Varieties of Penguin species honor the Earth with their charming presence, and a surprising number of them are related to Australia.
From the Phillip Island penguin parade to the Australian research outposts strewn around the coast of East Antarctica, we’ve compiled a list of eight Types of penguins in Australia.
We’ve included species with strong Australian ties on this list.
These penguins breed on the Australian mainland, sub-Antarctic islands, and the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Other penguin species may pass through Australian territory to other parts of the world.
1. Little Penguin

Little penguins are the world’s smallest species, a little larger than a bowling pin.
These tiny paddlers live around the southern Australian coast, with colonies on Montague Island and Sydney’s Manly Beach in Melbourne, Victoria’s Phillip Island, and the aptly called Penguin Island in Western Australia (among others).
Little penguins will exit their burrow each morning to spend the day fishing at sea. They’ll go up to 20 kilometers daily for fish, cephalopods, and crabs.
At sunset, they return home in “rafts” and scurry across the beach in a “penguin parade.”
Most tiny penguin colonies live on offshore islands, where they are less vulnerable to introduced predators like cats and foxes.
Uncontrolled dogs, as well as human disturbance, represent a threat to little penguins.
We’re trying to safeguard these tiny penguins through eradication programs and specially trained security dogs, among other things.
2. Emperor Penguin

During the coldest months of the year, emperor penguin colonies dot the fast ice of the Australian Antarctic Territory.
Emperor penguins are the largest type of penguin in Australia, weighing up to 40kg in some cases.
Emperor penguins are famed for their extraordinary breeding habits: they reproduce in the dead of winter under some of the most inhospitable weather imaginable.
To withstand blizzards with 200km/h gusts, emperor penguins use specially developed feather coats as insulation.
However, they exhibit extraordinary collaboration in the form of huddling, which contrasts sharply with the territorial attitude of other penguins.
To stay warm, Emperor penguins will congregate in groups of up to ten penguins per square meter.
The huddle will rotate continuously, ensuring that all penguins have a turn in the toasty center.
Emperor penguins require a massive amount of food to maintain their bulk: up to 6kg daily!
Emperors often dive between 150-250m for three to six minutes to catch their prey. However, the deepest dive recorded is 565m, and the longest is 22 minutes.
Climate change is causing a rapid reduction in Emperor penguin populations in the coming years.
Marine-protected areas may assist in conserving their food supplies and offset some negative consequences.
3. Macaroni Penguin

Macaroni penguins have ragged yellow plumes; their facial coloring can distinguish them: macaronies have black faces, while royals have whiter faces.
Their unique golden crest inspired the nickname “macaroni,” which refers to a man with a showy fashion sense.
Like all types of penguins in Australia, Macaronies spend most of their lives at sea.
Still, when they come onshore, they engage in lively courtship, including coordinated head bops and preening.
Male macaroni penguins are stay-at-home dads who handle the majority of parental tasks.
Macaroni penguins can reside in Australia on Heard Island and McDonald Islands.
Macaroni penguin numbers are declining despite being the most populous penguin species on the planet.
According to scientists, climate change may influence the amount and distribution of their preferred prey.
Another potential influence is commercial fishing for finfish and krill.
4. King Penguin

King penguins, which can grow one meter tall, are the second-largest species (after emperor penguins).
However, kings are more visually appealing, with colorful markings reminiscent of a tropical sunset.
Macquarie Island and the McDonald Islands are all home to king penguins. They congregate in chattering colonies in ice-free locations to molt and mate.
The breeding cycle of king penguins is unusually long, lasting up to 16 months from egg-laying to chick-fledging – the longest of any penguin. King penguins Incubate their eggs on their feet.
When the chicks reach a specific size, they form “crèches.” Chicks at this time are covered in a thick brown covering.
They resemble their streamlined parents so much that early European explorers mistook them for a separate species, which they dubbed “woolly penguins”!
The Antarctic Polar Front is a zone rich in delectable lanternfish, which the king penguins like. In search of food, they will dive up to 100 times per day, reaching 12km/h speeds.
King penguins have been spotted diving to more than 300m depths for over nine minutes.
The colony on Macquarie has a population of about 70,000, although this was not always the case. Sealers butchered penguins in large numbers to produce oil in the nineteenth century.
They reduced the Macca colony to 5,000 people. The global population has largely stabilized, but a new threat has emerged: climate change.
5. Royal Penguin

These handsome species thrive on Macquarie Island, unlike other penguins in Australia that are more scattered across the sub-Antarctic region.
They have fat orange bills and untidy yellow crests slicked back like a 1960s businessman.
Royal penguins arrive on the beach in October to breed, laying two eggs, only one of which survives.
Chicks hatch in February, but adults stay until March to molt. They spend the winter at sea, traveling up to 10,000 kilometers on their oceanic journey.
6. Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo penguins have an orange bill, white eye patches, peachy-pink feet, and long fan-tail that sways when they shuffle.
Gentoos are famed for their quickness at sea, and they are the fastest penguins in the water, reaching speeds of up to 36km/h.
Gentoos are sociable breeders who build their pebble nests in groups. A gentoo’s valued asset is pebbles: a male can court a female with a suitable stone.
As a result, They fiercely Guard the stones as they act as a source of neighborly feud.
Couples are monogamous, and adultery is frowned upon, with cheating penguins exiled from the colony.
Gentoo penguins breed in small colonies on Macquarie and Heard Islands. Like their king penguin neighbors, Macquarie’s royal occupants were hunted for oil.
The birds now number around 1.6 million, with 500,000 pairs nesting at Hurd Point on the island’s southern tip.
However, because they exclusively reproduce at Macquarie, royal penguins are considered endangered.
Royal penguins are related to Macaroni penguins, and some believe them to be a subspecies or color mutation of the Macaroni penguin.
7. Adélie Penguin

Adélies, a valid Antarctic species, nest in large numbers in the Australian Antarctic Territory during the summer.
Approximately 80,000 people assemble along the coast near Mawson Station.
Although they are swimming-adapted, Adélie penguins are also accomplished lengthy walkers, with some traveling 50 kilometers to reach open water to feed.
Adélies, of course, will drop on their Tums and toboggan when the snow is deep enough. These medium-sized penguins mimic a black-and-white tuxedo.
But don’t be fooled by their elegant attire: Adélies are sassy. Their antics and curious nature charmed early Antarctic explorers, but their perverted mating rituals outraged scientists and were considered too “indecent.”
They travel near the ice edge to forage for food during the winter. They rely heavily on krill for food.
While Adélie numbers appear to be expanding in East Antarctica, a few mass mortality occurrences in recent years have raised concerns among conservationists and scientists.
Some have argued that marine protected zones in East Antarctica could alleviate the effects of climate change on Adélies and other penguins by ensuring that their food sources are not utilized for financial interests.
8. Eastern Rockhopper Penguin

Lastly on our list of Types of penguins in Australia is the Rockhopper penguin, named for their adorable habit of leaping across the rocky ground.
They are one of the more athletic penguin species on land (though they are still more at home in the water).
There are three rockhopper variants, all of which have spiky punk hairdos, and their taxonomic position is unknown.
Eastern rockhoppers, on the other hand, live on Macquarie Island, Heard Island, and the McDonald Islands.
Eastern rockhopper populations have declined dramatically in recent years. Climate change is most likely to be blamed for the decrease in food availability.
Competition from commercial fisheries could also be a problem, emphasizing the necessity of marine protected areas in protecting these beautiful boulder bouncers.