There are many types of bluebirds, from small to large, and common to rare.
Seeing them is almost like seeing the bluest skies on a cloudy day.
Bluebirds, parakeets, and canaries are just some of the avian species members with these unique features.
They have feathers as blue as the sky itself. What makes these birds’ feathers so colorful?
And why do so many have them? Let’s take a look at what exactly makes these birds blue.
We will also examine why they can pull off such a fantastic feat!
Keep reading about the various blue birds to learn more!
1. Blue Grosbeak

First on our list of unique types of blue birds in the Northern Blue Grosbeak.
The Northern Blue Grosbeak is large. This species ranges from northern Mexico to southern Canada but is only a rare winter visitor in Central America.
However, in all seasons, it is found only in remote areas. It is also known as the Rocky Mountain Bluebird or Canadian Bluebird (especially in Atlantic Canada).
It was formerly considered a subspecies of either Northern Cardinal or Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Also, some authorities treat it as a whole species today.
Many ornithologists once believed that there were four separate species of blue grosbeaks.
However, genetic testing has shown that these are just color forms of one widespread species.
2. Indigo Bunting

This bird is found in Eastern North America and is a common sight during migration. They have a bright blue head, tail, wings, and breast.
Their body plumage varies from brown to grey, depending on their location and habitat.
However, other birds, such as cardinals, goldfinches, indigo buntings, or sapsuckers, are often confused with indigo buntings.
This is because they look similar when perched in trees. However, if you pay close attention to their flight patterns, you can tell them apart quickly.
Additionally, Indigo buntings fly higher than other birds and will dip down before taking off again.
If you see a bird flying lower than usual, it’s probably not an indigo bunting.
These bluebirds don’t have to be entirely blue to be called bluebirds!
3. Eastern Bluebird

A small, thick-bodied bird with dark blue upperparts, a paler belly, and a face.
Eastern Bluebirds migrate to Canada in winter and then return to warmer regions in spring.
They use large stick nests constructed by both sexes, built close to openings in a tree or large shrub.
Also, both parents incubate eggs and care for the young after hatching.
As one of the types of blue birds, both sexes take parenting seriously, which is impressive!
These types of birds are blue and will sweep you off your feet!
4. Tree Swallow

Native to America, tree swallows are around 7.5 inches long and have a wingspan of 13 inches.
Their upper body is grey-blue, while their chest and belly are white. They have a white rump with dark blue spots and a black back, head, and tail.
In addition, they have a pointed straight bill, and their legs are pink. These birds are known for catching insects on the wing from their perch.
They use repeated vertical dives and soar up again for more prey.
Furthermore, they do this before returning to their nesting site or another perch on tree branches or wire.
Some move into chimneys during the winter months. This bird had to make our list of types of birds that are blue, and they come with unique abilities.
5. Blue Jay

While you might think a bluebird is just a beautiful little dream, it’s genuine. Take, for example, our friend Miss Blue Jay.
Her color stands out from the crowd and is lovely with her slightly shimmering bluish-grey feathers.
Moreover, she lives up to her name, and there aren’t many things as blue as she is! But what about all of those other birds we see day to day? What makes them blue?
Also, how can a bird be blue when its feathers aren’t made of anything but yellow pigments and melanin? Don’t forget this is the same pigment that gives us skin tone. And why do some birds have more pigment than others?
Let’s keep reading our article on types of blue birds, and you might find out.
There’s already so much to know about the kinds of blue birds right here!
6. Lazuli Bunting

Don’t let its name fool you. The males aren’t purple but rather a bright blue color that appears to be almost luminescence.
They can grow from 9 to 11 inches and live up to seven years.
Furthermore, these gregarious creatures often roost with other birds and people, including on rooftops and phone lines. They can live in urban or rural environments alike.
In addition to being one of three tanagers considered types of blue birds, they are amazing.
These finches are easy to recognize by their striking plumage and distinctive call. This sounds more like a squeaky wheel than a songbird, which is why it got its name!
7. Belted Kingfisher

Check out the belted kingfisher if you’re looking for one of the bluebirds.
This bird is indigenous to North America but can also be found in Central and South America.
Kingfishers get their name from their practice of hunting fish.
Furthermore, these birds fly close to the water and will dive into the water feet first.
Then, it grasps fish between its paws and then passes away with its meal clutched safely under its body.
In addition to being known for their beauty, bluebirds are also known for their intelligence and proficiency as hunters.
In conclusion, they also rank high among birds in terms of memory skills. They can remember where hundreds of different potential prey locations are over time.
8. Western Bluebird

The Western Bluebird is one of North America’s most common songbirds.
It is a beautiful medium-sized bird in two different colors, light blue and dark blue.
It’s named for its blue plumage, a feature common to types of blue birds.
Also, this bird’s natural habitat can be found throughout western North America, including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and British Columbia.
Western Bluebirds are very social animals. They build nests together in large groups and have communal feeding habits.
Furthermore, they have a unique survival technique where they confuse predators by flying rapidly toward them.
Then, they suddenly veer off at sharp angles to confuse them or keep them guessing long enough to escape death.
9. Mexican Jay

