There are different types of lizards in Florida. The Sunshine State boasts more than 300 types of lizards, making Florida one of the most biologically diverse places in the world!
Some types of lizards are indigenous to Florida. Many aren’t, which can sometimes cause problems for the ecosystem.
This article will look at the various types of lizards in Florida and how they might affect your area.
If you live near any lizard, it’s important to understand them and their characteristics to ensure your safety and that of your property!
1. Eastern Fence Lizard

The Eastern Fence Lizard is one of two types of lizards in Florida. The other is the Southern Alligator Lizard.
The colors vary between greenish-grey, red, or dark brown and are usually three to four inches long.
Some females will grow to be as long as six inches while males stay small, around two to three inches. The average weight is around 1-2 ounces.
Also, you might find them basking on fence posts or low rocks on warm sunny days during mating season (in March).
And between May and June, they lay eggs in soft soil outside their burrows when it’s not too hot.
2. Broadhead Skink

The Broadhead Skink is an elusive reptile that is rarely seen.
This species can grow up to 9 inches long and has tan or brown blotches down its body with dark brown markings on the back and tail.
Feeling threatened, they may puff out their neck and pretend to be a snake by opening their mouth wide.
These types of lizards in Florida will eat any prey that is bigger than their head, including beetles, earthworms, lizards, salamanders, spiders, and even small snakes.
It generally eats whatever it finds within one foot of ground level. But if it cannot find anything close by, it will climb trees or bushes until something gets within range.
3. Mediterranean House Gecko

The Mediterranean House Gecko is a type of lizard indigenous to Italy and was introduced to Florida.
This particular gecko has been one of America’s most successful house geckos because it has adapted to living outside and indoors and eating vegetables and insects.
In recent years, this particular lizard has been responsible for dispersing around 100 eggs annually.
The most surprising fact about this type of house gecko is that even though it can get as large as six inches long, it never grows taller than two inches tall!
This is mainly due to their lack of tail limbs; without any other limbs on their back half, there isn’t anything holding them up off the ground besides their belly scales.
4. Green Iguana

The green iguana is one of Florida’s most popular types of lizards.
They are well known for their intelligence and ability to learn tricks. This type is a tropical reptile and cannot survive extremely cold temperatures.
Other common names for this type include American Iguana, Common Iguana, Dominican Iguana, or False Tree-Dragon.
Green iguanas are often found on coastlines in Central America or along Gulf Coast states like Louisiana and Texas.
However, you may also find them on the East Coast from Florida all the way up through New York City.
If you do spot one in your neighborhood, then make sure to call Animal Control, as these particular types of turtles can be very dangerous when provoked or threatened with their poisonous saliva.
This species is one of the largest types of lizards in Florida and is known for its long tail, which it uses to keep itself balanced while climbing trees and power lines.
These reptiles enjoy eating fruit, leaves, eggs, birds, and insects, which they catch using their quick reflexes and great sense of sight.
One thing you should know about this type is that they can carry salmonella.
This means it’s important to wash your hands after handling one or if it’s dead around your home where other pets could come into contact with it.
5. Brown Anole

Lizards are amazing animals, and many people enjoy keeping them as pets.
For those who want to start breeding these critters, it’s important first to learn what type they have and what coloration they will produce.
Brown anole lizard is one of the types of lizards in Florida and is identified by its bright green coloring.
They are very territorial, so breeding them can be difficult, but once you find a female and a male, you can get some lizards from your pet store.
To mate your lizards, put both into a glass tank with plenty of foliage.
The mating process takes only seconds, so you may have to release them several times before they start trying to mate.
6. Green Anole

Often found clinging to windows, fences, and trees, the green anole is one of the most commonly encountered types of lizards found in Florida.
These are sometimes referred to as American chameleons because they can change colors for camouflage purposes.
Green anoles generally have a base color that is brown or tan with light spots and black on their backs, sides, and legs.
This green anole typically grows up to 6 inches long and has webbed toes to help it hold onto its perch.
Females will lay eggs 4-5 times throughout the year, depending on temperature changes in their environment.
7. Southeastern Five-Lined Skink

