You must be wondering what the largest rodents in the world are. Well, this article right here is just for you.
Despite their small size and often adorable looks, rodents are among the most feared animals in the world.
This mindset is somewhat ridiculous because the ordinary rodent cannot compete with the average person.
Nevertheless, certain rats can be quite frightful. Some are fairly huge, while others are virus-carrying.
Only a few particular species are large and fearsome enough to drive cats away.
Some scientists believe that if larger species in the rodents’ habitat were extinct, rats might become larger.
Rats arriving as stowaways aboard ships only to reproduce, spread, and eventually emerge at the top of the local food chain on rat islands is a well-cited example of this precise phenomenon.
According to one notion, rats could one day reach the size of the capybara, now the world’s largest rodent, and weigh almost as much as most male humans.
The now-extinct Josephoartegasia monesi, which lived in the Pliocene and early Pleistocene epochs and weighed close to a ton, was the largest rodent before the capybara.
Some of the largest rodents in the world are included in the list below.
1. Cape Porcupine

The Cape Porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) is now the largest extant species of rodent discovered in Africa.
In addition to this, it holds the record for the largest porcupine ever recorded in the globe.
They reside in diverse ecosystems, ranging from arid deserts to densely packed forests.
These rodents would construct chambers in the grassy sections of savannah terrain to use as birthing dens.
The cape porcupine’s spines can reach a length of approximately 50 centimeters (about 20 inches), and it employs them as an extremely effective defensive strategy.
When cape porcupines are born, their spikes appear very soft, but they quickly become rigid after exposure to air. This is a fortunate trait for birthing moms.
The average lifespan of a Cape porcupine in the wild is roughly 15 years, which is an exceptionally long time for a rodent.
They consume largely plant matter, such as roots, fruits, tubers, bark, and bulbs, in the normal course of their diet.
2. South African Springhare

The South African springhare (Pedetes capensis) is far from being a hare, as its name might lead one to believe; rather, it is one of the largest rodents in the world with some very unusual characteristics.
Scientists gave it this name due to its remarkable ability to cover a distance of more than 6 feet in a single bound. It even appears like a bizarre kangaroo-rodent hybrid.
Although springhares in South Africa are generally thought to be nocturnal, there have been reports of them being active during the day.
However, when the sun is out, they will typically remain hidden within the tunnels they have dug for themselves.
During the wetter months, when the ground is more pliable due to increased moisture, you might see them working on their tunnel systems.
However, when night falls, these weird creatures will emerge from their underground tunnels, searching for a meal.
3. Bosavi Woolly Rat
One of the largest rodents in the world that researchers have recently discovered is the Bosavi wooly rat.
In 2009, researchers in Papua New Guinea discovered the rat inside the Bosavi Crater.
This was the first time researchers spotted this species in the wild.
That was the first time these rats had ever encountered a human being.
The length of the first Bosavi woolly rat that scientists discovered was 32 inches, making it one of the longest rodents still alive today in the globe.
In addition, it is currently the world’s largest extant species of rat.
4. North American Beaver

The beaver (Castor canadensis), native to North America, is one of the largest rodents in the world due to its impressively lengthy body.
In addition, its tail is large and flat, allowing it to glide effortlessly over the water.
The Native American beaver uses this to its advantage when navigating rivers and other bodies of water, where it spends most of its time.
The ability of the North American beaver to manage its environment by creating dams is one of its most astounding skills.
Their strong front teeth act as chisels in carving wood, which is then utilized to stop rivers.
After constructing these dams, the beavers build lodges partially submerged in water and serve as their homes and places to raise their young.
5. Josephoartigasia

The Josephoartigasia (Josephoartigasia monesi) was the largest rodent that has ever lived but has since been extinct.
In 2007, researchers unearthed a skull belonging to an extinct animal in Uruguay.
This led to the discovery of its fossils. According to the researchers’ findings, Josephoartigasia thrived in damp environments and fed on grasses and other agricultural vegetation.
This rodent became extinct after the Great American Interchange, which occurred in the middle of the Cenozoic era during the Neogene period.
This event allowed creatures from the continents of North America and South America to breed with one another for the first time. And the only explanations for why they went extinct are theories.
Numerous researchers think climate change was the most significant factor that led to their extinction.
6. Giant Hutia

