9 Different Types of Owls in Kansas

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Photo by Alexas_Fotos

Looking for the various types of owls in Kansas? You are at the right place!

If you live in Kansas or are planning a visit, you may be curious about the different types of owls you might encounter.

Kansas is home to many species of remarkable birds, from the majestic Great Horned Owl to the tiny Elf Owl. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the various types of owls that live in Kansas and discuss some of the characteristics of each species.

So grab your binoculars, and let’s look at the different types of owls in Kansas!

1. Burrowing Owl 

The Burrowing Owl is a small owl species that inhabits grasslands and deserts. It has been seen in a variety of habitats across the state of Kansas.

The Burrowing Owl, the first on this list of the types of owls in Kansas, is typically a brown and white mottled color, with a streaked breast and face. 

They can be found in grassland and open woodland areas and often nest in burrows dug by mammals such as badgers and ground squirrels.

These birds tolerate human presence and can even be spotted hunting or sunning during the day. 

The Burrowing Owl is an incredibly beneficial bird to its habitat because it controls rodent populations.

Its diet mainly consists of small rodents but will also eat insects, lizards, and sometimes other small birds.

They are active during the day and night, so keep an eye out for these birds as you explore the grasslands and open woods of Kansas!

2. Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl is one of Kansas’s most common types of owls.

This large, powerful raptor is easily recognizable by its large size and yellow eyes, which stand out against its dark plumage.

It is an opportunistic hunter that can take a wide variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. 

Also, it can be found in various habitats, from woodlands and grasslands to urban areas and parks.

The Great Horned Owl can also be seen year-round throughout the state but is especially active during the winter.

The Great Horned Owl has adapted well to living among humans and is often seen perched on streetlights or trees around parks and other urban areas. 

Meanwhile, it has even been known to nest in the eaves of buildings and on rooftops.

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This impressive raptor is an important part of the Kansas landscape, providing valuable pest control services and a thrilling sight for birdwatchers.

Its presence is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature in the Prairie State.

3. Short-Eared Owl 

The Short-eared Owl is a species of owl found in Kansas.

This medium-sized owl is usually 20-25 inches tall and has mottled brown, white, and black feathers. It has yellow eyes, long legs, and a rounded head. 

The Short-eared Owl is a migratory species often seen in open grasslands during winter.

Its diet consists mainly of small rodents such as voles and mice. These owls are often spotted at dusk or dawn, flying low over fields, meadows, and marshes for food

The Short-eared Owl, one of the owls in Kansas, prefers to nest on the ground or in low shrubs and thickets.

They lay 2-9 eggs, which hatch after 30 days of incubation. During the day, the birds roost in trees and shrubs to hide from predators.

These owls can be seen in Kansas from October through March.

4. American Barn Owl 

The American Barn Owl is an owl species that is native to the state of Kansas.

It is recognizable by its distinct white, heart-shaped face and rusty brown feathers.

It is found primarily in open fields and grasslands, although it will also inhabit areas near bodies of water such as streams and rivers. 

The American Barn Owl feeds on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews but will also take other small birds, reptiles, and insects.

The American Barn Owl is a nocturnal bird and can often be seen flying at night in search of food.

In Kansas, the American Barn Owl is one of the most common species of owls that you will see.

It prefers habitats such as prairies and grasslands but can also be found in woodlands and agricultural areas. 

The American Barn Owl can be seen hunting for food during the evening hours. Its distinct white face is quite noticeable against the night sky.

Its loud hooting calls often echo across the night sky, making it one of the most recognizable types of owl in Kansas.

5. Northern Saw-Whet Owl 

The Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) is one of Kansas’s smallest types of owls.

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This owl prefers to roost and hunt in coniferous and mixed wood forests.

The Northern Saw-whet Owl has a distinctive white, black, and brown striped pattern with a unique white facial disk.

It can be seen during the night, preying on small animals such as voles, mice, and shrews.

The Northern Saw-whet Owl nests in tree cavities or dense foliage. It is active day and night and often hunts from a low perch.

During the breeding season, they may travel up to a mile from their nesting site in search of food.

They are rarely seen, but their calls are quite distinctive – a series of high-pitched whistles followed by a hoot.

6. Barred Owl 

The Barred Owl is a medium-sized owl that can be found in wooded habitats in the state of Kansas.

They have a gray and white barred feather pattern, which gives them their name. These owls are nocturnal hunters, meaning they hunt during the night. 

Furthermore, they use their keen eyesight to hunt small mammals such as mice, rats, and voles.

During the day, barred owls can be seen roosting in hollow trees or stumps. They can be found across the state of Kansas. 

They prefer wooded habitats but can also be found in urban areas such as parks and gardens.

These owls in Kansas can be heard at night with their distinctive call, which sounds like a mixture of a hoot and a laugh.

They are generally more active during the winter when abundant food is available.

7. Eastern Screech-Owl 

The Eastern Screech-Owl is one of the most common owls in Kansas. It is a small, colorful owl with two distinct color morphs: red and gray.

The Eastern Screech-Owl is about eight to ten inches tall and has yellow eyes and brownish-red or gray feathers with light spotting. 

These owls can nest in various habitats, from wooded areas to open fields.

They usually nest in cavities or tree stumps near the ground and often use abandoned hawk or squirrel nests.

These are types of owls in Kansas that hunt at night. They consume a variety of insects, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and other birds.

They are well adapted to urban areas and are common in parks, gardens, and other green spaces.

While they may not be as conspicuous as other owl species, these owls can be heard calling at night with their distinctive trill.

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Eastern Screech-Owls are also known to become tame when they are frequently contacted by people and can even be seen hunting during the day if they become habituated to humans.

8. Long-Eared Owl 

The Long-eared Owl is a medium-sized owl found in Kansas. It is distinguished by its long ear tufts and yellow eyes.

The Long-eared Owl has many habitat preferences, including grasslands, woodlands, and urban areas.

They also feed on prey, including small mammals, insects, and birds.

These owls can be seen hunting during the day or at night and often in pairs. The Long-eared Owl is most common in Kansas’s eastern portion.

They breed here during the summer months and can often be seen roosting in large trees during the day. 

As their name suggests, they have long ear tufts that can be seen when they are perched or flying.

Some Long-eared Owls migrate south during winter to spend the winter in warmer climates. We are almost done with this list of the types of owls in Kansas you should know!

9. Snowy Owl 

The Snowy Owl is a species of owl found in northern Kansas. It is a large, white owl standing up to 25 inches tall with yellow eyes.

It prefers open areas with few trees and is usually seen perched on posts, trees, or other elevated places. 

The Snowy Owl feeds on small mammals such as mice, voles, rabbits, insects, birds, fish, and amphibians.

In Kansas, Snowy Owls can be seen mainly during the winter months from October to April. They are not very common in Kansas, and sightings are quite rare. 

However, these beautiful owls can often be seen in open grasslands, prairies, farmlands, and airports in Kansas.

In the winter, they may form large flocks and migrate south to find food and shelter from the cold weather.

If you’re lucky enough to spot a Snowy Owl in Kansas, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and marvel at this majestic creature!

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