Dutch Landrace Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

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Image credit: velodenz via Flickr

The Dutch Landrace goat is a domestic goat that is sometimes popular by its Dutch name, Nederlandse Landgeit.

However, people do not use this kind of breed for any commercial production.

The breed is one of the original goat breeds that were brought to the Netherlands by European settlers.

They connect to other “Landrace”-named goat breeds that come from the northwest of Europe.

The Dutch Landrace goat is highly similar to other northwest European Landraces, such as those that you can find in Scandinavia or the wild goats that people can find in Great Britain.

The breed used to be highly uncommon. In 1958, there were just two goats remaining, and those two goats were bred with other goats you find in the vicinity who were quite similar to them.

Today, this breed’s overall population has grown, and numerous members of the Dutch Breeders Association of the Dutch Landrace keep a combined total of over a thousand goats in their herds.

Overview of Dutch Landrace Goat


The Dutch Landrace goat is a stunning breed with a one-of-a-kind appearance that stands to be around medium in size. Its hair is really long.

You can see them in a variety of hues. And you can use any hue you want, except for the traditional Toggenburg coloring. In most cases, Ducks and Bucks will both have horns. Their horns are pretty lengthy, robust, and robust.

Purpose of Use

The number of animals of this breed accessible today is not very high. However, you can maintain the breed for meat, milk, or fiber production.

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The Dutch landrace goat can survive almost in all kinds of climate conditions.


The proper administration of feed is an essential component of a profitable goat farming business

Because the feed is of critical significance for the breeds of goats, there must be a predetermined proportion of feed given to the goats. 

The goats need to have their feed delivered on time. Vitamins, minerals, kitchen scraps, gray feed, and hay are the different food types you may offer goats. The goat’s health and growth depend entirely on the feed it consumes.


Around the middle of the twentieth century, the original population of the Dutch Landrace goat breed was dangerously close to extinction. 

However, there is a slow but steady rise in their population. As a result, more than a thousand goats are available for adoption.

Currently, they do not use this kind of breed for commercial production. However, in national reserves, there is often a herd of sixty to one hundred and twenty goats used to clear naturally open regions such as moors of trees.

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