18 Types of Ants in Maryland

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Do you live in Maryland, and have you ever seen ants around your home? You’re not alone!

Ants are among the most common pests in Maryland homes and businesses.

There are many types of ants in Maryland, each with unique characteristics. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common types of ants in Maryland and what makes them unique.

We’ll cover everything you need about these critters lurking in your backyard, from carpenter ants to fire ants.

1. Rover Ant 

The Rover Ant is first on our list of types of ants in Maryland. It is one of the most common types of ants found in Maryland.

This ant is a small, reddish-brown insect, typically about 1/16 inch long. They have three body segments and six legs. 

The Rover Ant is an omnivore that eats plants and animals. These ants are known to form large colonies, with some containing thousands of ants. They often build nests in soil, under stones, and near wood or other debris. 

Although they can bite, they are not considered a threat to humans and do not cause significant property damage.

The Rover Ant can be found across Maryland, especially in damp, wooded areas. During the warmer months, they are most active during the day but may also come out at night in search of food

They are particularly attracted to sweet things, like honeydew and fruit juice, which can attract large numbers of them to picnics and outdoor parties.

These ants in Maryland are beneficial to the environment, as they help break down organic matter and return it to the soil. They are also important predators, helping to keep insect populations in check. 

Despite their usefulness, taking steps to prevent these ants from entering your home or business is still recommended.

If you have a problem with Rover Ants in your yard, contact a local exterminator for advice on controlling them.

2. Reddish Carpenter Ant

The Reddish Carpenter Ant is one of the types of ants in Maryland. This ant is reddish-brown and can measure up to 1/4 inch in length.

It is usually found nesting outdoors in moist wood, such as dead tree stumps, firewood piles, and hollow trees. 

They will also nest in damp and rotting wood inside homes, such as window frames and doors. These ants in Maryland do not cause structural damage to homes, but they can be a nuisance because they often search for food indoors.

They will enter kitchens and pantries in search of food and are especially attracted to sweet foods such as honey, syrup, and sugar. 

Controlling Reddish Carpenter Ant infestations can be difficult and should be left to a professional exterminator. Proper identification of the species is important before attempting control methods.

To help prevent infestations, keep wood piles away from home, fix leaking pipes or other sources of moisture, and seal off any possible entry points into your home.

3. Ferruginous Carpenter Ant

The ferruginous carpenter ant is native to Maryland and other parts of the eastern United States. These types of ants in Maryland are typically 1/2 inch in length and black and red. They are most commonly found near dead or decaying wood, as they tend to nest and feed there.

The ferruginous carpenter ant has a distinct diet consisting mostly of sugary substances like nectar and honeydew. They will also eat insects and small animals.

The ant colonies will often have many workers who collect food for the queen ant, who lays eggs and keeps the colony growing.

Due to their diet, ferruginous carpenter ants can be found near sources of water and moisture, such as gardens, wood piles, and even leaky pipes and faucets.

They can also be found around wood and tree trunks, where they search for rotting wood for nesting material.

In terms of controlling a ferruginous carpenter ant infestation, it is important to identify the source of the infestation and take steps to eliminate it.

This includes sealing off any cracks or crevices in the home, removing sources of water or moisture, and eliminating any food sources that may be attracting the ants.

It is also important to monitor the area for any signs of an infestation and act quickly if one is found.

4. Smaller Carpenter Ant 

Camponotus nearcticus, commonly known as the smaller carpenter ant, is one of the types of ants in Maryland.

These small ants range from 1/8th to 1/4th inch in length and have a dark brown or black coloring with reddish-brown accents along their thorax and legs. 

The smaller carpenter ant prefers to nest in decaying wood and is especially attracted to homes and buildings built on wooden foundations.

Unlike other types of ants in Maryland, the smaller carpenter ant tends to remain active all year long, though they may become dormant during winter.

These small ants often indicate a need for repairs to the wooden structures of a home or building as they are drawn to damaged and rotting wood. 

To prevent an infestation, it is important to check for potential entry points, seal them off, and remove any decaying wood on the property.

The smaller carpenter ant is considered a nuisance pest due to its destructive behavior and preference for living inside human homes and buildings.

They often form large colonies that can number in the thousands, causing significant damage to wooden structures over time. 

To rid a home or building of a smaller carpenter ant infestation, it is recommended to call a professional exterminator who can identify and eliminate the source of the problem. By preventing a smaller carpenter ant infestation, homeowners in Maryland can keep their properties safe from these nuisance pests.

