Many different Amazon parrots are available, which come in many different color combinations.
Even if you’re familiar with the common species or types of Amazon parrots, there are probably some that you haven’t heard of before!
Furthermore, this article will examine some of the most popular Amazon parrot types.
Also, we’ll talk about others you might not have thought about before and go through the possibilities in the US and abroad.
1. Red-crowned Amazon

It is also known as a red-crowned Amazon or an orange-winged Amazon, depending on where you live.
Among the types of Amazon parrots, these beautiful birds are also known for their intelligence. Also, they can live as old as 80 years in captivity.
Furthermore, a stunning parrot, with colors ranging from green to blue, is known for its loud calls.
The calls could potentially damage your ears if you’re not careful! If you want one, it might cost you quite a bit; these parrots can sell for up to $2,000 each!
2. Yellow-Naped Amazon

This is one of about two dozen types of Amazon parrots native to northern South America.
However, it’s been widely bred and sometimes released in warmer regions worldwide.
The yellow-naped Amazon has a loud call and energy, often flying off without warning.
Also, it can live for up to 45 years if well cared for. It may also bond more closely with its handler than some other breeds. However, it’s still not ideal for novice owners.
If you think you want an Amazon, talk to a breeder who raises several species, especially before deciding which bird might best suit your personality.
3. Yellow-headed Amazon

The Yellow-headed Amazon (Amazona ochrocephala xanthopteryx) is a small Amazon parrot. It can be either green or yellow, as its name suggests.
Among different types of Amazon parrots, they are considered one of the best talkers in their species.
Also, they have excellent hand-taming skills. Keep in mind that it is essential to keep these birds confined to smaller cages.
Moreover, they tend to be escape artists who chew on wires, ropes, or cords. Especially the ones that they find within their cages.
Lastly, be careful about singing along with your bird. Some will attempt to mimic you for hours if given half a chance!
4. Blue Crown Conure

This beautiful little conure is exceptionally hardy and loves to play. It’s quiet but can be very chatty when it gets used to people.
Furthermore, they are the most popular type of Amazon parrot in North America.
You probably don’t need us to tell you that blue crown conures are affectionate and love attention.
If you want a talking parrot, you might consider an Amazon conure.
Also, they have some of the best speaking abilities. They enjoy learning tricks, making them fun to keep around as pets.
But they can also talk well and come in many colors and patterns that aren’t always found with other species.
5. Orange Winged Amazon

Though it’s also known as a blue-fronted Amazon, it’s not related to that bird and is more closely associated with macaws—hence its larger size and longer wings.
The orange-winged Amazon comes from crossing an orange-winged parrot with a scarlet macaw (hence its name).
Furthermore, the resulting bird will have gorgeous red feathers on its head. The feathers later fall out in favor of brighter red highlights, and the effect is spectacular!
Also, among different types of Amazon parrots, they are unusual.
They don’t develop blues until around five years old and don’t turn as bright or dark as many other blue parrots.
6. Lutino Macaw

Lutinos are strikingly beautiful with a blue body and yellow wings—just like their greenwing counterparts.
However, their size is much smaller, whereas green branches can reach up to 4 feet in length. Lutinos top out at just 2.5 feet when fully grown.
Furthermore, this is due to a mutation in their genes that affects pigment production, leading to a lack of coloring on their beaks, toes, and eyes.
Like green wings, they aren’t frequently bred in captivity (making them more difficult to find).
However, unlike green wings—and most other types of Amazon parrots—lutinos are primarily kept as companion birds.
Their size makes them better suited for smaller homes or apartments than other Amazon species.
7. Lilac-Crowned Amazon Parrot

These brightly colored parrots hail from South America, among the different types of Amazon parrots.
They are known for their lilac-colored crown feathers. They’re brilliant birds who love to play and interact with their owners.
Also, they have great vocabulary, making them excellent talkers when they feel like it!
Lilac-crowned Amazons tend to get along well with other types of birds, and they’re a good choice if you already have another bird or want to adopt two at once.
These parrots are generally gentle, affectionate creatures that enjoy companionship more than most others.
8. Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot

