Pigs: Profile and Information


A pig is one of the most popular animals. Any animals belonging to the genus Sus and within the even-toed ungulate family Suidae are called pigs.

Pig is a term that includes both the common Eurasian wild boar, the domestic pigs, and their ancestor, along with other species.

Pigs, such as all suids, are native to the African and Eurasian continents, starting from Europe to the Pacific islands.

Scientific Classification

  • Scientific name: Sus
  • Family: Suidae
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata

Gestation Period

  • Wild boar: 115 days
  • Javan warty pig: 122 days

Juvenile Pigs

Juvenile pigs are called piglets. Pigs are highly intelligent and social animals.

With Approximately 1 billion individuals alive at any given time, it is no surprise that the domestic pig is one of the most populous large-sized mammals on the planet. Pigs are omnivorous animals and can consume a broad range of food.

In several ways, pigs are biologically like humans; thus, they are frequently used for medical studies related to humans.

Description and Behavior

A typical domestic pig has a large head and a long snout that is naturally strengthened with a particular prenasal bone and cartilage disk at the tip.

The pig’s snout is its most used tool as it is used to dig into the soil in search of food, and the snout is a very acute sense organ.

Each pig’s feet have four hoofed toes, with the two central toes being more significant than the others and bearing the most weight.

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However, the outer two are not useless as they can be useful on soft ground.

An adult pig has a total of 44 teeth. The teeth on the rear are explicitly adapted for crushing. In the male (called boar), the canine teeth form a pair of tusks, which continue to grow and are sharpened continuously by being rubbed against each other.

Occasionally, mother pigs who are in captivity may savage their own young, mostly if they become very stressed. Some attacks on freshly born piglets can be non-fatal.

Other times, such attacks may lead to the death of the piglets, and in some cases, the mother may eat the piglets.

It is estimated that 50% of piglet fatalities result from the mother attacking or mistakenly crushing the pre-weaned piglet.

Habitat and Reproduction

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) can exploit any forage resources. Therefore, they can live in virtually any productive habitat, providing enough water to sustain large mammals such as pigs.

Increased foraging of wild boars in certain areas can cause a nutritional shortage, which can cause the pig population to decrease.

If the nutritional state returns to normal, the pig population will most likely rise due to the pigs’ naturally increased reproduction rate.

Environmental Impacts

Domestic pigs that have found their way out of captivity in urban areas or were trained free range to forage in the wild, and in a few cases, wild boars that were let out as prey for hunting, have given rise to an increase in populations of the feral pigs in South and North America, Australia, Hawaii, New Zealand, and other areas that are not pigs are not native.

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Deliberate or accidental releases of pigs into cities, countries, or environments where they are originally an alien species have caused extensive environmental change.

Their aggressive behavior, omnivorous diet, and feeding method of digging in the ground all together severely alter ecosystems unused to pigs.

Pigs will even feed on small animals and destroy the nests of ground-nesting birds.

10 Facts about Pigs

  1. Pigs are ingenious animals! Their intelligence is higher than that of dogs, some primates, and even some young kids.
  2. In their natural state, pigs are very clean animals. They keep their toilets and feeding areas far from each other for hygiene’s sake.
  3. Pigs are much more tolerant of colder temperatures than hot temperatures. Pigs have no sweat glands, so they can’t sweat. This is why they enjoy being in mud to keep themselves fresh.
  4. When trained, piglets can quickly learn their names at about two to three weeks old. They can also learn to respond when their names are called and learn tricks faster than dogs.
  5. Pigs can also communicate with each other pigs using grunts. The grunts made by pigs may vary depending on the pig’s personality and can convey essential information about the welfare of their kind.
  6. Pigs have an excellent memory. They can easily remember faces and things for years and recognize and remember what some objects are used for.
  7. Newborn piglets are quick to learn to respond to the voices of their mothers’ voices, and mother pigs talk to their babies through grunts while they nurse. Scientific studies have found that piglets have a specific teat order, and individual piglets have their own teat to suckle.
  8. Pigs love getting good massages, scratching their bodies on trees, relaxing while listening to music, and playing with enrichment toys.
  9. The highest density of tactile receptors can be found in the about of the pig. The snouts are mainly used to dig in the dirt and sniff food. A pig has a sense of smell that is about 2000 times more sensitive than that of humans.
  10. A pig can give birth to as many as 18 piglets in a single delivery.
  11. Pigs are incredibly social animals. They have been found to form close bonds with each other and with other animals. In the same way, humans try to keep warm by cuddling; pigs may also cuddle up with each other for the sake of warmth.
  12. The assumption that pigs are dirty animals is wrong as they’d rather bathe in clean water when in hot weather than rub themselves in the mud.
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