The enormous hutia(Heptaxodontidae), known by its scientific name, Ambyrhiza, was a rodent native to the West Indies.
Evidence suggests that they inhabited the Caribbean region more than 100,000 years ago.
According to the size of their heads, they are one of the largest rodents in the world.
In certain cases, fossils of the enormous hutia are larger than a person who has reached their full adult size.
There are speculations that the huge hutia traveled slowly due to its enormous size and did not have to worry about being hunted by any animals.
In addition, no other mammalian species are known to have existed at the same time it did, as indicated by the fossil record.
Fewer direct descendants of the enormous hutia may still reside on the islands of the Caribbean today; however, they only weigh about 5 pounds on average.
7. Capybara

It is generally agreed upon that the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the world’s largest living rodent.
This rat is a superb swimmer that resides in predominantly semi-aquatic habitats.
They eat grass and fruit in addition to many types of aquatic vegetation. In addition, they cause problems in the gardens and farms of indigenous people.
The flesh of the capybara is a delicacy in many of the countries of South America.
It has become a very well-liked exotic cuisine in Venezuela and is typically served during the festivities associated with Easter.
8. Coypu (Nutria)

The coypu (Myocastor coypus) is one of the largest rodents in the world. It lives in burrows and is herbivorous. It lives in semi-aquatic environments.
However, you can also find them in North America, Asia, and Europe, even though South America is where they might have originated.
They have the appearance of gigantic rats and are capable of infesting rural farm areas.
In the 1940s, the coypu became a significant problem for landowners in England and the United States, particularly in Maryland and Louisiana.
In particular, the coypu was a problem in Maryland. By the 1960s, the government had drafted laws to make it illegal to keep coypu rodents in the United States.
On the other hand, coypu rodents are currently useful in a productive way.
Numerous fashion designers, including renowned labels such as Oscar de la Renta and Michael Kors, use nutria fur in their collections.
Nutria meat is another name for ragondin and can be found as a source of lean protein in various dog treats and kibble sold under that name.
9. Muskrat

The muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) is a rodent that lives in semi-aquatic environments and is of “mid-size,” even though it can grow fairly huge as an adult.
These rodents significantly contribute to the health of the ecosystems in which they live by supplying natural predators, such as otters, minks, and eagles, with a reliable food source.
In addition, people rely on them for their fur and their food.
The Native Americans have long placed a high value on muskrats and have considered them an essential component of their way of life.
Some people believe that the size of a muskrat and the time of the construction of its lodge can provide an accurate forecast of the amount of snowfall that will occur throughout the winter.
10. Patagonian Mara

Lastly, in our compilation of the largest rodents in the world, there is Another kind of rodent known as the Patagonian mara (Dolichotis patagonum).
It is also known as the “dillaby” and the “Patagonian hare.” Another name for it is the “Patagonian cavy” (mainly because it somewhat looks like a rabbit).
The open habitats of Patagonia and Argentina are the most common places where these herbivorous rodents are found.
Maras from Patagonian are fascinating rodents to study because of the unusual social structure in which they live.
In their culture, they have a communal and monogamous approach to reproduction.
Monogamous couples will be together for the rest of their lives.
There have been reports of breeding pairs of Patagonian maras living alone.
However, it is more typical for them to reside in Warrens. Up to thirty sets of Patagonian mara mates can share a single burrow.
Only one litter is born to a wild female Patagonian mara in her entire reproductive lifetime.
On the other hand, maras raised in captivity can have up to four litters per year.
The Patagonian mara is in danger of extinction. Both the modification of their habitat and the killing of them have had an impact on them.
The skins of Patagonian mara are useful in manufacturing rugs and bedspreads, which has led to an increase in the number of people who illegally hunt and catch these animals.
Consequently, almost all of them have been eradicated from Buenos Aires.