Russian White Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

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It is common knowledge that the Russian White goat is one of the most beneficial breeds for a farm.

They have a calm and even temperament, produce large amounts of highly nutritious milk, are a relatively low-maintenance breed, and are friendly and easy to handle.

As their name suggests, they are a breed that came into existence in Russia and is highly valuable because they can produce dairy products and breed more than once in a single year.


Dairy goats have been a staple in the diet of Russian farmers for ages. People have influenced the goats brought in from various parts of Asia.

People also consider the Toggenburg and Saanan goats to have been brought to Russia from Switzerland and are responsible for developing the Russian White goat through selective breeding.

Afterward, these goats were crossed with other indigenous goat breeds from the USSR.

The Yaroslavi, Nizhny Novgorod, and Moscow regions of Russia are the most common locations where the Russian White goat is found.

A breed that ranges in size from small to medium and has a white coat. Its milk has high nutrient content, and people use its skin to make the highest-quality leather.

Herders make them resilient and adaptable to the most extreme weather conditions to survive in the harsh temperatures of Russia, including extremely cold winters and scorching summers. As a result, they can resist these conditions with ease.

A Quick Overview of Russian White Goat


The Russian White goat is a medium-sized breed that has a head that is light and slender. Their physical characteristics are comparable to those of the Saanen goat.

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They have a straight, long, straight neck, and their sacrum is broad. The udders of the Russian White does are large and silky smooth, their quarters are formed appropriately, and their teats are spaciously wide.

The Russian White goat possesses powerful legs in addition to a sturdy backbone. The placements of the forelimbs and the hindlimbs are consistent with one another.

Their hair is coarse and can be short or long but is almost always white, and their coat is usually white. Does and Bucks can either have horns or not have horns at all.

The male Russian White buck typically weighs between 60 and 75 kilograms, while a female Russian White does often weigh between 50 and 60 kilograms.

Purpose of Use

The Russian White goat is a breed of goat that people use for dairy. In addition, the production of milk is their primary function. People also use the skin for leather production. They also serve as pets to some people.

They does are good at making milk. On average, a doe can give birth to about 550 kg of milk each time she gives birth.

However, some do give birth to more. Fat in this breed’s milk is between 4.2% and 5.3%.

Climate & Environment

People can raise them to be strong and adapt to the harshest weather conditions so they can live in Russia, where the winters are very cold and the summers are scorching.

Because of this, they can easily handle these conditions.


The Russian White goat is tough and strong. They are hardy and dry, which makes them able to live in many different climates.

Related:  Peacock Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

They have a lot of babies, and some have two every year (there have been cases of up to six normal kids at once).

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