The southeastern five-lined skink, also known as a blue belly lizard, is one of Florida’s most common types of lizards.
They are typically between six and ten inches long and weigh less than three ounces.
This species is usually blue with a cream or yellow underbelly and several black stripes.
They have keeled scales along their back and sides, which helps distinguish them from other five-lined skinks.
8. Eastern Fence Lizard

The Eastern Fence Lizard is one of the different types of lizards native to the United States but also found living in Florida.
Like most other types of lizards in Florida, they can run on their hind legs, though they are more likely to be found walking or climbing.
They often hang out on fences or large rocks and logs. This type of lizard eats insects and can grow up to six inches long.
They are brown with a light stripe from their eye down their back and have a row of dark spots along their back.
When predators threaten, these lizards will hiss loudly and rear up in an S-shape. If this doesn’t work, they will run away quickly or attack if necessary.
9. Bark Anole

The bark anole is a small type of lizard found in Florida. Unlike many other types of lizards in Florida, this particular species doesn’t need water to survive.
It eats all its moisture from other sources. It can often crawl along tree bark or on fallen logs during dusk hours.
10. Six-Lined Racerunner

The Six-Lined Racerunner is also known as the Wandering Lizard, which we should be able to tell by its loping, high-speed sprinting.
They are dull brown and can run sideways, forwards, and backward. Helping them escape predators or swiftly outmaneuver prey.
Also, it has an elongated body shape that is marked with six cream-colored stripes.
If you happen to get bitten by one, it will result in a fever from bacterial infections from their mouth bacteria.
11. Tropical House Gecko

If you are looking for a lizard that likes to spend a lot of time inside and around people’s homes, this is your lizard.
They like to be near window sills and often perch themselves on exterior walls.
These types of lizards in Florida are relatively small and slender, measuring around nine inches.
They are easily identified by the white spots all over their bodies. This provides them protection from predators when resting during the day.
12. Rainbow Whiptail

The Rainbow Whiptail is an arboreal lizard with large, smooth scales.
They come in various colors, from bright yellow to deep brown, and have red or blue flecks on their skin.
Generally living 5-7 years on average, the Rainbow Whiptail gets its name from its forked tail that resembles a rainbow.
They make excellent pets for people who have appropriate housing for them.
13. Knight Anole

They were given their name due to their resemblance to medieval knights on horseback with their spiked armor and helmet.
Although they are commonly mistaken for iguanas, these types of lizards in Florida are not related in any way whatsoever.
The most distinguishing characteristic is the size and length, as Knight anoles grow from 3-6 inches long, which makes them much smaller than iguanas, which can be anywhere from 12-2 feet long!
These guys can also range from light tan to olive green or brownish-black coloration.
There’s also a variation between each individual Knight Anole as well. For example, some might have stripes on their backs while others may not!
14. Ocellated Skink

The ocellated skink is a small lizard generally weighing less than five ounces.
The reptile has several interesting physical characteristics, including its elongated eyes, well-developed claws, and large scales.
Also, its tail makes up about half of its body length and has a coloration that includes browns, greens, and oranges on the back with red spots on its sides.
There are no tails as long as this one was found on an ocellated skink outside of Cuba, where this type was first discovered.
15. Brown Basilisk

The brown basilisk is among the most popular and very interesting types of lizards in Florida.
They can be found throughout the state but tend to prefer subtropical areas.
They are called brown basilisks because of their coloring. Although shades are different, they typically have brown or greenish-brown skin on their backs.
A white or yellow belly helps them blend into their environment to hunt prey.
What’s fascinating about these types of lizards in Florida is that they seem to hop across surfaces instead of slithering as other species do–the feet even work independently from each other.
It’s been estimated that their leap distance is anywhere from six inches to 18 inches!
16. Agamas

Florida has different types of lizards, including a few native species. Some common non-native species include the Brown Anole and Green Iguana.
One type that is native to this region is the Agama Lizard (often referred to as Mountain Lizard).
The Agama Lizards can grow to be around six inches long, and their scales change colors depending on where they live.