From sealing up potential entry points to removing decaying wood, there are many ways to keep these tiny insects at bay and protect your home from destructive habits.

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5. Black Carpenter Ant 

The black carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus) is next on Maryland’s list of types of ants. This type belongs to the family Formicidae and is found in deciduous forests, meadows, gardens, and urban areas.

The black carpenter ant is easily identified by its black coloration and large size, ranging from 5-13 millimeters. Its antennae are 11-segmented, and its thorax has no spines.

The black carpenter ant is also known as the woodworker ant due to its preference for building nests in dead wood or tree bark.

Unlike other Ants in Maryland, the black carpenter ant does not feed on plants or other insects. Instead, it prefers sweet foods like honeydew and nectar and scavenged items like small arthropods and insects. It is also known to forage for food at night and fiercely protect its territory against intruders.

The black carpenter ant is a beneficial species that helps to decompose dead wood, making it a key component of healthy forests and ecosystems.

While it can become a pest when it enters homes or buildings looking for food, it can be controlled with baits and sprays.

6. Bearded Carpenter Ant

The Bearded Carpenter Ant is also one of the types of Ants in Maryland. These ants in Maryland are characterized by their long, pointed mandibles that give them the nickname bearded ants. 

The head and thorax are black, while the abdomen has a reddish hue; the antennae are dark with white hairs.

Bearded Carpenter Ants live in colonies and build their nests in wood. They feed on insects, fruits, nuts, and other small animals. They are also attracted to honeydew secretions from aphids and mealybugs. 

This species of ant is known for its defensive behavior, so it is important to be aware of its presence if you find them in your home or yard.

The most effective way to eliminate these ants is to destroy their nests. This can be done by applying insecticides directly to the nests or using bait with an insecticide. 

Baiting is generally considered the safer option as it eliminates the need to apply chemicals directly to the nest, which could pose a hazard to people and pets.

In addition to baiting, you can reduce the number of Bearded Carpenter Ants by eliminating potential food sources.

Be sure to keep counters, floors, and other surfaces free from food debris, as this will reduce the amount of food available for the ants.

If you find a nest in your home, it is important to contact a pest control professional for help removing the nest.

7. Acrobat Ant

Regarding types of ants in Maryland, one of the most common species is the acrobat ant. These small ants have a dark brown or black body and a lighter abdomen. They measure about 2 to 3 millimeters in length and are known for lifting their abdomens into the air when disturbed. 

Acrobat ants are also distinguished by their habit of building nests in wood and protected areas like wall voids and hollow tree stumps.

The acrobat ant’s diet consists mostly of other insects, honeydew from sap-sucking insects, and food scraps in homes. They can also be found near aphids and mealybugs, as these pests produce a sweet substance called honeydew, which the ants feed on. 

The acrobat ant has been known to invade homes for food, water, and shelter. To control an acrobat ant infestation, it is important to eliminate any possible sources of food or water that may attract them. This includes removing excess food scraps and cleaning up spills. 

In addition, sealing any cracks or crevices in the home where the ants may enter can help reduce their numbers. It is also recommended that a pest control professional be contacted if the problem persists. 

They are small, dark-colored ants with lighter abdomens known for their distinctive behavior of raising them when disturbed.

These ants feed on honeydew from other insects and food scraps in homes and may enter homes searching for food and shelter.

To prevent an infestation, it is important to eliminate any potential food and water sources, seal up cracks or crevices, and call a pest control professional if necessary.

8. Allegheny Mound Ant

The Allegheny mound ant, Formica exsectoides, is next on the list of types of ants in Maryland that are native to the eastern United States, including Maryland.

This type of ant is distinguished by its large mounds of soil and plant material that they construct. These mounds can be several feet in diameter and are usually found in wooded or grassy areas.

The Allegheny mound ant is reddish-brown with a black head and thorax. The workers are approximately 1/4 of an inch long, while the queen can grow up to 1/2 an inch. They are social insects, living in colonies of up to 2000 workers and one queen.

The Allegheny mound ant feeds on other insects, seeds, plant material, and honeydew from aphids and other insect pests.

They are often found in lawns and gardens, preying on pest insects in Maryland. They can also be found near tree stumps, logs, and other areas with much decaying organic matter.

The Allegheny mound ant is beneficial to Maryland residents because it helps control insect pest populations.

These ants in Maryland also serve as food for many bird species and small mammals, such as chipmunks and raccoons. Some Native American tribes also use them for medicinal purposes.

9. Field Ant

There are numerous types of ants in Maryland. One of them is Formica pallidefulva or the Field Ant.