The Blue Fronted Amazon (Amazona aestiva) is native to Central America and northern South America.
They are trendy pets because they have lovely dispositions and speak several words.
Their calls include ga, bi, and wee. Also, among the different types of Amazon parrots, some people prefer to call them Mexican Amazons.
The Blue Fronted Parrot is 30 cm long with a 66 cm wingspan.
9. Southern Mealy Amazon Parrot

Southern Mealy Amazons are medium-sized, primarily green parrots with distinctive red facial markings.
They live in South America and enjoy hot summers and mild winters in temperate climates.
They mate for life and tend to be very social birds—meeting strangers is no problem.
However, they’re less likely to engage in play behavior than other parrot species.
And what makes these parrots unique among the different types of Amazon parrots? They can talk!
Also, unlike most talking birds, these amazons can understand different words and phrases.
Training one takes patience (these guys aren’t as pre-programmed as other talking birds).
However, your Mealy Amazon will learn a lot if you work at it.
10. White-fronted Amazon

White-Fronted parrots are known for being very vocal, even more so than many other parrots.
The different types of Amazon parrots are known for their connection to humans and their need to spend as much time with their flock members (humans) as possible.
Moreover, they’re not always used in aviculture due to these behaviors, and it can be challenging to raise them by hand in some cases.
It’s important to consider how they might fit into your household before bringing one home with you.
11. Yellow-billed Amazon Parrot

You might want to consider adding a Yellow-Billed Amazon to your home.
Especially if you’re looking for a bird that can handle loud noises. These birds are native to Mexico and Central America.
However, they have been captured and released in other countries, so they’re generally available around North America.
They don’t like quiet environments or being alone for long periods.
But they tend to be highly talkative and friendly when they have other parrots or people around.
Lastly, these parrots are relatively small (12 inches long). However, they make up for their size among the different types of Amazon parrots with personality!
12. Yellow-crowned Amazon Parrot

The yellow-crowned Amazon parrot is a large green and yellow parrot, commonly known as Yellow-crowned or Yc for short.
It is one of two species in the genus Amazona native to South America.
Also, the Yellow-Crowned comes from tropical forests in eastern Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela.
Among the different types of Amazon parrots, this parrot loves to swing on its large tail feathers.
It often flies through trees, especially when it is excited or upset.
13. Lilacine Amazon Parrot

Among the different types of Amazon parrots, the Lilacine Amazon parrot is one of two types of hybrid amazons.
This type is bred from a Lilacine (an Intermediate) and a Blue Fronted parrot, with about 20% Blue Fronted DNA and 80% Lilacine DNA.
Also, they were once prized for their docile nature but are rare in captivity these days. Many LFA breeders are opting to produce BFs rather than LFAs.
This hybrid was also successfully bred from an Amazona aestiva (Mexican Red-headed) with a yellow-naped Amazon.
14. Black-Billed Amazon Parrot

The Black-billed Amazon (Amazona agilis) is a parrot species in the Psittacidae family.
It is found in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests.
Also, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and heavily degraded former forests.
The Black-billed amazon grows to about ten long and has a total length of about 12.
Lastly, among the different Amazon parrots, it is known for its high-pitched squawking noises.
The noise can be pretty loud sometimes if it’s an older bird.
15. Festive Amazon

The Festive Amazon is a red-tailed Amazon or Blood parrot found in Brazil and western Bolivia.
This medium-sized parrot has a long tail and brilliant green feathers on its head and body.
However, it gets its name from the striking red feathers on its tail.
Although they are social birds, they are not often seen in bird sanctuaries and are rarely available for adoption.
Among the different types of Amazon parrots, they have an average lifespan of 30 years when properly cared for.
16. Cuban Amazon