The Mexican Jay blue bird was not officially named until 2013. A biologist first discovered it in Southern Arizona.
Since then, Mexican jays have been a part of local folklore for many years.
Local Native American tribes told stories about what they called bluebirds.
They called them mischievous creatures that would play tricks on travelers and hunters.
Native Americans told legends claiming blue birds could steal your soul away to another world.
Furthermore, they claimed this would happen if you looked at them while airborne.
These legends are widely known in some areas. This is probably because their blue feathers reflect light, making them appear glowing during flight (which isn’t true).
However, we can understand why they might think so! These bluebirds are common along Mexico’s Pacific coast but are also known in Sonora.
This fantastic bird is one of the blue birds with legends that would catch your attention.
10. Pinyon Jay

Pinyon Jays are common in the southwestern United States, including Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.
They have brownish plumage, blue wings, a rusty wash on their shoulders, and bright red tail feathers.
The Pinyon Jay’s song is a series of squeaky chips that rise in pitch at the end. Also, these birds eat nuts, berries, and insects.
They pack them away for later by burying food items in crevices or under branches. It is one of the particular types of blue birds!
11. Barn Swallow

The Barn Swallow is a passerine bird in the swallow family. These birds have light blue feathers on their head, breast, and back.
Their grey feathers make up their wings, tail, and underbelly. Additionally, it is a classic example of color contrast in birds.
They can be found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. They prefer open areas such as fields or meadows.
Also, they build nests using mud pellets that they create by mixing soil with saliva.
They also use these mud pellets to line their nests for insulation from cold weather.
This explains why you will often see them hanging out near wetland areas.
Besides, these wetland areas provide plenty of mud for building nests. It seems some of these types of blue birds don’t joke with parenting!
12. Cerulean Warbler

A species of bird found in North America. Most commonly spotted in the Northern United States and Southern Canada, it is most active during spring and summer. It spends winters on its tropical island home.
Furthermore, males are often identified by their bright cerulean blue coloration, white wing stripe, and tufted head.
It primarily eats fruit but also consumes insects to fill out its diet. This Bluebird is considered one of the most beautiful birds in North America.
Although it rarely performs aerial acrobatics due to its lack of solid wing musculature.
However, you can think of it as one of the most exciting types of blue birds.
Even though it doesn’t seem to do much when in flight, it’s still a fascinating blue bird.
13. Painted Bunting

Even though different types of birds are blue, they all exhibit a commonality in their coloring. There are also wide varieties of species.
Specifically, they all tend to exhibit these bluish feathers and bright coloration.
For example, Painted Bunting blue birds possess deep-blue wings that stand out.
This is in stark contrast to its light-brown body and red tail. It’s pretty hard to tell just how light it is in images.
However, Painted Bunting bluebirds are tiny compared to other similarly colored types. For example, Canada Jay or Eastern Phoebe.
Despite their size, however, Painted Bunting blue birds inhabit a wide range throughout Central America.
Also, they inhabit places like Mexico and Panama, where they thrive on fruit found in tropical forests.
The Painted Bunting blue bird can be your next option if you’re looking for an adventure with bluebirds!
14. Steller’s Jay

This medium-sized bird is 17–21 cm long, with a 45–50 cm wingspan.
As one of the types of blue birds, it has short, rounded wings and a short tail. Its blue plumage makes it distinctive in flight.
Furthermore, it is found in North America from western Alaska across northern Canada and northern parts of Montana and Minnesota.
They tend to migrate further south than other jays during harsh weather, for instance, moving down into northwest California.
15. Varied Bunting

It’s pretty tiny, with a slender body and blue breasts. It has red eyes and black wings and can also be seen perched on branches.
Some examples of places where you can find varied bunting blue birds are Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, and Trinidad.
Also, it is one of the birds that are blue and don’t have any noise.
However, you will know when they fly because they make a loud sound like tu-chee-churr. Another name for them is Mountain Sapphire.
In addition, this type of bird is more common than many other types of bluebirds. This is due to its colors being very noticeable from far away.
16. Black-throated Blue Warbler

The Black-throated Blue Warbler is a type of blue bird living in montane forests.
Although it will occasionally venture into spruce and hemlock stands to forage. It is from southern Canada to Arizona and New York to central Mexico.
Additionally, the Brown Creeper has a blue back, wings, and tail.
The male has a black throat, while the females have a white throat with a black border.
Both sexes have brown backs with streaks on their sides and white underparts streaked with brown.
17. Mountain Bluebird

Regarding beauty, few birds can match that of a mountain bluebird.
Both male and female birds have blue-grey bodies with copper breasts and red wings. Tiny dots in their feathers give them a speckled appearance.
Also, Mountain bluebirds primarily eat insects but will consume berries and seeds when available.
They live in most parts of western North America. They live at altitudes ranging from sea level to over 10,000 feet.
Although they’re more commonly found between 5,000 and 8,000 feet above sea level.
The mountain bluebird is one of the few blue birds found in spectacular habitats.