This ant has a black and red pattern on its abdomen and usually builds large nests underground, though they can also be found in trees. 

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The Field Ant is known for their industrious behavior and hardworking attitude. Here are some interesting facts about this species of ant:

  • First, the Field Ant is an omnivore that will eat plants and other animals for sustenance. It prefers grains but will also hunt for other insects and larvae. As a result, this ant species is known to help control pest populations in Maryland.
  • Second, the Field Ant is extremely adaptable and can live in various environments. It does not prefer very wet or dry climates and more temperate habitats. This adaptability helps the Field Ant spread across the landscape quickly.
  • Third, the Field Ant is social and will often cooperate with other members of its species to build nests and colonies. The Field Ant communicates through chemical signals, or pheromones, which help them alert each other to danger or food sources. This makes them effective cooperative hunters and scavengers.
  • Finally, the Field Ant is a fast mover and can cover long distances quickly in search of food or a new home. It has evolved to run at high speed and move quickly between locations, which helps it survive in the wild.
  • Overall, the Field Ant is an important species to consider when considering the different types of ants in Maryland. Its hardworking behavior, adaptability, and sociability make it a valuable part of the local ecosystem.

10. Black Field Ant

Formica subsericea, commonly known as the black field ant, is a type of ant found throughout Maryland. These black field types of ants in Massachusetts have dark-colored bodies and can be up to 5 mm long. They can be identified by their black heads, thoraxes, and abdomens.

Formica subsericea primarily feed on small insects but eat decaying plant material. They form trails around their nests and paths that they regularly follow to find food.

Formica subsericea are social insects and live in large colonies. These types of ants in Maryland are usually found under stones and logs or in the ground.

Within their nests, they create chambers that serve as nurseries for their larvae. To protect their nests, Formica subsericea produces a strong-smelling chemical called formic acid.

Formica subsericea can benefit the environment by breaking down organic matter and providing plant nutrients.

However, these ants in Maryland can become a nuisance when they invade homes and buildings. To prevent an infestation, keeping food sealed and cleaning up any crumbs or spills quickly is important.

11. American Cornfield Ant

Lasius americanus, also known as the American Cornfield Ant, is one of Maryland’s most common types of ants.

This ant is a small, reddish-brown species with three distinct body segments: the head, thorax, and abdomen. These ants are often seen foraging around gardens, lawns, and farm fields.

The American Cornfield Ant is easily identified by its thick waist and slightly bumpy body. This ant species can grow up to 1/8 of an inch long and has a lifespan of up to six years.

As their name suggests, these ants in Maryland prefer to live in open fields and pastures and are commonly found in cornfields.

These ants feed on various items, such as other insects, honeydew from aphids, and dead insects. They also collect and store food for their colony in seeds or grains.

They have a mutualistic relationship with aphids, protecting the aphids in exchange for the honeydew they produce.

American Cornfield Ants are active day and night; they search for food during the day, and at night, they return to their nest to rest. Nests are typically located beneath stones or logs or in soil mounds.

These ants are social creatures that form large colonies and can create extensive underground tunnels and chambers.

12. Yellow Meadows Ant

The Yellow Meadow Ant (Lasius Flavus) is an ant found in Maryland. These ants are small, about 1/16th of an inch long, and are typically yellowish-brown to light brown. 

As their name implies, these ants prefer to live in meadows and grassy areas, but they can also be found in gardens, fields, and even along the edges of sidewalks and buildings.

The Yellow Meadow Ant is a worker ant, meaning it spends its days foraging for food and caring for the colony’s larvae. They prefer sweet foods such as fruit juice, nectar, and honeydew, though they will also eat insects and dead animals. 

These ants in Maryland communicate with one another through pheromones, which they secrete from their body to inform other workers of food sources and alert the colony of danger.

The Yellow Meadow Ant is an aggressive species that will bite if provoked or threatened. Fortunately, their bites are not venomous and cause only mild discomfort. 

These ants can also stink, though the sting is rarely used against humans and does not cause long-term damage.

Despite their aggressive nature, Yellow Meadow Ants are an important part of the Maryland ecosystem. They help to control pest populations and to aerate the soil. 

They are also an important food source for birds, reptiles, and other animals. For this reason, it’s important to treat these ants with respect when they come into contact with humans.

13. The Immigrant Pavement Ant 

The immigrant pavement ant, Tetramorium immigrants, is commonly found in Maryland. Native to Europe, it was first documented in North America in the early 1900s.

This small black ant is often found in and around driveways and sidewalks, where it gets its name.

