typically found in rural areas, breeding in stagnant water sources.
These mosquitoes are most active during the daytime and typically bite humans and animals. However, to prevent the spread of disease, use a mosquito net.
8. Mansonia

We can also find Mansonia among the types of mosquitoes in Nigeria. These mosquitoes spread several diseases, including malaria and yellow fever.
Mansonia mosquitoes are found near bodies of water, laying their eggs. These mosquitoes are active day and night and can bite humans and animals.
9. Toxorhynchites
One of the most common and well-known types of mosquito in Nigeria is the Toxorhynchites mosquito.
This mosquito is not known to carry any diseases, which makes it a relatively harmless species.
However, the Toxorhynchites mosquito can still bite humans and animals and can be a nuisance if they are in large numbers.
Among all mosquito species worldwide, Toxorhynchites is also one of the most colorful.
Shiny, metallic dark-blue scales with patches of iridescent silvery-white scales cover the body. The thorax and abdomen are adorned with these scales.
They are stunning, lovely, and simply stunning. The species is uncommon but widespread in the southeastern United States.
The Great Lakes, western Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are examples.
Adults can be found all year in warmer southern states, while larvae overwinter in the north.
Adult females lay bright-white eggs on the water’s surface in small containers, particularly tree holes, pitcher plants, rock pools, and bromeliads.
However, artificial containers such as tires, bird baths, and flower pots can also be used as larval habitats.
10. Wyeomyia

Wyeomyia is a type of mosquito we can see in Nigeria.
We know this mosquito transmits the Zika virus, which can cause severe congenital disabilities in babies.
Their location is near water sources, ponds, and lakes. We can see them in damp, dark places like under leaves or tree holes.