Native to Cuba, Haiti, and the Cayman Islands, Cuban Amazons are rare among the different types of Amazon parrots.
They are about as big as a cockatiel with a small beak and medium-sized body. Their feathers have shades of green, yellow, white, and red.
Also, they live up to 10 years in captivity and enjoy frequent baths during warm summer.
These birds are not native to colder climates, and owners must provide adequate housing during the winter months.
For example, temperatures drop below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). They will require frost protection if kept outside or outdoors during colder months.
17. Puerto Rican Amazon
Although commonly known as Puerto Rican parrots, these birds are also called red-shouldered amazons.
The Puerto Rican Amazon is native to forests and woodlands in Puerto Rico, where it lives in small groups of one male and several females.
Furthermore, as one of the different types of Amazon parrots, they’re a subspecies of green-cheeked amazons.
However, they tend to be less social than other members of their species. They have dark grey feathers with white underbelly and chest feathers.
Also, the feathers can be red or yellow on males but yellow or orange on females.
Their lower breast, belly, and thighs are covered with red feathers that resemble straps across their chests and rumps.
Their upper parts are primarily greenish-blue plumage with a long blue tail.
18. Tucuman Parrot

Native to South America, Tucuman parrots are large, long-tailed parrots with powerful legs.
These birds typically grow to be around 16 inches long and aren’t good pets.
However, they do make excellent watchdogs, and this is due to their loud voices and tendency to alert people to strangers lurking near their territory.
Among the different types of Amazon parrots, these birds live for around 50 years in captivity.
19. Hispaniolan

The Hispaniolan is a medium-sized green parrot with an orange tail and chest. It has a yellow ring around its eyes and a red patch on its head.
However, the bird, which can live up to 60 years, is partially considered endangered, and this is because deforestation threatens its habitat in Haiti, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.
The Hispaniolan parrot can grow 24 inches long and weigh between 500 and 700 grams (1 pound).
Also, it eats mangoes, papayas, walnuts, apples, and pears.
They’re known for their mimicry skills and loud screeches that are often mistaken for talking, despite being called a parrot (which means they cannot speak).
Lastly, they are also very friendly toward people and pretty popular among the different types of Amazon parrots.
20. Imperial Amazon

The Imperial Amazon is a delightful, colorful parrot up to 17 inches long.
They love chewing and ripping apart anything they can get their beaks on, including wood.
If you have rough perches for your bird, it will enjoy shredding them down to nothing.
Also, these birds are social and very friendly with humans and other pets in their homes.
Don’t expect too much from them when mimicking words or whistles; they’re more likely to learn to open doors than say hello!
However, the different Amazon parrots love having fun with other toys.
Also, they will reward you with lots of playtime if you keep it interesting!
21. Red-browed Amazon

Native to Southeast Asia, Red-browed amazons are social and enjoy time with their humans.
They’re knowledgeable and curious, meaning they often clearly desire to learn.
Red-browed amazons can be cuddly and affectionate.
Moreover, they tend to be loud, demanding birds known for mimicking their owners’ speech patterns.
Red-browed amazons could be a good option, especially if you’re looking for an Amazon parrot that you can talk to.
However, they’re not always as easygoing as people think. Despite everything, among the different types of Amazon parrots, Red-browed amazons are pretty famous.
22. Red-spectacled Amazon

Among the different types of Amazon parrots, these birds are about 13 inches long and weigh about three pounds.
They have a brown body, red markings on their head, yellow legs and beak, and blue eyes. These parrots eat mainly seeds.
Furthermore, the females lay three eggs simultaneously, incubating for 21 days.
They raise their chicks for five months until they’re ready to fly. The names of these parrots can also vary based on where you live or what language you speak.
In fact, in Brazil, their native country, they’re called nandayus or nandayos brasiliensis.
Elsewhere in South America, some people refer to them as red-winged Amazons or Amazona autumnalis.
Lastly, you may know them by their other names: maroon-winged or Orange-winged Amazon, especially if you live in Central America and North America.