Pipefish: Profile and Information


Pipefish is an interesting type of fish. It is long and skinny and looks sort of like a skinny pipe. This is a medium-sized saltwater fish.

This fish is not aggressive and does best in a large aquarium tank.


This fish is a cousin of the seahorse. It has a long and straight body. The mouth of this fish is long and like a pipe. This fish is a slow swimmer since they have only one dorsal fin. The fish likes to move around by drafting in the currents.

The pipefish is very curious and will take some time to explore its environment.


The Pipefish lives in tropical to a subtropical climate. The pipefish can live in oceans worldwide if the water is warm. They are pretty tolerant of different water conditions and levels.

Color of the Pipefish

Many pipefish people put into their saltwater aquariums are bright and can be red or green. They can also come in shades of orange, purple, and brown. They are very pretty fish and do have a mouth area just like that of a seahorse.

Care for the Pipefish

Since this fish is not a strong swimmer, it lives best in an aquarium with a very slow current. They will drift around the tank. They also like to hide in rocks and coral.

While this fish is peaceful and will not be aggressive, it is best to have it live in an aquarium where there are only other types of seahorses. Since they are slow-moving, they cannot compete for food against other types of fish.

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It may be hard for them to get food in a tank with other fish with two fins. They often live in groups and will grab onto each other’s tails to form something that looks like a train.

Some seahorses will also hang on to the tail of the pipefish and catch a ride. This can be rather amusing to look at. These fish are tolerant of many different types of water conditions.

Feeding the Pipefish

This fish likes to eat brine and ghost shrimp. They also like to eat amphipods that live on the rocks at the bottom of the aquarium. Be sure there is enough food in the take for all the pipefish there.

Breeding the Pipefish

This pipefish will have the female lay the eggs in a pouch on the front of the male. The male will carry around the eggs until they have. He will then take care of the young until they can swim independently.

The pipefish is an interesting-looking fish to watch swim around the aquarium. They are brightly colored and are easy to take care of. They will make a great addition to the aquarium and can be very fun for a person to sit back and watch.

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