The immigrant pavement ant is a small, black ant that is easily recognizable. Its body is typically 1/10 of an inch long, and its antennae have twelve segments. This ant has a narrow waist with one pair of spines on its backside.

While this species may appear intimidating because of its size and coloring, it is harmless and will not bite humans.

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This species is a social insect, meaning it lives and works together in colonies to ensure its survival.

They typically build their nests in soil or under rocks and logs and are even known to inhabit human homes. They feed on various items, including insects, plant matter, and sweets like honeydew.

Though this species does not threaten humans, it can become a nuisance in gardens and yards. If you find that the immigrant pavement ant has invaded your garden or yard, you should take steps to remove them.

You can use bait or traps to reduce the population or hire an exterminator if the problem persists.

14. The Pavement Ant

Pavement ants are next on the list of types of ants in Maryland. They are considered a nuisance since they frequently enter homes and businesses for food.

These pavement types of ants in Maryland have been known to build large mounds or nests around foundations or patios, and their presence can cause structural damage over time.

To prevent infestations, homeowners should keep sweet and sticky foods sealed in airtight containers and reduce sources of moisture around the home.

In Maryland, pavement ants may also be referred to as sugar ants due to their preference for sweet foods.

If you encounter these ants in your home or yard, it is important to take action quickly, as they can multiply rapidly. 

In addition to reducing food sources and moisture, insecticides, and baits can treat an infestation. Professional pest control services may also be necessary in severe cases.

Understanding the habits of pavement ants and taking preventative measures can minimize the chances of a serious infestation in your home or yard.

Though these ants may be considered a nuisance, they can also provide benefits such as eating other insect pests and aerating the soil.

The presence of pavement ants should not be taken lightly, so take proper steps to keep them away from your property.

15. The Acorn Ant

The Temnothorax curvispinosus, commonly known as the acorn ant, is a type of ant found in Maryland.

These acorn types of ants in Maryland are small, with their heads and thoraxes being reddish-brown and their abdomens ranging from dark brown to black. 

They have very large eyes and antennae that have twelve segments.

The acorn ant is mainly an outdoor ant, preferring to live in and around dead tree stumps, logs, and other decaying wood. It will also nest under rocks or in leaf litter.

Their colonies usually consist of small numbers of workers and are usually quite easy to find due to their obvious nests.

The acorn ant feeds mainly on small invertebrates such as caterpillars, moths, beetles, aphids, and other soft-bodied creatures. They also eat sweet liquids such as honeydew, nectar, fruits, and other plant matter.

These acorn types of ants in Maryland are not particularly dangerous to humans, as they do not bite or sting.

They can be a nuisance when they enter homes or businesses looking for food, so it is best to try to keep them out by sealing any possible entry points.

16. Odorous House Ant

The odorous house ant is one of the most common types of ants in Maryland. These ants are small and dark brown or black.

They have six legs, two antennae, and a single node between their thorax and abdomen. If you find odorous house ants in your home, you can use bait traps to control their populations.

The bait traps should contain sugar, protein, and insecticide to kill off the ants effectively. You can also use soapy water to eradicate them if you don’t have access to traps.

17. Vampire Ant

Vampire ants have reddish-brown bodies and grow up to 2.5 mm long. They usually live in colonies of 20 to 30 workers and a queen.

While they prefer to nest in damp areas, they can survive in various habitats, including under rocks, logs, and dead tree trunks.

Vampire ants are omnivores that feed on a variety of foods. They scavenge for small insects, dead animals, and plant material like pollen and nectar.

They are also known to steal honey from bees. The presence of vampire ants can indicate a healthy ecosystem.

These vampire types of ants in Maryland help keep insect populations in check and are an important food source for other animals, such as birds and frogs.

While they can become a nuisance in homes and gardens, controlling their population is typically unnecessary since they pose no harm to humans or animals.

18. The Winter Ant

The winter ants are last on our list of types of ants in Maryland. They have a black body with yellowish legs and antennae. Their heads are slightly wider than their abdomens, which are pointed at the tips.

These ants are about 2.5 mm long and have six-segmented antennae that help them sense their environment.

These winter types of ants in Maryland are often found nesting in wood or soil and have been known to build trails of pheromone markers to lead other colony members to food sources.

They are omnivorous and eat various foods, including plant matter, other insects, and scavenged materials.

Though not a nuisance pest, Prenolepis imparis can be a nuisance when they invade homes searching for food. They may also establish colonies in gardens and lawns, where they can disrupt the balance of nature.

If you find them on your property, contacting a professional exterminator is best to remove them.

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