Geckos are found worldwide, and they come in many shapes and sizes.
The geckos in Indonesia are often seen as pests because they love eating insects, but they can be pretty cute when you look at them up close!
Geckos are fascinating reptiles; the variety in Indonesia makes your head spin.
From geckos that can walk on glass ceilings to those that can change their color at will, there are many fascinating species to choose in Indonesia.
If you plan on going on an Indonesian trip and want to learn more about these fascinating lizards.
Here are nine types of geckos in Indonesia, plus some tips on keeping them away from your house without killing them or resorting to toxic chemicals like insecticide sprays.
1. Giant Gecko

The Giant Gecko can be found on the island of Sulawesi. They are not the largest gecko species, but they are among the largest in the world.
The Giant Gecko is a type of ground-dwelling gecko, and they live on forest floors, where they feed on insects and other small prey.
They range from 1.6 inches (4 cm) (the smallest is the Peruvian gecko) up to 10 inches (25 cm) or more and come in a variety of colors and patterns.
These geckos in Indonesia inhabit a wide range of habitats, from tropical forests to deserts.
Still, they are most commonly found among rocks or trees with plenty of foliage.
The Giant gecko is not that giant; they only grow up to eight inches long, including their tail.
They can be found near streams and waterfalls, where they eat insects, spiders, and other invertebrates.
They don’t use their seats to cling to surfaces as many different types do.
Instead, they use their big toes to support them when climbing trees.
The giant gecko is the largest in Indonesia and can grow to 8 inches from nose to tail tip.
These geckos have a light-brown color, dark spots on their back, and a white belly.
Their tongue is long, thin, and prehensile, used to catch insects and other small animals.
Giant geckos live on the ground among leaf litter or low trees. They are active during the night and sleep during the day.
2. Tokay Gecko

The tokay gecko is a type of gecko that is native to Southeast Asia. It is one of the giant geckos growing up to 12 inches long.
They’re typically found in low-lying areas and near rivers or streams, where they sleep during the day and hunt for insects at night.
They are characterized by their shiny skin, which gives them a pinkish hue. The Tokay gecko is a larger species, growing up to 20 inches long.
The tokay gecko‘s skin contains many scales with dark brown markings on a lighter background color.
These markings resemble an older man’s face, hence the name tokay, which means older man in Malaysian.
Tokays have large eyes that can detect motion from more than 100 feet away and have large claws used to climb trees and capture prey.
3. Wall Gecko

The wall gecko is a type of gecko that can be found across the islands in Indonesia.
They are often found high up on the walls and ceilings, hiding from predators and sleeping during the day.
These types of geckos in Indonesia have been around since time immemorial, so to speak, as fossils have been discovered that date back to the Pleistocene Epoch (1.6 million-12,000 years ago).
Wall Geckos usually feed on insects like flies and moths, but they also like to eat fruit such as bananas.
These geckos in Indonesia move surprisingly quickly and get their name because they live on the walls.
4. Crevice Gecko
Crevice Geckoes live in dry forests and rocky areas. They usually stay within 10 meters of their homes because they don’t move quickly, so it isn’t easy to find them far away from their burrows when it rains.
The crevice Gecko can be found in many types of places, including buildings, trees, bushes, or even gardens with plants.
These types of geckos in Indonesia are very diverse in their habitats, but all share one thing in common: hiding out in small cracks or crevices to avoid being seen by predators.
When threatened, the crevice Gecko will open its mouth wide to make itself look bigger than it is and puff up its body.
5. House Gecko

The house gecko is a type of gecko that lives in urban areas and is often seen around buildings.
They are usually gray with yellow or orange-colored markings on their backs.
The patterns on their backs are distinctive to each individual and can change over time.
They have long toes, allowing them to walk up walls and an adhesive pad on the bottom of their feet to cling onto surfaces like glass windows.
These geckos in Indonesia will eat insects that come into contact with their tongue, which are covered with thousands of tiny bristles called setae.
House geckos will mate during the rainy season, from November to January, and lay eggs two months later, between February and April.
6. Crested Gecko

The crested gecko is endemic to Southeast Asia and is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.
It is a nocturnal ground-dwelling creature often seen on trees or dangling from branches by its tail.
The crested gecko feeds on insects and fruit but will eat anything it can find when food sources are scarce.
These types of geckos in Indonesia have a prehensile tail, which they use to assist them with climbing up smooth surfaces such as tree trunks.
In addition, they have long toes with adhesive discs to help them keep their grip, as well as claws for clinging onto rough surfaces like bark or leaves.
If you’re lucky enough to spot one, try not to disturb them as they are quite sensitive.
These creatures may drop off their perch and flee into the undergrowth to evade danger if touched while resting.
7. Leopard Gecko

One type of gecko you may find in Indonesia is the Leopard Gecko.
The Leopard Gecko has dark brown skin with visible spots, while its tail has a bright orange base and black stripes.
The Leopard Gekee is usually found in East Africa and Asia.
It is one of the most popular pet lizards at pet stores because it can be easily trained to do tricks and is affectionately handled by humans.
These geckos in Indonesia live up to 20 years in captivity, but their maximum lifespan is unknown.
If you bring a Leopard Gecko home, you need a glass or clear plastic enclosure.
Leopard geckos are active lizards and like to have a lot of space, so you should provide enough room for them to move around and climb on rocks.
The cage should also include fake plants so he can easily hide from predators.